Dimensional Expedition

Chapter 96: 96. Level of energy absorption


The first thing Lu Cheng did when he returned to the camp was to set up a study group.

The members of the study group are Noy, Nancy, Elena, and Lu Cheng.

The location was inside Elena and Noy's room. Lu Cheng directly moved a small wooden table and two chairs over.

"Did you bring all your test papers?"

Lu Cheng has now become a teacher in the cram school. Elena took out her test paper directly. Nancy had not taken any exams because she had been absent from school for too long, and Noy looked a little hesitant.

"It doesn't matter if you don't get a high score. Learning is something that needs to be done slowly." Looking at Nuoyi's expression, Lu Cheng guessed that she must have failed the previous few tests

But even if Nuoyi failed the exam, Lu Cheng would not punish him by slapping his palm.

Nuoyi took out his previous test papers from his small schoolbag. There were six in total, three of which were math papers and the other three were Chinese papers.

"Let me see." Lu Cheng took a quick look at the scores of the six test papers. All of them were above 90 points, and two of the math papers even got a perfect score of 100. "Although the questions are only at the level of first to third graders, it's already very impressive."

This sentence seemed to give Nuoyi great confidence, and her calves began to swing unconsciously under the table.

"As for Elena, it's still okay."

Lu Cheng glanced at Elena's test paper. She missed an exam, but her scores were not too bad. At least her math scores were above 90 points, and her Chinese scores were around 80.

Sure enough, Chinese was a little too difficult for the Queen of Scarre.

"I rank second in the class!" Elena emphasized this point.

"I think I know who's first." Lu Cheng put down the two test papers in his hands. In Elena's class, she and Nancy were the only twenty-year-old students, and the others were all around ten years old.

Lu Cheng felt that Elena's ranking second was a bit ironic, but the princess did not think that she could get pleasure from defeating a child who was ten years younger than her!

“Lu Cheng, are we really here for tutoring?”

Nancy on the side was already a little impatient. She had been very busy recently, including catching up on the classes she had missed this week.

Her father, Maurice III, is also staying in this camp temporarily, but... not for too long, at most two or three days, after which Nancy must follow her father back to the Kingdom of Xiuenzhelai.

Although Xiu Enzhelai Kingdom signed an agreement with the Celestial Empire, the agreement did not mention weapons, so the manufacture of matchlock guns had to be put on the agenda.

Nancy didn't know whether the craftsmen from the Kingdom of Xiu Enzhelai had managed to build a prototype after spending so much time on it after she entrusted the design to them.

"One thing is learning, and the other is I want to take a test."

Lu Cheng returned the papers he had collected to Elena and Nuoyi.

"What test?" Nancy asked.

"It has just ended. It was a test of how much energy can be absorbed from different people." Lu Cheng pondered the holy crystal on the back of his hand and told Nancy directly without hiding too much.

"The energy drawn from the earth core?"

As Nancy spoke, she made the shape of a seal with her hand. Ever since she and her father knew that the incarnation of the earth core was a seal, Morris III had been seriously considering whether to change the country's totem from the finless shark to the white seal.

"Call me?"

Suddenly a white seal landed on the table. The whole table shook because of the seal's weight, and ripples appeared on its round body.

Both Noi and Elena were frightened by the sudden appearance of the seal. Elena immediately raised the folding stool she was sitting on. If Lu Cheng had not stood up to stop Elena, she would probably have hit the seal in the face with the folding stool.

"Go back, you scared the child." Lu Cheng said to the white seal that suddenly appeared.

It was not known whether the seal was obedient or afraid of the folding stool in Elena's hand, but it obediently turned into a ray of light and disappeared on the table.

"A new crystal spirit?" Noy took out her notebook and wrote down this. There was also a picture of a flying bird on this page of her notebook. It should be the crystal spirit of Skarre.

"That is the crystal spirit of the Xiu En Zhe Lai Kingdom."

Lu Cheng didn’t understand how these crystal spirits suddenly appeared and disappeared. The most important thing was that they were not spirits, but they actually had their own bodies.

This seal is far more active than Scarre's crystal spirit, or in other words... more eager to express itself.

"Then let's continue with the previous topic. Elena, put down the folding stool." Lu Cheng sat down again.

"Isn't the crystal spirit from Xiu Enzhe too fat?" Elena sighed softly.

"Because it's a seal, this kind of creature will die if it loses weight."

Lu Cheng explained a sad thing to Elena, but quickly turned the topic back to the point.

"I have done a simple statistical analysis of the energy produced by different people. First, the slaves at the lowest level only produce about one to three micrograms of energy when they are in a state of joy and happiness."

Lu Cheng took out a third-grade math textbook and pointed to the weight unit on it. The three girls present could all understand the concept of a microgram, which is roughly the weight of a small particle of dust.

"Then there's the second level, Nuoyi and Elena." Lu Cheng said, "When Nuoyi saw me today, I probably received about 12 grams of energy, and Elena received about 57 grams."

"Have I helped?" Noy asked Lu Cheng, holding up his notebook.

"Well, so you just need to be happy every day here and don't think too much." Lu Cheng said to Nuoyi seriously.

Nuoyi just worries about too many things. As long as Lu Cheng is away for too long, she will start to have wild thoughts. Lu Cheng can't give her any good guidance. All he can do is spend as much time with her as possible every day.

"What about me?" Nancy guessed that she should not be classified as a commoner

"At the highest level, you are in a state of happiness and joy, with about one hundred to one hundred and fifty energies at a time..." Lu Cheng said.

"By the way, Lu Cheng, I can also feel energy in you." Elena suddenly said at this time, and at the same time she used her hand to make a gesture the width of an eraser. "When Nuoyi hugged you, I felt that there was probably... a little energy flowing into my body?"

"How much exactly is it?" Lu Cheng was not surprised that he could generate energy. After all... Lu Cheng could use magic.

"That's just a little bit." Elena couldn't give any specific data and continued to gesture with her fingers.

Who understands what you are saying

"..." Lu Cheng and Nancy were silent, while Nuoyi continued to hold up his little notebook.

It said, 'I can hug you again.'

"The previous one was the joy of reunion after a long separation, but how much energy I can generate is not important. What is important is... why is there such a big difference in the amount of energy you generate?" Lu Cheng asked.