Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 6


[Reshoot has ended]

[You have returned to the correct time point]

Zong Qi was in a trance for a moment.

After this moment of daze, he came back to his senses for the first time.

In front of him was the all-too-familiar interrogation room, with glass windows, iron fences, and cold lights.

Only ten minutes ago he was behind the glass window, this time he is outside the glass window.

Zong Qi looked down at his wrist.

It was empty here, with neither heavy handcuffs nor the red strangle marks left by his desperate struggle.

There are 14 hours and 10 minutes left in the impromptu shooting time displayed on the pupils, just deducting the ten minutes that changed the past.

According to the meaning of the system, he has now returned to the correct time point.

Since he was not identified as a criminal suspect after returning, this should be considered a success, right

Zong Qi was thinking in his heart, and suddenly saw Gao Mu push the door open and enter.


The female police officer was as businesslike as Zong Qi remembered, as if their conversation in the interrogation room was just an illusion.

Zong Qi carefully observed her expression, and finally came to a conclusion.

Reshoots can change the past over time. But after changing the past, except for Zong Qi himself, no one else will have the memory of the original timeline.

"The criminal suspect wanted to see you, and he said that he would only reveal the specific process of committing the crime after meeting you."

Gao Mu, captain of the Interpol, is the person in charge of the case.

The circumstances of this case are quite bad, but because the reporter incapacitated the murderer before the police arrived, the detection speed was also very fast. Although it has attracted some social attention, it is clear that the public is more enthusiastic about unsolved cases than solved ones, and the development of public opinion is still within the controllable range.

I don't know why, but after the resumption of the case, not only the logic but also the time relationship can be explained clearly. But when Gao Mu sorted out the evidence, he always felt uneasy. After thinking about it, he always felt that there was something that had been overlooked, so he came over to make a final confirmation.

The problem is still with the suspect.

He confessed to the crime he committed, but refused to provide any clues, the process of committing the crime and the motive of the crime, which greatly hindered the later recovery.

"Normally we don't allow killers and informants to meet in private... "

Having said that, Gao Mu paused.

Obviously, she also knew that Zong Qi had not only met the suspect, but also knocked the back of the suspect's head to the point of bleeding, which was called bravery.

"You can directly reject the murderer. What he made was an unreasonable request. Don't worry about any bad follow-up effects, and it won't affect our investigation."

Unexpectedly, the black-haired young man readily agreed: "It's okay, let's meet as soon as we meet. Anyway, the evidence is solid, and the death penalty is inevitable. It is my honor to help you."

Puzzled by the other party's cooperative and attentive attitude, Gao Mu didn't say much. After nodding, he signaled the criminal police on the opposite side of the walkie-talkie to bring the prisoner in.

Chen Hongyi was handcuffed and escorted in by two heavily armed criminal policemen.

There were two thick bandages wrapped around his head, his gloomy face was bruised and purple, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

No one at the scene expressed any opinion on his injury, and the criminal police even cast admiring glances at Zong Qi.

For some reason, Chen Hongyi's fingerprints were not included in the fingerprint database, but when he was caught and followed up for comparison, it matched up with several unsolved cases that occurred in the past two years.

No one expected that they had caught a serial killer who had escaped capture many times and was at large.

Even if the crime rate is high, serial killers, a unique product of the United States, are still rare, and they are rare in Haizhou.

For such a vicious prisoner, it is no exaggeration to say that he deserves to die, and the death penalty alone is considered cheap for him.

"You go out, I want to talk to him alone. No matter what questions you ask me after the talk, I will tell you the truth."

Ever since he came in, Chen Hongyi's sinister eyes had been fixed on the black-haired young man opposite the glass window, without any sign of moving.

In view of the fact that the prisoner was not only separated behind glass iron windows, but also wore shackles on his hands, and there was no condition for doing evil at all, Gao Mu readily agreed to his condition, and led the criminal police out of the interrogation room.


The door to the interrogation room was closed.

Zong Qi took the lead and stretched on the spot: "Tell me, what do you want from your father?"

He was not happy with what the people on the other side of the bar looked at, and regretted not punching that person in the face more. Although the future has taken a 180-degree turn after the remake. But Zong Qi still remembered the dazed and frightened mood he felt when he was locked up in the interrogation room not long ago.

