Director of a Suspense Film

Chapter 93


With the friendly cooperation of Nyarlathotep, Zongqi quickly signed a provisional contract agreement with him.

Temporary contracts do not have much binding effect, just like grandpa and grandma, as long as they want, they can unilaterally cancel the contract at any time and return to the underworld.

At the same time, temporary contracts cannot enjoy employee discounts, and reward points for post-shooting rewards cannot be obtained. Of course, the contract can only be signed with non-human beings, but the system is the first to turn a blind eye,? Naiya's employee contract was given the green light all the way and was successfully approved.

What he said to Zong Qi before made him a little concerned. It's a pity that Naia does things as she pleases. She's just a riddler. She can't ask any more questions.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Before signing the contract, Zong Qi made a small opinion, "In my normal script, the doctor will be frightened by ghost babies in the dormitory, and then take it to the dormitory." clues,? Finally, join other actors.”

"So..." He bite the bullet and said, "You broke the rules of the whole movie, maybe you have to go back to the dormitory for reshoots."

Zong Qi felt that he was daring, so he started to raise opinions.

But in any case, temporary employees are also employees,? He is the boss now, and Nyarlathotep is his beating worker. How can a boss give in for beating workers


Nyarlathotep made an inexplicable sound.

A blood-red stream of light flashed across his pupils, and he took the time to speak,? Still with that hearty smile: "Yes, after all, acting is also very interesting."

Although he looked at the ghost baby's expression with disgust, the latter was also silent and trembling.

The ghost baby had already been blocked by a part of its power, and it was trembling when facing Araki of the same level, let alone Naia. It can clearly feel the majestic, distorted, indescribable power of the opponent, like being stared directly into the abyss, not daring to move, like a wooden man.

Seeing that he agreed, Zong Qi heaved a long sigh of relief.

He felt that his luck was not that bad. At least Naia was willing to cooperate. As long as he cut out the part of the negotiation in the future, it should not be reduced to a bad movie.

Of course, what Naia said just now is "acting is also very interesting", which means that he thinks acting is fun, so he is willing to go back for reshoots.

In other words, if the performance is not interesting, do you think he would tear down the shooting scene on the spot

Zong Qi pretended not to see Guiying's particularly pitiful and helpless eyes.

This can only be blamed on the unlucky kid who chooses to scare people in the dormitory, sacrificing the safety of the overall situation is still very good.

They negotiated the whole process in an empty classroom, and Zong Qi didn't let Guiying bring Naia to the monitoring room to look for him, because the fifth floor of the teaching building couldn't come up, and the key was still in the hands of the NPC. Just like fighting monsters and upgrading, Zong Qi worked hard to arrange a way for the actors. First, you have to explore all the relevant places in the school, then everyone gets the clues, and finally captures the npc, uses the clues to piece together the answer, and the npc will open the way to the fifth floor of the teaching building and the roof for them.

Otherwise, if Naia directly blasts the door open, will the follow-up plot continue

Zong Qi watched Doctor Heipi dragging the ghost baby in a good mood, went back home without saying a word, threw it back to the dormitory, then exited the door, opened the door and entered again.

Guiying forced himself to cheer up, and followed the script again, first rolling up gusts of evil wind, then throwing the previously made dummy limbs from the ceiling, and then throwing down the umbilical cord.

As a result, Naia endured and endured, and slashed wildly with a scalpel.

Zong Qi, who was staring at their filming, couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted through the loudspeaker in the dormitory: "Stop, stop, this scene was not shot like this."

At this moment, he finally had the feeling of being a director calling a stop on the set.

The reason is that Nyarlathotep's acting skills are too bad, but this guy hasn't realized it yet. He put away the scalpel and said kindly: "I obviously only used human methods, because it is too weak."

The umbilical cord was all cut off, and the trembling ghost baby in the closet: "..."

God damn human method, which human being would be so cruel? S-level actors can't stand on the head of Li Gui and become the master.

Naia was still smiling, but there was a bit of murderousness in the smile: "Then how about the director guide how to shoot this scene?"

Zong Qi was so far away that he couldn't feel it.

But his professional instincts struck.

Usually filming, the actors are forced to act by themselves under the pressure of life and death. Some acting skills are so bad that you can't watch them at all. One more look will make your eyes hot. Although Zong Qi is the director, he can't personally direct the show.

It's all right now, when he met an actor who could speak freely, Zong Qi naturally talked about it.

"This scene was not filmed like this. First of all, the reaction of normal human beings when they encounter a ghost should be fear, and it is impossible to think about killing them. In other words, you should find a way to get clues about this dormitory instead of cruel ghosts .”

Speaking of this, Zong Qi also analyzed the image characteristics of the doctor for him.

There is also a scalpel, and she is still dressed so flirtatiously, she doesn't look like a serious doctor at first glance. Coupled with the fact that all the actors in this movie are villains, it is better to let the doctor be a perverted serial killer.

