Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 45: 45. The right choice


Two days later, all the blood crystal beasts around the capital of Scarre were basically eliminated.

After the blood crystal beast disaster reached its peak, it began to gradually weaken. After the blood crystal beasts in the royal city were basically wiped out, no new blood crystal beasts appeared.

The only pity is that Lu Cheng didn’t catch one alive.

And today is the day that Lu Cheng leaves the royal city to set up camp.

In the morning, Lu Cheng gathered all the refugees in the castle.

Elena, Princess of Scarre, stood on the makeshift podium.

"Take this and point it at this place when you speak."

Lu Cheng gave Elena a magical tool used to mobilize the masses, which was a loudspeaker.

Elena held the white ring-shaped object and at first she thought it was used for playing, because there were similar instruments in their country.

But after Lu Cheng snatched the thing from her and demonstrated it, Elena finally understood how to use the speaker.

Under the gaze of the people, the newly crowned princess slowly walked onto the stage.

Elena raised the loudspeaker in her hand and said the first sentence...

"Ah... um."

When she heard her soft audition voice being amplified and spread out by the speakers, she was stunned for a moment.

Lu Cheng in the audience covered his forehead with his hands because of a headache.

To be honest...if Scarre had a queen like this, it would be better for the country to be destroyed.

"I am Elena Skarre, the seventh queen of Skarre." Elena quickly adjusted her mood.

Just as Lu Cheng expected, when Elena announced her name, the people below fell into a strange silence.

Elena's reputation among the people was still too low, but this rescue operation allowed her to successfully boost her reputation.

"Your Majesty Elena!"

"Skarre's blessing..."

The families of the civilians rescued by Elena from the ruins unsurprisingly became Elena's followers.

But there were only about a hundred of these followers, which was a moderate number among the 1,500 civilians.

"We have survived the disaster of the blood crystal beast!"

She began to recite the manuscript that Lu Cheng had written for her before.

Elena was actually quite conflicted when she said this. She knew that some people would definitely stay, so her original plan was to hand over the throne to her sister and let her take care of the people who stayed in Skare, while she would follow Lucheng to the new camp to participate in the construction and learn new knowledge.

As a result, Elena searched the castle but didn't see her two sisters, not even her younger sisters.

In the end, it was General Hubert who told Elena, "After you leave, they will naturally come back."

The content of the speech that Lu Cheng gave to Elena was also very simple, mourning the dead, looking forward to the future, and new development plans.

The development plan promised to provide food, shelter, and clothing, as well as more rewards for those who participated in the labor, etc.

After listening to Elena's speech, the people below were in a commotion.

"People who are willing to explore new lands, please go out of the castle gate." Elena said loudly to everyone.

However, as soon as the words fell, no one was willing to take action, not even Elena's followers.

Lu Cheng had anticipated this situation.

What stopped them was partly the fear of the unknown, and partly the huge temptation of wealth beneath the ruins of the royal city.

After being safe, these people no longer consider the issue of food, clothing and shelter, but how to gain more benefits from the ruins.

But among this group of people there are refugees who really want to survive. What they are thinking about is whether they can have enough to eat tomorrow, rather than what treasures they can dig up from the ruins.

The pumpkin porridge and steamed buns they ate these days were definitely the most delicious food they had eaten in the past year.

So the first person stood up, he walked out of the castle gate in tattered clothes, and more people also stood up and walked out of the castle.

Most of these people were civilians from the outer city, but Lu Cheng still saw one or two businessmen and nobles dressed normally.

This small group of people are the ones with vision.

"Is there anyone else?" Elena glanced at the crowd gathered at the castle gate and estimated that there were less than three hundred people.

The rest of the people are indifferent.

"The people who remain behind don't need to worry. The kingdom's soldiers will soon come back to assist you."

Elena said what General Hubert wanted her to say.

After she finished her speech, she walked down from the podium and returned the loudspeaker to Lu Cheng.

"Three points." Lu Cheng said to Elena after turning off the speaker.

"What three points?" Elena was a little confused.

"Nothing. I have already summoned the means of transport. You should have seen it... You and your soldiers can guide them onto the vehicle."

In the past two days, Lucheng has collected all the anti-aircraft guns and howitzers. Those that can be sent back to the research base have been sent back to the research base, and those that can be loaded onto vehicles have been loaded onto vehicles.

Maybe in the future the rabbits will do arms business with the countries in this world, but not now.

"What's this car called?"

As soon as Elena walked to the castle gate and saw the military transport trucks outside, her eyes lit up instantly.

Lu Cheng seemed to have accidentally established in her mind the value that... the bigger the car, the more powerful it is.

"This vehicle is called a truck, and it is used to transport goods." Lu Cheng explained the function of this vehicle to Elena. She has understood in the past few days that cars are not living things.

"Truck...Truck, truck...mmm."

Elena repeated it and confirmed that she had learned a new Chinese word.

In order to prevent Elena's dream from evolving from driving a military off-road vehicle to driving a large military truck, Lu Cheng came directly behind Elena, put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her to find the entrance behind the truck.

Elena began to do the guiding work diligently, but her eyes would glance at the cab from time to time. She seemed to like this big truck very much.

I really don’t know if her final dream will evolve into learning how to drive an excavator if things continue like this.

"The current number of people should require about three trips."

The energy currently possessed by Lucheng is 627 human units. Lucheng spent four human units to summon eight military trucks weighing five tons, which can seat 40 people at a time, or 45 people if they squeeze together.

The current number of people exploring the other world is 432. Together with about 300 refugees and some equipment, they should all be able to reach the target location before tomorrow.