Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 116


In front of the ghost gate of Death Valley, suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Silence is brighter and sadder than the morning stars. The hurricane was surrounded by the ghostly air, and the whistling sound seemed to have become smaller, and the world was extremely gloomy.

The captain stood where he was, almost unable to control his precarious body.

Obviously,? He really wanted to keep his expression and demeanor from being so obvious. But even though he was wearing thick protective clothing and big goggles on his head, he couldn't hide his sadness and sadness.

Zong Qi clenched his hands hanging on both sides, "Grandpa,? You recognized me a long time ago."

If I didn't recognize him, how would I know he was the director? He would participate in the filming.

Zong Jianguo was silent for a long time, took a few breaths, and then said tremblingly: "Yes. I recognized you when you came in and took off your gloves. Also, I taught you how to swim. Such an ugly dog planer, who else but you?"

Zong Qi couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

"Because of the uniqueness of shooting in the movie, as long as a little bit of skin is exposed to the air, it will become a mummy or human skin. Unless... there is an exemption from the director."

Zong Qi remembered the first time they were filming,? He deliberately took off his gloves to find out if the people in the army were supernatural beings, and deliberately went up to touch them.

Unexpectedly, it was this detail that exposed his identity as a director.

Also... Judging from the information Zong Qi has collected so far, there is obviously a connection between the director system and the director system. It's not surprising that grandpa was able to lock his identity through this clue. After all, grandpa himself was a director from the previous session, and Zong Qi's system was still inherited from him.

"This movie,? Originally, only the director with the director system can open it. After the shooting fails, if you want to open it again, the next director must use the authority."

Zong Qi suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is the reason why the Pisces Jade Pendant movie has not been opened again for so many years.

After saying this, Zong Jianguo's mood calmed down a lot.

He also took off the goggles on his face, and seeing Zong Qi's terrified expression, he forced a smile: "It's okay, grandpa also has a director system... Although it is locked now, the authority is still there , nothing will happen."

Zong Qi stared deeply at his grandfather's face. This exceptionally young face gradually overlapped with the grandfather who held him high in his memory.

He is now in his twenties, more than ten years have passed since he was six years old. Grandpa's appearance, voice... I can hardly remember them all.

It looks good, at least there are old photos at home. It's just that it was blocked by thick goggles, only a pair of slightly familiar eyes were exposed, and Zong Qi didn't expect to go there.

As for the sound, I really don't remember it. On top of that, Grandpa has been stuck here. It's not that Zong Qi never thought about the possibility of his grandfather surviving, but he had preconceived the image of an old man. He didn't expect that his grandfather was still a young grandfather, in his forties or fifties, with hale and hearty eyes, and he didn't look old.

The two stood for a while before Zong Jianguo choked up and said, "Your grandma...what's wrong with her?"

Originally, he had to ask at the very beginning, but he couldn't ask, and he had been thinking about it for a long time.

Zong Qi's eyes dimmed: "Grandma passed away when I was in college, it was dementia... There was no pain when she passed away, she passed away in a dream, happy and mournful."

"How did she... It turns out that it's been so long."

Zong Jianguo's eyes were moist, and he lowered his head and wiped it several times, "That's right, I couldn't believe it was you when I saw it so big last time. You are so big, the old woman must also... "

"Captain, time is running out." The members of the scientific expedition team on the side couldn't bear to interrupt them, but they still had to speak.

"Okay, let's prepare the army first, let's talk as we go."

Zong Jianguo pulled Zong Qi over and wrapped the rope around him as well.

Zong Qi refused him, saying that he wanted to entangle himself, then bowed his head and quietly tied a slipknot for himself.

"Because the time of each of our reincarnations is fixed, from two days ago to now, if it is late, the ghost gate will open. There is no time to talk now, good boy, come with grandpa first."

They went down from the Yaochi as they did last time, and swam towards the ghost gate.

Sadness, or the joy of reunion, even if there are so many emotions in my heart, I don’t know what to say for a while, I have to enter the gate of hell first.

"What's the matter with the Pisces jade pendant?" Zong Jianguo asked while swimming.

Zong Qi said: "I found it in grandma's relics... Grandma never told me what this piece of jade is for. Later, grandma is demented, so she may have forgotten it."

Obviously, Zong Jianguo and Zong Qi thought of it together.

The Pisces jade pendant was taken out by the traitor among the actors, and he wanted to get it back... There must have been a bloodbath.

"Yes, I know the real identities of all the actors, so I wrote down the most likely traitors in my notebook. She must have seen it, she must have seen it."

Zong Jianguo's expression was uglier than crying.

"Ai Lian doesn't have an actor system, let alone a director system. How did she get back the Pisces Jade Pendant after so many years? She is obviously a non-competitive temperament... "

Zong Qi listened, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

He had known for a long time that the Pisces Jade Pendant must have been brought back by grandma after going through all kinds of hardships, and now hearing what grandpa said, he wished that his grandpa and grandson would hug each other and cry.

Zong Qi: "By the way, Grandpa, what's going on here? What's going on with these people? Why do time and space keep repeating?"

They quickly swam through the warm water of the fairy pond and into the ghost gate.

It was the familiar feeling of crossing the diaphragm again.

Just as Zong Jianguo was about to answer, his face suddenly changed: "Not good!"

In the gate of ghosts, the world has changed.

