Disguised as a Boss in an Escape Game

Chapter 5: midnight horror


After taking a bath, Yuxi ushered in a happy afternoon tea time.

There are also loose-packed melon seeds today, which is Yuxi's favorite. The sumptuous afternoon tea made Youxi feel a little full. Looking at the unfinished snacks, Youxi brought the spirit of thrift to the extreme, and stuffed all the remaining snacks into his portable space.

There seems to be a bit of a shortage of space.

You Xi planned to expand his warehouse another day.

While thinking, Jiang Jiang and Gu Mian came back, but this time they got nothing.

"There is a locked room on the third floor of the villa." Gu Mian said, "When we checked the rooms one by one, we found that the room was locked. At that time, we were afraid of touching something bad, so we didn't dare to act rashly. But all the rooms on the third floor After checking—”

"The locked door opened by itself strangely."

Gu Mian's face was very ugly: "I mustered up the courage and took a quick look inside the room. The room was empty, with only one desk. There was no paper or notebook on the desk, only a lonely pen."

very strange.

Even with Yuxi's IQ, something is wrong.

"It is estimated that someone opened the door before you." You Xi said, "Don't startle the snake, it's just that you lost a notebook that might record the story background of this dungeon, it's not a big deal."

No, Yuxi's heart is bleeding.

This group of people seem to be big bosses following his footsteps, but in fact they all have their own little ones in their hearts. At critical moments, who doesn't keep the means of life-saving for themselves

That night, with the howling wind, Yuxi woke up from sleep again, the wind was really loud and noisy.

Yuxi's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

No, he obviously closed the window before going to bed!

Yuxi looked down at the shadow cast by the moonlight, and saw two thin arms slowly stretching towards Yuxi in an extremely twisted posture. Yuxi immediately used the invisibility talisman, and the headless ghost who was trying to pinch Yuxi's neck suddenly lost his target and paused.

But then, with eyes that rolled around in her hands, she noticed that there were bulging protruding outlines on the quilt, and the mouth that grew out of the other hand of the headless ghost laughed out loud: "Haha, bitch Man, so you are also afraid? Don’t hide under the quilt. Didn’t you feel very proud when you lied to me the night before to say something that caused me to die? Now it’s your turn, obediently die for me—”

At the end of the conversation, the female ghost's voice became more and more shrill, and she suddenly rushed to the bed, but was caught off guard by the quilt thrown in the air.

"Naive, do you think you can escape just because of this?" The female ghost thought, she tore up the quilt effortlessly, but when she took a closer look, it was Yuxi who was sleeping on the bed, and she was clearly killed by her yesterday Doctor Liu!

The mouth and eyes of the headless Guigui began to twitch violently: "Damn it, why is it you?!"

But this time, her voice changed, it was no longer a woman's voice, but a man's gloomy tone mixed with sharpness.

Dr. Liu's body moved. His mouth and eyes are gone, but the mouth that grew on the female ghost's hand speaks in the tone of Dr. Liu: "It's you bitch again... why did you hurt me? I can't forgive you, I can't forgive you!!!"

Doctor Liu and the female ghost scuffled, and the noise was so loud that it woke up Jiang Jiang who was in the next bed. Jiang Jiang was shivering on his bed. Isn't that Dr. Liu? Why is Dr. Liu back? Where is the boss, where did the boss go

Jiang Jiang looked around for You Xi's figure, and he searched anxiously for a long time but couldn't find it. When he was desperate, he suddenly found that the big brother was standing in the empty place where the original bedside was, eating melon seeds leisurely.

No, the boss was obviously not there just now.

do not care. Jiang Jiang was afraid of fuming the boss, so he slept with his shoes on all night, which made it easier for him to move. He jumped off the bed and grabbed Yuxi's sleeve full of desire to survive, and Yuxi's movement of eating melon seeds paused.

... What the hell? Stealth time is over

You Xi originally thought that with the protection of the invisibility talisman, he released Doctor Liu to fight with the headless ghost, so he can sit back and relax tonight. But why did this tattered invisibility talisman fail after only 2 minutes of effort? He just finished eating one melon seed.

Can Cheapskate Games give away an invisibility charm with a shorter effective effect? !

You Xi was sulking, and he didn't want to eat melon seeds anymore, so he stuffed a handful of them into Jiang Jiang's hands.

He said succinctly: "Eat."

Jiang Jiang's hanging heart immediately fell back into his stomach.

He ate melon seeds steadily, but You Xi's expression became more and more serious. Dr. Liu was no match for the headless ghost at all.

Although Dr. Liu is tall and powerful, the headless ghost has already strengthened its own power by killing people. If this situation continues, if Dr. Liu loses, both he and Jiang Jiang will be unlucky.

"Don't eat it." You Xi glanced at Jiang Jiang who was spitting melon seed husks on the ground, took out a kitchen knife from his portable space, and solemnly handed it to Jiang Jiang: "Go help Doctor Liu."

"Ah?" Jiang Jiang was stunned, "Me?"

