Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 73: 73. Gunpowder test (please recommend!)


Located in the back garden of the palace.

Maurice III was finally convinced by Nancy. As the youngest and only daughter among his heirs, Nancy was the "god" in the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai.

As long as Nancy didn't make excessive requests, Morris III would try his best to meet them.

It is incredible that Nancy could grow up to be a well-educated and well-mannered girl in such an over-indulged environment.

And what this little girl brings today will change the direction of the whole world.

"Are these the only white flame stones?"

Nancy looked at the pile of white crystals spread out on the ground.

One day had passed since Morris III issued the order. The Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai was not short of stink stones. These stones could be found on several islands within the waters of the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai.

But white flame stone is extremely scarce.

Stinkstone, which is called sulfur in the camp, is one of the raw materials for making sea salt soap, so the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai mines a large amount of stinkstone.

In contrast, the role of White Flame Stone is much smaller, and it is only used by some spellcasters when they want to do alchemical experiments.

The white flame stones spread out on the ground were the stock that Morris III had purchased from the alchemy workshop.

"Nancy, how much of these materials do you want?"

Morris III looked at the white crystals piled up like a hill on the open space. From his perspective, these crystals were at least as heavy as half a cow.

This pile of white flame stone is enough for the alchemy workshop to use for a whole year.

"Not enough. This is still too little."

Nancy remembered from the notes that in order to make black powder, white flame stone was the most consumed material.

"Too little... Nancy, what kind of miracles can you perform with these alchemical materials?"

Morris III looked at the pile of alchemical materials piled up on the open ground. Both stink stone and white flame stone were very common materials, not to mention charcoal, which could be found everywhere.

What kind of miracles could be achieved by mixing these three items together? Maurice III imagined that his daughter would come up with alchemical materials such as "unicorn horn", "woman's whiskers" and "cat's footsteps", which just sounded powerful and mysterious.

"Father, help me find some empty barrels."

Nancy ignored her father's questions and began to process the materials at hand.

She knew that if she wanted to convince her unreliable father, words alone would be useless. Nancy needed to make a big move! A big move comparable to the arrival of a god!

"Barrels? You mean the kind used to make wine?"

"Any kind of barrel will do, but it must be dry inside! Not wet."

While Nancy was looking for a container for the gunpowder, she began to mix the materials in proportion using a wooden pounding bowl.

Before leaving, Lu Cheng gave Nancy a friendly reminder: "If you don't want to lose limbs, it's best to use wooden tools throughout the manufacturing process, and don't let any creatures that can breathe fire run in, such as this lizard."

When Lu Cheng said this, he happened to catch a fire-breathing salamander. That kind of lizard would not be found in coastal areas like the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai.

Nancy handled all of these alchemical materials herself, and the multiple steps from grinding to drying took almost five hours in total.

As an excellent student of the Gemansis Secret Society, Nancy's grades in alchemy were also good. She quickly produced a large amount of small black granular powder according to the steps Lu Cheng said.

"Black powder."

Nancy grasped a small portion of the black particles between her index finger and thumb and pondered them in her hand.

If Nancy hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have found it hard to believe that such small particles had the power to destroy the world.

“Is this a miracle from God?”

Morris III didn't know much about alchemy, so when Nancy was making gunpowder, all he could do was watch from the side and run to the kitchen to get desserts and other food for his daughter.

Because Nancy had instructed that the experiment must be kept secret, Maurice III cleared the garden behind the palace and no one was allowed to enter.

"That's right." Nancy put down the gunpowder in her hand and opened her notebook again to compare the records of high-quality black powder with what she made.

The appearance looks exactly the same as what is described in the notebook, but whether the power is as great as recorded remains a question.

"How should we use it? Is the next step to let it settle like wine?" Maurice III asked, patting the wooden barrel he ordered the servant to find.

"No need, just eat it."

Nancy was in great joy over successfully making black powder, so she showed her little girl side and played a joke on her father.


Maurice III hesitated for a moment, but he still believed what his daughter said. He grabbed a small pile of gunpowder with one hand and prayed devoutly to a lot of gods before eating it.

Perhaps Maurice III did not know which god gave his daughter this knowledge, so he prayed to each god he believed in.

"God of Forging, thank you for the training of your hammer, God of War..."

"Father! Father!"

Nancy couldn't bear to watch it anymore, so she spoke up again and interrupted Morris III's prayer.

"Nancy, wait a minute. I also need to greet the God of the Ocean and the God of Scorching Flame. Maybe they..."

"This stuff is called black powder, and it's not for eating! I was lying to you!"

Nancy speechlessly picked up the pile of black gunpowder in front of her and put it into the wooden barrel that Morris III had found. The capacity of this wooden barrel was very large, and it could fit Nancy's petite body in it.

This kind of wooden barrel is used by the palace to make wine. There is an island in the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai that is rich in purple crystal fruits. If you put them in the wooden barrel for a period of time, they will turn into delicious wine.

"Not for consumption? Then how should these black particles be used?"

As far as Morris III knew, nine out of ten alchemical products created by those spellcasters were potions, and there were a lot of strange things in the potions.

At least these black particles don't have weird things like frog legs and eyeballs.

"It needs to be ignited, but not now!" Nancy left a small amount of the black gunpowder she had refined in the wooden bottle, and put the rest in the wooden barrel.

A large amount of black powder filled three-quarters of the wooden barrel, and the weight of the barrel was so heavy that even ten Nancys could not lift it.

After she finished doing this, she looked around and saw that there was only some unused charcoal left in the garden.

"Father, we need to change the test location."

The winter frost completely covered the garden. Nancy's memory of the garden stopped after her mother's death. She was not sure about the power of the barrel of explosives in the center of the garden.

"We may be exposed in other places. Don't worry, my daughter... We are protected by the magic barrier at the core of the earth veins. No matter how powerful the magic is, it can't hurt us!" Morris III's tone was full of confidence.

"This is the father you are talking about."

Nancy felt that even if she tested the power of explosives in her own back garden, the noise would probably attract a lot of attention, but this was the safest place to test.