Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 108


Another half a month passed like this.

Yu Chenxue thinks,? His little boyfriend has been acting mysteriously lately, maybe he is planning some big event.

But he won't be able to ask people over for a while, because he is also preparing for a big event today, a particularly big event, enough to treat it with caution.

After falling in love and blowing up his vest, Zong Qi often ran up and down, living up there three days a week and down four days a week. Originally slept in the guest bedroom,? After Zong Qi fell asleep one night, Yu Chenxue was about to carry her to the master bedroom in the middle of the night, so it was logical to sleep in the master bedroom afterwards.

It is worth mentioning that Zong Qi criticized Yu Chenxue's unhealthy schedule, and suggested that he and himself go to bed at 12 o'clock every night and get up at 7:30 in the morning.

Yu Chenxue stopped writing: "Have you heard of Da Vinci's sleep method?"

Da Vinci was not only talented in painting, but also dabbled in astronomy, physics, machinery, medical inventions, etc., and his attainments were extremely deep, so he was called an all-rounder.

According to legend, he believed that human beings should not waste most of their time on sleep, so he invented a special time-saving polyphasic sleep method. That is, 24 hours a day, do not arrange time for sleep alone, but sleep for 15 to 20 minutes every four hours of work. The time saved in this way can be used for more great inventions or artistic explorations.

Modern experts and the military have tried this sleep method, and finally found that it is difficult for ordinary people to achieve such sleep habits. After all, an average of only two hours of sleep a day not only greatly increases the probability of sudden death, but also produces negative effects such as memory loss and extreme fatigue.

Zong Qi had read about this interesting sleep method in an English cloze in his third year of high school, and even tried it eagerly.

After about three days, he gave up because he was too sleepy. If he cannot guarantee six hours of normal sleep every day, he will not only be unable to concentrate in class, but sometimes even fall into unconscious sleep. This not only failed to save time with polyphasic sleep, but greatly affected his learning efficiency.

At that time, Zong Qi also said with emotion that although this method is good, it may only be suitable for geniuses. Unexpectedly, Yu Chenxue actually told him that he had maintained this kind of routine for many years, and he couldn't help being awed.

Of course, admiration is nothing but admiration, Zong Qi still feels that this sleeping habit is not good.

But it's okay to change your work and rest habits. Yu Chenxue doesn't have many things to deal with every day, unlike the time when she got up early and went late to deal with official duties, and wandered around to work in three organizations.

But he has a condition, he must hold Zong Qi when he sleeps.

Just hug it, don't lose a piece of meat.

Then one morning, after experiencing the embarrassing wake-up state again, Yu Chenxue leaned over with malicious intentions: "Xiao Qi."

When he just woke up, his hoarse voice was close to Zong Qi's ear, it was numb.

Immediately afterwards, I demonstrated with my own actions what it means to not let you go next time.

Zong Qi has never felt this kind of stimulation in his life. When he released it from the other party's hand, he was dumbfounded, his toes curled up, tensed into a curved bow. Especially after Yu Chenxue even tricked and coaxed him to help him solve it once.

Zong Qi fled downstairs without even eating breakfast, and didn't come up once in the next three days.

About a day later, he suddenly sent a message to Yu Chenxue, saying that his family's relatives and employees wanted to have a meal and take a look around.

Yu Chenxue: "...?"

He remembered what Zong Qi had said before, that the employees he signed were all ghosts without exception, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

It's nothing to see his natal family, after all, he has gone from having a plan for Zong Qi to entering the family, and there is nothing to be afraid of being famous and influential.

What Yu Chenxue was really worried about was a group of ghosts.

Even if he was an S-level actor, he might not blink his eyes when he was face to face with a female ghost, but when he suddenly received the news that dozens of ghosts were coming to visit him, he still couldn't help being silent for a while.

Then Yu Chenxue didn't have time to think about the reason why Zong Qi was so mysterious these days, so he arranged several executive chefs in advance, and they came to his apartment before noon to start preparing the dinner.

Zong Qi at the other end held the second collective staff meeting in the past few days.

He is indeed planning a major event, and he hasn't told Yu Chenxue yet, because the matter has not been written yet.

Recently, some employees who had no schedule were arranged by him to inquire about news.

The best person to inquire about news is Xiaohong. Especially after Little Red's hair grew out, she returned to the film industry, and now she has joined the filming of that big-budget movie, and has gained some fame in the entertainment circle.

By the way, because Xiaohong was too busy, the matter of going out to recruit other little ghosts in Jiangzhou when she was bald before was logically handed over to the coward to inherit.

Coward: Woohoo

It is a ghost, but it is afraid of ghosts to death, so Guiying has no choice but to go out with it to recruit younger brothers.

Since director Q's reputation came out, and after the last bus on the 44th bus was filled with ghosts for publicity, more and more little ghosts came to join him. Although the level may not be very high, after all, most of the more advanced ghosts are irrational, or they are earth-bound spirits, but in the spirit of giving each ghost a bite to eat and finding something to do, Zong Qi will not refuse anyone who comes, and sign them all up.

