Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 5


With the start of the system countdown, a crimson time reminder appeared on the top of Zong Qi's eye sockets, and it fell within the nine-minute interval after a while.


On the other side, in the dark and abandoned toilet, the sound of the hammer hitting the nail was very clear.

The black-haired young man leaned against the scorched black wall, his chest heaved, and he began to think quickly.

He went back to ten hours ago.

Soon, the murderer who nailed the head to the door of the cubicle will come out and stand outside his door.

Knowing in advance that there is a murderer outside, the most appropriate way to save life is of course to open the door and run now.

It will take some time before the murderer comes out, and Zong Qi is still in the first compartment, and there is a long distance between the last compartment, and now he is not afraid of being caught up when he runs out, and he can escape the danger smoothly.

But he can't.

Zong Qi breathed out lightly, and tightly clenched the Swiss Army Knife in his hand.

The murderer and the forces behind the murderer could accurately plant and frame him without seeing his face. Zong Qi guessed that since he could perjure himself, he must have a direct connection with the forensic doctor who came to the scene. After all, he and the forensic doctor fought at the door. After a face-to-face meeting, even if he pushes the door and runs out from here, it is difficult to ensure that he will not return to the previous story progress.

According to this logic, even if he ran away, the organization could make him a scapegoat. In a modern society with so many police officers, it is impossible for Zong Qi to run away and hide for a lifetime.

The most important thing is that he didn't have any crimes at all, so why should he be involved in a murder case? Why don't the bad guys get the punishment they deserve

There is only one way.

Zong Qi knew it, and looked down at the saber in his hand.

This knife was very short, and he carried it with him for fear that Tan Ling would encounter some accidents. At most, it could only be used as an auxiliary tool for cutting ropes.

However, the murderer had not only a hammer, but also a dagger. The dagger was the ironclad evidence that Zong Qi's fingerprints were found later when the police collected evidence.

It is absolutely impossible to fight recklessly, and we must find another way.

Zong Qi returned to the horror film director system, and turned to the points column.

All the products in this column can only be drawn. Coincidentally, the first draw will cost exactly 100 points, which is Zong Qi's entire net worth today.

But there are not only [head lowering technique] [acupuncture] [opening yin and yang eyes] such an awesome ability, but also [an ordinary dagger] [exorcism spell without the slightest bright spot] [use it once A vacuum cleaner that breaks] [a broom that I don’t know what it is for] A strange prop that is useless at first glance.

Of course, if you get supernatural props, you will probably be here today.

Zong Qi can only count on himself to help him.

"Blessed by the elder brother of the Supreme Lord Jesus Christ Buddha, if I can get rid of my grievances today, Xinnan would like to be a vegetarian for half a year and never touch meat!" '

He worshiped all the gods he heard about in his heart, and then tremblingly pressed the extract button.

[Drawing... ... please wait... ... successful extraction]

[Acquired Grade B Ability Intermediate Hypnotism]

[Because the props are rare, the points required for the next drawing will be increased to 500 points]

Hypnotism? Good stuff!

Zong Qi whistled in his heart, and hurried over to check the detailed information of this B-level item.

[Intermediate hypnotism: It can only be activated when it is in physical contact with the hypnotized person, and it cannot exert a suggestion effect. The duration is three seconds, and the cooldown time is three hours]

Zong Qi's eyes lit up.

Although this ability is not an offensive method, it is really good for assisting. If used well, it can even be called a nirvana.

Of course, the premise is to use it well.

What is more troublesome is the limitation of having to touch the body. He not only has to count the time well, but also has to create enough opportunities for himself.

Zong Qi was thinking in his heart while learning this new skill.

This seemingly unscientific skill quickly turned into a ray of light and sank into the center of his brow. Zong Qi was enveloped in a mysterious and mysterious feeling, making him quickly understand the method of using hypnotism in his heart.

Having seen a big battle going back in time, this kind of waving hand to learn a skill is nothing at all, Zong Qi didn't even bat an eye.

7 minutes left on the countdown.

Because it is a repeat, the scream value and the progress of the script have not changed.

Soon, the beating of the hammer finally stopped, and then, the door was pushed open exactly as in memory.

Footsteps began to approach.

Zong Qi could clearly hear the beating of his heart in his chest, which gradually coincided with the footsteps outside.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

After dialing 110, he put the phone directly into his pocket, clasped the extinguished flashlight in his left hand, and put his finger on the key tightly. The other hand held the knife on the lock on the back of the compartment door.

Grandma, please bless me.

Zong Qi prayed in his heart, and his fingers twitched unconsciously.

"Open the door and borrow some paper."

A sinister and ugly voice sounded in the silent bathroom.

This voice is no less than unforgettable to Zong Qi.

So the black-haired young man turned his back, raised the volume, and unscrewed the door lock without any trace, "What did you say? I can't hear you clearly."

The man outside was also taken aback by the unreasonable answer, "I said—"

It was too late to say, but it was so fast, at this moment, Zong Qi suddenly pushed the compartment door forward.

He used nearly 10% of his strength to make the thin wooden boards creak under the weight of the load, which was no less than blasting/breaking in the dead silent abandoned hospital.

