Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 21


Now that it is clear that everything in the tomb is reversed from the traditional tomb, Crow quickly determined the location.

"Let's try not to disturb the peace of the owner of the tomb. Since the villagers said that we can take a treasure up there, let's go to the ear chamber next to the main tomb."

The rest of the actors have no opinion.

So the crow turned around with the team, and touched the ear chamber with ease.

Soon,? They reached their destination.

The outside of the main tomb and the ear chambers are covered with large sheets of wood stacked together, blocking the entire access to the central tomb.

The repairman was surprised: "The yellow sausage problem!"

Huangchangticou is the most commonly used highest fortification in the tombs of emperors before the Zhou and Han Dynasties. The ancients used huge cypress trees to fasten them together tightly and built them around the coffin.

If you want to open the central tomb, you have to remove these cypress logs. However, the placement of the cypress trees is very particular. The load-bearing capacity of each tree is very fixed, and some are connected to the load-bearing wall above the tomb. Violent destruction will only turn the entire main tomb into ruins in an instant.

This is really strange,? A remote mountain village, even if it was once prosperous in the ancient tribe, it is still too exaggerated to use such high-standard fortifications.

As the crow touched the cypress wood that was almost glued together for many years, countless questions arose in his heart.

Huang Mao rubbed his hands: "What are we still doing standing here? Take it back quickly,? Standing in someone else's tomb all the time, how unlucky."

"Yes, yes."

Master Wang, who was trembling all the way, quickly agreed, he wished to go out early.

Indeed, compared to this unknown tomb, the empty coffin above is more worrying. The others didn't bother anymore, they rummaged through the floor of the ear room one by one, and picked up a random accessory.

The real funerary objects in this kind of large tomb are generally placed in the coffin of the main tomb, and only some less precious and valuable objects are placed in the ear chamber.

However, the owner of this tomb has a very rich family background, and the funerary objects placed in the ear chamber are very good, including silver ornaments and jade, many of which are unique in style, and have long been lost in history.

Master Wang looked at it, and couldn't help but secretly put a few more in his pocket.

With so many treasures in front of him, anyone would be tempted, let alone him. Besides, the villagers above are not wearing the things they fished out of the tomb themselves, so he might be able to transfer a fortune after the filming is over. You must know that the income of cracking down on counterfeit anchors is not as stable as that of ordinary anchors.

Just as he was furtively putting on things, Master Wang suddenly let out a short scream.

His voice trembled: "On my head, something just swept over my head!"

Hearing what Master Wang said, all the actors stood ready for battle. However, when they looked up with flashlights, they could only see the dark dome and nothing.

The repairman was a little impatient: "You won't have hallucinations again, will you?"

This is not the first time Master Wang has done this. A few days ago, when the villagers carried coffins and smashed people to death, he also stood aside and yelled, saying that he had bugs on his palms, but when the repairman rushed to check, he found nothing.

This happened more than once, and it happened several times later.

At the beginning, the repairman thought there was a supernatural event, and he was tense for several days. Later, he thought that the new actor might be suffering from schizophrenia.

Otherwise, how to explain that he sees what others don't see

"Yes, yes, there is a fart, and you know how to shake the morale of the army here."

So again and again, the repairman is also annoyed.

It was almost the third act, and his current performance value is far from 70%, which is more than 20%. It is simply impossible to improve in less than 12 hours .

In such an already stressful environment, people's emotions are naturally prone to irritable and irritable. The repairman also lost his friendliness to the newcomers at the beginning of filming, and gradually revealed his true nature.

Fear quietly gnawed away at his heart, tightening it like a clenched fist.

The repairman remembered that when he first made a movie, several newcomers in the team didn't take the senior actors' advice to heart at all because no one died in the first two scenes.

Later, when their necks were broken one by one in front of him, and the scarlet sticky blood was sprayed on the repairman, he realized that all of this was real.

A horror movie that actually exists and is in the making!

If it really doesn't work, that's the only way to do it. Fortunately, it's not too difficult to complete...

The mechanic glanced nonchalantly at the person next to him.

After the senior actor said this, Master Wang also began to doubt himself.

Except that the crow kept an eye on it, he didn't take it to heart.

After a while, everyone had something in their hands and was about to go back home. Master Wang jumped up again.

"There really is something."

With a mournful face, he said, "Just now, ice coldly swept across my neck."

Before the words were finished, a clear and tragic sound suddenly came from the depths of the tomb, echoing in the silent corridor.

"Ah, there is a ghost, everyone, run away!"

Anna was surprised: "This is the voice of beating workers."

Immediately afterwards, they saw the black-haired young man rushing towards the other side of the tomb passage with a flashlight, his expression panicked and terrified.

"What are you still doing, run away!!!"

crow:"... ... "

I was shocked at first, but after I calmed down, I felt something was wrong, and it was useless to stand still.

Zong Qi's acting skills are really too exaggerated.

He is usually courageous, and he doesn't understand the expression of fear well.

It's a pity that this trick is really easy to use, especially when shooting horror movies with a dark background, Zong Qi's voice is simply echoing, and it immediately arouses the fear hidden in everyone's heart.

As if to add credibility to the black-haired youth, there was a sudden sound from the depths of the tomb.

Zong Qi, who rushed to the front, applauded Xiaohong crazily in his heart.