The little ghosts who were still on the sidelines saw that they could really make money, not to mention that they didn't have to be a cow or a horse, so they followed suit.

Such a huge army of the ghost world was sent out to inquire about news, and it should be settled after a week.

That's right, they figured out the hometown of the Ouroboros organization.

The main reason is that there are too many bad things that the Black Council has done. Jiangzhou City really has a lot of unjust souls. Hearing that director Q is planning to attack the Ouroboros organization, everyone actively provided clues, and locked the glass building at once. .

Then, the big ghosts and the little ghosts planned to rely on others not being able to see them and being able to pass through the wall, so they planned to go out at night and find out the stronghold of the Ouroboros organization.

However, this idea suffered a setback when it was first acted upon.

Coward: "They posted talismans everywhere in their stronghold, it's not that ghosts can't get in at all."

Speaking of this, the expressions on the faces of all the ghosts were very resentful.

A few little ghosts who were still inexperienced and had a deep hatred with the Ouroboros organization didn't expect this, they were attacked by talisman papers as soon as they entered, and they were instantly wiped out.

Being a human can still be reincarnated, but being a ghost will only dissipate, so ghosts cherish their lives very much. It is more humiliating than being rescued by a Taoist priest to disappear all of a sudden.

After chatting with the big guys in the eyes of a few little ghosts, the ghosts with the company's advanced number, decided to take a time this weekend to get together and have a good look at the Ouroboros organization.

After all, Yu Chenxue's suspicion was just suspicion, even if he wanted revenge, Zong Qi had to find the right person, right

Of course, he had to perform a mission at night, so he had to have a good meal before leaving.

Thinking of the good deeds Yu Chenxue did a few mornings ago, Zong Qi sacrificed his boyfriend without guilt.

At seven o'clock, Zong Qi led a group of big ghosts and little ghosts upstairs on time.

Of course, it would be a bit spectacular to bring the number of ghosts he signed now, so I picked some representatives.

Araki was the first to take the lead.

After opening the door, Yu Chenxue saw Anna standing outside, the smile on her face didn't change at all, instead she invited this group of ghosts into the house.

Zong Qi didn't notice it at all, and introduced from the side: "This is Anna, you know it, Ashue. But you certainly don't know that Anna and Araki share the same body."

It turned out to be one body with two souls.

The sense of prying and the weirdness of Anna that had been bothering him before finally came to light.

Yu Chenxue maintained an unmistakable smile on his face, resisting the exclusive ghost pressure provided for him alone, and greeted Araki whose eyes had turned white.

Zong Qi couldn't see it, but Yu Chenxue knew in his heart that the malice towards him was almost written on his face.

"This is Xiaohong, and my first employee."

Xiao Hong greeted Yu Chenxue well.

She is not like Araki, an old hen protecting the calf, there are so many ghosts around, if someone dares to disappoint their boss, Zong Qi doesn't need to say anything, just sending anyone out will be enough for Yu Chenxue. Unless this S-level actor is not clear-headed, he won't want to try it.

The professor of psychology was polite: "This lady seems a little familiar."

Zong Qi scratched his head: "Yes, she was still chasing you back in Changming Middle School."

Yu Chenxue thought of that spider female ghost: "..."

This is so exciting. "This is a coward, that's the boss from the previous Ghost House movie."

The coward shyly bowed his hands to Yu Chenxue.

"Then this is the baby ghost, the kid I told you about Xue Youqing last time. There is also the driver of the last bus on No. 44."

With so many ghosts entering Yu Chenxue's house, the air suddenly dropped several degrees, and even the air conditioner was saved. Zong Qi said that he never turns on the air conditioner in summer, which saves a lot of air conditioning costs every month.

By the way, when it comes to money, Zong Qi became rich overnight recently.

Because it is not real, he still feels like a dream, and he still double-checks the price when he goes out to buy vegetables.

"Changming Middle School" ended its release, and finally got a very good box office score for a horror film. The score was just as he expected, with a score of more than 7 points. It was the biggest dark horse among domestic horror films this year. A shot in the arm for the sluggish market.

He also got an S-level rating as a matter of course.

The system revealed the mysterious reward, which allowed him to share the box office of the movie after it was actually released on the basis of the director's remuneration.

Zong Qi:! ! !

He still remembers that when the system was bound, the system easily showed him what he longed for: money.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, the system still did not forget its original intention, knowing that its host was poor and white, so it sent him warmth.

The final box office of "Changming Middle School" was 50 million. After deducting all kinds of other expenses, and then divided, a full 20 million fell on Zong Qi's head.

All of a sudden, he got a huge sum of money that he didn't even dare to think about. After Zong Qi was happy, he also encountered difficulties, and he didn't know how to spend it.

In the end, he renewed the lease of the apartment for 20 years, refurbished the No. 44 bus, and kept a part of it as living expenses. After inviting all the ghosts to have a meal, he donated the remaining more than 10 million yuan. , donated to the barren village in the first movie, and wrote the name of the goddess.