Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food

Chapter 15: Strawberry-flavored Xueba Gong (15)


The Lecheng Cup basketball game is coming soon.

The list of the third class is as follows: Gou Liang, Shi Yu, Zhan Yongzhe, Chen Libai, sports committee member and alternate classmate A.

The training time is scheduled for two physical education classes every week and four Sundays before the game.

Li Linling and Zhang Xiao took the initiative to ask Ying to be in charge of logistics, and excitedly suggested that in order to wish for victory and cultivate a tacit understanding, everyone made an appointment to have a dinner this Saturday. When they said this, they all looked at Gou Liang with fiery eyes, and the others understood in seconds, and also stared at the chef. It's a pity that Gou Liang and Shi Yu declined out of gregariousness.

— #goodtime, I just want to share it with him. #

Gou Liang: Great on my birthday, wait for me with delicious soul power ≧▽≦!

Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, Saturday is here, and the pace of gourmet food is approaching.

time home.

Mother Shi: "This suit is not good, it's too formal. Good son, you're right to listen to what mother said. On a first date, you must make the other party feel comfortable and try to behave as usual, otherwise the other party will be nervous. Hey , this set is good, youthful and casual, just right!"

Grandma Shi: "Oh, my good grandson is so handsome today! I haven't seen a grandma who looks better than you in seventy years. You must be proud and bring her back for grandma to see. !"

Dad Shi: "Son, take the initiative to care about others, don't forget about her when you are busy with your own affairs, let her always feel that you care about her, you know?"

Grandpa Shi: "The charm of a man lies in self-control. The courtesy of a first date is to come home on time."

A good day starts here.

When Shi Yu finished his breakfast, he received a message from Gou Liang just as he put down the spoon.

From Xiaokenger: Shall we have breakfast together? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Shi Yu replied in seconds: OK, I'll be there in fifteen minutes.

After thinking about it, I came back: (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

The phone twirled around between his fingers, and Gou Liang cheerfully went to prepare breakfast.

The driver sent Shi Yu to the entrance of the community, took out the bicycle from the trunk, and said with a smile: "Young master, you need to put a cushion on the back seat to sit on it comfortably." He took out a soft cushion from the car and tied it up for him. On—Last night, he received a notice that he was going to send the young master on a date, so he also made extra preparations.

Shi Yu looked at the newly added strawberry cushion on the bicycle, and imagined the picture of Gou Liang sitting behind him and hugging his waist... He smiled, and shook his head carelessly to the driver who asked the time and place to pick him up, expressing himself go back.

Gou Liang led him in and kissed him on tiptoe.

Shi Yu wanted to go deeper, so he backed away patiently, and said unhappily, "I'll kiss you later, you are so delicious, breakfast will be compared to scum by you."

Shi Yu laughed.

Gou Liang asked him: "Do you want to eat together?"

Shi Yu: "Didn't you make an appointment, did you go back on it?"

Gou Liang raised his hand to touch his stomach, raised his head and said, "Suddenly I feel reluctant."

He didn't say whether he was reluctant to part with his breakfast or reluctant to torment him, Shi Yu automatically locked on to the last answer, smiled and kissed the dimples that were fatally attractive to him.

After filling his stomach, Gou Liang, whose proud culinary skills have completely lost his charm, eagerly "eat" the sweet strawberry-flavored soul power. When tearing himself apart, he still hugged Shi Yu and said, "Let's just do it like this." Have a good day?"

Shi Yu said, "Okay."

Gou Liang laughed.

However, in order to stay at +80, which has not increased for a week, and the 10% quest progress of yesterday's lingering tongue kiss that has not increased, he reluctantly opened the "First Date" copy.

Shi Yu shook the bicycle key in his hand, feeling impatient.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and before he could invite, Gou Liang had already launched a bicycle of the same model and came towards him.

Shi Yu: "..."

Gou Liang pretended not to see the disappointment on his face, got on the bike, and said with a smile: "My dear deskmate, let's go."

Their first date, under the advice of the four "successful people" of the Shi family, was positioned as the most well-regulated dating routine - classics always have an unsurpassable charm, whoever tries will know.

The first stop is the playground.

After ten roller coasters, ten big pendulums, ten pirate ships, ten windmills and ten jumping machines, they lined up behind the Ferris wheel.

Gou Liang also frequently turned his head to look at the screaming jumping machine, and said to Shi Yu, "Let's come and play next time."

