Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 115


Zong Qi was startled by his own thought and broke into a cold sweat.

He went through this conjecture carefully from the beginning to the end, and found that many places can be verified, and he couldn't help being even more frightened.

At the same time, Zong Qi also noticed a misunderstanding that he had not noticed before.

When he entered the Pisces Jade Pendant for the first time to shoot, the team leader told him,? Their goal is to go to the ghost gate to find the Pisces Jade Pendant lost by the first scientific expedition team.

So Zong Qi had a preconceived idea at the time, and substituted the identity of the first scientific expedition team into the team led by his grandfather for more than ten years.

Because it was a misunderstanding of thinking, Zong Qi did not delve into it. When I think about it now, I realize something is wrong.

If the film Pisces Jade Pendant hadn't been successfully filmed, logically speaking, the time in the dungeon should not have changed. This means, the timeline that Daoist Wu and his grandfather entered more than ten years ago should be exactly the same as the timeline he entered, there is no such thing as grandpa, they were members of the first scientific expedition team half a year ago in the big script, but Zong Qi It was sent over half a year later.

Thinking of this, Zong Qi only felt shuddering.

If it was just him, maybe he could have discovered something wrong earlier. In the final analysis, it was the captain who had been misleading him without a trace and leading him down this crooked path.

No wonder this movie is called a realistic script. The npcs here are all fully autonomous. If you think about it a little deeper, they may even know that they are shooting a movie,? That's why they say the established lines.

But why in the end he was able to successfully leave the script for filming

When grandpa came in more than ten years ago, did they deceive grandpa like this

Zong Qi felt that all of this was like a mist, but the fire in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

Just after a team member in front of him turned into a human skin, all the soldiers stood silently on the border of the snow field. After the captain sighed and said "Let's go", all the people quickly packed their luggage and continued along the dark road Marching away in Death Valley.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't make any more noises, just like a group of ghost soldiers walking on the snow line, so weird that it made people frightened.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Zong Qi quietly lurked behind and followed from afar.

Tracking at night will be much easier than tracking during the day, because the field of vision is limited, as long as the troops have flashlights in their hands, they can even point out the road signs for Zong Qi. He just needs to walk over there, no need to turn on extra lights.

The view of the valley entrance of Death Valley opened up, just as the distant sky turned white, Zong Qi sneaked and squatted at the entrance of the valley and waited patiently, waiting for the team to completely turn the corner before stepping forward to avoid being discovered.

This area is extremely barren. Looking around, there is no grass except for the snow left on the ground, and there are clouds and fog accumulating in the place connecting the plateau. I don't know what kind of black technology is used for protective clothing. After wearing it, it is not cold at all, but it is very comfortable.


Zong Qi leaned against the stone, listening to the wind blowing around him, like the howling of a ghost.

Until a black muzzle hit his forehead from the back of his head.

Zong Qi swallowed, raised his hands as a last resort, and stood up from behind the cold stone.

The captain stood behind him, looking down at him.

Surrounded by a group of soldiers with guns on their backs, they all aimed their guns at him at the same moment, their faces hidden behind protective glasses, with serious faces.

Behind them, the whole team didn't know when to stop. Taking advantage of Zong Qi's inattention, they secretly turned off the searchlights in their hands and surrounded them by night.

He thought he could use the light to find out their location, but he didn't expect to trap himself in it.

Zong Qi felt that his throat was extremely dry.

It is good that he has the director's supernatural immunity, but supernatural immunity is not equal to cold weapon or hot weapon immunity. If he was stabbed or shot while filming, he deserved to bleed, he deserved to be injured.

"Who are you, why are you following us secretly?"

When the captain saw the base protective suit on him, his eyes flickered for a moment.

Zong Qi raised his hand and glared at him under the threat of numerous guns: "You liar!"

Because Zong Qi pays special attention to the demeanor of the captain, even through thick goggles, he can see the pupils of the captain flicker violently when he hears his voice.

This is to recognize him.


Zong Qi thought that there was nothing wrong with his guess.

What he thought was a restart of the script was actually just a restart of the timeline. These NPCs clearly remembered him and had self-awareness!

He could see the demeanor of the captain, and the captain could naturally see the undefended vigilance of this young man, like a lit firecracker, even if he was surrounded by so many people, he was not afraid at all.

After a long time, the captain sighed: "Let it go."

The surrounding soldiers and soldiers put down their guns one after another, pulled the safety catch, and aimed it at the ground again. For a while, the scene was a little strangely silent.

Anyway, they were all caught upright, and fell into a situation where they were surrounded by enemies. Zong Qi thought that even if he died today, he had to die with a clear understanding. What happened to grandpa back then can't just be left alone.

