Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 60


The bathroom was steaming, and the temperature was scorching hot, making people's faces flushed unconsciously.

Who takes a shower early in the morning! The most important thing is that the door is not locked when taking a shower, and I am caught off guard.

According to the normal process,? Accidentally broke into the bathroom where there were people, Zong Qi's first reaction should be to immediately apologize and close the door and leave.

But Zong Qi can't. His eyes were glued to his clothes.

"Ah, yes."

He hastily responded, "I want to come over and get a... uh, brush my teeth and wash my face. I didn't expect someone."

He dared not say that he was here to pick up dirty clothes.

Because Yu Chenxue obviously didn't notice the small dirty laundry basket in the corner of the bathroom, in it was not only the T-shirt Zong Qi wore yesterday, but also a piece of Crayon Shin-chan underpants in the corner.

It's not that Zong Qi wants to buy this style of underwear. After all, it happened to be at a discount when I bought it, it was very cheap, and besides, no one will see the innermost clothes like underwear. Who cares if you wear red underwear, green underwear or floral underwear and leopard-print underwear, as long as you don’t Just wear it like Superman.

So Zong Qi, with the mentality of being cheap and not taking advantage of the bastard, has no burden to replace all the underwear he wears for a year with cartoon characters. In addition to this Crayon Shinchan, there are SpongeBob SquarePants,? Q version of Batman and the like. No one could see anyway, Zong Qi dressed very calmly.

But Professor Yu turned off the water.

If he was still washing, that Zongqi could quickly run over, pick up the clothes and run.

"That's it."

The male voice in the bathroom laughed softly, wondering if he heard Zong Qi's silent cry and prayer, and turned on the shower switch again.

"Clatter la la la..."

The sound of water reappeared in the narrow bathroom, drizzling.

Zong Qi was overjoyed, and immediately rushed forward, lowering his head and reaching for the clothes in the basket.

Unexpectedly, just as he picked up his T-shirt and was about to fish for his underwear, the door of the shower behind him creaked open.

The icy water vapor immediately enveloped Zong Qi's whole body.

"Xiao Qi is still there, so should I come out directly, or can you help me get the bath towel hanging in the closet?"

nonsense! No matter whether he takes his underwear or not, he can't let anyone come out in this situation!

Zong Qi rushed to the wardrobe in a hurry, and sent Yu Chenxue a bath towel.

The latter said with a smile in his voice, "Crayon Shin-chan is very cute."

Zong Qi: "..." was stunned on the spot.

The black-haired young man who had just picked up his underwear shook his hand, and almost threw it back.

After a long while, he tried to retort in a cover-up manner: "This is an accident!"

"A man is a teenager until he dies!"

There was an inexplicable snort from the shower room, and the next second, the thick frosted glass was pushed away.

The man stepped out of it, stepping on his wet body.

He washed his hair, and the soaked long white hair hung wetly on both sides of his cheeks. He only wore a bath towel around his lower body, and his upper body was completely exposed to the air, with criss-cross water marks on his body.

Zong Qi glanced at it and suddenly bubbled with jealousy.

Good guy, he really has abs!

Reminiscent of Professor Yu's extraordinary physical fitness, he usually looks weak when he wears a white shirt. I want to see that people look thin when they wear clothes, and they look fleshy when they take off their clothes. The muscles are clear, and the smooth and fit mermaid line is connected above, each piece is just right, although the skin is sickly pale, but it does not affect the aesthetics at all, full of strength and beauty.

Most importantly, Zong Qi has no doubts about the explosiveness of these muscles.

"Does it look good?" Yu Chenxue asked him with a smile.

"Ah, it looks good... wait!"

Zong Qi raised his head abruptly, vigilantly protecting the clothes in his arms.

"What's the matter?" The professor of psychology took a step closer to him and deliberately asked, "Didn't Xiao Qi say that before going to bed last night?"

Zong Qi stepped back subconsciously, and stammered, "What did I say last night?"

It's not like he really didn't remember. Zong Qi didn't know that shallow hypnosis requires keywords to wake up memory. If Yu Chenxue doesn't remind him, then he will only remember what he said, not the specific content.

Obviously, Yu Chenxue did not intend to let him go so easily.

With a smile on his lips, the psychology professor approached him step by step.

Yu Chenxue, who had just taken a shower, didn't wear glasses, and all the white hair on her forehead was pushed back. Her blue pupils, which were not covered by the lenses, were cold and sharp, revealing a suffocating sense of aggression.

Zong Qi didn't know how to describe it, it felt like...

It seemed that the refinement and gentleness deliberately created by the other party were broken by an inexplicable strength and indifference. It's a matter of course, and it doesn't seem to be out of the ordinary.

"Xiao Qi really doesn't remember what I said last night?"

However, Yu Chenxue's attitude did not change because he took off his glasses, but it did reveal part of his truth.

This inspiration was given to him by Zong Qi last night.

"Professor Yu doesn't seem as gentle as he appears on the surface, but he is still a good person!"

He usually looks carefree, but when it comes to seeing people, this kid is surprisingly sharp.

Maybe it's natural? Yu Chenxue thought seriously.

He weaves a large net and presses forward step by step, waiting for the prey to enter.

"I, I really don't remember."