Being planted and framed for no reason is simply an innocent disaster.

Without this mysterious horror film system, he might have to spend the rest of his life in prison as a scapegoat. How could this not make Zong Qi angry

Unexpectedly, Chen Hongyi was not provoked by him.

He stared at the young man opposite the glass window with that creepy gaze, and grinned.

"You're not going to end well."

Although what Chen Hongyi said was cryptic, the two people present knew the true meaning of this sentence.


Zong Qi said indifferently, "I have found a scapegoat, and you still want to make the scapegoat willing? Why didn't I know that there is such a good thing in the world. If you don't come to me, it's fine. If you dare to come to me, I will let you go and never return. "

"You little don't even know what you've messed with."

Chen Hongyi sneered and grabbed the iron fence, exhaling hoarsely from the depths of his throat, "Enjoy the last days of ignorance."

"For a greater cause, all my sacrifices are worth it. Soon... you will have no choice but to live and die."

"Then I'll wait."

The black-haired young man didn't bother to talk to him anymore, he turned his head and pressed the call button.


Chen Hongyi was detained again, and when he left, his wild laughter resounded through half of the police station building.

It is undeniable that his words had a great impact on Zong Qi.

No one knows better than Zong Qi, who has experienced the methods of the organization, how powerful the mysterious organization is hidden behind the murderer.

I'm afraid... What he feels is just the tip of the iceberg of the organization.

Although I don't know why the other party didn't stand up for the murderer after the reshoot, but instead allowed Zong Qi to send him to prison, with the appearance of giving up and abandoning his son. But Zong Qi would not naively think that the other party would just let him go like this... Especially after Chen Hongyi swaggered in front of him.

He had to make plans for himself early.

Seeing Zong Qi come out, Gao Mu nodded to him without asking anything.

Zong Qi knew that the police must have some special means to monitor the conversation between him and the murderer in the interrogation room, so he didn't take the initiative to speak.

But Gao Mu didn't ask him, but Zong Qi wanted to ask her something.

The enemies hidden in the dark are dangerous, powerful and deadly. Squeezing him to death might not be much easier than crushing a bug.

It is impossible for Zong Qi to wait for the opponent to set up a situation, he must take precautions in advance.

After expressing his thanks routinely, Gao Mu was about to leave, but he was stopped by Zong Qi.

"Captain Gao, I have something I want to ask you."

Facing her puzzled gaze, the black-haired young man blinked his eyes, "I would like to ask... If there is conclusive evidence, but the logic and time relationship of the murderer is unreasonable, would you How will it be handled?"

As soon as the words fell, Gao Mu's sharp eyes pierced from under the police cap like lightning, and the aura around him suddenly became fierce.

Her expression changed from flat to condensed, which was visible to the naked eye. She looked Zong Qi up and down, and after failing to get any suspicious information from the simple profile, she opened her mouth slowly.

"Sorry, this involves work confidentiality, no comment."

Zong Qi quickly waved his hand, "I have no other intentions."

He knew that Gao Mu was his only breakthrough now, so he gritted his teeth, "Just now the murderer revealed something to me, the main content is about a mysterious organization..."

"The murderer is a member of that organization. He also said that I sent him to prison. The people in the organization will never let me go."

"Mysterious organization?"

Gao Mu retrieved this piece of information, but couldn't figure it out.

She frowned, tapping her fingers in the air unconsciously.

Chen Hongyi kept declaring that he was right. He just cleaned up the dregs of society, killed those who deserved to be killed, and served a "greater cause". The professional interrogator suspected that he had the possibility of guiding the crime behind him. Zong Qi was right when he said so. up.


Zong Qi recalled the murderer's conversation with the mobile phone in the bathroom during the reshoots: "I heard the murderer calling that organization at the scene of the murder, and...they seemed to have a Ouroboros mark."

He looked up at Gao Mu's expression. It's a pity that this police officer is a master at controlling expressions, so he can't see anything at all.

But when the word Ouroboros was mentioned, the pupils of the female police officer with the ponytail shrank suddenly, and her face immediately became extremely ugly.

This is the second time Zong Qi saw such obvious mood swings on Gao Mu's face.

