Disguised as a Boss in an Escape Game

Chapter 51: Back to the ancestral home


It was a peaceful night, and early the next morning, Yuxi was woken up by her aunt, saying that it was Cao Yun who came to visit.

Yuxi rubbed his eyes and struggled to get up from the bed. He glanced at the time, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

The night before had been too much fun and exhausted too much energy, You Xi hadn't had enough sleep yet, but Cao Yun came, and he still wanted to receive friends. You Xi wore pajamas, went downstairs to the living room, and greeted Cao Yun.

Cao Yun winked at him on the sofa and mouthed exaggeratedly. You Xi watched it for a long time, but didn't understand what he wanted to express. You Xi scratched his hair in trouble, and asked, "Is it uncomfortable to squeeze your eyes? Just tell me if you have anything to say."

"... I want to ask you about that man yesterday." Cao Yun wasted a long time on his expression, and found that Fa Xiao didn't get him at all, and couldn't help being curious, and finally asked, "Why didn't he come with you?" Going downstairs?"

"Oh, he's in another room." Yuxi paused, "By the way, how do you know that I brought someone home yesterday?"

"I just saw it?" Cao Yun blew his bangs and said, "I'm so caring and I didn't want to spoil your good deeds, so I didn't follow you immediately yesterday. But after thinking about it, I still don't trust you, so I came here today to help you palm your eyes. Find out if that guy is a scumbag."

"But I'm planning to go back to my hometown in a while, and you probably don't have time to practice the Dafa of Appreciating Scum." You Xi said while squeezing toothpaste across the bathroom, "Why don't you go back with me too?"

Cao Yun refused in his heart, he didn't want to torment himself so much. But at this moment, he looked up and saw Qin Yuandai was slowly coming down from the fourth floor. The other party had finished washing and taking care of him. He was wearing Youxi's sportswear, with a relaxed figure, and looked very handsome and stylish.

...like Night Duck. Wang.

Cao Yun didn't know why this association suddenly arose. This man is very handsome, but his face is a bit stiff, as if he had undergone plastic surgery.

Cao Yun immediately rang the alarm, and the one You Xi took home was not like a good man, or he might as well sacrifice for his friend again.

"Okay, I'll go back with you." Cao Yun coughed and said bravely, "Actually, it's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city once in a while."

Qin Yuandai was very upset about Cao Yun's meddling. But thinking that the shortcut to conquering a boyfriend is to please the people around him, Qin Yuandai is a little bit open about the destruction of the world of the two.

He sat opposite Cao Yun in an easy-going manner, nodding and smiling to show his friendliness. But when Cao Yun looked at it, he couldn't tell what was a little strange. He thought hard for a long time, and finally realized what was going on with this weird feeling—

If the man in front of him is a duck king, then he treats him like a commoner!

Cao Yun was overwhelmed by his own associations.

Duck Wang has a natural aura of domineering.

Cao Yun overcame the sense of awe in his heart, and began to spy on Qin Yuandai inside and outside the words. When You Xi finished washing and was about to come out for breakfast, Cao Yun whispered in You Xi's ear, "This guy is not easy. I asked him what he likes about you, do you know what he said?"

Thinking of Ah Shan's numbness and greasy taste, You Xi asked uncertainly, "Could it be that he likes everything?"

"That's not it!" Cao Yun said excitedly, "He thought about it seriously for a while, and said he likes your hard-spoken and soft-hearted appearance, and even praised your gentle heart!"

"Did you just meet yesterday? This person's ability to see the essence through phenomena is a bit scary." Cao Yun shuddered a little.

Being praised by Ashan for being gentle, You Xi felt a little turmoil in his heart.

He glanced at Ah Shan in a complicated mood, and he could feel that Ah Shan really liked him, but so far, Yuxi was not interested in him.

Why does my future self like Ah Shan

You Xi finished breakfast with Ah Shan with a heavy heart, and he raised his head several times halfway, hesitant to speak, until the end of breakfast, Yu Xi finally made up his mind and asked: "A Shan, I may return from my hometown tomorrow afternoon .You... when are you leaving?"

Qin Yuandai: "..."

The road to love is bumpy, have I been asked when to get out

He wiped the corner of his mouth reservedly: "After helping you solve the problems in my hometown, I should go back. I can't stay here for too long."

You Xi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and his mood improved obviously.

The three of them drove to Yuxi's hometown together.

Youxi’s hometown is backed by mountains, so he specially changed to an off-road vehicle for this trip. The first half of the trip was fine with the high speed, but the second half was full of steep mountains and ups and downs. Cao Yun was motion sick, his face turned red, and finally couldn't take it anymore, he jumped out of the car and vomited, with a pale face.

You Xi's complexion is not very good, and returning to his hometown every year is a kind of torture for him.

Looking at Ah Shan, he still seems to be a normal person, his face is not red and his heart is not beating, and he looks calm.

After Cao Yun vomited, he pulled Lara Youxi's arm and whispered: "Your Ah Shan, you are so unearthly. I have been staring at his face for a long time, and I always feel hairy, like a dead person."