When Yu Chenxue took a step closer, Zong Qi took a step back until his lower back touched the cold washstand, and hid the clothes in his arms in horror.

"That's it." The man sighed in a low voice, lowered his head and looked directly into the eyes of the black-haired young man.

A strong hormonal smell hits the face, mixed with the clear smell of shower gel after rinsing.

Zong Qi didn't dare to glance down, for fear that the bath towel that didn't look too tight on Yu Chenxue's body would fall off.

"Yesterday Xiaoqi not only praised me for my good looks, but also said..."

The professor of psychology slowly counted his crimes one by one, watching Zong Qi's face gradually change from fluke to shock, and finally a look of bewilderment.

Just when Zong Qi thought he couldn't be more embarrassing, Yu Chenxue calmly dropped a deep-water fish/thunder.

He lowered his voice, like an ambiguous sigh between his lips and teeth: "I like Professor Yu the most."

Zong Qi's face turned red all of a sudden, and he couldn't say a word of rebuttal for a long time.

Fortunately, Yu Chenxue didn't go deep into it until the point was reached, but let him go lightly.

"And I didn't expect that Xiaoqi seems to be worried because of lack of money recently? So thinking about getting the wool of the capitalists after getting the diploma?"

Compared with so many shameful speeches before, this one is simply the most insignificant and insignificant one.

Did he really say this yesterday? help!

Zong Qi turned around in his mind suspiciously, but couldn't find the memory of saying this sentence. However, he also has no evidence to say other bad things about Yu Chenxue himself. After all, these words... It really seems like he can say them.

He is indeed worrying about having no money every day! ! !

"These are all nonsense in my sleep. I can't take it seriously. I slept very well yesterday. Thank you professor for helping me with psychological counseling."

Zong Qi pretended to be calm, "I, if it's okay, I'll leave first."

Yu Chenxue didn't move, and watched the black-haired young man move sideways like a turtle crawling teasingly, and finally moved out of the coverage of his body, and ran out of the house as if flying.

In the end, Zong Qi still couldn't hold back, and kindly raised his voice midway: "Professor, remember to dress well, and be careful of catching a cold!"

When the sound of messy footsteps disappeared in the corridor, Yu Chenxue restrained her smile.

He narrowed his eyes, tapped his fingers lightly on the cold washstand, lost in thought.

The more he got in touch with, the more Yu Chenxue felt that Zong Qi had some similarities with that strange npc he met in the haunted building before.

But with Yu Chenxue's eyesight, even if he didn't see the face of that npc, he knew that he had nothing in common with the black-haired youth in terms of body shape or face shape.

However, once a seed of doubt is planted, it will germinate sooner or later.

The psychology professor casually picked up the mobile phone that was placed aside, edited a secret letter and sent it out.


Zong Qi didn't even eat breakfast, as if a fire was lit behind him, he rushed downstairs with his clothes in his arms.

After returning, Zong Qi simply acted like a turtle.

Especially after he swiped into the circle of friends where he had few friends, he accidentally saw Yu Chenxue, who had never posted a circle of friends and had a simple profile picture like an old man who kept his health all the year round, posted a circle of friends.

[Professor Yu]: Crayon Shinchan is very cute^_^

Zong Qi: "..."

He stared at the smiling expression behind this sentence, and suddenly in his mind, Yu Chenxue took off his glasses, his hair was drenched and draped behind his back, and the water droplets were still rolling on his tall nose, looking at him with a half smile but not a smile.

Zong Qi silently turned off the phone, and said silently in his heart that color is emptiness and emptiness is color, and good-looking people basically cut black.

About two days later, Qi Ningzhou suddenly came to him.

"Brother, I may have gotten into trouble." His tone was very heavy, with a sad expression on his face.

Zong Qi was shocked: "What's the matter, if you have something to say, please speak up, if you can help, I will definitely use both sides."

Just kidding, Master Qi is his highest-level off-site support, so you can go to him whenever you have any problems. Several employees signed with Qi Ningzhou's full support, saying that Qi Ningzhou is half of his basic necessities. That's right.

"Do you remember the last time... I will take you to the ghost market."

Qi Ningzhou sighed: "The client wants to find me to settle his grievances on antiques."

This business is actually quite risky. After all, some antiques are obtained from inverted buckets, and the grievances of the dead are attached to them.

Qi Ningzhou originally didn't intend to accept this order, but the client gave too much, and also produced evidence that the antique was not stolen goods, and bluntly said that his company was bankrupt and poor, and he was relying on this family antique to survive. After much deliberation, Qi Ningzhou still helped out.

As a result, he only recently found out that the family-heirloom antique brought by the client was indeed not obtained by fighting, but was obtained from someone else's house. It has been placed in the yin shrine in the countryside for an unknown number of years, so the ghostly aura hidden in it is naturally not something he can get rid of in one go.

The most frightening thing is that after the client passed through his hands, he shipped the antiques to Nanyang, decorated and packaged them as predestined Buddhist relics handled by eminent monks, and finally shipped them back and sold them at a high price.

"That antique is a baby figurine from the Ming Dynasty, and there may be a baby spirit inside."

The author has something to say: Naturally overcome black belly, Professor Yu is walking in the process of pitting himself in_(:з」∠)_