He was about to continue asking, but was interrupted by Gao Mu hastily.

"—this is not something you should be involved in."

Seeing the other party's uncompromising appearance, Zong Qi knew that Gao Mu's path was completely hopeless, so he could not help but sigh silently.

It seems that I have to rely on myself to investigate this matter.

The black-haired young man stroked his hair: "Okay, since I have nothing else to do, I'll go back first. Goodbye, Captain Gao."


Unexpectedly, before Zong Qi could take a few steps, the police officer stopped him again from behind.

"this is for you."

Gao Mu handed over a small card: "It is my private police phone number. If you are in danger next time, just dial this number."

"Thank you for everything you said, these are very valuable clues and information."

She stood there and gave a military salute, then slowed down her tone.

"Some things are not that I don't want to tell... It's just that knowing too much in many cases is not a good thing. You are still a student and shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing."

"Of course." Gao Mu said after deliberation: "If you happen to meet someone with the Ouroboros logo tattooed on his wrist... please be sure to stay away and let me know as soon as possible. Private request."


Zong Qi clearly remembered that when he was fighting with Chen Hongyi, he didn't see any similar marks on the opponent's wrist, except for the marks deliberately left at the murder scene.

Of course, these were all just thinking about it in his heart. After thinking about it, he took the business card.

Zong Qi didn't expect that the business card would return to him once again.

He said, "Thank you, I will if I meet you."

Gao Mu showed an imperceptible smile, "You're welcome, we should thank you. If there are any questions in the future, I will contact you through Jingwutong."

According to the facts, it should indeed be the police who thanked Zong Qi, a righteous young man who not only helped catch the prisoner, but also provided clues.

Only Zong Qi knew in his heart that his thanks were not only for this business card, but also for the female police officer who stood up when everyone believed him guilty and swore by her badge to find out the real culprit.

Thank you for her selflessness, perseverance and kindness.

These are the most precious and rare qualities.


When they walked out of the police station, the setting sun was sinking in the distance, rendering a cluster of fiery red clouds.

Zong Qi stopped in his tracks, and while looking at it, he inevitably felt a sense of a world away.

In less than a day, he experienced being wronged and framed for a murder case, he couldn't explain it, traveled through time, changed the established past, fought desperately with the perverted serial murderer and successfully knocked him out, and finally returned to the correct timeline, Learned from the murderer that a horrible mysterious organization has been eyeing him...

This short ten hours is more exciting than Zong Qi's life in the past 22 years.

Obviously yesterday, he was just a little Tanling anchor running around Jiangzhou holding a mobile phone holder, worrying about his livelihood every day. Today, he is bound to a supernatural horror film system, and he still stumbled back to the director's road of no return without graduating.

After a moment of silence at the gate of the police station, Zong Qi shook his head, turned around and got on the bus home.

"Welcome to take the No. 44 bus of Jiangzhou Bus Group. This bus is heading from Xiayuan to Lijiacun. Please be careful when closing the door. Please walk away when you get off the bus."

"The vehicle is starting, please sit still and support it. The next stop: Guanzi Garden, passengers who get off the bus remember to bring their belongings in advance and prepare to get off the bus."

When he got in the car, it was empty.

Zong Qi chose a seat by the window and sat down, listening to the chatter between the old man and the driver in the front seat, he felt a little drowsy.

"Ouch, driver. You've been on this car for years."

The old man beat his knees, "Since I moved to Jiangzhou from the countryside, I have taken this bus to and from the hospital every day. It costs four yuan for two trips. You only charge one yuan for this car. It's the first time I've seen you in two years. What a conscience!"

The driver smiled: "Master, you have really good eyesight. This is really an old car. It is at least more than ten years old." The buses in Jiangzhou have been updated several times in recent years. At first, each car was equipped with air conditioning, and later it was replaced by electric power. This bus, which has no air-conditioning, burns diesel, and is still severely worn inside, can be classified as an antique.

"The car I was driving had a problem with the electricity. The company took it back to the factory for repairs, so I just found an old retired car to drive. Fortunately, the performance of this car is still good, and there is no problem."

