Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 65


The space inside the elevator is very narrow. Unfortunately, there are only Zong Qi, Qi Ningzhou and Yu Chenxue in this elevator. They just got on the elevator? Yu Chenxue came down from upstairs.

Speaking of which... Where is the upstairs? It seems to be the VIP ward and the ICU intensive care unit. Professor Yu should come down from above.

"Why is Professor Yu here?"

Zong Qi looked a little embarrassed.

Because of the embarrassing encounters before, he has been avoiding Yu Chenxue for the past few days.

Fortunately, the other party didn't have much contact with each other in their lives outside of the circle of friends they posted.

Zong Qi has already made up his mind, even if he can shoot next time, he will definitely not invite Yu Chenxue with such a high salary, and he will spend even less time in contact with each other.

The professor of psychology caught sight of the embarrassed expression on his face, turned his gaze empathetically, and returned to the document in his hand: "I have something to do at work, so I'll come here by the way."

But only for a second,? His eyes behind the lenses lightly fell on Qi Ningzhou again, with imperceptible displeasure.

Yu Chenxue remembered very clearly that the last time he saw Zong Qi next to this young man in Taoist robes downstairs, the two seemed to have a good relationship. No matter how you look at it, it's an eyesore.

"With friends again? Are you feeling unwell when you come to the hospital?"

Zong Qi quickly replied: "No, I'm here to visit a grandfather,? By the way, my friend has an entrustment here. I'll accompany him to deal with it."

Yu Chenxue curled the corners of her mouth.

He knew that Zong Qi hadn't lied this time.

Just then,? The elevator doors opened again.

Several personnel wearing uniforms with special color schemes walked in, ignored the others in the elevator, and nodded to Yu Chenxue: "Professor Yu."

Zong Qi quietly poked his head out to look, and found that these people who had just entered were obviously very sensitive to sight, and they all glanced at him very quickly after he looked over.

These people should all have received special training, and the same sensitivity Zong Qi has only seen in the crow,? The latter is certified.

"It's almost there."

Yu Chenxue put away the folder in his hand, "Here is the psychological measurement form, and some of my speculations, you just take these back to the State Security Bureau and report back."

State Security Secret Service

Zong Qi opened his eyes wide.

He remembered that in "Ghost Tower", the crow and Yu Chenxue just met each other, and even called her teacher face to face. Based on the information that Gao Mu disclosed to him, the secret mobile team is said to be a single-line connection, and each member has only one online. Except for the online, even if they meet members of the secret mobile team, they will not recognize each other.

But looking at the attitudes of the agents of the National Security Bureau in front of him, it seems that Professor Yu is still working in the National Security Bureau.

Why, you still get two salaries!

Recalling that Crow, a member of the Secret Mobile Team, also works undercover in the Ouroboros organization all year round, Zong Qi has reason to wonder whether the organization of the Secret Mobile Team does not pay wages, and then mixes the wages of other organizations all year round.

Thinking about it this way again, Professor Yu is such a formidable person, maybe he also went undercover for Ouroboros. Wouldn't it be flattering to get three salaries

Zong Qi was wandering in the sky here, and the elevator on the other side arrived with a "ding-".

Qi Ningzhou tugged at him: "Let's go."

Only then did the black-haired young man come back to his senses, step out the door, and bid farewell to Yu Chenxue: "If you don't disturb the professor's work, I will leave first."

"Since we met, if Xiaoqi is still here after work, let's go back together. It just so happens that I also have something to ask you."

The professor of psychology smiled softly, a strand of white hair slid down from his cheek, and his flawless face made people dizzy.

"Ah, but I—"

Zong Qi was about to say that he might have to stay here all night tonight, but before he could finish his sentence, the elevator door just slammed shut. The black-haired young man stared at the empty elevator door.

Qi Ningzhou was curious: "That person just now was your teacher?"

Zong Qi shook his head: "It's not a teacher, it's a professor from my previous university."

"That's it." Qi Ningzhou said: "He seems to be wearing some sun treasure that ghosts can't get close to. When we saw him downstairs last time, the compass sensed it."

Zong Qi laughed and went over, thinking nonsense, how could he be a dignified S-level actor without any props on him.

But it is impossible to say this to Qi Ningzhou.

There are more people in the obstetrics department than on the previous two floors, and many of them are surrounded by family members.

It was almost evening now, and the sky outside the hospital window was completely dark. Many family members only left two or three people, and the rest went downstairs to cook.

Zong Qi and Qi Ningzhou walked over one by one, observed carefully, and suddenly heard a family member shouting at the end of the corridor: "Doctor! Where is the doctor! Our daughter-in-law didn't give birth at this time, and she hasn't even entered the waiting room yet! Why? Suddenly, the amniotic fluid broke!"

At the same time, they all saw ghostly aura rising from the open door.

"Over there!" Qi Ningzhou shouted, dragging Zong Qi to run over there.

Coincidentally, the family members of the patient in the delivery room were also in a mess, and no one noticed the two of them for the time being.

