Disguised as a Boss in an Escape Game

Chapter 75: The boss appears


Fortunately, Li Sha was very silent, perfectly serving as the background board, without saying a single extra word.

Everyone lined up to buy tickets, and the wealthy players bought a little more supplies, but they were all within a reasonable range. Only Li Sha bought a lot of holy water, a total of 10 bottles.

This abnormal behavior caught Meng Shisan's attention, and he frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something. At this moment, the little cutie also spent a lot of money, and bought 20 bottles of holy water in one go without blinking her eyes!

Sensing Meng Shisan's gaze, the cutie smiled and told Meng Shisan: "Little bird, throw away the fake holy water you bought earlier, the genuine one is more trustworthy."

Meng Shisan: "... Hehe, no, I don't have any money for now, so I won't buy supplies."

"Haha, I knew your wallet was empty." Xiaocuti gave half of the holy water she bought to Meng Shisan very loyally, and said in a tone that could not be rejected, "Hurry up and put it away! Use it to save lives at a critical moment!"

Meng Shisan looked pale, but he had no choice but to pinch his nose to recognize it.

There were 4 girls present, namely Li Sha, Xiaocuti, and a pair of twin sisters. These twin sisters are players who travel with the little cutie on the little train, one is called Mei Lingxue and the other is called Mei Lingyu. They ran into a cutie who was alone on the road just now, and invited them to go with them. Although the two have already gone to college, they still wear the same clothes and have the same hairstyle. Others can't tell the difference between them.

A group of eleven people went to the "Pen Fairy" movie after getting ready.

After a burst of white light, You Xi lowered his head to see the identity card in his hand. In the movie, he has a girlfriend named Lisa.

You Xi: "... Is this movie directly using real people's names to match their identities?"

Qin Yuandai and others shouted in their hearts that they were cheating. Unfortunately, Qin Yuandai is gay in the movie, and his partner is a boy named "Lu Yangyang". Looking at the name, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

"Who is Lu Yangyang?" Although Qin Yuandai had the answer in his heart, he had to ask this question out loud because he was acting all the time.

Meng Shisan raised his head upon hearing this, showing a smiling face: "Qin Yuandai? Oh, I found you."

Qin Yuandai: "..."

Brother Xiaoniao's original name was Lu Yangyang, so it's really a narrow road to enemies.

Meng Shisan murmured, "You guys have changed your appearance? No wonder... If I'm not mistaken, the one next to you is Liu Yu."

"Yes, who are you? Have you been looking for us?" Liu Yu asked in a dazed manner.

"We are Youxi's fans, and this time we are lucky enough to win the chance to enter the same game with Youxi again." The cutie hurried over to greet Liu Yu, "You must have teamed up with Youxi, right? He Where did you go?"

Liu Yu was in trouble, if it was said that You Xi was not there, Meng Shisan would definitely not believe it; but if it was said that You Xi was there, it would be digging a grave for himself. Under the tension, Liu Yu had a quick wit and blurted out: "Youxi is injured, we hid him in a safe place. If you want to see him, I will take you to find him after you leave the cinema. He, he will be very happy to meet you again."

The cutie showed a worried expression when she heard the words, while Meng Shisan just raised his eyebrows slightly, noncommittal.

After a few simple conversations, Liu Yu found out that Xiaocuti was his girlfriend in "Pen Fairy". On the other side, Mei Lingyu and Mei Lingxue are a pair of lace.

Seeing that everyone found their "partner", only Li Sha was left alone among the girls, so You Xi walked in front of Li Sha and met her.

As for Gu Mian, Fu Qing and Guo Juexing, they are ordinary single dogs in the play.

Guo Juexing shed two lines of tears: "... I feel like we are redundant."

After entering the film world, they sat around a table. Meng Shisan was sitting in the main seat, and the pen that invited the pen fairy was placed in front of him impressively.

The voiceover of the movie sounded, and the ethereal voice introduced: "Today is the birthday of the birthday star Lu Yangyang. He invited his friends to celebrate his birthday. After dinner, a few young students who are not familiar with the world met to play the pen fairy game. Among them In my eyes, this is just an ordinary game, however, the hungry ghosts hiding in the dark came quietly—this is a ruthless hunt!"

Everyone's hair stood up, but Meng Shisan's face was as usual, and he said with a smile: "Let's not talk nonsense, let's start directly. Qin Yuandai, come and hold this pen with me. Let's invite the pen fairy out first."

Liu Yu's eyes were worried, but the unknowingly cutie and the twins were still staring at the pen in Meng Shisan's hand with fear and excitement. They knew that the "Pen Fairy" would definitely come, but subconsciously they didn't think of this ghost npc Take it to heart. After all, Qin Yuandai is a well-known S-level player, teaming up with him, everyone can basically lie down and win.

"The pen fairy, the pen fairy, life and death are long, and the mind and soul are in chaos." Qin Yuandai followed the reminder posted on the table, holding the pen holder with his left hand, and whispered.

Meng Shisan and Qin Yuandai interlaced their hands, and then said: "If you wish to meet and become attached to me, please draw a circle on the paper to show your spirit."

All eyes were on the pen holder, and there was no movement at first, but when Qin Yuandai and Meng Shisan repeated it for the third time, the pen holder finally shook slightly.

Under the eyes of everyone, a crooked circle was slowly drawn.

The Mei twins clung together nervously.

