Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 84: 84. The terrifying crystal spirit


The atmosphere in this city is strange.

Nancy sat on the walking beast and walked slowly on the street with the army.

The buildings in the Royal City of Skare were still as dilapidated as when she left. So many people had passed away that many buildings were uninhabited.

But the streets were filled with ragged people, who stared at the strange army that appeared on the streets with vigilant eyes.

“Are they the incarnation of gods?”

"Not so many, right?"

"There are more than twenty temples in the royal city."

Nancy listened to the discussions of the soldiers around her. They really believed what Morris III said and thought that the ragged refugees on the street might be the incarnation of that god.

"It must be our great God of Art. Only in the scriptures would she do something like this to test mortals."

"No! It's the God of Life!"

Nancy soon heard the priests on the other side starting to argue, and this argument sounded completely meaningless to Nancy.

She even felt that the faith of these priests was not as good as those of the ignorant soldiers. The reason for the disputes among these priests from different pantheons was nothing more than wanting to gain more trust from Maurice III.

The further Nancy rode her walking beast towards the palace, the more people gathered around her. Finally, at the gate of the palace wall, Nancy found a large group of people gathered there.

"What kind of test is this from God?" The soldiers below had obviously been fooled by Morris III and had lost their minds.

In Nancy's eyes, this was clearly a popular riot. This riot was not just a small town riot, but it could be said that the entire Scarborough country was in riot.

The ragged refugees gathered at the gate of the Skarre Palace, shouting things like "Let those damn nobles come out!"

Does Skarre no longer have the energy to suppress these refugees? No...

Nancy signaled her walking beast to stop moving forward. If it were the Middle Ages on Earth, this kind of popular riot would be devastating to the rule of the nobility.

But in this magical world, even if the number of these refugees gathered together reached more than 2,000, a powerful spellcaster could kill half of them by chanting spells such as fire and thunder for a long enough time.

It would only take the death of a hundred or so people before these protesting refugees would flee in fear.

Nancy was sure of this, or to use a word she learned in Chinese, it was a 'mob'.

But the nobles of Skare did not do so. They allowed the people to protest outside without making any statement...

Want to rely on the cold winter to persuade them to retreat? Nancy looked at the heavy snow falling from the sky. In this situation, the ragged refugees could not hold out outside the royal city for too long.

The refugees, who were filled with pent-up anger, were unable to break into the royal city, but the Knights of the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai, who came from the other side, became their target.

"It's a bit troublesome." Nancy gripped the reins of the walking beast tightly. The protesting refugees had already focused their attention on them, and it seemed that a conflict would break out at any time.

"Make way for them! They are not the nobles who oppress us!"

A voice suddenly sounded among the people, and Nancy looked at the young man standing in the crowd with some surprise.

Under the command of the young man, all the refugees who had gathered on the street moved to the sides to make room for the cavalry regiment of the Xiuenzhelai Kingdom.


The moment Nancy saw this scene, she really thought that God was hiding among these people.

The uneducated lower-class people are stupid, and the angry lower-class people are even more stupid. A group of angry lower-class people gathered together may be no different from wild beasts.

Nancy wasn't being sarcastic, she was telling the truth!

Even if rational nobles gathered together to do the same thing, they would lose control, not to mention these lower-class refugees who lack even basic education.

But they still gave up their seats to them under the command of a young man.

"Could that young man be a god..." The priests started arguing again.

"Stop talking and go to the palace. The test from God may have just begun!" Maurice III gave the order and led his soldiers towards Scarre's palace.

… … …

In an off-road vehicle outside the city of Skarre.

This time, Lucheng decided to visit Skarre in person and sent a fully armed convoy.

There are two reasons. The first is to ensure that violent conflicts do not occur as much as possible.

The second reason is to mine coal. The thermal power plant suggested by Engineer Wang Zhixian has already started laying the foundation. With the help of the portal in Lucheng, it can be built in less than a month.

So Lucheng now urgently needs to mine large amounts of coal to run the power plant.

Elena and General Hubert were in the same car with Lu Cheng.

While on the way to Skare, Lu Cheng communicated with the crystal spirit of Skare, and the crystal spirit told Lu Cheng... another terrifying ability it possessed.

If the ability of the mining cart to explore various resources in the Skarre territory is said to be "very useful", Lucheng can call it "very useful".

Its second ability can only be described as terrifying, that is, 'reading memories and spying on people's hearts'.

"I am the embodiment of everything in Skarre, not just the land but also the people." The crystal spirit stood on Elena's head and said, "As long as I touch any of my children, I will know what they are thinking now and what they have done in the past."

"This is truly cyberpunk." Lu Cheng could only use the word "horrifying" to describe this ability. What he meant was that in front of this crystal spirit, the people of Scarre had no privacy at all. This crystal spirit knew everything they had done in the past, what they were thinking about now, and what they wanted to do in the future.

If there were such a rabbit spirit on Earth, Lu Cheng didn't know whether the crime rate on Earth would decrease or increase.

"Do you want to find someone to test it first? If this ability is real, it will be very helpful for the current situation." Lu Cheng said this to seek the opinions of Elena and Hubert.

When asked, General Hubert looked embarrassed. After all, everyone has some shameful things, but Elena raised her hand on her own initiative.

"I think I can give it a try," said Elena.

This girl really seems to have a clear conscience about her life.

"Then let Elena try it? I'll ask you a few questions and you answer them." Lu Cheng said to the bird standing on Elena's head.