Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 64: 64. Bud


The cooks who were in charge of serving meals also learned a few simple sentences of the common language of the other world during these few days, and Derek also learned one or two simple Chinese sentences, the most important of which was "this".

The food in the meal ticket area is much richer than that in the ordinary area. In the past, Derek only received porridge and steamed buns, and occasionally one or two meat buns.

But the food that came with the meal ticket was completely beyond the scope of porridge and steamed buns. There were nearly seven or eight kinds of dishes on the long table.

It was the first time in Derek's life that he saw so many different dishes on a table. Every dish looked delicious, and just the smell was enough to make him drool.

"One, three."

The cook who served the meal pointed at the meal ticket in Derek's hand and told him how to use it in simple common language, and there were also instructions over the loudspeaker.

Derek understood that the meal ticket in his hand could be used three times in total, and he could choose three dishes at a time, which meant that if he wanted to use it all up today, he could have each dish once.

But this was too extravagant and wasteful. It was something worth celebrating that Derek could eat a meal of meat during his stay in Scarre.

So Derek only planned to choose three dishes, but at this moment, the fear of making choices crept into Derek's heart.

"This... this... and this..."

After making the most difficult decision of his life, he pointed to three dishes in turn: pork stew with soybeans, braised pork, and stir-fried pork belly.

Derek spoke Chinese very poorly, but the cook still understood what Derek meant. He took the thermos box from Derek's hand and scooped half a spoonful into it.

This small half spoon is not less at all. Derek doubts that the spoon in the cook's hand can be used as a weapon.

Derek looked at the three dishes in his bowl. Just the smell made him unable to control himself, but Derek still suppressed his impulse and covered his thermal box with the lid.

He walked quickly out of the cafeteria area, as he was afraid that someone would come out and snatch the "treasures" from him.

But surprisingly, the refugees around him did not do so. Derek only felt envious eyes from all directions... This kind of gaze inexplicably made Derek straighten his chest.

It felt like becoming a knight of honor, accepting the attention of the common people below.

But there is one difference...in the past, Derek was a civilian watching the knights from below.

Derek enjoyed this strange sense of honor for a moment, then returned to his tent, Camp 7 of the refugee camp.

Her sister Tata returned to the tent early and was writing something at the table beside the bed.

"Tata, you can write now? And... where did these tools come from?"

Derek looked in amazement at the notebook and pen his sister had placed on the table.

The most common pen used in this world, apart from an ink pen, is a charcoal pencil, and the pen in Tata's hand does not seem to be either of the two.

"It was given by the teacher."

Tata had written a lot during the time Derek was back, one page was in the universal language of this world, and the other was in Chinese.

"Let's eat first."

Derek was not too interested in listening to his sister recount what happened in the first class; all he could think about was the food.

"There's meat, brother, you can eat it... I won't work."

Tata saw the first dish of pork stewed with soybeans. In the past, when they were in Scarre, they ate this kind of meat, and Tata would save it for Derek.

Derek used to risk his life in the death arena to make money, not to mention the little he earned... and he was easily injured. Tata learned at a very young age that only by eating more can he grow a healthy body.

"There's no need to give it to me now. We'll have meat to eat every day from now on." Derek handed the spoon to Tata and said.

"Really?" Tata was still a little hesitant while biting the spoon. Derek had used this reason to deceive her in the past.

"Really! They are different from those bad slave owners. I can have meat for three days if I help them plow the fields for one day." Although Derek said this, one meal ticket actually provides food for three meals a day, but for them, being able to eat one meal a day is already very good.

Under such harsh conditions, Derek himself didn't know why he grew so strong. Maybe it was really the protection of God.

Tata didn't say anything else. As a child, she had no self-control. She took a small taste at first, and then she couldn't help herself and started to eat the soybean and pork soup in big mouthfuls.

Derek felt a strange sense of satisfaction when he saw his sister eating, but he did not rush to pick up the spoon. Instead, he took out the book that Niu Shan had given him.

He knew... if they returned to the royal city, they would definitely not be treated like this. Apart from the fact that the nobles in the royal city might not be able to eat such good food, another point was that they were the lowest class of people in the royal city, and sometimes they were not even considered human beings.

But why can't he be considered a 'human'

Niu Shan's words kept echoing in Derek's mind, and he began to recall how those nobles and the arena owners had treated him in the past.

At that time, Derek would be very grateful if the owner of the arena could reward Derek with a large piece of broth, but now Derek always feels that this world... is a little wrong.

After dinner, Tata felt a little full, but Derek was only half full. Before going to bed, Derek put the book that Niu Shan gave him on Tata's desk.

"Tata, do you know these words?" Derek asked his sister.

"I just started learning Chinese today. I don't recognize many of the characters on the cover, but I recognize this word." Tata said, pointing to the first two of the five largest characters on the cover.

"How do you pronounce this word?"

Derek asked excitedly, he actually wanted to go to class, but in order to have such a rich meal every time, he had to continue to participate in the reclamation plan.

But Derek thought that maybe he could ask Tata to teach him how to read.

"Society, society, society." Tata recited the pronunciation he learned in class, but it was still a little awkward. "The teacher meant our collective, the relationship environment and so on... I don't quite understand it. He also said that we belong to the early feudal society and have not yet gotten rid of the shadow of the slave society."

Tata imitated the teacher in class in reciting the next sentence. She had a good memory, but she couldn't understand the meaning of the sentence.

"Slave...society..." Derek read the difficult word. "Then your teacher told you that they are...how should I put it..."

Derek didn't know how to continue his questioning.

“They seem to be a socialist society, that’s what the teacher said,” Tata said.

"Maybe I can ask other people tomorrow." Derek looked at the book in his hand. He was eager to understand what kind of world Niu Shan lived in.