Disguised as a Boss in an Escape Game

Chapter 69: An unmanned commercial building


After entering the unmanned commercial building, Yuxi and others appeared in a doll shop. There are no clerks or bosses in the shop, only rows of dolls, which look very weird.

Yuxi looked at these puppets carefully. They were male and female, old and young, with dark eyes, as if secretly watching the players.

In horror movies, things like dolls are very evil, and everyone respects them at a distance. But Qin Yuandai didn't care. He grabbed a puppet and carelessly pulled the puppet's arms and legs.

The corners of the doll's lips still maintain a smile, but I don't know if it's an illusion, Yuxi always feels that the smile seems to be gradually forced.

At this moment, an announcement sounded in the game hall.

"Ding—welcome to the copy of the unmanned commercial building. All one hundred players have entered the arena, and the game has officially started! When some of the players find the correct exit, all survivors can leave the commercial building. Note: Each player only has one time Determine the opportunity for the exit, if all the opportunities are used up and the players still haven’t found the exit, there will be a group destruction ending. Please do it and cherish it!”

"The game has officially started, please enjoy the gift of the game!"

After the system administrator's announcement, muffled music sounded in the commercial building. The music is very mournful, and the lyrics are also extremely depressing—"Dear, dear, where are you hiding? Tell me, tell me, why my eyes are so dark..."

Fu Qing couldn't help shivering when he heard this, he leaned towards You Xi involuntarily, and said in a very weak tone, "Wow, it's so scary."

Yuxi: "..."

"Crack." Qin Yuandai removed the doll's arms with a crisp sound. He raised his head and looked at Fu Qing with dark eyes, "I'm sorry, there are too many puppet shows here."

Fu Qing: "..."

Fu Qing felt the death threat from Qin Yuandai, he pursed his lips and said nothing, lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at the doll with broken arm in Qin Yuandai's hand.

"She... is bleeding." Liu Yu frowned slightly, and also noticed something wrong.

Qin Yuandai looked down, the doll's eyes were bleeding, and the arms were bleeding continuously. Qin Yuandai roughly tried to push the doll's arm back, but failed.

"This doll is clearly designed with detachable joints, but the arm can't be reattached when it's broken. What's the metaphor?" Gu Mian rubbed her chin and thought.

"I can't see through the metaphor for the time being, but now it's obvious that we are going to be miserable." Yuxi pointed to the dolls on the shelf, "Didn't you notice that their eyes moved just now?"

"Day, what the hell kind of luck is this?" There were at least a few hundred dolls in the shop, but there were only six of them. Guo Juexing made a good posture, leaning forward slightly with his upper body, just waiting for the emergency to escape in time.

"The matter has come to this, so let's explore to the end." Qin Yuandai simply took off the doll's head without doing anything else. Blood gushed all over the ground, but Qin Yuandai reached out to probe the puppet's chest without changing his face. He pulled out the organs from the puppet's body, including the liver, spleen, lungs, and gallbladder.

"The other internal organs are intact, but the heart is broken." Qin Yuandai ordered Liu Yu after observing, "Bring me another doll."

Liu Yu nodded, and obediently obeyed Qin Yuandai's instructions. He reached out to grab the doll from the shelf, but failed after grabbing it.

"Huh? I'm not dazzled." Liu Yu murmured, "The doll seems to have moved just now."

When Zhao Lei woke up, he found himself on a small red train. The small train whimpered in the hall of the magnificent commercial building, but apart from the 12 people on the train, there was not even a single shopper in the hall. The familiar broadcast sounded, and even if Zhao Lei didn't want to admit it at all, he still had to recognize the fact—he was forced to be dragged into the game again.

This is the third time Zhao Lei has come to the escape game, and he has always been very timid. In the month since he was involved in the game, he lost ten catties of weight, which made him even weaker, who was already skinny. Thinking of the hideous ghosts in the game, Zhao Lei felt uncomfortable all over. Whenever he escapes the game by chance, he will block all information related to the escape game.

Zhao Lei never watched the forums and live broadcasts, so he missed a lot of news. He didn't know the thunder of the unmanned commercial building.