Zong Qi earnestly said: "Although it is to watch a show, you have to have some fun for yourself, right? Playing an actor, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is a good feeling. Think about it, hide your identity and pretend to be a rookie actor, and catch those with evil intentions." Wouldn't it be fun to see the actors take the bait, and of course the ghosts with their brains out of their wits, and then watch them freak out at the last moment?"

Naia thought about it again, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

He was originally there to watch the fun, so he couldn't put his hands in his pockets to watch the fun, he always needed a bright identity. But the boss of the movie has played too many times, and it's not interesting to play his true colors every time, and it's good to change the taste once in a while.

So He smiled: "It's really interesting."

Zong Qi continued to work hard: "Since this is the case, you should practice your acting skills even more."

Seeing that the boss and the evil spirit had a happy conversation, Guiying felt deeply attached to each other.

It no longer counts on the value of its own screaming, and even wants to return to Araki's mother's embrace.

God knows how long it will last under the hands of this S-rank evil god.

One side is happy and harmonious, while the other side is undercurrents.

Anna and Yu Chenxue took the lead, both of them had their own ghosts in their hearts.

Anna and Araki thought about probing, and the most important thing was to give this person who quietly abducted her son a little bit of power.

Yu Chenxue knew that director Q was standing behind Anna, so she was quite defensive inside, and at the same time, she was planning to plan and probe.

Araki was cautious.

She knew that since Yu Chenxue was an S-level actor, she must have some flaws. If you act rashly, you will only expose yourself in vain. After all, ordinary actors would not have this kind of attack method, and the background of this movie doesn't seem to have anything to do with Gu insects.

So she just controlled the Gu worms to hover in the sky, and was going to find an opportunity to do something wrong again.

"Since we met, how about looking for clues together?" Yu Chenxue sent out an invitation lightly.

Just now, he received a notification from the system to enter the second act.

Since they explored separately at the beginning, there is nothing wrong with gathering together for intelligence. After all, such a big case cannot be solved by one person. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this invitation.

Anna also felt very good.

She wanted to find a reason at first, but Yu Chenxue made it up for her, which was quite considerate.

So along the way, they looked for clues together, while Yu Chenxue was tortured by Anna.

However, these questions are still very strange. and so on:

"How old is my brother this year? Where does he work? Have you ever been married? How many boyfriends and girlfriends have you had? How many elderly people in the family? What kind of medicine do you usually take?"

Yu Chenxue: "...?"

He didn't understand what it meant, blind date

But then again, Yu Chenxue can feel undisguised malice from Anna, which is not the case for a blind date or admiration for others.

Forget it, Anna began to point and curse Huai inexplicably again.

"Some men in this world are mostly the same. When they are interested, they will swear by each other, and they will be lingering. When they lose interest and get tired of playing, they will raise a mistress outside and find a concubine. This has been the case since ancient times."

Hearing this kind of words really made Yu Chenxue full of question marks.

No matter how much he claims to be playing tricks on people's hearts, he still doesn't understand what Anna means when she makes such a joke. He looks like the kind of evil mother-in-law in a TV drama about house fighting.

Because she still had the idea of using Anna's line to figure out director Q, Yu Chenxue also replied a few words. Then when I looked back, I found that my acting speed was crazy.

It was really the first time he had experienced this phenomenon. But it is also true, if it is normal, Yu Chenxue who loves in a normal state without disguise will definitely ignore it.

It seems that the clues are hard to come out, but a tracking tool can be placed. Yu Chenxue thought.

Anna's mood is getting worse.

Seeing Yu Chenxue's wild deduction speed, she knew that he was not telling the truth.

Sure enough, she was cheating her son's feelings with bad intentions!

Araki was on fire.

She turned a corner at her feet, and calmly led Yu Chenxue to an environment where NPCs were haunted.

Sure enough, as soon as they arrived here, they saw a figure in a basketball uniform standing on a remote playground with a basketball in his hand and the number 18 printed on the back.

"Xu Jingshan!"

Yu Chenxue immediately chased after her, and before she left, she didn't forget to tell Anna to hurry up and catch her too.

When I was in the classroom before, there were sticky notes pasted on the back of the class corner, and the name Xu Jingshan was mentioned in it, saying that I hope Xu Jingshan will get better and better in the days to come, and I will be admitted to university and then forget me and so on.

It's just that there are too many people's names appearing in the post-it notes in high school, there are countless anonymous confessions, and some deliberately distort their own handwriting, so Yu Chenxue doesn't feel relieved by just a single name. It was only when he happened to see this name on the basketball court that he suspected that this person was the boyfriend of the girl who committed suicide. The client also mentioned it before.

It is not difficult to guess the identity after checking the seat.

Anna also chased after her, turned her head and instructed Xiaohong.

Xiaohong received the information and immediately took the order.

Song Yangqiu, who is useless, has already fainted, and now she lacks a machine that can continue to be used to collect points. Originally, she wanted to go to the manager, but now she heard what Grandma said, and Xiao Hong was furious. In addition, she knew that the manager was surrounded by the last train of 44 on the other side, and it was said that the bad things she had done had been tortured, so she directly curled Song Yangqiu with her hair and threw it over, turning her head to chase after Yu Chenxue.