Before Chen Hongyi could react, the pushed door slammed back, and he staggered backwards along the force.

However, this is not the end.

Immediately afterwards, the black-haired youth swept over and kicked him, who was still standing still, against the wall.

Under the successive changes, no matter how slow he was, Chen Hongyi would have realized that the visitor was not kind.

Where exactly did the news leak

"Which organization are you from? How dare you fight against us?"

After a moment of astonishment, he quickly adjusted his figure and stood firm against the wall, his face as gloomy as water.

"National Security Secret Service? Secret mobile team?"

Zong Qi sneered, "Ask your father and my organization? Have you ever heard of the Communist Youth League? Have you felt the light of righteousness shining on you, a heinous rebel?"


Chen Hongyi was furious: "Are you making fun of me?"

In the next second, the man raised the blood-stained dagger in his hand, the tip still had the minced meat left by cutting off the wax and human tissue just now, and rushed towards him.

Zong Qi's face was serious, the live broadcast support in his hand was easily cut down, and he had no choice but to back away.

"I thought you were on some kind of path, but I didn't expect it to be a wax gun head."

After a few moves, Chen Hongyi realized that the opponent not only had no weapons, but also had very little fighting experience, so he immediately relaxed.

He showed a bloody sneer at the black-haired young man, "Since you bumped into it yourself, you can't blame anyone."

"Too much nonsense."

Zong Qi pretended to be brave, but in his heart he quickly made a decision not to fight hard.

Not only in strength, but also in terms of weapons, skills and physical qualities, he is inferior to this perverted killer.

Although the murderer was caught off guard by the sudden push of the door just now, but because he had to hurry up to get out of the compartment, the door panel also became an obstacle, and he failed to make physical contact with the murderer immediately, which was considered a mistake. In addition, the Swiss Army Knife in his hand was too short. Compared with the dagger in the opponent's hand, he looked like a child wielding a knife and a gun in front of an adult. There was no comparison.

It really made Captain Gao right.

He really should learn some self-defense skills, karate and taekwondo must be arranged.

If he can survive this time, Zong Qi must report to the police station every day.

"Ring ring ring ring ring..."

They were halfway through the call when the phone rang in the murderer's pocket.

Everything was the same as what Zong Qi had experienced.

The man pressed the hands-free button casually, and continued to approach him with a smirk.

Of course, a skilled hunter would not pay attention to unarmed prey.

Further back is outside the toilet door.

Now that he has steadily drawn the murderer's hatred, the police will not be able to reach the scene for a while, and they can only rely on themselves.

Zong Qi made a decisive decision and made a very dangerous move—

He turned on the flashlight and shook it wildly at the murderer's eyes, and threw the short saber in his hand out through the air.

With such a flash of the flashlight, Chen Hongyi lost his vision in an instant, and was accidentally stabbed in the thigh by the knife thrown by the black-haired youth.


Hearing the murderer's screams, Zong Qi didn't take a step forward to pursue the victory, but turned around and ran towards the door.

Because of this episode, there was another distance between the murderer and him.

This distance is enough for him to run out the door, and then make some small movements under the cover of darkness.

"Oh shit."

Chen Hongyi viciously pulled out the saber stuck in his leg.

He knew in his heart that the other party had no weapons now, and he was no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, so he grabbed the hammer and limped towards the door.

The other side of the phone heard the accident.

The voice processed by the voice changer from the hands-free button is mechanical and indifferent: "Mission completed?"

"... ... finished."

"What? There was an accident?"

The person on the other end of the phone turned a blind eye to Chen Hongyi's voice which was distorted by the pain, and asked questions condescendingly.

"A damn little bug in the way, just give me a moment... !"

A sneer came from the loudspeaker: "The bug in your mouth has already called the police. The police are on their way and will arrive in ten minutes."

Obviously, this sentence touched Chen Hongyi's precarious nerve.

His hand with the hammer was bruised. In my heart, I wished I could chop that little black-haired brat into pieces and kill him on the spot.

The person on the other end of the phone sneered: "Leave the aftermath to the logistics. Hurry up. If you are caught in, the organization will not help you, the bottom cleanup person, to deal with the aftermath."

A series of busy tones that were unilaterally hung up came from the receiver.

"Fuck, it's a dog that relies on people's power."

Chen Hongyi cursed, took a deep breath on the spot, and reluctantly walked out.

He wasn't a fool either, although he was so angry that he was still ready to evacuate.

No matter how powerful the organization is, it will be difficult to deal with it if it is really caught in the police. At least the organization will never spend a lot of effort to fish out this low-level member.

Besides, with such an interruption, the little bug just didn't know where it went.

The more Chen Hongyi thought about it, the angrier he became, and he became furious with impotence.

Forget it, since the organization will come forward to deal with the aftermath, the black hair is probably the fate of the scapegoat.

As a result of his failure in the mission, he did not cut it with his own hands, but filled that head with white wax, it was really difficult to relieve the hatred in his heart.

"You are lucky, let you go, bad luck."

