Disguised as a Boss in an Escape Game

Chapter 20: Special talisman


"Xiao Ru!" The alien teacher suddenly burst out with powerful force and shook Qin Yuandai away. He knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, buried his eyes with his hands, and kept cursing, pitiful and hateful.

"You beasts! You killed Xiaoru!" He suddenly raised his head and stared at Qin Yuandai, as if Qin Yuandai was his wife-killing enemy.

Qin Yuandai looked arrogant and indifferent: "You are the one who killed Xiaoru step by step. It was you who always wanted to back down and take shortcuts when encountering difficulties, which made the situation worse. Now that you have killed two women, you don't want to repent, but instead Start by scolding others."

"What do you know?!" The alien teacher said angrily, "Manpower is sometimes exhausted, and my ability is limited. If I want to get so much money for Xiaoru's medical treatment in a short period of time, I can only make a bad move and marry a rich woman. You don't I have thought about it from my point of view, what qualifications do I have to judge what I do? If you were desperate, would you be able to do everything perfectly?"

Qin Yuandai sneered, but said nothing.

"I have tried my best to give Xiaoru the best...why does Xiaoru still hate me!" Teacher Alien shed tears of blood, "I am only one step away from success, and I will be able to give Xiaoru a better life soon, it's all your fault —”

His eyes were blood red, full of anger, he let out a roar, and tried his best to kill Qin Yuandai.

But in this state during the day, the strength of the alien teacher has been weakened too much. In the end, he hit the stone with an egg and was killed by Qin Yuandai.

"A reckless coward, unbearable." Qin Yuandai killed the ghost, and even commented to express his disdain, "Xiao Ru really put all her efforts into vain, and sacrificed herself to save such a waste like you."

Qin Yuandai is very strong, but people are not born strong. At birth, like everyone else, he was a crying baby.

Qin Yuandai is able to achieve what he is today because of facing numerous setbacks and facing up to difficulties, even when he hits the ceiling and has a broken head and blood.

Manpower is sometimes exhausted, and Qin Yuandai has experienced this feeling of powerlessness too many times. He looks down on Mr. Meng, not because he is aloof and ignorant of the sufferings of the world—

If you want to judge a hero with scars, who can compare with him

But being desperate does not mean taking shortcuts by any means.

If you don't have money to treat Xiaoru's illness, why not dedicate yourself to a high-risk industry? The money to buy your life must be rich! Of course, there is a very high probability that there will be no return. As smart as Mr. Meng, there is no reason to give up the opportunity to marry a rich woman and get rich easily, and kill himself.

There is nothing wrong with this choice, but his mistake is that he is too greedy.

In the world, the essence of choice is trade-offs. He is limited by his ability, since he chooses to take shortcuts and is unwilling to suffer, he must be prepared to lose love and hurt his lover.

But judging from the follow-up results, Mr. Meng behaved as if he had lost his mind. Obviously, he was not ready for this. Mr. Meng does not want to lose Xiaoru's love, nor does he want to lose his comfortable life. He always wants to have the best of both worlds.

—How can there be such a good thing in the world

A good relationship may be a gift from heaven, but if a person's virtue is not matched, the great happiness will fall, and he will not be able to keep it.

The sun shines through the window, flooding the earth with brilliant morning light. The light is so dazzling, without any sadness.

Qin Yuandai stood bathed in blood, hooked his hand against You Xi against the light: "Come here."

With his toes, You Xi could guess what Qin Yuandai was calling him to do. Xiaoru was obliterated by the system after revealing the secret, and she was 99% telling the truth. In this game, You Xi and Qin Yuandai are very likely to be the only couple who love each other among all the players.

But what about the one percent risk? Maybe Xiaoru knew that neither she nor Mr. Meng would survive today, and she wanted to find someone to back her up when she was about to die, deliberately deceiving Qin Yuandai!

Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, even if he is as strong as Qin Yuandai, he cannot guarantee 100% safety, there must always be a moment when he will fight with his life.

Yuxi wanted to back up, but his feet went against the reason of his brain and took a step forward.

Seeing this, Qin Yuandai raised his eyebrows slightly, and walked towards You Xi firmly. He stretched out his right hand, pressed You Xi's head, and pulled him into his arms very forcefully. Like a violent storm, Qin Yuandai's breath rushed towards his face, and You Xi's mind went blank—

But he will never forget this kiss for the rest of his life.

Stimulation, fear, trembling, excitement, Yuxi even felt that he had a sudden cardiac arrest.

But no pain happened. When kissing him, Qin Yuandai's high nose bridge touched his nose, which was cool but not cold, with a hint of tenderness.

It seems to be only a second, and it seems to be as long as a lifetime, like a cosmic explosion, like a lonely galaxy.