The little train sang a decadent and weird song, and made shrill laughter from time to time. Zhao Lei looked left and right, and his eyes were attracted by a girl dressed in Lolita.

Unlike other people who look like they are facing a big enemy or are trembling, the Lolita girl and the tall, thin boy next to her look very carefree. Relying on the intuition of the weak, Zhao Lei guessed that the Lolita girl was a talkative senior player. He decided to use his unique skill - hugging his thigh.

Zhao Lei strained his ears, listening to the conversation between the Lolita girl and the tall, thin man.

"Little Bird, I didn't expect you to spend so much game money just to play another game with 004. Do you still have a deposit?" the Lolita girl said, "Let me help you a little. What equipment do I need?" Help you buy."

"No need." Xiaoniaochou pretended to smile and said, "It's just a favor, it's not too much to bring you a little cutie."

"..." Little cute blushed a little, my sister could live for another five hundred years, she had something to do at home, so she didn't come to participate in the copy of the unmanned commercial building, this time only the little cute and Xiaoniao teamed up. In the past, the three-person party didn't feel much, but now it has become two people, a man and a woman. Wherever they go, they will be misunderstood as a couple by others. Cutie finds it strange.

Brother Xiaoniao also went out of his way, calling her cute and cute, as if it was an intimate nickname.

It's a young age, so does brother Xiaoniao want to chase her? Cutie prayed silently, hoping to find 004 as soon as possible, so that she could escape from this weird atmosphere.

Zhao Lei joined in at this time.

"Great God, can I go with you?" Zhao Lei recommended himself, "I can do physical work and work night shifts. I promise I won't hold you back. I just ask you to take me with you."

Brother Xiaoniao let out a "sneer" from the side, and Xiao Kei yelled "Thank God" in her heart, she nodded: "It's okay to have one more of you, but I'm not a great god, let's take care of each other."

"But I don't agree." Brother Xiaoniao said, "The more people gather, the easier it is to be targeted by ghost npcs like this hundred-player dungeon. It's worth it, he can't help at all, where does he have the confidence not to hold back?"

"I can do it!" Zhao Lei hastened to prove himself, "Don't look at me as thin, I'm good at physical work!"

"We are not slave owners. Who cares about you doing manual labor." Brother Xiaoniao said, "I am afraid that you will kill yourself and drag us into the water. Do you know what the taboo of this dungeon is?"

Zhao Lei shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, and now even the kind-hearted little cutie's expression was a little ugly.

"...It doesn't matter." Little cutie hesitated for a moment, took out a paper brush and wrote a few notes, and handed it to Zhao Lei. Zhao Lei's heart was beating like a drum, and after seeing the rules clearly, he couldn't help casting a moving look at the little cutie.

Brother Xiaoniao shrugged his shoulders and expressed his compromise: "How many times has this mentally handicapped train turned, let's go."

But no one dared to be the first to jump off. The little train doesn't travel fast, and jumping off it won't hurt you, but everyone is very conservative and doesn't want to risk themselves.

Brother Xiaoniao locked his eyes on Zhao Lei, Zhao Lei couldn't help but shrink his neck, Brother Xiaoniao snorted disdainfully, took out a rabbit from his portable space, and threw it down at the little train.

With a "click", the rabbit was cut in half by an invisible thread, and the rabbit's head and body were separated.

Rabbit died. But the little train let out a strange laugh. The faces of the players in the car changed drastically, and they unconsciously approached the middle of the seat.

"Ah, I really can't get down." Brother Xiaoniao propped his chin, bored.

Call me cute, take out a piece of paper from the portable space, fly your fingers, and fold a paper airplane in three seconds. She let out a sigh of relief, and the paper plane fluttered into the air, but it was also cut off in the middle.

"Jumping directly and walking from the sky won't work." Cutie concluded, "It seems that we can only solve the problem from the inside."

She and brother Xiaoniao looked at each other, picked up the thing, and went to chop the locomotive, but after the hammer exploded, the locomotive was unscathed, still laughing and laughing. But when the bird took out a glass bottle, the locomotive suddenly fell silent.

"You are a derivative demon, right?" Brother Xiaoniao asked, "If holy water drips on your head, what do you think will happen?"

