Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 80


The magnetic field in Death Valley is very strange.

The captain told him that the first scientific expedition team had inspected it when they came here. The underground here had experienced violent crustal movement during the Triassic period, and there were especially many basalts. And basalt is notoriously easy to form abnormal magnetic fields.

Similar to Death Valley in Kunlun Mountains, there is also Heizhugou in Sichuan Province, where there is also a 60-kilometer-long geomagnetic anomaly belt in the Suoyda Canyon. Before opening Death Valley in the early years, the higher authorities also sent a scientific expedition team to conduct field surveys in Heizhugou.

Fortunately, there is not a ghost gate like Kunlun Mountain, but a simple geomagnetic anomaly. When entering Heizhugou, various measuring instruments such as compass and gps will fail. Later, they conducted geological monitoring in the local area, and found that there were a lot of basalt and other ores in the ditch, which interfered with the earth's magnetic field, and only then did they figure out the mystery of Heizhugou.

"But Death Valley is different."

The captain explained: "The gate of hell is about to open. If we can't find the Pisces jade pendant lost by the first scientific expedition team, close the gate... …"

He has repeated this sentence many times,? He didn't say it now, Zong Qi also understood.

It's really not his fault for emphasizing it, but the matter is very important and must not be taken lightly.

"During the past six months of stationing, the army has ventured into Death Valley many times. Searching inside and outside, almost an inch of land has not been spared, and no trace of the Pisces jade pendant has been found. Only then can it be confirmed that the jade pendant should be a fallen Inside the gate of hell."

The team leader pulled over a map, which showed the detailed topography of the entire Kunlun Mountain Death Valley, as well as some marked dangerous and abnormal locations.

It is conceivable that when the compass failed, how much effort these soldiers spent to obtain such a precious map.

"Yao Chi is also inside the Ghost Gate Pass, but the location is closer to where the jade pendant may have been lost."

The captain saluted him, "You are a scientific researcher. If any accident happens at a critical moment, we will do our best to protect your safety. If you can't find it... please make sure you safety."

"Okay, thank you Captain."

Zong Qi was really embarrassed, and turned back crookedly.

The captain smiled, and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, we have rehearsed countless times this time, and nothing will happen."


Soon, it was afternoon.

Everyone packed their bags, everyone brought sleeping bags and food, weapons on their backs, and they were all ready to go.

Zong Qi is the leader of the scientific expedition team, so he naturally had to stand at the front.

Surrounded by soldiers with guns inside and out, he feels extra safe.

Even after this journey, he was still a little embarrassed about what he was wearing now, but fortunately, this protective suit was fully armed, and he couldn't see what he was wearing underneath, and his skin was not exposed to the air.

When the time was up, the huge shutter door opened, revealing the sky outside.

This time has been calculated many times, and it is said that it is the most suitable time to enter Death Valley.

The sky outside is relatively clear, because it is located on a plateau, the white clouds in the high places are rolled together, and it seems that it is within reach. As far as the eye can see, the top of the mountain is covered with snow, and under the snow is a large piece of fertile grassland, with some unmelted traces on the ground.

This garrison is still some distance away from the interior of Death Valley, and halfway through the mountain needs to be crossed.

"The altitude here is high, if you don't get used to it later, you must stop."

Zong Qi didn't feel uncomfortable, but when he was stationed for a rest, he found an excuse to poke and pay attention, but he didn't see any actors yet.

There is no buffer period or preparation period for this kind of large dungeon, just throw it in. There are so many NPCs, only Zong Qi can unilaterally recognize the actors, and it is difficult for actors to meet with each other.

Shouldn't we have to wait until the second act to meet one

The whole team marched very fast, walking on the snow line, and finally reached the intersection of Death Valley at night.

The team leader looked at the sky, and ordered to think about it: "Prepare on the spot, we will camp here tonight, and we will enter the valley at five o'clock in the morning."

Everyone was on standby immediately, laid out their sleeping bags, set up a pot and lit a fire, and started cooking in an orderly manner. Zong Qi watched from the sidelines and felt that this group of people was really well-trained. Except for some strange walking and limbs, everything else was pretty good.

It was as if they had rehearsed thousands of times, their movements were uniform, each step traveled the same distance, and there was not much communication between them.

Many border guards are like this, because they are far away from their families, on duty in a deserted place, and there are not many entertainment activities. It is easy to suffer from mental illness over the years, so there are special consultants in the army. What's more, they have been guarding here for half a year, and they have visited dangerous places like Death Valley at least a dozen times. I heard from the captain that compared with when they first came, there are only four-fifths of the soldiers left.

"At night, make up a team to patrol the night. If there is anything unusual, immediately wake everyone up with a whistle."

After the captain gave careful instructions, he patted Zong Qi on the shoulder: "Don't take off the goggles when you sleep at night."

Zong Qi nodded.

I don't know if it's because of the high altitude here or other reasons. He obviously wasn't very sleepy, but after lying down, he miraculously fell asleep in seconds, and he fell into a drowsy sleep, and his whole body was very dizzy.

It wasn't until midnight that he was woken up by the long whistle.


