Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 25


"Give me back... give me back my baby..."

The mournful female voice moved from far to near, as if breathing close to his ear, causing goosebumps.

Zong Qi stood there stiffly.

He found that his thinking was wrong from the beginning.

If it was Anna who died, then Master Wang should not have mother Gu in his body.

If the mother Gu was on Master Wang? Master Wang died, so why didn’t the underground Anna die? Why is there only one less surviving actor.

The light from the well head came in, and covered the bluestone road with a layer of hoarfrost, just like Zong Qi's mood at the moment.

Zong Qi took a deep breath, and suddenly turned around.

Anna, who had drooped her head before, raised her head. Her black hair was loose, and her pupils turned ashen white with an ominous color.

"Son, where is my child..."

She grabbed Zong Qi's back, pinched her fingertips deeply into her back, and her voice changed sharply.

No matter how slow Zong Qi reacted, he came back to his senses at this time.

In Anna's current state,? I'm afraid she has been possessed by a ghost!

Long before he started reshooting, the hand and hair hanging by the well probably belonged to Anna as well.

Is it because she is too immersed in the character design, or because she is a pure yin body

The black-haired young man was sweating coldly, and reached out to break her fingers.

The other party's fingers were unbelievably cold,? Obviously not the temperature that a living person should have, and the nails turned blue and white. The wet hair was stuck to Zong Qi's palm, and it felt chilly.

Zong Qi could clearly feel the sharp pain in his back being pinched.

His heart was pounding, and he understood the danger of the current situation.

As of now, the current surviving actor on his pupil is still 7.

This means that after the underground things possessed Anna, her life was not in danger.

In the case that Zong Qi no longer has the authority to retake it again,? This is a blessing in misfortune.

But these days it's not the biggest concern anymore, it's...

Anna in this state wondered if she would be judged as a supernatural existence by the system. Zong Qi recalled the previous two times when the ghost was weakened as soon as he approached him, and then looked at the unchanged hand on his body, feeling a little uncertain in his heart.

If the possessed Anna is still Anna in the eyes of the system, wouldn't she be in danger

The black-haired young man pretended to be calm and said, "Well, can you take your hand away first?"

Those white pupils stared at him for a long time, just when Zong Qi thought he was about to splatter blood on the spot, 'Anna' finally spoke slowly, word for word.

"Take my hand... off?"

"Yes." Zong Qi nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Let's talk slowly if we have anything to say, and I will try my best to help you if I can."

He said while staring at the countdown time on the pupil.

With four minutes left, the movie will be wrapping up.

As long as the last time can be delayed, it is victory.

Being stared at by this pair of eyeballs, even Zong Qi couldn't help but feel hairy in his heart, wondering if he could use the trick of fooling himself this time to get away with it.

'Anna' looked at him quietly, and just when Zong Qi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she suddenly pulled a smile on her flesh.

That smile didn't contain much emotion, no coldness, no contempt, or even any meaning, but it was enough to make one's hair stand on end.

In an instant, cold sweat dripped down Zong Qi's back.

There was a rustling sound of crawling in the corridor.

Thousands of densely crawling corpses fissioned and multiplied under the nourishment of ghost energy, and gradually filled the entire passage.

They spread their wings and rushed towards Zong Qi, encircling him in the center, looking like a huge black cocoon from a distance.

Zong Qi's scalp was numb.

Although he is not afraid of bugs, who can resist so many bugs coming up at once? !

Fortunately, these worms are different from the possessed Anna. They are all zombies. They are awakened by ghost energy from a ossified state, and they are not living things. No matter how many there were, they couldn't get close to Zong Qi's body, but were burnt in mid-air as they flew over, giving off an unpleasant smell.

However, when Zong Qi was dealing with these corpse voodoo, 'Anna', who drove the voodoo worm, didn't look at him again, but spread her hands and pressed down.

The ghostly energy pouring in from the ground lifted her up out of thin air, floating in mid-air, and slowly flew out of the well.

There are three minutes!

The black-haired young man retreated step by step with difficulty, and retreated to the stairs dug out of the well wall. He climbed up with both hands and feet, and shouted loudly at 'Anna' who was flying out.

Under his feet, tens of thousands of swarms piled up, and the black well water spewed and overflowed.

"Calm down first! Wait, didn't you say that you are going to find your child, I know where your child is!!!"

He opened his arms to stop the Gu insects from flying up, and the gray-black insect mist exploded around him like fireworks, turning into fine black sand and sprinkled into the ground.

At this moment, the people outside the well also noticed the abnormality.

Master Wang collapsed on the ground, foaming at the mouth.

He had just been fed an unknown amount of special tobacco, and at first he was able to verbally express his resistance, but in the end he was held down by the villagers collectively, and he really vomited a bunch of worms, his face pale.

Villagers holding torches gathered in the center and processed the vomited Gu worms.

"Why hasn't the mother Gu spit it out yet? Keep feeding!"

Just when they were anxious to continue stuffing the tobacco, when they finally saw Master Wang vomit out a long wriggling worm, the ground suddenly began to tremble crazily.

"what happened?"