If it wasn't for the approaching lunch time, he would still want to do another ten swipes!

Shi Yu saw his excited appearance, let alone ten strokes, he would accompany him to the end.

The Ferris wheel slowly rises into the sky.

[System: Master, a popular saying in this world says that when the ferris wheel reaches its highest point, kiss your lover and you can be together forever.]

[Gou Liang: That's a good idea!]

Just as he was about to pose for a kiss, Shi Yu, who had already calculated the time and height, kissed him the moment the Ferris wheel reached the top.

Gou Liang smiled and rolled his eyes, "Shi Yu, will we be together forever?"

Shi Yu said tenderly, "Of course."

[Ding, target favorability updated, current favorability: +81.]

Gou Liang expressed dissatisfaction with his stinginess, pinched his face, and planned to use "food" to appease his glassy heart. And when he ate Shi Yu's strawberry-flavored soul power again, Gou Liang was surprised to find that the taste and texture of the positive soul power had been sublimated to a higher level with just a 1 favorability increase—oh, Gou Liang's honey juice was excited!

When the ferris wheel returned to the lowest point, Shi Yu let go of him who was eagerly looking forward to it, and said with a light smile, "Don't worry, no one will fight with you."

Gou Liang's lips were red, and he raised the corners of his mouth and said domineeringly, "I won't give in to anyone who comes to snatch it."

[Ding, target favorability updated, current favorability: +82.]

Gou Liang: Aww, will it be sweeter to kiss him now!

It's a pity that under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shi Xueba, who was very upright, didn't meet his request.

At the second stop, Shi's parents carefully selected a couple's booth restaurant for one night.

Lyrical love songs, exquisite food, dew roses, romantic atmosphere, Gou Liang who eats seriously and Shi Yu who watches him seriously.

Gou Liang cut a piece of steak and put it in his mouth. After eating it, he made a speech: "The selection of ingredients is good, but unfortunately the steak is overcooked and missed the best taste. I will make it for you next time. You must not know what you are used to. Steak, just one bite can conquer your soul."

Seeing his little complacency, Shi Yu smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to it."

Gou Liang urged him: "Then eat quickly, although it is not the best, but wasting food will be punished by God, you know?"

Shi Yu groaned, still looking straight at Gou Liang.

Gou Liang glanced at the couples feeding each other, huddled together drinking the same cup of drink and whispering to each other, and gave Shi Yu a small look of "I really can't help you", cut a small cube, knife and fork, and held it up. In front of him, he said with a smile: "Eat quickly."

Shi Yu's eyes lit up immediately.

While the beef is in the mouth, the system happily broadcasts live↓

[Ding, target favorability is updated, current favorability: +83.]

Gou Liang: Aww, I really want to drag him into the alley! I have to endure.GIF

The third stop, the city library.

Grandpa Shi resisted all opinions and carefully selected the content of the date - doing homework.

It's a pity that a student who never takes classes seriously and doesn't hand in homework x2 can't understand the mystery of "Homework Dating Dafa".

But it doesn't matter, Shi Xueba, who is extremely talented, has created a new dating posture.

At this time, Gou Liang's favorite recipe book was placed on the table, and he was discussing the feasibility and shortcomings of the recipes with Shi Yu in a low voice.

When it comes to his "professional", Gou Liang can't stop talking. Shi Yu didn't go along with him blindly, sometimes he would ask his own questions, sometimes he would use his knowledge of biology and medicine to propose a brilliant and novel idea to Gou Liang, or just rightly said "You are so amazing" "I really want to try it." Taste" expression hooked Gou Liang's words one after another, making the conversation even more interesting.

When the scheming boy came online, Shi Xueba subtly reminded him to keep his voice down. In order to maintain a quieter learning environment, he thoughtfully approached Gou Liang a little closer, and then a little closer...

Fourth stop, cinema.

After the delicious dinner, Gou Liang and Shi Yu picked up the tickets according to the clock. Of course, the must-haves for watching movies are Big Mac popcorn and cool iced Coke.

The smart Shi Yu didn't blindly follow the tastes of his parents and grandparents and choose the classic romance movie, but discussed it with Gou Liang. The two of them took stock of the movies that were currently showing last night, and sure enough, Gou Liang chose a 3D horror movie with a rating of over 9.0, which is said to make you cry and go home to find your mother.

After sitting down, Gou Liang leaned close to Shi Yu who put up the armrest in the middle of the seat with great care, and said in his ear: "If you get scared later, I will hug you tightly."

