Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 80: 80.Discuss the results


The Iron Ring stands on a hill above the Scare Coal Mine.

From this position, he could clearly see the condition of the mine below. He controlled the drone in his hand to take a series of aerial photos of the mining area.

This coal mine is an open-pit coal mine. The residents of Skare mine it by finding a low-lying location and digging deep inside. Now the outside of the mine has formed a certain scale.

"If we were in this kind of open-pit coal mine, we would use blasting."

While Tiehuan was using a drone to film the situation in the mining area, he spoke to the researcher who came with him in the tone of someone who had experienced it.

"The coal fields in the Northeast?" The researcher had no knowledge in this area, so he had to use some knowledge he had heard to respond to Tiehuan's questions.

This awkward conversation lasted less than a second, and the sudden surge of people out of the mine below forced Tiehuan to temporarily stop the drone's reconnaissance.

Tiehuan quickly controlled the drone to fly back to his feet. Then he signaled the researcher next to him to lie down. He also quickly lay down and took out a tactical telescope to look at the mine in the distance.

The image in the telescope was rapidly enlarged under the adjustment of the iron ring. The equipment in this mine was very simple...it should not be called simple, it should be called primitive.

All the buildings in the mine are built with wood, and the ground has long been covered with black coal slag due to years of coal transportation.

This primitive building structure has no safety at all. If there is a fire, all the people underneath will die.

"They are shouting to bring down those damn nobles."

The researcher nearby whispered to Tiehuan what the miners were shouting.

Tiehuan only found six people wearing armor, who were suspected to be soldiers. The rest were miners with ragged clothes and black faces. Their number reached more than a hundred.

An angry mood spread in the air, and the miners rushed towards the soldiers with pickaxes in their hands. The soldiers in the mine didn't even have time to react. Before they could put their hands on their swords, the crowds that swarmed out from all directions pinned them to the ground and beat them up.

"Have you been oppressed for too long?" Tiehuan put down the telescope and took out the radio with his other hand.

He glanced at a comrade behind him, who gave the iron ring a thumbs up, indicating that the radio base station on the vehicle had been debugged.

Tiehuan installed radio base stations along the road so that they could maintain communication with the camp while performing tasks outside.

"This is the reconnaissance team, this is the reconnaissance team, calling the camp contact command center, please reply if you receive it."

When Tiehuan turned on the radio, there was still some noisy noise in the radio. The strange magnetic field of this world still had a significant impact on communications.

But he soon received a call from the command center.

"This is the camp's liaison command center. Reconnaissance team, please report the situation on your side. Over."

"We have completed the investigation of the coal mine at the northern end of Wangcheng, but violent conflict broke out below the mine, suspected to be a public protest... Requesting further instructions, over." Tiehuan said.

"Violent clashes? Protests?"

Lu Cheng's voice sounded on the radio at this time. Ever since Tiehuan went out for reconnaissance, Lu Cheng had been staying at the liaison headquarters and maintaining regular contact with Tiehuan.

"Has this day finally come? Tiehuan will temporarily evacuate back to the camp. Do not interfere with them. Please reply if you receive any." Lu Cheng made a decision immediately.


Tiehuan heard Lu Cheng's voice and it seemed that he had expected this day to come, but he didn't think too much about it. He had already collected enough information about the mine.

"Evacuate immediately, over." After Tiehuan replied, he gestured to his other comrades to get in the car.

"We're just going to leave it like this?"

The researcher looked at the conflict below. If it continued, many people would surely die.

"We can't do anything about it now." Tiehuan said to the researcher in a serious tone.

… … …

Lu Cheng held an emergency meeting with the communication recording of the iron ring. The head of the research base on Earth also participated in the meeting via video call, and researchers in the camp also participated.

"Skarre's current population is less than 10,000 people, so it would be easy for us to guide them." A researcher took a look at the report on the country of Skary.

A country with a population of less than 10,000 people may not even be able to compare with the protest of a village among these sociological researchers.

"Skare may become the medium for us to communicate with the outside world in the future, and we need to establish a stable development direction for their country." Professor Lu was thinking about the future development of the camp.

Queen Elena of Scarre is on the side of supporting the Celestial Empire. If we really want to quell this chaos, we probably need to let Elena take back power.

But given the girl's personality and abilities, this is a very difficult task, so assistance from the camp is needed.

Finally, after a short discussion between Lucheng and the research base staff, they came up with a more reliable solution.

"The situation in their country...is actually not very relevant to us, but I think we can guide this matter in a way that is beneficial to us." Lu Cheng informed everyone present of the final solution. "I need a professional to give the Queen of Skarre and their generals a political lesson. Their political system really needs to be changed."