Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 65: 65. Infiltration failed


At night, on the edge of the Green Leaf River.

"Someone has set up a camp here."

The white crow was lying dormant in the grass of a dense forest. In the distance of the forest there was a brightly lit camp.

But the size of the camp is already equivalent to a small town. If the buildings inside were not all tents, Bai Ya might have thought that this was a town built by someone.

"I've never seen this style of tent before. They don't look like the people from the Black Rod Society... Could they be crystal hunters?"

Dean also crouched beside the white crow and looked at the camp in the distance. The dark green tent style was something Dean had never seen before.

He and Bai Ya were considered the two most knowledgeable people in the Gemansis Order, as they served as 'messengers' in the Order and spent part of their time traveling around the Far South Continent.

The Black Rod Society and the Crystal Hunters are both sworn enemies of the Secret Order. The former are a group of heretics who study evil magic, while the latter are mercenaries who use theft and plunder to obtain earth vein crystals in the Far South Continent.

When Bai Ya learned that the daughter of the Secret Society was abducted by a group of unidentified people, the first thing Dean thought of was these two evil organizations.

But the blood crystal beasts were wreaking havoc on the land of Scarre. Even the members of these two crazy organizations did not dare to act recklessly on the land ravaged by the blood crystal beast disaster.

"This place is outside the border of Scarre. Are you sure Miss Charlotte is here?" Dean asked the White Crow beside him.

"I can sense the presence of my Three-Eyed Crow in here. It's connected to Miss Charlotte, so she must be somewhere in this camp."

After saying this, Bai Ya stood up and wanted to walk out of the forest, but Dean immediately grabbed the corner of her clothes and pulled her back, causing Bai Ya to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

"what you do?!"

Bai Ya rubbed her back. She had had enough of this rude partner along the way.

"Even if you want to save your pet, don't rush in so hastily. Don't you see there are people guarding the camp?" Dean reminded the white crow who was a little irrational because of his eagerness to save the bird.

"That camp doesn't even have a wall. There are only some walls made of interlaced wires. I am confident that I can avoid the patrol of the guards after I climb over them."

Bai Ya stood up again and looked at the camp in the distance. There was no wall around the camp that was so tall that people could not cross it. There was only a barbed wire fence that was about one and a half meters high.

"Use this." Dean took out a sealed bottle with a line of ancient words written on it.

"Ghost powder? Where did you get this stuff?!"

Bai Ya recognized what was in the bottle, an alchemical material called ghost powder. This alchemical material was extremely rare, and if it was sold in the major kingdoms, just a little bit could fetch a sky-high price.

The function of this dust is very simple. If you apply the ghost powder on the inscription and inject magic power into it, it can make the user invisible!

"Master Baierwok gave it to me before I left. I didn't think I would need it, but we don't know what's inside the camp, so we'd better use it to be on the safe side."

Dean took a small spoonful of ghost powder from the bottle and smeared it on the inscription on the back of his hand, and Bai Ya did the same... When they activated their own inscriptions, a small spoonful of ghost powder quickly covered their entire bodies.

When Bai Ya reacted again, Dean had disappeared in front of her... Her own hands also completely disappeared.

"The effect of ghost powder won't last long. It will dissipate when it encounters strong light. Let's go directly in through the main entrance."

Dean and White Crow had a brief conversation and walked towards the main gate of the camp. The main gate was still closed... but a huge golem appeared at the main gate.

This group of people actually possessed a golem

When Bai Ya saw the giant steel creature slowly moving forward outside the door, she was so surprised that she almost shouted out loud, but she quickly suppressed her surprise.

The arrival of the golem caused the gate of the camp to slowly open, and the white crow successfully entered the camp.

The moment he entered, Bai Ya felt that there was no possibility of him being exposed. The ability to be invisible is what everyone dreams of.

But this thought only lasted a few seconds.

"Who is it? Stop!"

The guard who was originally standing nearby suddenly noticed their presence, which made Bai Ya stunned for a moment. At the same time, she looked at her hands and was sure that she was still invisible.

But how did this group of people find her

None of this matters anymore! The guard's voice alarmed the other guards.

The support speed of this camp was the fastest among all the cities and towns that Bai Ya had visited. Less than five seconds after the guards' shouts, the road in front of Bai Ya and Dean was blocked by guards holding strange weapons.

A strong light came from nowhere and shone on them, and the ghost powder instantly lost its effect!

"Could it be that they know spells like the Eye of Truth?"

Bai Ya was sure that she had been caught, and she asked Dean beside her loudly.

"Impossible, there is no magical aura on these guards, damn it!" Dean drew out the sword at his waist and took out the staff with his other hand.

This is a very common fighting style of spellcasters in this world. Bai Ya also took out her staff, but before she could release her first magic, an explosion-like sound suddenly sounded not far away.

The next moment, the crystal at the tip of the White Raven Staff shattered into fragments, and the scattered fragments scratched her cheek. The staff in Dean's hand on the other side did not escape the same fate.

Something...completely destroyed their staffs in an instant!

"Put down your weapons! Otherwise, the safety of your personnel cannot be guaranteed!"

A voice sounded in front of Bai Ya. The other party spoke the common language of the other world, so Bai Ya could understand it.

When Dean heard this, he immediately threw away the sword in his hand. His action was so fast that Bai Ya's eyes widened in surprise.

"Hurry up and do as they say! I can't see clearly what broke the staff, but the next second it might be our heads that will break, understand!"

Dean is a smart man. It is because of his intelligence that he was able to transform from a thief to a mentor of the Germansis Order. Although he is loyal to the Order, he still retains the character of a thief who must give in when facing a tough opponent.

Dean knew clearly that his staff was a high-end product. Although its hardness was slightly lower than that of a sword, if the spell that he "could not see" could shatter his staff, then it would definitely be able to shatter his head as well.

The scariest thing is that all this happened in a flash!

Dean believed that if he foolishly rushed forward with a sword, or directly used the inscription to cast some magic, he would probably lose his head.