The head of the train showed fear, and the little cutie couldn't help but wondered: "When did you buy the holy water?"

"Go to the black market." Brother Xiaoniao grinned, ignored the locomotive's cries, and poured down a whole bottle of holy water.

The locomotive instantly turned from red to terrifying black.

"Ahaha—so comfortable!" The locomotive laughed happily, "The holy water is fake, I feel my strength is stronger!"

The little cutie had black lines on her face: "...why is the holy water still fake?"

"Don't bring such a fool!" Xiaoniao spread her hands and said in despair, "I almost went bankrupt just to buy this thing!"

There are already players in the back row eager to pounce on Brother Xiaoniao to death. Everyone glared at him, as if the life-and-death dilemma was all caused by Xiaoniao.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to kill everyone?" A burly man with a straight haircut grabbed Xiaoniao's collar and said angrily, "Quickly think of a way, or you and your girlfriend will be killed." Push it down and apologize!"

Xiaoniao looked helpless, and the cutie was too busy to take care of herself. As soon as she rushed up to help Xiaoniao, she was surrounded by other aggressive people.

Zhao Lei judged the situation, shrunk himself into a quail, and sat motionless on the seat.

"Zhao Lei, Zhao Lei!" Xiaoniao shouted, "Didn't you agree to have a team? Don't pretend to be dead!"

Bancunnan turned around and glared at Zhao Lei fiercely, Zhao Lei waved his hands hastily: "But you have cheated everyone, I will help you but not your relatives."

"Little cutie, listen, this is the teammate you're looking for—"

"..." The little cutie's hair was scratched, she knocked out one of the attackers, got a gap to breathe, and said angrily, "Stop shouting, I heard it! Anyway, I have not been very good at picking teammates!"

The little bird let out a laugh, and then changed his expression with a serious expression. He changed his useless appearance of being controlled by others before, swung his legs, clasped the waist of the thin man, shrunk himself out of the jacket with great dexterity. Before Bancunnan even had time to realize what happened, he was kicked off the train by the bird—

"Crack!" For a moment, blood splashed everywhere, and everyone's faces were covered with blood.

"Kill, kill." The battle on the train stopped for a moment, and Bancunnan's teammates were completely enraged. All the people who came to challenge were thrown off the train by Xiaoniao and Xiaocuti.

Half of the skirt on Little Cutie's body was dyed red. When it was thrown to the seventh person, the person who fell was not cut into two pieces like the others. Except for a fall, he was intact.

At this time, the five people in the car and the one person under the car looked at each other from a distance, and there was a sense of unreality in each other's eyes.

Xiaoniao stroked his chin: "This dungeon is not too difficult. It won't be wiped out at the beginning. I guess as long as six people die, the others will be able to survive." There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the angle.

But even so, no one dared to take the initiative to get out of the car. Xiaoniao strode up to Zhao Lei and kicked him down.

Although it was described as a bit embarrassing, Zhao Lei was still alive and well after rolling around.

At this point, the little bird finally jumped down and caught the little cutie who followed.

The little cutie's spirit was a little hit. She had killed many ghosts, but this was the first time she had killed a player indirectly.

Xiaoniao opened her mouth to try to persuade the other party, but was stopped by Xiaocuti's "I want to be quiet" eyes. He looked around and saw that Zhao Lei wanted to sneak away, so he pressed his shoulders: "Brother, it's not natural, you agreed to be a teammate, why did you leave alone?"

Zhao Lei kept complaining, but he didn't dare not to get on the thief's boat. The little cutie walked aimlessly in front of her, Zhao Lei and Xiaoniao followed behind her, the three of them stopped when they came to a doll shop, they saw bloodstains all over the doll shop.

The little cutie was stimulated again, and couldn't hold back the ups and downs in her chest. She held onto the wall and vomited.

Xiaoniao comforted the cutie while observing carefully. There was no player's body in the store. The blood stains all over the floor looked extremely scary, but it was probably from dolls.

He hooked the corners of his lips. If he guessed correctly, the players who appeared here just now should be Yuxi's group.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-16 22:43:09~2020-06-19 10:18:48~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: she has 3 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!