Shi Yu said, "I want to hug you right now."

Gou Liang laughed.

The lights go out and the movie starts.

The first thing that appeared was the sound of the clock moving. As the protagonist pushed open the door, the light came out, and the heroine who was lying stretched in the bathtub turned her head—she suddenly screamed! The male protagonist standing at the door had a hideous and bloodstained face. He showed a terrifying smile, clearly not approaching the heroine, but the woman was constantly pressed into the foamy water by a pair of invisible demonic hands, struggling in terror and full of desire to survive...


Just when the audience was frightened by the opening scene, they subconsciously hugged their arms or grabbed their companions.

The scene reappeared, the sound of opening the door sounded again, and the heroine turned around—showing a sweet smile.

"Honey, you're back."

The handsome male protagonist raised his lips and shook the red wine in his hand, showing a gentleman's smile, but his eyes did not fall on the female protagonist's face, but on the mirror behind her that was blurred by mist.

In the mirror, the same two people, the same place, the scene of the heroine being tortured and murdered in the bathtub continues. As the heroine's struggle became smaller and smaller, and she gradually sank into the water, the ferocious male protagonist walked towards the female protagonist. Outside the mirror, the elegant male protagonist is doing the same action, walking towards the female protagonist who is smiling sweeter—in the wine glass in his hand, the bright red wine is shaking, and the color is getting stronger and stronger, turning into blood.

The screen went black.

[Man in the Mirror] The three-character shadow name appeared in front of everyone, and they were able to take a breath after holding their breath.

"very scary… "

"Ah, I'm a little afraid to look at it."

"Honey, don't let me go later..."

The audience's voice reached Gou Liang's ears, and he turned his head to Shi Yu, who was next to him with his arm against his own, and whispered, "Honey, can I lend you my hand?"

Shi Yu said: "Pretend to be afraid and satisfy your boyfriend's vanity, okay?"

"You are beautiful."

As Gou Liang said, he took out a popcorn from the popcorn bucket in his arms and stuffed it into his mouth.

Shi Yu saw him smiling in the faint light, and there was no struggle to share the food on his face, as if it was just an inadvertent subconscious movement—he seemed to be included in the scope of food-protecting dogs allowed to share food. Shi Yu was delighted.

[Ding, target favorability updated, current favorability: +84.]

Gou Liang suddenly turned to look at him, swallowed, and said, "At the same table, do you still want to eat?"

Shi Yu: "Will you give it?"

Gou Liang replied with the second popcorn, he leaned closer to Shi Yu, licked his lips and said, "Honey, I can't help it."


Gou Liang didn't say any more, just broke into his mouth and snatched food—

The sea of consciousness is filled with [Q﹏Q][T﹏T][Q△Q][T△T]…, the system trembles.

[System: master, master? What's wrong with you!]

[Gou Liang: I should have done it earlier! Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy! I actually missed such a delicacy for a few hours, my heart hurts!]

[System: ... You continue.]

The popcorn was eaten by someone. Feeling Gou Liang's hasty demand for food, Shi Yu smiled while kissing him, raised his hand to pick up a popcorn from his arms, put it in his mouth, pushed it in, and offered to feed it give him.

Gou Liang's eyes lit up instantly.

#易灯饮食新设计, my mother no longer has to worry about my anorexia! (o* =?=)o! #

After the bucket of popcorn was shared, their low panting breaths were clear and vague in the theater full of horrified screams. Shi Yu encircled him with both hands, and pressed his palms hard on the back of the chair, with deeper and more intense desire hidden in his eyes, but more than ten years of tutoring made him restrain more intimate movements, and endured the knuckles being too tight. Forced and stiff and tense.

Gou Liang felt it clearly, and laughed before saying anything.

He said, "Honey, what do you want to do to me?"

Shi Yu forcefully kissed his dimples full of happiness, but refused to answer.

Gou Liang made fun of him as a coward, and deliberately said: "If you don't do it, how do you know I will refuse?"

Shi Yu: "..."

He pursed his lips, his eyes were full of lust that was about to get out of control.

Gou Liangyou thought he wasn't stimulated enough, so he took his hand and put it on his lap, looking at him provocatively, as if asking him: Do you dare

Shi Yu's breathing became heavier, and he fell into a rational and emotional struggle. After a while, he disarmed and surrendered to Gou Liang. He touched Gou Liang's thigh vigorously with his big hand, and wanted to penetrate into a more private place——


The ice-cold Coca-Cola stuck to his face, bringing Shi Yu back to his senses in an instant.