The pregnant woman lying on the bed screamed in pain, her stomach was still arching outwards, she looked particularly terrifying, and she had the illusion that the quilt was about to be torn apart.

In the black fog-like ghost atmosphere, Zong Qi saw a gray-black umbilical cord dangling from the ceiling, and it was accurately placed on the pregnant woman's belly.

There is no doubt that this is what Yingling did.

Seeing such ghostly aura, the celestial master stood ready and drew out the mahogany sword and talisman seal on his back to do the trick. It was Zong Qi who had sharp eyes and pushed him into the bathroom in the next ward.

"You can cast spells through walls, right?"

Qi Ningzhou nodded.

"Then you go in and read it. There are so many family members of doctors watching. When they recover, they will have to drive you out of here in the next second."

After locking Tianshi into the toilet, Zong Qi found an unobtrusive corner and watched the situation nervously.

It just so happened that at this meeting, Xiaohong also sent him a message saying that she had arrived.

So Zong Qi quickly sent her the floor of the obstetrics and gynecology department, telling her to come up quickly.

This level of ghostly aura is conservatively considered to be at the same level as Araki's mother. I don't know if he called Xiaohong to save the scene, whether Xiaohong can be saved.

Soon, under the call of the patient's family members, nurses and doctors rushed over.

After seeing the situation, the doctor's expression was very bad: "No, a caesarean section must be performed immediately. The family members prepare, and if they agree, sign it quickly. It's not too late. The situation is very dangerous now."

In such an emergency, it is impossible to advance to the delivery room. Even if you want to deliver a baby, you can only come here.

All the medical staff present were at a loss.

The pregnant woman's due date is almost a week later, and she has not entered the delivery room, and now she is here to stabilize her pregnancy. No matter how early it is, it is impossible to advance to the present.

Qi Ningzhou was in the toilet of the ward, facing the direction of the bed behind the wall and chanting a mantra.

As he read, dense sweat dripped from his head.

This ghost baby is more difficult than they imagined. After he finished chanting a set of spells, the ghost energy in the ward continued to dance in the air as if it had been irritated.

At the same time, it was the scream of the pregnant woman who was screaming more and more fiercely.

While Zong Qi couldn't bear it, he found that the umbilical cord was dyed scarlet from the end, twisting the gray-black umbilical cord to the color of a normal umbilical cord inch by inch.

Like... extracting nourishment from the belly of this innocent pregnant woman.

No, it cannot be delayed any longer.

Covered by the medical staff, Zong Qi quietly moved over.

The nurses are still explaining the current situation to the emotional family members, and some other nurses are rushing to get various medical instruments that will be used in the caesarean section.

He gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand while he was in a hurry, and grabbed the hand of the pregnant woman hanging beside the bed.

There is no doubt that Zong Qi, who has been authorized to direct, is now invincible and invincible. Just a little contact with the pregnant woman's skin, the ghost baby screamed in pain as if being burned, and ran out of the pregnant woman's high swollen belly suddenly, wrapped in a dark black substance.

The screaming stopped abruptly.

When the time came, everyone in a ward looked over.

Zong Qi smiled and let go of his hand: "I'm sorry, ah ha ha ha ha, I think she is a bit uncomfortable..." Now is not the time to grasp that this should not appear in the ward without anyone waiting, because In the next moment, the pregnant woman will regain consciousness, and the machine connected to the side will also show that all the values have returned to normal.

While other people in the ward were drawn back by the more important patient safety, Zong Qi pulled Qi Ningzhou in the toilet and ran out.

Otherwise, when these people came back to their senses, it would be bad if they thought about finding Zong Qi, a guy who went up to grab someone's hand for no reason.

" run slowly, I really have no strength."

Qi Ningzhou had just performed a religious ceremony, and now being pulled up and running by Zong Qi, he was a little out of breath, and stood on the spot gasping for breath.

"No, that ghost baby is too powerful. If it didn't suddenly run out of nowhere just now, I can't do anything about it."

Zong Qi touched his nose: "I did it, that ghost baby seems to be very afraid of me."

Qi Ningzhou: "...!"

Qi Ningzhou: "Yes, and you."

When he was doing the exercises in the toilet, his heart was ashamed, thinking that since this matter could not be handled, he could only call and ask the master in the old forest deep in the mountains to come out of the mountain to help him solve this mess.

Of course, he is still the master's direct disciple after all. Master will definitely come after calling, but he will inevitably be scolded after returning, especially if he has not done things quickly.

Qi Ningzhou felt that his brother really did nothing for nothing. With such a heaven-defying physique, I gave him a little blood last time, and the effect of using it to draw cinnabar symbols is particularly good.

"But now that ghost baby has run away again."

Zong Qi was helpless: "It is afraid of me, and I can't subdue it all at once. At most, it hurt a little bit of vitality just now, we have to go find it together, you help catch it, otherwise it will be like Like a monkey running around, it can't be stopped at all."

While they were discussing, the elevator door opened with a "ding".

Xiaohong, who was wearing a red dress, walked out from inside, and took off her sunglasses casually.

For some reason, Qi Ningzhou shuddered inexplicably without noticing that there was something wrong.