You Xi opened his eyes, Qin Yuandai had already let him go.

"Ding—congratulations to the player for conquering the game!

God-sent marriage, a glance of ten thousand years!

It is detected that the customs clearance level has reached S level, and the dungeon boss is cleared, and all players are specially rewarded with ten minutes of free time to explore the dungeon. Reward items drop randomly, whoever sees it will have a share! "

"Celebrate with the whole world!" In 003's live broadcast room, excited fans spent a lot of money to buy fireworks, and after blowing up the whole room into smoke and fog, they were still not satisfied, and ran to 004 next door to continue to set off.

Fans raised their arms and cheered: "My brother Dai's first kiss on screen has finally been contributed, I cry! I laugh! I can't calm down after writing a hundred times of self-criticism!"

003 has deep roots in escape games. Although he is not popular with passers-by, compared with the newcomer 004, he has many more fans. Fans of 003 frantically flocked to 004's live broadcast room, collecting various gifts. But that's the case, this kind of forced CP behavior also makes the pretender chop the bird very uncomfortable.

"What about Mrs. Dai, no one sees that we 004 are not willing at all?" Bo is to save his brother Liu Yu, so why should we 004 put ourselves in it!"

"003 scumbag! 003 fans get out!" The pretender Choi Xiaoniao was filled with righteous indignation, "We 004 and 003 cannot live together!"

The comment of the pretender chopping the bird was deleted by the administrator before it was posted.

But the comment area has already become noisy because of this.

Before the fans of 003 were happy, they were criticized by some fans of 004. Although they realized that their actions were inappropriate, they still felt angry after spending money. Fans of 004 feel that Qin Yuandai doesn't respect people. He is a hero, so we 004 have also taken the risk. Why should we be a beauty to accompany the hero.

Although 004 is indeed a beauty, he doesn't bring 003 to bully others!

While arguing, Qin Yuandai abandoned You Xi in the game and ran to the sports equipment room to find his good brother. And Yuxi stood alone in the hall, looking lonely.

004 fans were completely blown away.

Seeing their idols being wronged, they were completely taken over by the pretender chopping the birds, and each of them turned into a sharp-billed bird, pecking at 003 fans—

"What does 003 think of our family 004, tool people? Get out of here, you idiots, you are not welcome here!"

"Throw it away when you're done using it? You bastard! You don't even add us 004 as a friend!"

"Who wants to celebrate with 003, 003 apologizes!"

003 fans saw the situation taking a turn for the worse, and they were all stunned. But they were really wronged, Brother Dai did not behave properly!

"This, this..." 003 fans retreated steadily, only a few fans who were unwilling to believe the facts still stubbornly stayed in the 004 live broadcast room, hoping that the situation would be reversed.

Their expectations were not disappointed.

When 004 turned around and left the hall, the camera captured his back, sharp-eyed fans suddenly noticed something unusual.

"Huh? There is a talisman paper on the back of 004!" I rubbed my eyes frantically for Brother Dai, took a screenshot of the picture below and clicked to enlarge it, and after studying for a long time, I was shocked and typed on the keyboard, "Trough! This is what Brother Dai got when he cleared Deadly Hell. Super talisman?!"

The dungeon is a deadly hell, the nightmare of thousands of players. In the past, players unfortunately went to Hell, basically a narrow escape. The survival rate of ordinary dungeons is about 20%, but the survival rate of Deadly Hell is only 1%. It is common for the entire team of players to be wiped out, and those who can survive by luck are the exceptions within the exception.

And Qin Yuandai completely reversed this situation. He bravely led Liu Yu into hell, beheaded the demon boss at the time in one fell swoop, and led half of the team members to be reborn in blood. This clearance, which is enough to be included in the annals of history, not only promoted Liu Yu from a B-level player to an A-level player, but also greatly reduced the difficulty for future players to clear this dungeon.

For this reason, the game system gave Qin Yuandai a life in a rare and generous way—

A super talisman that grants you resurrection from the dead!

Even if he is as strong as Qin Yuandai, after playing the game for more than a year, he can only get such a talisman.

Almost all escape game players have heard of it, it is priceless and unique, but no one dares to think about it.

It's not because of Qin Yuandai's strength that desperadoes shy away, but because the talisman has special properties and can only be gifted willingly by the owner, and cannot kill people to seize treasure. Just imagine, the robber here just took great pains to kill the owner of the amulet, and the amulet spontaneously ignited on the other side, bringing the owner back from the dead... This picture is so bloody.

Hurting others and benefiting oneself, why bother

"Who dares to scold us 003 again?" The fans came back after hearing the news, full of confidence, "Here is the betrothal gift! Except for us, Brother Dai, who can offer a richer and more practical betrothal gift than this? Who can marry us?" Hello, brother Dai!"