Disguised as a Boss in an Escape Game

Chapter 46: Harm Boss Yan


There were quite a few guards on the third and outer floors of Hua Yusheng's wedding room, but Boss Yan didn't see that Hua Yusheng was still there with his own eyes, so he didn't dare to rest assured. Especially thinking of Hua Yusheng's abnormal behavior of being as quiet as a chicken tonight, Boss Yan was extremely disturbed.

He pushed aside the servants and hurriedly walked towards the inner room. When he was approaching Hua Yusheng's room, the masked ghost suddenly reached out to stop Boss Yan who was focused on moving forward.

"What's wrong?" Boss Yan was very anxious, but cautiously cooperated and stopped.

"I found..." the masked ghost said, "Boss Yan, you are a bit weird today."

"I'm to blame?" Boss Yan touched his face and frowned, "Where is it to blame?"

The masked ghost approached Boss Yan to observe carefully. When Boss Yan was frightened by the look, the masked ghost suddenly lifted the mask to reveal his white chin. When Boss Yan was caught off guard, he kissed Boss Yan!

Boss Yan: "!!!"

Boss Yan was secretly kissed without checking for a while, and was so surprised that he took three steps back again and again. When he looked again, the masked ghost covered the mask with lightning speed.

"You're the fuck's fault! Get lost!" Boss Yan was furious.

After he finished speaking, he realized that the other party was really weird today. It seems that I am not as tall as before, and I am not as thin as before.

But the masked ghost said hoarsely: "Don't be angry, I just want to say that you look cute today."

"Cute, you're paralyzed!" Boss Yan was holding his chubby belly, full of anger.

But he was cunning and cunning, and immediately realized that the masked ghost might just be delaying time, and this guy might be in the same gang as Hua Yusheng!

Boss Yan stopped talking nonsense with the masked ghost, flicked his sleeves, strode towards Hua Yusheng's room, and opened the door.

Behind what Boss Yan couldn't see, the masked ghost touched his belly, which had become round and big, and temporarily put away the re-engraved life seal that Yuxi had given him.

Boss Yan looks like a middle-aged loser, who does he think wants to kiss him? vomit!

As soon as the door opened, Hua Yusheng was seen obediently sitting on the marriage bed with a red hijab on her head. Boss Yan couldn't help saying, and he lifted the red hijab. Hua Yusheng was dressed in red, with shining phoenix eyes. After the hijab was lifted, he raised his head in surprise and looked at Boss Yan.

After confirming that Hua Yusheng was still doing his duty in the wedding room, Boss Yan finally put his heart back into his stomach.

That was the only good thing that happened tonight.

Hua Yusheng shyly said: "Boss Yan, it turns out that the person who married me wasn't some ghost at all, but you."

Boss Yan: "???"

"Are you still pretending to be stupid? No wonder you have so many people guarding me, so nervous about me." Hua Yusheng smiled shyly, "You have come to expose my red hijab, you are not the groom, who could the groom be?" ?”

"No, I told you that your husband is Meng Shisan!" Boss Yan waved his hands repeatedly, holding the red hijab to cover Hua Yusheng back.

Hua Yusheng avoided it as if she had no bones, and put her slender jade bracelet on Boss Yan's neck.

"Don't say these things I don't like to hear." Hua Yusheng said, "Husband, I'm really stupid. I didn't realize how handsome you are until today."

"Don't, don't—" Boss Yan repeatedly refused. On the bright side, the masked ghost also came to help push Hua Yusheng, but when Boss Yan was in a hurry, he secretly stuffed the re-engraved life seal into Hua Yusheng's hand.

Just as Hua Yusheng was pushed away, he smiled magically, and then he hung himself on Boss Yan like a moth to a flame. If it had been the past, Boss Yan would probably hit someone right now, but today Hua Yusheng is a delicate bride, and her husband is still outside, Boss Yan can't afford to offend her, so she dared not do anything at all and could only defend passively.

Hua Yusheng kissed Boss Yan's lips ferociously.

"That's right." Hua Yusheng stepped back with a smile, and said with malicious eyes, "Now you are much more pleasing to the eye."

Boss Yan felt light all over. He lowered his head and saw that the big belly that had accompanied him for many years had disappeared. Not only that, his big yellow and black hands had also become as white as jade.

Boss Yan tremblingly grabbed the Linghua mirror on the table, took a false photo, and his face turned out to be exactly the same as that of Hua Yusheng!

Boss Yan's heart skipped a beat. He realized that he had been plotted against again!

"Don't be afraid." Boss Yan comforted himself, "I have the Yin Soldier Talisman and a group of diehard loyalists. Even if Hua Yusheng tries to play tricks like the real and fake Monkey King, it won't take long for her to be exposed."

And the masked ghost is still here, he can also testify to himself.

However, thinking of the various performances of the masked ghost just now, Boss Yan doesn't know whether the other party is still trustworthy.

He pointed the rhombic mirror towards his rear, and what he saw later made his eyes pop out in surprise, and the rhombic mirror directly shattered.

The masked ghost took off the mask, and he was kissing Hua Yusheng with a face that was exactly the same as that of Boss Yan, and Hua Yusheng also changed his appearance at a speed visible to the naked eye—

"Damn, what are you doing!!!" Boss Yan exploded in anger, how could they use their faces to do such disgusting things!

