Discussing The Correct Posture To Enjoy Dog Food

Chapter 87: Pineapple Orc Attack (5)


When Sang Mi came in with a nourishing decoction, Gou Liang was holding back his big move against the motionless favor.

"Brother Lang Xi, why don't you eat?"

He put down the medicine bowl and looked at Gou Liang worriedly.

Sang Mi was the heir chosen by the old priest after being heartbroken by the original owner.

Every priest will definitely choose the next priest before entering the aging period, but even in a large tribe like Wall, counting Gouliang and Yuejin, there are only five females with prayer power, Sang Mi The other female has already formed a bond but is not pregnant yet, and her wishing power is already very weak.

Therefore, the old priest had no choice.

Having just received the blessing of the Beast God, Sang Mi, who is five years old, likes the notorious Gou Liang very much.

Gou Liang felt a little comforted by this—although the original owner had a cute baby face, in order to successfully play the role of a five-year-old cute baby, so as not to be too cute and too eye-catching, Gou Liang spent a whole 1111 ruthlessly Points to buy a set of high-end temperament BUFF props, so that I can restore 100% of the pure innocence that belongs to children.

Who would have thought that the target would not take this kind of thing at all, the so-called lack of good looks and temperament would all become pseudoscience in front of Meng Hao.

Gou Liang saw that Sang Mi was urging him, so he had no choice but to continue eating the strange animal meat in the bowl—well, it was even more unpalatable when it was cold.

The meals for the past few days are cooked by the old priest, because Meng Hao, who is in charge of cooking, has been out hunting for three full days.

Patriarch Lang Xiong took a group of tribal warriors to hunt half a month ago. They were supposed to turn back two days ago, but they met a small tribal orc who was crushed by an avalanche and displaced on the way.

The other party asked to surrender to Wall, and the patriarch agreed.

In the avalanche, because the orcs desperately protected the females and cubs, the proportion of existing females and cubs in this tribe is actually greater than that of adult male orcs. There are many injuries, and even many male orcs have been injured. As a result, the return journey was delayed, later than originally planned.

But the collection of silver roses is urgent.

In order to protect the collection team and guard the tribe, even the marginalized orcs like Meng Hao also took on the responsibility of guarding the tribe, so he saved more rations for himself and Meng Hui before his shift.

Although Meng Hao's cooking skills are not very good, but compared to the old priest's dark dishes, it is still barely edible... The meat of different raw and cooked animals on the plate is really horrible.

Gou Liang comforted himself while eating: It doesn’t matter if the goal is big and the skills are poor, and it will be more fulfilling to train in the future.

Seeing him chewing and swallowing, Sang Mi wrinkled his face and looked uncomfortable for him, and whispered in his ear: "Brother Lang Xi, is it hard to eat? Please bear with me a little longer, my grandpa will come to see me. At that time, I promised that tomorrow a female uncle would come and cook for us."

Gou Liang glanced at him appreciatively.

Sang Mi giggled and said, "Master Priest, it's better to decoct the medicine."

From the second day on, a female would take turns to cook for the priest and take care of the tribe cubs who were fostered by the priest during the day.

Although the craftsmanship is also not delicious, Biji and Meng Hao are considered to be excellent.

Two days later, Meng Hao, who was on duty soon, returned with a full load.

"...Grandpa, when will Brother Meng Hao come back?"

Hearing Gou Liang's voice, Meng Hao, who originally wanted to ask the old priest to know about Meng Hui's illness these days, stopped.

Through the window, he saw Gou Liang lying on the table, with his chin in his palm and smilingly looking at the old priest who was sitting beside him grinding the medicinal powder, his raised feet dangling.

Meng Hao was in a daze for a moment.

Time seems to go back to the first half of his life, when the little Lang Xi watched him or the old priest doing things like this. When he laughed, his eyes were shining, and the two dimples at the corners of his mouth were delicate and cute.

The old priest probably felt the same way, so he spoke to Gou Liang in a very loving tone, just like he used to treat the little female who loved to cry and laugh by his side.