You Xi said sanctimoniously: "Yes, the weak must learn to grow up on their own. I can protect you for a while, but I can't protect you forever. Go chop the headless ghost, be more courageous, with me by your side, I won't let you die."

As You Xi said, he couldn't help but spurn himself, dog, he is really a dog!

Jiang Jiang was ordered in danger, and approached the headless ghost tremblingly. When Dr. Liu was held down by the headless ghost and was about to have his heart and lungs ripped out, he swung his kitchen knife and made a posture of heaven and earth falling apart.

The headless ghost let out a muffled groan, and slowly fell to the side.

Yuxi looked at it and couldn't help but startled.

Jiang Jiang, who killed the headless ghost, seemed to be different. But when he looked closely, Jiang Jiang still looked like a stupid and cute little follower, harmless to humans and animals.

But Yuxi has secretly become vigilant. Although he does not have the brains of the famous detective Conan like the bosses in other escape games, his tentacles for detecting danger are always ready to be stunned.

You Xi quickly recalled Jiang Jiang's series of performances, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was inconsistent. There are many doubts about Jiang Jiang, the most obvious one is - can a normal person's feet smell as bad as his

Dr. Liu has touched and dissected many corpses. He must know the smell of carrion better than everyone else in the villa. When the smell came, even he immediately thought of carrion instead of foot odor, probably... Jiang Jiang may really not be alive.

In the ink-splashed night, Jiang Jiang's pink hair seemed to have darkened a lot, revealing a strange blood red.

You Xi calmed down, tried his best to hide the fear in his heart, and said to Jiang Jiang with a natural expression: "You did a good job, come back."

On the other side of the room, after the headless ghost was severely injured, Dr. Liu seized the opportunity to rush forward frantically to take revenge. Jiang Jiang seemed to be frightened. He staggered over when he heard You Xi's call.

You Xi patted his head to express comfort, and took the kitchen knife back calmly.

Jiang Jiang didn't resist, but You Xi didn't feel relieved—

Jiang Jiang is definitely a boss. The hand he touched Jiang Jiang's hair just now revealed a faint smell of blood. The boss has already transformed so obviously, and still doesn't make a move, he must be holding back his big move!

Dr. Liu dug out the headless ghost's heart, crushed it cruelly, and then took off the eyes and mouth of the headless ghost, and covered his face with a pile of rotten meat.

Such a frightening and disgusting scene, if other people see it, they will inevitably feel uncomfortable. But the two people standing in the room on Wednesday reacted more strangely than the other.

You Xi raised the corners of his lips slightly as usual, while Jiang Jiang stood behind You Xi, his eyes filled with bloodthirsty excitement.

Dr. Liu felt that his dignity as a ghost had been challenged.

The crooked eyes on his face slowly scanned, and Dr. Liu locked his eyes on Jiang Jiang, who was unarmed. He opened his gigantic mouth, and said to Jiang Jiang, "You...why didn't you save me yesterday? Why did you ignore me—you can't forgive me!"

Live version of Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf!

A sentence flashed through You Xi's mind, Jiang Jiang saved Dr. Liu just now, why didn't Dr. Liu say it? Is it possible that after becoming a ghost, everyone starts to robber logic

The headless ghost just now attributed the cause of death to You Xi deceiving her, and now Dr. Liu feels that the root cause of his death is that Jiang Jiang did not save him. You Xi didn't know whether it was the exaggeration of the bad roots of human nature after death, or the intentional setting of the game.

If it is the latter, then all this is worth pondering. Why force a dog to bite a dog? Players kill each other, who has a vested interest, or in other words, who is happy with this situation

The answer is imminent—

That must be a boss who is hostile to the players and naturally stands on the opposite side, Jiang Jiang!

You Xi immediately understood that due to the restrictions of the game rules, Jiang Jiang, the boss, has not yet reached the point of losing his horse. Doctor Liu, who is a ghost, still regards him as an ordinary player who can be used to torture and kill.

Jiang Jiang is now pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, hiding behind him, either to let You Xi charge for him, or to test whether You Xi will push him out at a critical moment, or maybe both.

You Xi now has a wolf in front and a tiger in back. Tigers are more terrifying than wolves, so—

Yuxi took a step forward in a dignified manner. But beating is impossible. The scene of being beaten into a pig's head by the evil ghost is too beautiful for him to imagine.

"Can't forgive?" You Xi smiled contemptuously, "Who do you think you can beat? Are you here to avenge your revenge and seek death?"

Being ridiculed by You Xi, Dr. Liu was extremely angry, but remembering that Jiang Jiang reversed the situation just now, it doesn't look like a soft persimmon. Now the situation is two against one, which is not good for him...

"I'll give you three seconds, get out." You Xiser was stern, but he was already at the end of his strength. He was just about to count down to three, two, one, but saw Dr. Liu turn his head and run away, jumping out of the window heroically and fleeing without saying a word of cruelty decisively.

Yuxi: "..."

Ah, the happiness came so suddenly that it moved people almost to tears.