"Sure enough, you are all self-aware already knew I would come." Zong Qi said firmly: "Last time you told me who the captain of the scientific expedition team was, and that you were the first The matter of a scientific expedition all made up."

If he hadn't been caught, Zong Qi would definitely not be so impulsive.

But he really can't help it now. The opponent was an armed army, even if it was a group of ghosts, the threat they posed to him was not that great.

The captain showed a bitter smile: " know everything."

Although this was not quite right with Zong Qi's expected reaction, he still did not relax his vigilance.

"Sorry, we all had to do this."

After he signaled the soldiers to put away their guns, the soldiers stood in a row, showing that they had no unnecessary malice.

"There was a team of actors who came here before, and they failed, they didn't make it through."

The captain took off his military cap, and his voice choked up: "As you can see, we have repeated reincarnation here many times. If the filming of this movie is not finished, we will only continue like this."

Zong Qi didn't speak.

Let’s sort it out in this way, the captain and the former Daoist Wu, the Ouroboros organization’s meaning of the Pisces Jade Pendant’s big script, Zeng Zongqi’s grandfather brought the team in three times, because the Pisces Jade Pendant was secretly taken out of the movie by the black speaker , so the shooting failed, and finally it was Grandpa who forcibly used the director's authority to stop the movie at the last moment.

But for some reason, Zong Qi always feels that there are still some things that cannot be explained clearly in logic. It's that feeling of knowing there's a problem, but not being able to piece together the right answer because there isn't enough information.

"We can't find the Pisces jade pendant in the ghost gate, and this filming will never stop."

"But we don't care."

The captain stood up straight, and all the soldiers behind him also stood upright: "As long as we are still here once, we will not let the ghost gate affect the world, no matter how many times we come again."

"Even if you have director authority, you should only be able to come in three times. Kid, after you come back this time, don't come in again, it's dangerous here."

He pushed Tui Zongqi's shoulder with his fist, and gave a look to the team members on the side.

The team members immediately took off their bags, put down a bag full of dry food, and pushed towards Zong Qi.

For some reason, this action made Zong Qi feel a strange sense of familiarity. It almost made him stunned on the spot.

After doing all this, the captain led all the soldiers and left without looking back, and marched into Death Valley again, leaving Zongqi standing there alone in a daze.

Although I said that I was scaring myself with my brain supplements before, but the captain's positive admission is tantamount to verifying Zong Qi's previous inference.

But what happened next, he didn't expect.

Zong Qi thought that the captain would let the army coerce him to end the filming, that they would force him to stop the filming with director authority, or get more information from him...

But neither.

They left some dry food and left directly. The most important thing is that Zong Qi didn't feel any malice from any of them. The eyes behind the goggles were full of sincere care and worry, and hoped that he would not come in again.

"Did I guess wrong?"

He squatted on the ground and suddenly remembered the speech made by the captain in the hall the day before.

At that time they took a pen and wrote a string of numbers on the flag.

Zong Qi remembered that it said 1768.

Does this mean that these npcs have reincarnated 1,768 times in this never-ending filming

Thinking of this possibility, Zong Qi felt unstoppably sad.

At the same time, the captain's seemingly ordinary and inadvertent action kept flashing in his mind.

Why do npcs in movie shooting know the actors

Why can you be sure that he is the director

An incredible idea gradually formed in Zong Qi's heart.

This idea was too absurd, so absurd that it was unconstrained, but it was also like a spark. After igniting his thoughts a little, he could no longer close them, but intensified and burned more and more.

He picked up the bag on the ground and ran towards the place where the troops left without looking back.

For the first time in his life, Zong Qi used all his strength.

The clues that have been noticed since the first meeting are combined, and the whole clue is integrated into a clear and well-organized string like a string.

Before Death Valley, all the soldiers were tying ropes around their waists.

From a distance, Zong Qi saw that they were all tying slipknots on the ropes.

He clearly remembered that when he entered the ghost gate for the first time, his knot was tied by the team leader.

The captain made a knot for him. That's why in the end he was able to be pulled out when the ghost gate roared and the world changed.

In fact, Zong Qi has almost forgotten what his grandfather looked like. In his memory, his grandfather disappeared when he was six years old. Looking back over the years, he also looks like an old man.

One by one, one by one, they finally converged into the slightly younger eyes behind the goggles.

The reason why I am young is because the filming of this script is always in reincarnation.

The whole world may grow old, but the army that guards the last boundary of mankind, the army that has repeated reincarnation thousands of times, will never grow old. never.

The black-haired youth rushed forward recklessly, and ran to the captain: "I... Actually, I brought back the Pisces jade pendant."

The captain was shocked and looked at him in disbelief.

Zong Qi's voice was choked with sobs: "This is what my grandma brought back... She was chanting a name until she died."

"So, Grandpa, is that you?"