Everyone in the camp was shocked.

The soldiers climbed up in a well-trained manner, grabbed the guns on the ground with their backhands, and their eyes were clear. Members of the scientific expedition team got up one by one.

"What's wrong?" The captain frowned.

He strode up to the whistle blower, the two of them seemed to have said a few words, but they didn't seem to say anything, they went to a blanket and squatted down together.

For some reason, Zong Qi felt that this scene was a little strange.

Because everyone's state is very peaceful, very quiet, without any movement.

But everyone is wearing thick clothes, not only that, but also goggles. The protective clothing blocked all their faces, and they couldn't see the expressions inside.

The Kunlun Mountains at night are very quiet, and the stars in the sky are big and big, shining with a cold luster. In the field under the sky, not far away is the deep Valley of Death, but the team of thousands of people is as quiet as pressing the stop button.

Until the captain's hand reached out to the soldier lying on the ground.

It's like the hat is out of hand.

The captain calmly tore off his goggles.

Lying in the clothes, there was no one there, but turned into a shriveled piece of human skin, with empty eyes, even the eyeballs were shriveled.

The captain tightened his fists and put the goggles back on. "Everyone, put on your clothes and check again. No place should be exposed to the air."

The soldiers behind saw it, and silently came forward, carefully restraining the human skin with sleeping bags, and no one spoke to him from the beginning to the end.

Everyone stood there silently, with their heads bowed, as if they were mourning silently.

After all this trouble, no one could sleep. Everyone crawled out of their sleeping bags.

After discussing with several subordinates, the captain decided to go to Death Valley ahead of schedule.

"The gate of hell is about to open, and the more it is delayed, the more disadvantageous it will be. When it was half opened half a year ago, countless cattle and sheep herders in the vicinity immediately became human beings, and we can't delay it any longer."

No one in the army objected, the soldiers obeyed the orders, and several NPCs from the scientific expedition team came up to Zong Qi to see his reaction.

Zong Qi thought for a while: "All listen to the captain."

He felt that this big script was really strange.

Not that kind of fear, but weirdness everywhere.

At the beginning, because he was full of the fact that he had no information, and he was always thinking about what the captain said, so he didn't pay much attention to the abnormalities.

Looking carefully now, I just feel strange everywhere.

It seems that from the beginning, these people didn't talk much. Except for the member of the scientific expedition team who came to Zong Qi at the beginning, the others seemed to be familiar, walking crookedly along the way, quiet and terrifying.

Wouldn't ordinary people be afraid when they saw their teammates suddenly turn into human skin

No matter how you say it, you should be shocked, or at least you should show sadness.

Could it be that the goggles blocked him and he couldn't see his expression

Zong Qi thought about it carefully, the more he thought about it, the more he felt a chill down his back.

He had heard the legend of Kunlun Mountain before.

When the ghost gate is opened, the things inside will border on the human world. Coupled with the lightning and thunder in Kunlun Mountain, there is also an abnormal magnetic field.

The black-haired young man swallowed.

Could it be that he was walking with a group of Yin soldiers

In addition, he didn't meet any actor along the way, the more he thought about Zong Qi, the more he felt uncertain. Just when he wanted to find a way to test it out, the captain finally stopped.

"Death Valley is here. Everyone tie themselves with ropes, one by one, and keep one person every 100 meters, and stay outside the valley to respond. If you encounter problems or see signals, you must pull back immediately."

With an order, the team members took off the ropes in their bags one by one, and quickly started to tie knots on themselves.

Zong Qi took one, but he didn't know how to fight it himself, and the team leader helped him fight it.

Just at this time, the moon in the sky came out, and there were more shadowy shadows on the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zong Qi pretended to accidentally take off a piece of gloves, and took the opportunity to touch the hands of the people around him one by one.

The team leader suddenly raised his head and helped him put his gloves back on almost reflexively: "You put the gloves on quickly, the skin is exposed to the air for too long, and the consequences will be disastrous."

Zong Qi's heart slowly sank.

There are shadows, body temperature, and no adverse reactions after being touched by him.

It's fine if it's a human, not a ghost.

After the rope was tied, everyone stepped into the dark valley step by step.

"That's right." Zong Qi suddenly remembered something, "Has the First Scientific Expedition Team ever got the Pisces jade pendant?"

The team leader nodded: "The Pisces jade pendant is behind the ghost gate, and Yaochi is in front of the ghost gate. The first scientific expedition team originally planned to enter the ghost gate to find the jade pendant and send it back. Maybe something happened in the middle. But the ghost gate has not yet opened. , the Pisces jade pendant must still be behind the gate of hell."

"Originally, the jade pendant has always been at the bottom of the fairy pond. Over the years, the ghost energy has escaped, dragged the jade pendant, and lost it to the pass, which will open the gate of hell. As long as it is put back in the pool, this is the goal of our trip."

The author has something to say: Ask for nutrient solution, it’s still the same as last month.

This month I want to work harder, write 200,000 words and finish it as soon as possible, next month I want to go out and play woo woo woo

Motivation only comes when you drink white fluid (bushi)