The surrounding Yaochi water suddenly turned black like ink. Compared with the last time, this time it seemed that someone took a straw and blew air into it. Big bubbles popped on the surface of the water. The connected players were blown to pieces.

This is just Yao Chi, a little further ahead, the mist is full of dense ghosts. The sky and the earth became one, with sharp and pale claws poking out everywhere, piercing the protective clothing of the team members accurately, and turning into human skin mummies without leaving a single scream.

"Captain! Captain, I saw it! There!"

The team members following behind roared and pointed their fingertips at the farthest place.

Where he pointed, the ghostly aura was so thick that it was entangled with the mist. The scarlet blood gate was formed at the farthest distance, and thick blood dripped from the vertical place next to it. The pain was severe, as if seeing thousands of evil spirits pestering and screaming, staring at him with empty pupils.

These are not the most eye-catching, the most eye-catching is the glowing things in the blood gate. Looking at it from a distance, it looks like two fish are spinning and playing in the air, forming an incomparably mysterious picture of Tai Chi and Eight Diagrams.

"It's the Pisces Jade Pendant!"

Not only Zong Jianguo, but all the dead and surviving team members exclaimed loudly.

Clusters of spirits suddenly appeared in those dull eyes, as if a lamp was lit.

Zong Jianguo didn't have time to say more, he turned his head, and involuntarily wrapped the rope around Zong Qi's body: "Go! Go!"

Zong Qi also opened his eyes wide. It never occurred to him that the Pisces jade pendant that disappeared from his body would appear behind the ghost gate.

After he entered the gate of hell, the time flow of the third act marked on his pupils began to reverse rapidly. In less than half an hour, the filming was about to end again.

"No, no, I'm going to help get the jade pendant!" He quickly opened the slipknot on his body: "I'm also a director, I have immunity!"

"You brat! When you grow up, you won't listen to what your grandpa says."

Zong Jianguo gritted his teeth, "Then you follow behind, don't run around! I will beat you if you run around!"

"All right, all right!" Zong Qi yelled, and ran forward after him.

In fact, there was no need for Zong Jianguo's order, and all the living soldiers rushed into the bloody gate in front of them like crazy.

It wasn't that the Pisces jade pendant appeared in the blood gate, but that this was an established procedure.

Countless soldiers turned into human skin while running and fell to the ground suddenly. Countless soldiers were scratched through their protective clothing while running, turned into mummies by ghost energy, and attacked their teammates with their eyes open.

No one cared, they used their bodies to block the gate deep in the ghost gate.

They are trapped here to death.

A total of four days, preparation on the first day, departure on the second day, marching on the third day, and entering the ghost gate on the fourth day.

When preparing for the first day, there will be an unexpected power outage, so the main switch must be pulled in advance. There may be actors coming in when we leave the next day. Although the possibility is very small, the captain will send someone to look for it every time, so as not to miss it. Five soldiers will be sacrificed during the march on the third day. No matter how well equipped they are, they will not be able to prevent the death of these soldiers, and they will repeat the process of turning into human skin more than a thousand times. Entering the ghost gate on the fourth day, the ghost gate cannot be closed, only special measures can be taken...

They have gone through this process too many times.

Over the past ten years, this process has been repeated countless times.

Those with weaker willpower have already blunted their minds under the corrosion of ghosts for many times, and no longer remember their last name, where they came from, and where they are going.

The soldiers only know how to take their own steps step by step, heading towards the gate of death in Death Valley again and again, untying their own ropes again and again, and blocking the gate again and again.

"Okay, stop making trouble, you should go too."

Just when Zong Qi followed Zong Jianguo and rushed to the Blood Gate, the people in front suddenly turned around and pushed him back.

The deputy captain who had been following Zong Qi immediately took the order, grabbed the rope in his hand and quickly tied the black-haired youth.

Zong Qi's strength was no match for a serious soldier, so he could only watch helplessly and was forced to pull back.

After doing all this, Zong Jianguo turned around and shouted: "Stinky boy, don't come in, if you come in again, I will beat you!"

After finishing speaking, he opened his arms without looking back, and rushed in front of the blood gate, reaching out to grab the Pisces jade pendant inside.

Surrounding the Pisces jade pendant were tens of thousands of ghost hands, with sharp nails glowing blue-black.

Zong Qi saw that his grandfather's body was gradually being corroded, and the flesh and blood turned into fluid dripping down, exposing the white bones. Seeing that the ghost claws had left countless bloodstains on his body, he still gritted his teeth and stood there stiffly, like a giant who would never fall down.

"Don't look! Go!"

He was pulled out of the gate of hell with his eyes open like this, and he saw the stars and moon outside the Death Valley sky that had not yet set, and saw the distant sky gradually whitening, blue sky and white clouds, beautiful rivers and mountains, and the vast land gradually awakening.

The sound of the system sounded coldly.

[The filming of the big script "Pisces Jade Pendant" has ended, the number of remaining openings: 1]

[After the remaining opening times are used up, the reality script will never be able to be opened, please carefully weigh the number of shootings by the director]

Zong Qi finally understands why the gate of hell has never been fully opened even though the movie has not been filmed and the yin and yang in the human world are out of balance for so many years.

Because Zong Jianguo had the authority to direct, he forcibly blocked the gate of hell with his body, which is immune to spiritual damage.

It was blocked 1,768 times for 16 years.