Assisting staff cannot appear under the camera. The camera specifically refers to the places that each actor can see, so when it went to scare Master Wang, it also chose the method of creating dreams with yin energy.

Just now Zong Qi and Xiaohong made a plan and decided that he would be responsible for the cover. Xiaohong made some noise in the tomb to scare the actors out of the tomb as soon as possible.

Now no one knows when the sealed ghost in the tomb will wake up, anyway, we have to get the person out first.

So one person and one ghost hit it off, and the two together started to perform such a good show.

Zong Qi ran first, and then asked Xiaohong to make some noise.

They are about to enter the second phase of their planning.

A gust of wind blew through the air.

The light of the flashlight suddenly flashed a few times, then went out silently.

Surrounded by darkness.

"Why did the lights go out?!"

Compared with Zong Qi calling out ghosts just now, this sudden situation is obviously more convincing now.

Master Wang was the first to jump up from the ground: "Ah, run!"

The first person ran, and of course it was difficult for the people behind to stand still, so they also ran towards the exit.

No one wants to be the one left alone.

The repairman wanted to rush to the front, but unfortunately, he soon saw that he had deducted 1% of his deductive value, his heart skipped a beat, and he turned around quickly.

Anna put her hands on her stomach, and she was faithfully playing the role of her pregnant woman, far at the end.

No matter what the repairman's card secret is, at least on the surface, he is still a boyfriend who has a deep affection for Anna.

So he had no choice but to grit his teeth and run back, supporting Anna, "I'm sorry dear, I panicked and forgot about you and the baby in my stomach."

This time, the two fell to the back of the line.

Anna was immersed in her role, not noticing that the man's arm was getting stronger and stronger against her.

All emotions are magnified in the dark, especially in such a gloomy environment.

Everyone is staring at the only light source at the mouth of the well in the distance, relying on this to identify the way.

Now no one can see who is who, quietly, the direction of someone's running gradually shifted.

The crow ran and stopped suddenly.

Around him, the noisy footsteps were getting farther and farther away.

No, he seems to have been spinning in circles.

Obviously they ran to the middle of the corridor, and when they took a closer look, they didn't seem to move at the same place.

A beam of cold light came from the mouth of the well in the distance. However, this light always maintained a fixed distance, no matter how far he had just run, it was still that far away.

I'm afraid it's a ghost hitting the wall.

The man's face was serious, and he still didn't understand why the things in the dungeon chose him alone out of a group of people, but at this moment, he really didn't allow him to think about it.

"Yellow hair?"

He took two steps back on the spot, calling out the names of his teammates, and when he didn't get a response, he put his fingers on the Ouroboros tattoo on his wrist.

Little is known about the actual purpose of this tattoo.

The reason why the Ouroboros organization can survive in the world of actors is because the organization has a prop that only exists in legends.

——The S-level item Yemengade produced in the top copy of "Pisces Jade Pendant".

Jormungandr is a giant snake in Norse mythology, which is similar to the alchemical symbol Ouroboros. This prop can leave a special Ouroboros mark on a person.

Within ten seconds of activating the mark, no matter what kind of fatal injury, even if the head is twisted off, it will return to its original state after ten seconds.

One can imagine the significance of Yemengard to the whole world of actors.

The number of props is too scarce, at least it is possible to come into contact with a B-level actor or above, not to mention that these props are far inferior in terms of functionality.

Only members of Ouroboros are eligible to be granted the mark of Yermungandr. Having this mark is equivalent to gaining an extra life.

Crow cautiously pays attention to the movements around him.

As long as there is something wrong, he will immediately activate the imprint.

C-level actors naturally know better than repairmen and yellow hair.

Ghosts kill people, often in an instant.

In many cases, it is just a time to meet each other, maybe even the ghost's face can't be seen, and the head is already in a different place.

Fortunately, ghosts and ghosts will always have omens before they appear.

For example, the air suddenly becomes cold, such as the surrounding environment suddenly dimming, and then such as strange sounds and so on.

Soon, the crow felt something sweeping down from the top of its head.


His eyes were fixed, and the Yemengard mark on his wrist immediately emitted a black and ominous light.

In the next second, the black hair surging in the darkness wrapped around his neck and upper body, dragging him into the air.

A cold mechanical voice sounded in the air.

"A member of the Ouroboros organization, offering a nine-figure reward for tracing the real identity of the director?"

Xiaohong held the mobile phone that Zong Qi gave her, hung in the air and pressed the play button boredly.

Zong Qi learned this trick of playing tricks from Chen Hongyi and Ouroboros on the phone in the mental hospital, and now the crow's face suddenly changed, obviously it was quite easy to use.

Crow's heart was already surrounded by shock at this moment.

He knows better than anyone else that this is definitely not a condition that can be achieved by manpower.

Horror film director can command and manipulate ghosts!

If this is discovered by the organization... The consequences will be disastrous!

He made a decisive decision without hesitation, and directly showed his hole cards.

"Cough cough cough...Mr. Q, no offense intended, I am not a real member of the organization."

"Secret mobile team worker number 0052, code-named W, is an undercover agent in the Ouroboros organization during the latent mission numbered S67."

The author has something to say: Crow: Unexpectedly, I am actually an undercover agent!