Everyone stood there in amazement, and gradually some people saw that something was wrong at the mouth of the well.

There, a gray insect mist mixed with dust floated up, spread out on the dark ground, and thick ink dripped into the scalding white water.

Pale fingers rested on the edge of the well one by one, and wet black hair crawled out.

Just when everyone held their breath and retreated in fright, the finger suddenly trembled for a moment, and suddenly retracted.

Everyone: "???"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what was going on now.

There was a steady stream of black mist coming out of the mouth of the well. No one dared to go up to see what happened at this moment, so they had to stand still and wait and see the next development of the situation.

If they could see it, they would probably be surprised.

Now Zongqi can be said to be in dire straits.

He was yelling crazily at the bottom just now, and activated the gibberish skill, trying to delay the three minutes, but just halfway through the yelling, he suddenly saw 'Anna' who had already walked to the mouth of the well and lowered his head.

At the same time, those Gu worms that were rushing frantically also stagnated in mid-air, and even showed signs of retreating to the bottom of the tomb passage.

After being possessed by the wraith, the white dress on Anna's body floated up, and the shadow on the ground became much lighter. It seemed that it was much more difficult to communicate with than the ghost in red, and she was not on the same channel at all.

The black-haired young man smiled and waved his paw at her: "... Hi?"

Although I don't know why the other party stopped suddenly, but in these three minutes, it was more timely than putting out the fire.

Zong Qi frantically searched for a topic, "Ahahaha, lady, do you want to come and have a chat? There may be some misunderstanding."

Unexpectedly, 'Anna' fixedly looked at him with the whites of her eyes, and suddenly cried.

Two lines of viscous blood and tears were drawn on the pale skin to the chin, falling drop by drop.

"My child, my child, mother can't find you."

"Do you know where my baby is?"

She made a hoarse voice from the depths of her throat, and she fished down with her pale hands. At this moment, her petite and exquisite figure was infected with a strange force that was completely inconsistent with her appearance, and she lifted the black-haired young man from the stairs like a chick without any effort. .

"... ???"

Zong Qi was grabbed by the back collar of her clothes, with his legs dangling in the air, feeling extremely insecure.

'Anna' was not moved by his struggle, and she cried to herself, "My child, it's your mother's fault, and your mother didn't abandon you on purpose. Those damned people separated our mother and child... Mom hasn't even looked at your face properly yet."

She talked to herself for a long time, until Zong Qi coughed from the cold, and finally looked over with pale pupils.

"You can find my child? Where is my child?"

Zong Qi stared at the countdown to the last two minutes, and began to procrastinate, "Yes, I know about your child. To confirm, I would like to ask what specific characteristics your child has, so that it will be easier to identify."

Sure enough, a feint was very useful, and 'Anna' immediately showed a happy and yearning smile.

"My child is the best child in the world. His body has the same great witch blood as mine. He is very cute, well-behaved, and very quiet."

Zong Qi: "..."

Said does not mean not said!

I don't know if I saw the guilty conscience hidden under the surface of the black-haired young man, and his eyes rolled back to him again: "Where did you say my child is? Then why didn't you take me to find him... Are you lying to me?"

Obviously, this guess angered the wraith in Anna's body.

The voice in her throat suddenly became aggressive, the corners of her eyes raised, and her black body suddenly burst into a ghostly aura.

Zong Qi's pupils trembled: "How could I lie to you, I will take you to find him right now."

"You're lying to me."

'Anna' turned a deaf ear.

There is no reason to talk to a female ghost. There is no horror movie in which the protagonist wins the female ghost by talking about it. Do you think Kaya Sadako will reason with you before killing you

Her wet black hair was so angry that its roots fluttered, stained scarlet, and her eyes were tearing apart.

In the next second, the corpse gu that had just finally stopped was buffed with another wave of damage, the bottom of the well trembled wildly, and those dry water splashed out from the cracked ground, pouring Zong Qi's head and face.

'Anna' stretched out her hand and strangled the black-haired young man's neck.

It seems that the previous speculation has come true.

Zong Qi thought bitterly.

He saw that the current surviving actors have not changed, which means that the possessed Anna is not dead yet, and the wraith can also use her body to hurt the director.

In the last minute, the time passed so long, so long that it was suffocating.

Zong Qi was so cold that his teeth were chattering, and he kept closing his fingers around his neck. He could only watch helplessly as the ghostly aura raged and his scream value rose wildly.

No, if you don't do any showy operations, I guess I have to explain it here today.

At the critical moment, he gritted his teeth and shouted in despair.


"Mom!! I am your son!!! Very good, very quiet, cute and obedient!!!"

The author has something to say: August is here!

According to the agreement, this month, Yue Ya Ya's traditional performing arts nutrient solution plus update activity is coming again (you)

The 6k nutrient solution adds a new chapter on the basis of the daily update, and there is no upper limit!

After chasing the cuties in the previous serials, you should know that crows usually add more nutrient solution on the same day _(:з」∠)_

So - if you want to press this author in front of the computer every day, everyone is welcome to feed this article in vain this month! ! !


Today's shareholders meeting~