He spat and walked out the door with the hammer in his hand.

It was pitch black outside, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The sealed iron windows have long blocked the light of the entire abandoned hospital, only the white light leaking at noon at the end of the corridor is faintly visible.

Chen Hongyi bowed his head while cursing, ready to turn on the flashlight on the back of the phone.

As a result, at the moment when he bowed his head, a gust of wind suddenly brushed past him.

Before Chen Hongyi could react, he was crushed and fell to the ground.

"You fucking..."

He froze for a moment, then became furious.

The black-haired guy hasn't left yet!

In fact, it's not because Chen Hongyi couldn't think of it. When a normal person encounters a murder scene in the toilet and has no weapons in his hands, compared to the situation where the murderer has no chance of winning, the first reaction is definitely to run. Not to mention that Zong Qi threw his only weapon before running away. No matter how you look at it, it meant buying time for escape.

As a result, not only did Zong Qi not run away, but he also squatted at the door of the toilet under the cover of the ringing of the bell, waiting for the other party to relax his vigilance and kill him with one blow.

Because Zong Qi knew very well in his heart that if he didn't hand over the murderer's uniform to the police today, then the day when his grievances would not be cleared up.

"That's right, I've been waiting to kill you, scumbag."

The black-haired young man was caught off guard and threw him to the ground. He endured the pain of hitting the hammer head-on with his palms, and coldly punched the murderer on the bridge of the nose, causing Chen Hongyi's nose to bleed.

Inexplicably being used as a scapegoat, Zong Qi's anger value has already exploded.

If he hadn't met him with the director system, wouldn't it be a waste of life to change someone else

[Hypnotism has been activated]

In the next second, Chen Hongyi's eyelids drooped, and the hammer he raised just now fell to the ground with a bang.

"Bring it to you!"

Zong Qi quickly picked up the dropped hammer, knocked down the dagger in his hand, and slapped the back of his neck with a knife.

This trick was learned by Zong Qi following the TV series. It is said that cutting vigorously on the main artery of the neck can make people fall into a temporary faint.

Three seconds is fleeting. Although it is short, there are too many things that can be done.

Three seconds before the murderer was fully armed, three seconds later he was empty-handed.

Chen Hongyi resisted the buzzing sensation in his head and bloodshot eyes, "You..."

Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly felt a severe pain in the back of his head, his vision went dark, and he collapsed to the ground like mud.

"You what you? Trash stuff."

In the darkness, Zong Qi stepped on his chest and weighed the heavy hammer in his hand, "The TV dramas are indeed deceptive, and you have to smash them to be safe."

Perhaps Chen Hongyi's dizziness was not thorough enough, Zong Qi squatted down very simply to mend it a few times.

The back of his head was bleeding, so he wouldn't be beaten to death, but it would definitely be fine if he fainted for a while.

After all this is done, only the last thirty seconds of the ten minutes remain.

Correspondingly, after experiencing such a thrilling life-and-death struggle, and getting new clues, the scream value directly passed the 300 mark, and the exploration progress of the script of "Mental Hospital" has also been pushed to 75%, which is considered a big sentence. good harvest.

Panting heavily, Zong Qi dragged the man to a corner. After finishing all this, he was blown by the wind passing through the hall, and finally realized that his whole body was covered in cold sweat, and his hands were shaking unconsciously.

"You should go back when the countdown reaches zero... This is the last chance, please don't make any mistakes."

Follow the direction and soon the police will arrive.

Although Zong Qi has successfully captured the murderer on the spot, the mysterious organization behind the other party is still hidden in the shadows, without the slightest clue.

Zong Qi had no doubts at all. If that organization really wanted to deal with him, even if he put these evidences in front of the police, the other party could still cheat and distort the facts.

All he did at the risk of life and death was like a fly shaking a tree, useless.

This realization made Zong Qi powerless and angry, and his nails left deep marks on his palms.

Fortunately, there is also a director system.

When Zong Qi clicked on the backstage just now, he found that it showed that it was in the process of filming, recorded the entire process of going backwards in time, and stated that a real video will be handed over to him after the end.

Of course, there will be a finished film when making a movie, and the director system is responsible for the shooting, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Whenever Zong Qi thought that his understanding of the system was on the fifth floor, when he looked back, he turned out to be on the first floor.

If he comes to a dead end, this ironclad video shot from the perspective of God will be his last card.

"Anyway, I've tried my best, and the next... I'll leave it to fate."

He kept comforting himself, quietly waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

[It's time for reshooting]

The crimson numbers quickly returned to their original point.

Immediately afterwards, everything around him was frozen again.

After standing still for about a second, the color block began to move, wrapping him in the middle like thousands of fragments.

The difference from the last time is that this time the surrounding colors are inlaid with a circle of black and white film. I can't see the specific development of the matter after the re-shooting, but it really makes Zong Qi feel like sitting in the darkroom waiting for the film to be developed. The feeling of entering the key.

Reshooting these ten minutes is like a butterfly flapping its wings, reversing and changing the established future.

The cold light in the interrogation room shone before Zong Qi's eyes again.

[You have returned to the correct time point]