The driver turned the steering wheel, "I'll be driving this antique car for the next few months! But it's strange, even though this car doesn't have air conditioning, it's always chilly in the car, especially when it's the last shift. The one that drives all the way down is called cool, which is much better than the air conditioner.”

The old man was also amazed: "Yes, it's summer, I felt a little cold when I got in the car just now, the weather is really suitable."

[The small script "The Last Train on Route 44" has been unlocked, but the activation conditions have not been met]

Zong Qi was stunned on the spot, and with a jolt, all the sleepy bugs disappeared.

Sure enough, a second poster lit up in the column of the movie script.

On the poster is a bus that has obviously been on for some years, with the words 44 Road painted in red paint on the front.

Not far away, the dim light on the side of the road happened to be projected over, and through the dusty windows, one could still see sparse figures in twos and threes inside the bus.

[Small script, the last train of No. 44, unlocked]

Zong Qi: "..." His back felt chilly.

He has previously studied the script column of the horror film director system. It said that after the unlocking of the big script, the director will be notified a period of time in advance to choose the schedule and arrange actors, but the small script is not necessarily the same, and the small script can be started at any time.

Fortunately, although there is a problem with this bus, the script has just been unlocked anyway.

The most important thing is that his impromptu shooting is not over yet. According to the system rules, Zong Qi will not be attacked by ghosts during the shooting time.

Thinking about it this way, if I get a new impromptu shooting opportunity in the future, I can use it to earn points.


I don't know whether to say good luck or bad luck. Since getting this horror film director system, it has been refreshing Zong Qi's world view every moment. It also allowed his accident physique to be successfully upgraded to the supernatural version of the accident physique.

The black-haired young man put the phone back into his pocket, and looked at the driver's ignorant back with pity.

Soon, the bus will arrive at the next stop.

Zong Qi slid out of the car as quickly as oil on the soles of his feet, resigned to his fate and prepared to spend an extra yuan to change to the next shift.

Although Zong Qi was ready to accept that there are ghosts in the world when he saw the authority of the second director, he didn't intend to verify it himself.



The bicycle tires squeaked and spun, and turned into the old city in the south of Jiangzhou.

Jiangzhou New City is full of high-rise buildings, full of modern commercial atmosphere, luxurious and luxurious. The old city is synonymous with filth and chaos, with sewage flowing and the land filled with scorched black.

Zong Qi turned the car around, turned into a deep alley, and drove towards the depths of the old city.

He temporarily lives in the rental building in the deepest alley.

In the past few years, the development of Jiangzhou has been changing with each passing day. Many young people who want to make a career come here with dreams in mind.

The tube buildings scattered all over the old city became their best choice.

The geography is not remote, there is a subway station just outside the alley, and the price is very low. Although the environment is a bit poor, a single room is enough.

Zong Qi is a salted fish with no dreams mixed in. He is a native of Jiangzhou. I sold the house because I was treating my grandma, and now I live in this kind of short-term cheap house.

The black-haired young man parked his bicycle downstairs and walked up with ease.

The stairs of this tube building are climbing up, twisting and exposing to the air like a centipede, and together with the dirt that has been deposited for decades, they are piled up and meandering to a high place.

Hanging in the corridor are strings of clothes to dry from various households, and colorful flags were raised in the distance, adding a bit of color to this dark and old building with a large area of peeling walls.

Today is destined to be a day full of disasters.

As soon as he walked up to the second floor, Zong Qi saw several garbage bags thrown outside his room.

Upon closer inspection, the bag contained all his belongings.

Zong Qi's belongings were not many, and they were wrapped in black plastic bags and thrown out, which looked like garbage.

"Bang bang bang."

The door of the rental house was closed, and even the lock was replaced. The key in Zong Qi's hand could not be opened at all, and no one answered when he knocked on the door.

The neighbor who wandered out to fetch water saw this scene and told him the whole story.

"Someone came to see the house today, and he paid the rent on the spot. There were no vacant houses in the building, and the landlord and her daughter-in-law brought him directly to your room. She said that if you come back and ask, let me tell you, The landlady's grandma has gone back to the country to recuperate, don't think about taking advantage of it, and tell you to get out."

However, it was not these words that really chilled Zong Qi.

Instead, he suddenly discovered that there was an Ouroboros mark on the lower side of the back of the door.