Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 63


Since the matter was urgent, Qi Ningzhou quickly contacted the client.

After all, the client came to the door again and told him something bad happened in a panic. Most likely the buyer who bought the figurines had an accident, and the consignor must be aware of what happened.

"Yes,? We're downstairs at the Central Hospital. Could you please come down and pick us up? Now the bottom is full of people, so we can't go up."

Qi Ningzhou hung up the phone and stood downstairs with Zong Qi to wait.

After a while, the client, wearing a suit and sweating profusely, got off the elevator on the other side and hurried to them.

Seeing Qi Ningzhou, the client's eyes lit up, and he bowed again and again, almost kneeling on the ground with a plop: "Master, please save me!"

Although Qi Ningzhou was annoyed by the client's deceit, he was inexperienced after all, so he only asked if the other party was an antique from the upside down. Who would have thought that this thing wasn't made by fighting? It's something that has been offered for many years in the yin shrine in the country, which is no different from the yin house in the tomb.

In the final analysis, he was still not cautious enough,? Now in order to deal with the cause and effect, he still has to run errands.

"Don't do this first,? Tell us the specific situation carefully."

"Okay." Seeing that the mysterious master was willing to help, the client nodded hastily, "Then let's take the elevator upstairs first, there are too many people downstairs, and some things are hard to explain."

"Wait, this is..." He looked at Zong Qi.

Qi Ningzhou replied: "This is my friend,? He has a special physique, and I will need his help when doing things later."

As soon as he heard that he was here to help, the client immediately nodded and bowed to thank him: "Thank you, thank you, it's not too late, let's go first."

So he showed the pass record to the staff standing in front of the elevator, and then took two people to swipe their cards to go up to the 20th floor.

The twentieth floor of the Central Hospital is a VIP ward. Because of the demand, many public hospitals have opened up such services, and the corresponding hospitalization fees are also ridiculously expensive. But at least this building can be kept confidential, and many celebrities are willing to pay more to patronize.

After going up to the 20th floor, the noise in the hall below was cut off, and the corridor was quiet, except for the footsteps of nurses at the nurse station walking around with trays and changing dressings for patients in different wards.

The security guard stood guard at the door of the fire exit, and complained in a low voice: "Really, a star lived in... It's not like I haven't lived in it before, and many reporters still want to go up the stairs."

After repeated inspections, the client finally led them outside the VIP ward, stood in the corridor and spoke.

"Actually, it's like this..."

The client used to fight in reverse, and it can be regarded as having licked blood on the tip of the knife. Later, he was caught in the police station, and after he came out, he quit. It turned out that the enemies he had made on the road took advantage of him to get into trouble to avenge his family, only to find out that his family was ruined after he was released from prison.

Without money, the client who has undergone prison reform is unwilling to return to the inverted bucket industry, so he has to use the connections he made before to find some rare objects and wander around in various antique markets, hoping to package himself into reselling metaphysics objects and various A connoisseur of antiques.

This baby figurine was discovered by him when he went to a village before.

That family has lived in the village for generations and is poor, but this treasure is enshrined in the Yin Temple. The client was an expert at any rate, and he could tell at a glance that this baby figurine had a history, so he spent some money to buy it.

He knew that this kind of thing was very dark and needed someone to help get rid of it, but he couldn't afford to hire an expensive master, so he had no choice but to find such a jadeite cabbage like Qi Ningzhou in the place where small advertisements were posted in the streets and alleys.

"Our kind of reselling is all purchased from the mainland, and then shipped to Nanyang to be consecrated by the master. This has never happened before."

Speaking of this, the client also felt very wronged.

Usually, Azan, who would take this kind of order privately, probably wouldn't have much mana, but after all, he had been consecrated, and it would be effective if he sold it after shipping it back.

This kind of business is a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer. Before the buyer buys, the client will also popularize the difference between serious amulet and negative amulet. These people who can't bear it are willing to buy negative cards with great results and take risks.

This has never happened to the negative cards Gumantong he sold before. Only this time when there was an accident and there was such a big commotion, did they come here in a hurry.

Qi Ningzhou frowned: "What's going on?"

"It's like this." The client sighed: "Who bought the baby figurines, I think you already know, Master. But in fact, I was recruited by the agent, not Miss Xue. She... oh, we Let's go in and have a look."

When the client was speaking, Zong Qi also received a system prompt.

[The small script "Ghost Baby" has been unlocked and opened, and has been activated]

[You have entered the shooting range, the exploration progress is automatically switched to "Ghost Baby", the current progress is 10%]

The client knocked on the door of the ward with two people.

"Who is it? Didn't you say that you have an operation tonight, so don't bother me now?"

After a while, a woman's voice came from inside the door.

"Miss Chen, it's me. I brought the master here."

After a while, there was a "beep" from the door.

The door was opened from the inside.

It was the agent Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou who opened the door just now.

Obviously, the play just now in the lower hall was obviously performed for the media. After the nanny car made a circle underground, it secretly sent the agent back through the back door of the hospital.