"I should be back today or tomorrow, and Xiaoxi will see him after she sleeps."

Gou Liang became happy then, and began to expect with the old priest what delicious food his brother Meng Hao would bring back to him and Meng Hui: green silk fruit or tender two-horned beast meat? Silver melons or colorful birds and beast eggs

Meng Hao, who raised his footsteps again, was stunned by the appearance of countless treasures, because... he didn't bring anything back for Gou Liang.

The old priest listened with a smile, but Gou Liang suddenly paused and asked him: "Grandpa Wo Qing, you have Sang Mi, so I can't learn the priest's prayer from you?"

The old priest paused as he grinded the hemostatic powder, looked at Gou Liang's expression, and saw that there were only simple doubts in his eyes, so he asked him, "Why do you ask that, does Xiaoxi want to be a priest?"

Gou Liang thought about it seriously, then shook his head, "I just want Xiao Hui to get well soon, so that brother Meng Hao won't be so sad."

The old priest smiled and said, "It's good that Xiaoxi has such an idea."

Gou Liang scratched his head, smiled shyly, moved to the old priest's side and hugged his arm and said coquettishly, "Grandpa Wo Qing, I've been secretly thinking for a long time, and finally came up with a solution."


The old priest looked at him benevolently.

Gou Liang was encouraged, and said: "I can't learn the priest's prayer, but I can learn medical skills from Grandpa Wo Qing. In this way, I can make Xiaohui get better faster, and Brother Meng Hao won't always be unhappy And, I'm so smart, I'm sure I'll pick it up soon, won't I?"

The old priest nodded. He naturally agreed with the little female who is eager to learn and make progress, but the ugly words must be said first: "Learning medicine is also very hard. If you give up halfway, grandpa will never teach you again."

"I won't."

Gou Liang said with certainty.

The old priest laughed, patted his head and said, "You child, why do you like Meng Hao so much?"

Gou Liang said: "I like Brother Meng Hao the most... But Grandpa, why did Brother Meng Hao not like me when I woke up?"

The light in his eyes dimmed a lot, the old priest comforted: "You have all grown up, Meng Hao can no longer get close to females like when he was a child..."

"Grow up... If only I could not grow up."

Amid Gou Liang's emotion, Meng Hao turned and left.

the next day.

"Brother Meng Hao!"

As soon as he woke up, he could smell Meng Hao's scent, and Gou Liang, who came here happily, threw himself on Meng Hao's back happily, "Brother Meng Hao, you are back! I miss you so much!"

Meng Hao, who had been on guard for a long time, covered his face with one hand, not allowing him to rub against his face and neck, Gou Liang snuggled his cheek into his palm without any pickiness, and rubbed it up.

Meng Hao: "... go down."

Gou Liang: "I don't want it."

The old priest on the opposite side looked at Meng Hao's stubborn expression of wanting to push but couldn't move, and said with a smile: "Meng Hao, don't worry. Meng Hui's situation is very optimistic. As long as he is careful not to hurt him again, he will definitely be able to stand up again. of."

Hearing this, Meng Hao's eyes were full of joy, after thanking the old priest, he cleverly shook Gou Liang away and walked away quickly.

Gou Liang didn't chase him this time, and looked at his back with puffy face, his eyes were full of tears.

Seeing this, the old priest sighed helplessly in his heart, and handed him a bag of green silk fruit and silver melon: "Here, little glutton, your elder brother Meng Hao specially brought it to you."

Gou Liang's eyes lit up awkwardly, and he came back to life on the spot, holding the bag of treasures and calling out to Brother Meng Hao without hesitation, and happily chased after him.

The days passed day by day as you chased me.

When Gou Liang's abdominal pain from time to time finally fully healed and Meng Hui stood up again, the silver moon in the night sky had already turned gray.

Meng Hui is worthy of being an orc with a strong physique. Although Gou Liang adjusted the efficiency of the flesh and blood remodeling props to the minimum, his recovery speed was faster than Gou Liang expected.