"Are you a pen fairy? Tick or cross." Mei Lingyu asked tremblingly.

A fork came out slowly.

"... No?" Xiaocuti asked suspiciously, "You are not a pen fairy, so who are you? Friend or enemy?"

The pen holder shook slightly, and an English subtitle "f" appeared in front of everyone.

"f stands for friend, he said it was a friend." Gu Mian frowned slightly, looking puzzled.

Meng Shisan suddenly asked at this moment: "Since we are friends, can you do me a favor?"

The pen stopped moving, and everyone waited with bated breath for a long time, but there was no response. When You Xi was wondering if the ghost expressed its refusal with silence, he suddenly noticed a shadow behind Mei Lingyu.

Yuxi: "!!!"

"You're not leaving, are you? You ran away before you even said a few words... What are you doing?" Because of the angle, Guo Juexing didn't notice anything unusual.

"Hee hee, I'm here." Mei Lingyu suddenly let out a giggling laugh, like a mouse coming out of a sewer. Mei Lingxue, who was relying on her, jumped in shock, and hurriedly separated from her sister, her eyes were extremely frightened.

Yuxi was prepared, so he didn't panic too much, and because of this, he noticed a detail that others hadn't noticed.

I saw Mei Lingyu with a naive and sinister smile, quickly scanning everyone sitting there, but when she saw Meng Shisan, her smile was slightly restrained.

You Xi is sensitively aware that Meng Shisan and the ghost possessing Mei Lingyu seem to be old acquaintances.

"You want me to help?" Mei Lingyu licked her lips, her eyes fixed on Qin Yuandai. She grabbed a strand of hair by her ear, and casually fiddled with it, "But you have to know, there is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get my help, you must meet one condition."

"There is my lover among you." Mei Lingyu said, "If you can identify my lover, I am willing to do anything for you. From now on, every twenty minutes, I will come to you to ask for someone. If you dare to find a counterfeit to fool me, I will kill him!"

Guo Juexing asked curiously, "What if we don't want to find your lover?"

"Then I'll randomly grab one of you!" Mei Lingyu said, "But in this way, you won't have the chance to make a wish to me."

"In that case," Qin Yuandai threw the pen in his hand, stretched his long legs, leaned on the back of the chair, and said with contempt, "Go away, no one needs your help."

Mei Lingyu said sadly: "That's up to you—"

It is easy to ask God to send God away, everyone understands this truth.

"What does your lover look like?" Yuxi asked calmly, "If you can tell the characteristics, we might be able to find him quickly."

"My lover is very gentle, very smart...very cruel!" Mei Lingyu's expression was particularly ferocious when she said the last three words, and everyone looked at each other with bad premonitions in their hearts.

"You can't be the boss of the unmanned commercial building, right?" Liu Yu said bluntly, "Are you really sure that one of us is your lover? Don't be sure there is not at all, and don't care about us here."

"Where are so many nonsense? If you can't find my lover, I will kill you first!!" Mei Lingyu glared angrily.

"Wow, so fierce." In order to spy on the boss's fighting power, Liu Yu deliberately stimulated her, "No wonder your lover hides from you everywhere, a tigress like you, I wouldn't even want to see you."

This sentence really hit the boss's pain point, Mei Lingyu became angry from embarrassment, pointed her index finger at Liu Yu, and shouted, "You are courting death!"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Yu felt a heavy weight on his head. Even though he had been prepared, he couldn't support himself for a while, and knelt down. At the critical moment, Qin Yuandai threw out the substitute puppet doll and rescued Liu Yu. Liu Yu rolled aside, and the puppet was instantly crushed into a pile of haystacks!

"Nimma, it's so risky, this is too..." Liu Yu was worried in her heart, this boss is very strong, she must not be taken lightly!

After this battle, everyone put away their joking mentality, and the atmosphere gradually became dignified.

Among the crowd, Li Sha was the first to break the silence: "Choose one person in twenty minutes? If we are obedient, you won't hurt other players in the next twenty minutes, right?"

Mei Lingyu nodded her head pretending to be gentle, contrary to her fierce appearance just now.

You Xi originally thought that Li Sha would propose drawing lots again to decide who would be sacrificed, but this time, she advocated voting.

You must know that the act of "voting" was clearly opposed by her real name in the bridal shop. How did she become a supporter of the "voting" now

You Xi buried this doubt in his heart, and did not object on the surface. A few minutes later, the voting results came out, and Meng Shisan won ten votes, and was pushed in front of Mei Lingyu by everyone.

"Impossible!" Before Meng Shisan could speak, the cutie became anxious, "There is a problem with the number of votes. It is impossible for Xiaoniao to vote for himself. If he excludes me, he will get nine votes at most. How could there be ten votes?" ?”

Everyone was silent, but Meng Shisan stood up and patted the little cutie on the shoulder, and comforted him: "If I hadn't asked the boss if he could help, everyone would not be in danger. The number of votes is fine, I caused everyone to come here Bu Tiandi, I am willing to take responsibility."

The overall situation has been decided, and the cutie has no way to turn the tide, so she can only watch Meng Shisan leave with tears in her eyes.

The author has something to say: Babies have been waiting for a long time, I will try to continue to update tomorrow~~ Gu Mian was written and lost before, so I slightly revised the previous article.

This is the third last chapter before the end. After the end, there will be two episodes, one in Jinjiang and one in Bibo, to give everyone benefits.

I love you guys~!