Standing at the door, Chen Baifang glanced over the two people with scrutiny.

Zong Qi's attire is very casual, but Qi Ningzhou has been wearing his taoist robe and mahogany sword exorcism set, looking... very much like a charlatan.

This can't be blamed on Chen Baifang's stereotype. After all, the masters in the circle usually wear Chinese tunic suits with their hands behind their backs, looking unpredictable. The two in front of them seem to be in their early twenties, and they don't even know whether they graduated from college or not. .

"come in."

Receiving the client's sight, she took a step back and got out of the way.

Qi Ningzhou, who had absolutely no experience in dealing with people, didn't notice the mistrust in the manager's attitude, and walked directly towards the door.

Halfway through, he suddenly frowned, and pulled out the mahogany sword behind him: "This ghostly spirit..."

At the same time, the scream value in Zong Qi's eyes also began to rise little by little.

They looked at each other with a serious look in their eyes.

I didn't think so when I was in the hospital lobby just now. After all, the hospital is a place of life and death every day, going back and forth to the land of yin and yang.

It was only after walking into Xue Youqing's ward that he realized that this spacious VIP ward had long been covered by a ghostly aura of deep resentment, as soon as he stepped in, he could feel extremely cold.

On the hospital bed, a beautiful woman lay there quietly.

Her skin is very fair, and now it is paler than snow. Although he was in a coma, the expression on his face was always depressed and extremely painful.

Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou gasped at the same time.

They saw that on this bed, Xue Youqing's stomach protruded abnormally high, surrounded by cloudy ghostly atmosphere, and a long gray-black umbilical cord, which was invisible to ordinary people, protruded from the ward. go out.

"As you can see, she has become like this now, and she can't wake up at all."

Chen Baifang came over, regardless of the young people and patients in the ward, he stood by the window sill and lit a cigarette.

"I am the agent who has been by her side all the time. I know that although she has a relationship with the boss of the Liu Group, the relationship between them is not enough to have children out of wedlock."

Chen Baifang tactfully explained to the two young people what is meant by a nurturing/supporting relationship.

Chen Baifang knew Xue Youqing well.

She has such a hard-working temper, she dares not to mention this kind of evil thing, after being affected by the scandal, she was depressed for several months, and it was not easy to accept a big production and pay, and she wished she had to sleep all day to finish the trick, how could it be possible What happened at this juncture

"At the beginning, she was too strong, so she took such heretical methods. I tried to persuade her, but she didn't listen. She used to make up her own mind. No, she vomited up and down not long after joining the group, and I asked her carefully, It turns out that I secretly invited the little ghosts from Nanyang."

Having said that, the client could only smile awkwardly.

All the things he sells are sold to the same place, if Xue Youqing gets a reputation here, there is no need to do it in the future.

"There must be something strange about this matter. It has been less than half a month since she joined the filming group, and her stomach swelled up like a balloon."

Chen Baifang glanced at Xue Youqing who was on the bed, with an undisguised disgust on his face: "It's only half a month old, and it's bigger than someone who was pregnant in October. Normal people can see the problem."

Qi Ningzhou asked: "Where is that baby figurine?"

Chen Baifang pointed to the bedside table.

There was a pile of dense spells in the box, and the gray-black baby figurine was placed in the middle.

Tianshi frowned.

When he took the baby figurine to get rid of it a few months ago, he remembered that its facial features were blurred. After all, there is no dedicated person to maintain it. It is good if it can not be broken for hundreds of years.

But now, the facial features of this baby figurine are three-dimensional and vivid, and there is a hostility for no reason.

At first glance, I just feel that the things made of clay are no different from living things, which is shocking.

Qi Ningzhou said in a deep voice: "The contents of this baby figurine are not here, not in the house, and not in her stomach."

"Looking at it now, Ms. Xue should indeed be pregnant in her stomach, and that's why the umbilical cord was pulled out. It's just that the baby spirit is absorbing nutrients. If it is not dealt with in time, the child in her belly may be completely taken over."

The manager didn't speak, and slowly extinguished the cigarette butt: "Little master, you just need to tell me whether this brat can be removed."

"I'm not sure, it depends on the state of the baby spirit after being blessed." Qi Ningzhou said: "In short, you have to find the baby spirit's location first."

"Okay, then go find it."

Chen Baifang nodded, with an impersonal face: "The company has already ordered, and the boss of the Chen family has also written a check. Regardless of whether Xue Youqing is pregnant or not, the child must be aborted whether it is a child of the same blood or a child."

"She has so many endorsements, and she has signed a major production. If something goes wrong, the liquidated damages alone will cost eight figures. We have already scheduled the operation in the second half of the night, stitches in the early morning, and a press conference must be held tomorrow at the latest. Her Lie in a coma on the bed, let other people speak, just ask for a little, the stomach must not be so big."

The author has something to say: Continue to ask for nutrient liquid duck~