When Hei Lang stood up tremblingly again, Gou Liang saw that Meng Hao's face was wet. Although Meng Hui only stood still for a while and sat back down again, it was already a great surprise! He turned into a huge white wolf, bigger than the black wolf, rubbing the black wolf's frustrated head, patting the black wolf's back with his tail, and comforting his younger brother that he will get better in the future.

Gou Liang saw it, and his eyes turned red with jealousy.

What's even more hateful is that Meng Hui has already stood up, and the favorability of the target is still unchanged!

That night, Hei Lang couldn't sleep because of the itching of bone regeneration. Meng Hao went to ask the old priest to help him late at night. Hei Lang finally fell asleep under the old priest's singing.

After sending the old priest back, when he was leaving, Meng Hao suddenly asked: "Master Priest, Lang Xi... when will he recover his memory?"

The old priest was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "You kid, are you finally going to stop fighting with him?"

Meng Hao said: "I am very grateful for everything he has done for Meng Hui now."

The old priest sighed, and said: "As far as it is concerned, the possibility of Xiao Xi recovering her memory is very small. Meng Hao, I hope you can understand that the current Xiao Xi is different from Lang Xi, and the mistakes Lang Xi made , should not be borne by a child."

"...he will grow up."

I will always repeat the process of being sensible and then alienating them.

The old priest shook his head.

He said: "It's not me who excuses Lang Xi. Every orc is blessed by the beast god when he comes into the world. They are like silver moon flowers, pure and transparent. Until he learns our appearance, a little bit longer In this process, the responsibility of being an elder is even greater. And I believe that the patriarch and Gal will no longer only know how to spoil him and never teach him as before. "

The old priest believed that the child would grow into a completely different appearance from before.

Kindness and integrity.

Meng Hao opened his mouth, but left without saying anything.

[Ding! Target Favorability Update! Current favorability: The data is unstable, and accurate calculations are being made! !]

Meng Hao was thinking about something on his mind, and today he saw Gou Liang's expressions of wanting to approach him and Meng Hui's daring but not daring, but even though he was grateful, he still couldn't let go of Lang Xi's harm to his younger brother.

With a pause in his footsteps, Meng Hao stopped in front of the house for a while, his younger brother's sleepy snoring, instead of going inside to rest, he turned around and came to Gou Liang's house.

In his sleep, Gou Liang still had a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, and the dimple in the corner of his mouth was faintly visible.

Meng Hao watched him silently, and suddenly saw him smacking his mouth, he touched something with his hands around something, turned sideways to face himself, and continued to grope until he rolled the quilt into his arms, like hugging something when he was a child. Touching and smirking as he stroked his tail.

"Brother Menghao... delicious... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

I don't know what he dreamed about, but the little dimple was filled with a sweet smile.

The curvature of Meng Hao's lip line was much softer.

Stretching out his hand to cover the quilt again, he thought: I will not forget the hurt I have suffered, but I will also watch you grow up again... I hope that you will really grow into a bright and colorful red moon flower like the priest said , instead of the icy edge flowers blooming in the white moon.

[Ding, target favorability updated, current favorability: +61!]

Seeing the big blind spot leave, Gou Liang pulled up the quilt, biting the quilt and letting out a rustling laugh—oooo! It's not far from the day when I sleep with my big tail in my arms! Whoa whoa whoa! !

Gray rose is the shortest of the four seasons, only less than a month.

The sky was constantly raining, and when the drizzle turned into a torrential rain, Gou Liang had memorized the efficacy of all the herbs taught by the priest with extraordinary talent, and was able to accurately identify their appearance.

Fearing that he would forget, the old priest often took the time to ask him to recite it again.

That's it for now.

Gou Liang: "Silver Star Grass, Lord Beast God's blessing to newborns, can help female uncles give birth to healthy orc babies; Silver Moon Flower, Lord Beast God's gift to orcs who have struggled through the white rose season, eating it can make your life easier." People become warm and comfortable; Gray Moon Vine... Well, when will Grandpa Wo Qing, Brother Meng Hao and Father come back?"

Sammy was looking at him adoringly.