The chief culprit, Gou Liang, saw him stop his movements stiffly, and smiled even more happily, and said with a little complacency, "Why don't you continue, dear boyfriend?"

Shi Yu took a deep breath, withdrew his hand that wanted to do evil, and said through gritted teeth: "At the same table, I forgot to tell you that my memory is also very good."

Fuck it, do it, one day I'm going to—fuck you till you cry.

[Ding, target favorability updated, current favorability: +85.]

[Gou Liang: I want to eat again, but my mouth is so sour... Q^Q.]

[System: Ding, current mission progress: 10%. What a shame, master, do you still want points!]

[Gou Liang: ... Hmph.]

After sending Gou Liang home, the two pink and tender junior brothers bid farewell at the door. Gou Liang finally got his wish, the taste of +85 is worth it even if his mouth is swollen tomorrow!

Shi Yu touched his sore cheek, lowered his head and asked him, "Are you happy today?"

Gou Liang nodded again.

Shi Yu kissed his forehead and said with a smile, "Next Saturday, I'll come and cook with you, okay?"

Gou Liang thinks this is a great idea—you don’t have to worry about the public, you can eat as much as you want, it couldn’t be more amazing!

Shi Yu kept talking without saying a word, but he couldn't say goodbye after turning around his lips several times. Gou Liang raised his head and touched his lips, saying, "Let's go, see you tomorrow."

Shi Yu: "...Okay."

When he turned around, Gou Liang grabbed him again.

Two deep dimples steal the spotlight, he smiled and said, "Shall we have breakfast together tomorrow?"

Shi Yu readily agreed.


Class two and three in high school.

Li Linling looked anxiously at the combination of Xueba who had breakfast together and abused the whole class, and asked in distaste, "Ah Cheng, are you coming to school with Shi Xueba today?"

After yesterday's basketball training, Gou Liang called Shi Yu alone to ride a bicycle home for dinner, which already attracted a lot of hatred. At this time, seeing him eating the same rich and delicious breakfast as Gou Liang, Li Linling scratched his heart and lungs: Shi Xueba, don't leave after school! !

Gou Liang raised his head and smiled, "Stop watching, exclusive benefits."

Li Linling: "Why?"

Gou Liang: "He invited me to eat the best food in the world, you can't."

Li Linling: "What is it, how do you know I don't have it?"

Gou Liang didn't speak. Shi Yu, who rarely participated in their brainless conversations, raised his head, looked at Xiao Hua with a smile, and said, "You want to know?"

Li Linling's smiling face froze, and she mechanically turned her head back: "...I don't want to. QAQ."

Gou Liang laughed out loud.

At the beginning of the morning reading class, unexpectedly, the head teacher brought a girl—the moment she stepped into the class, Gou Liang could clearly feel the adrenal hormones of the male students gushing out.

I only heard the head teacher say: "Student He Lin originally studied in the No. 1 Middle School. From today onwards, she will become a member of our Class 3 family. Everyone welcomes her with applause."

He Lin flicked her hair behind her ears and smiled shyly, "I'm He Lin. It's the first time we meet. Please take care of me."

Before the words were finished, the boys almost blushed their palms with excitement.

[Ding, master, the target soul has a strong sense of rejection of this person.]

[Gou Liang: ... he doesn't even like girls with such big breasts. Sure enough, only a girl as cute as me can conquer him. [Proud face]]

[System: ( ̄▽ ̄")]

I saw the new beautiful classmate walking towards the corner, she blushed slightly, and said to Gou Liang: "This classmate, is it convenient to change places with you?" When she said this, her eyes were Never moved away from Shi Yu's side face.

Gou Liang raised his eyebrows, the new classmate's plan for Shi Xueba was so obvious that it broke the boys' hearts all over the place.

He smiled and showed dimples, put his hand on Shi Xueba's shoulder, poked his face and said, "Dear deskmate, what do you think?"

Shi Yu raised his head from the book, put the book away, took out a food box from his schoolbag, opened it and handed it to him, and said with a light smile, "Grandma made it for you specially."

The golden-yellow fried fresh milk and the strong milky aroma immediately made Gou Liang throw away the bazooka of his love rival.

Shi Yu smiled and looked at him who was eating and praising him.

He Lin, who was left out in the cold and never got a look from Shi Yu, her smile froze on her beautiful face.