The masked ghost put on the mask, and Hua Yusheng, who turned into Boss Yan, took off the overly tight red wedding dress, exposed her underwear, and shouted: "Come on! Don't let the bride run away!"

Almost as soon as the words fell, a group of servants rushed in. They saw that Boss Yan's clothes were disheveled, and Hua Yusheng was wearing Boss Yan's clothes, and they were instantly dumbfounded.

Oh hoo, I didn't expect Boss Yan to be so coquettish. On Hua Yusheng's wedding night, he came here to steal sex honestly, and now he's overturned, you old pervert! It's really knowing people, knowing their faces, but not knowing their hearts!

"What are you still doing in a daze?!" Boss Yan, who was only wearing his coat, looked angrily, "Catch him!"

"Despicable, despicable!" Besieged by everyone, the real boss Yan yelled. Those servants swarming up were not his opponents, they were killed by him, but many people came to attack him one after another, and Boss Yan had to jump out of the window to escape. However, in order to ensure everything was safe, Boss Yan also placed a lot of people under the window to guard Hua Yusheng, but now he shot himself in the foot instead.

Boss Yan was about to die of anger.

Hua Yusheng has been squeezed by Boss Yan since he came to Qingyu Class, and there are few moments when he can make the other party feel embarrassed. The body, he also likes it.

It is true that when Hua Yusheng first got the kit, he couldn't believe it. He even suspected that it was another trap set by Boss Yan. But for him, everything couldn't be worse. He simply put his life on the line as a living doctor and tried his best, but he didn't expect everything to turn around.

The masked ghost pulled him aside, telling him not to get too carried away. After taking back the engraved life seal from Hua Yusheng, he stuffed the other party with a piece of Boss Yan's clothes, and asked Hua Yusheng to change it quickly, and then jumped up and melted into the vast night.

Hua Yusheng hummed a tune while changing clothes.

While changing pants, Hua Yusheng discovered a secret of Boss Yan—

Boss Yan's penis is like bean sprouts, so small.

Hahahaha too ridiculous!

Hua Yusheng couldn't help but laugh wildly while patting the bed, happy that life is nothing more than this.

After finishing her attire, Hua Yusheng swaggered out of the wedding room, while the real Boss Yan was forced onto the roof and was fighting with his dog servant. Hua Yusheng looked at this beautiful scenery in the world with leisure, and felt a sense of ecstasy as if he didn't know what day and night it was.

After transforming into Hua Yusheng's body, Boss Yan's force value rose instead of falling. Compared with her originally bloated body, Hua Yusheng has a slender figure. She practiced exercises every day, and her flexibility has increased by more than one level.

Waiting for the idle servants to get close to him, Boss Yan is majestic and majestic, killing all directions, all the servants on the roof were knocked down by him in a short while.

Boss Yan flicked up his clothes, and stood alone on the moonlit roof, winning the best mvp in the audience, exuding the unrestrained feeling that a hero is always lonely.

"Bah." Hua Yusheng thought to himself, "It's only handsome if you put on my face like this, otherwise in the eyes of others now, Boss Yan is clearly a sow climbing a tree."

Boss Yan finally took a breather, but the situation was not optimistic. He saw a few ghosts who had made friends with him not far away, coming after hearing the news. Boss Yan took out the Yin Soldier Talisman again and again, and said loudly to the crowd below who were eager to attack him: "With the Yin Soldier Talisman in hand, I am the real Boss Yan, the one below is just a counterfeit!"

He shouted loudly, at the same time a hundred or so Yin soldiers suddenly appeared around him, pretending to guard him to the death.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and everyone looked at Hua Yusheng suspiciously. Hua Yusheng was very smart for a while, like a playwright, imitating Boss Yan's usual appearance, cupping her stomach and saying: "His rhetoric confuses you." I, taking advantage of my unpreparedness, snatched my Yin Soldier Talisman, hey, I'm so mad!"

Hua Yusheng and Boss Yan have known each other for ten years, and are very familiar with some of Boss Yan's small movements. He said that he stomped his feet when he said he was in pain, and he was carved out of the same mold as Boss Yan.

The ghost adults who floated over looked at each other, not knowing what to say, but they all sympathized with Meng Shisan unanimously.

Speaking of which, Meng Shisan showed up tonight, except for the church visit, where did everyone go the rest of the time? The top of his head is almost green into a green grassland, why doesn't he take care of it

"Old Yan, you are not honest. How can you give your concubine to Meng Shisan as a wife?" You Gui began to point and point.

"You talk nonsense and ruin my reputation! Don't listen to him!" The man on the roof stomped his feet angrily, "I am Boss Yan, I am!"

"Everyone misunderstood. The bride just wanted to escape, so she confused me. We didn't make it to the last step." Hua Yusheng raised her head while clarifying, and asked the person on the roof, "You keep saying that you are Boss Yan? , then let me ask you, do you know how long my old Yan's penis is? If you can say it out loud and say it correctly, today I will admit that you have been framed!"

Boss Yan's eyes are tearing with hatred, despicable, so despicable! How long his penis is is the secret he is most unwilling to reveal to others in his life. Even if he dies, this secret must never be revealed!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-13 17:27:19~2020-05-14 14:59:39~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of late-stage lazy cancer;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!