"Don't say that about him." You Xi was a little bit guilty of Cao Yun's few words. Thinking back carefully, it was really strange that Ah Shan suddenly appeared, and Yuxi regretted bringing him out. Fortunately, Cao Yun was by the side this time, which could give him courage.

He patted Cao Yun on the back, turned around and got into the car.

After resting for a while, Cao Yun resigned himself to climbing back into the car. It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that everyone wandered back to the old house.

The greenery outside the old house, Cao Yun accompanied You Xi four years ago, the outside world has been changing rapidly for four years, but time seems to have stopped here, from the appearance, it is still the same as in the past, Nothing has changed.

As soon as he approached the old house, Cao Yun obviously felt the temperature drop by a few degrees. He rubbed his arms, shaking off the chills all over his body, and talked to Yuxi who was sitting in the passenger seat: "Your house is still as gloomy as ever."

But Yosh didn't answer.

"The young master is asleep." Uncle Yan was driving the car. He glanced at You Xi and said to Cao Yun, "If you say it's gloomy, our old house is indeed a bit gloomy, but there are so many trees and grass, and the air is so fresh. Old people live in Here, being healthy is better than anything."

"No." Qin Yuandai suddenly changed his silence and said, "The gloom here is not because of the abundance of flowers and trees. Why do you plant so many locust trees?"

"Hey?" Cao Yun is a good-for-nothing. Is the tree beside the road a locust tree? No wonder it looks scary with teeth and claws.

"What happened to the locust tree? It is popular to grow locust trees here. There is a locust tree in the middle gate, Fu Lian III. The locust tree is very good, it is a guard tree, and it can ward off evil spirits."

"Huh? Uncle Yan, I don't read much, don't lie to me." Cao Yun leaned forward, "Isn't the pagoda tree called ghost clapping hands? There are ghosts in the tree, and the pagoda tree is very easy to attract ghosts."

"Blind, it's nothing like that. We've lived in our house for decades, and we've never been haunted by ghosts." Uncle Yan said indifferently.

Qin Yuandai: "..." Can we stop setting up flags everywhere

Just as he was talking, You Xi suddenly woke up from his dream. He opened his eyes suddenly, and saw the old pagoda tree in front of the ancestral house beckoning to him. This scene was like a slow motion movie, with an indescribable ghost .

Yuxi touched his forehead, his forehead was full of sweat.

He dreamed of his uncle.

In the dream, Yuxi went back to the year when she was just in primary school.

The uncle sat on the hospital bed, the winter sun shone on his cheeks, You Xi had just come to the hospital from outside, the tip of his nose was still red, the uncle heard the sound, and turned to look at him.

"You promised me before that you would come back every Ching Ming Festival. Why did you forget?" Uncle frowned slightly, "Remember to stay away from your great-grandpa when you come back this time, you will be next."

"... what?" You Xi was at a loss with his schoolbag on his back.

"You Yu, You Yu." There was the sound of crutches outside the hospital bed, and an old woman was calling my uncle's name loudly.

"Here we come." The uncle put on the slippers with a cold expression, Yuxi went to hold his hand full of attachment, but was thrown away by the uncle. But Yuxi was not discouraged by this, and still waved his hand, trying to grab the corner of the uncle's clothes, but his fingers accidentally penetrated the uncle's clothes.

A momentary miss brought Yuxi back to reality.

Sitting in the luxury car, he was in palpitations.

There are not many people in the old house now, except for the housekeeper and servants, only his great-grandfather still lives in it.

Grandpa has seven children in total, and the seventh child is You Xi's real grandfather. The You family made their first fortune by relying on You Xi's grandfather, and then made a second fortune by relying on their uncle. Except for these two people, those who are attached to the big tree of You's house are all vampires who are sitting on their own.

Including Yuxi's father, including Yuxi himself.

Two people who made great contributions to the family passed away one after another. On the contrary, the vampires are still alive and well.

You Xi seemed to have a heavy weight in his heart. He got out of the car and stepped into the old house, but unexpectedly, there was a Bentley parked in the courtyard. After asking the servant, You Xi found out that the cousin of his second grandfather, Yu Chi is also back.

You Xi and You Chi haven't met a few times. Although they are relatives, they have very little contact. In my impression, You Chi looks fat and white, with a lot of ghosts and thieves. Inevitably played with him a few times when he was a child, but Yuxi didn't like him at all.

"What is he here for?" Yuxi asked.

The servants know that among the young masters, You Xi is the one who holds the most shares in Jiyu Group, and their attitude towards You Xi is obviously better than that of You Chi.

"I heard that someone owed money outside and came here to blackmail our old man." The maid aunt raised her index finger on her mouth and whispered, "It's been a week, and the old man hasn't let go yet."

Yuxi didn't know what to say. You Chi is also in his thirties this year, and he hasn't figured out how to spend the money, and his grandpa's tricks are actually on his grandfather's head.

According to the rules, You Xi must go back to see his grandfather first when he returns home. He took Cao Yun and Qin Yuandai to greet the old man together.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-18 20:44:01~2020-05-19 18:29:12~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of lazy Inuyasha; 1 bottle at the end of seventeen years;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!