Seeing that he was no longer carrying his back, he hugged his knees and looked worriedly at the downpour of rain, lightning, thunder and thunder outside the window, the dimples at the corners of his mouth disappeared, and his eyes were full of sorrow, so he came to him and comforted Gou Liang, saying: "It will be soon. I came back. My father and grandfather both said that they will be home when the rain stops. My lord priest, the rain will stop soon, right?"

The old priest smiled and nodded.

But this did not ease Gou Liang's worries.

He was looking at the big blind spot. After harvesting the gray moon vines, they hid under a big tree to avoid the rain—wasn't this struck by lightning

He was worried, no wonder in the memory of the original owner, every time the gray rose orcs went out, they would come back with many injuries, and some even lost their lives. Isn't this asking for a dead end

Meng Hao and the others are here to harvest gray moon vines.

Ash Moon Vine is a precious herb that can be used as medicine or directly used only in the gray moon rainy season. It grows in the large forest at the foot of the long stretch of Sanpa Mountain.

It converts the rainwater it absorbs into a nourishing gray lotion, and at the end of the gray rose season - when the rain is at its heaviest - it will drink enough and accumulate the most lotion. And once the gray rose season is over, the unharvested ones will bloom and bear fruit overnight, and all the milk will be condensed in the fruit, which will be swallowed by the most ferocious black armored dragon.

And the emulsion of gray moon vine is very precious, not only can make orc cubs and females stronger, but also can be preserved until the white rose will not dry up or be lost. The survival rate of roses has been greatly improved.

Therefore, even though the weather is very dangerous, the warriors of the tribe will race against time to harvest the gray moon vines when they are full and the black armored dragon beast does not come to guard, wrapping the gray moon vines around their bodies until they are burdened. I'm sorry.

Sang Mi: "Brother Lang Xi, don't worry, let's continue to recite."

He looked excited, as if Gou Liang was talking about an interesting story.

Gou Liang sighed secretly: "Grey Moon Vine, the Lord Beast God bestows precious tears on the orcs, making them strong and brave, not afraid of severe cold and disease; Let the blood of the warriors coagulate and the wounds heal; Red Scale—?!!"

Gou Liang's voice suddenly froze.


It's too bad to say that lightning strikes and be struck by lightning!

In the system monitoring, I saw that a certain orc was struck by lightning and turned into a piece of black coal, and the big tree that the orcs relied on suddenly burst into flames in the raging rainstorm. The burned and frightened orcs roared one after another.

"Fox Power!!"

The companion of the hacked orc screamed.

The orcs around him grabbed him and prevented him from catching the orcs who had been cut off from life and burned by the fire.

The wolf male roared in animal language: "Master Beast God doesn't want us to stay here any longer, everyone follows me and returns to the tribe as quickly as possible!"

The orcs responded one after another, and began to rush towards the tribe.

The fire of the big tree was quickly extinguished by the heavy rain, but behind the orcs, several trees were chopped off by lightning one after another, and the fire burst out one after another, and spread like a continuous fire in an instant. Even pouring rain could not extinguish the raging fire in a short time.

Lord Beast God is driving them away from this dangerous place!

With such thoughts in mind, the speed of the orcs is getting faster and faster!

Gou Liang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the big blind spot and they left the hardest-hit forest and entered the grassland.

Although the team harvesting the gray moon vine suffered some burns, most of them returned safely the night before the end of the gray moon season, except for that poor moon fox orc.

Gou Liang was relieved to see Meng Hao and Lang Xiong intact, but the matter did not really end.

The female of the orc Huli of the Yuehu clan was so distraught that she went to Meng Hao to vent her pain. In the medicine garden, there was a sudden burst of crying and cursing: "Damn white orc, you are the one who brought the disaster to the tribe, you are the one who killed Hu Li, it is you!"

He hurls a stone at—

Meng Hao's face was sullen, but he didn't avoid it.

"Brother Meng Hao!"

Gou Liang rushed towards Meng Hao at the fastest speed, and before Meng Hao had time to react, the stone had already hit Gou Liang on the head.

Immediately, blood stained Gou Liang's pale and terrified face.