Divine Brilliance

Chapter 119: Small Universe Bag


Just as she was looking at it, Li Yunniang came over and said with a poppy smile: "What are you looking at? That was a gift from the head of the Danquan Sect, and was refined by the old man Mingdan himself. Even if you envy it, you won't be able to envy it. Even if it is placed in front of you , you can’t use it either”

Zong Shou twitched the corners of his lips and looked away. Li Yunniang didn't know if she had reached menopause, but she looked like a hedgehog.

The Small Universe Bag is a space magic weapon. Since it is called Qiankun, it naturally has the reality of Qiankun. There is a small world inside. The smallest Small Universe Bag can also have a space of 200 meters in radius.

It is made of the skins of refined animals above the eighth level, and the person who performs the sacrifice must also be above the Sun Traveling Realm.

In the previous life, in the early days of the God Emperor game, a Qiankun bag could be sold for a sky-high price. It was also when the name of Sword Emperor gradually spread to the Cloud Realm. Only then did he kill dozens of eighth-level beasts and make a small universe bag. Taking advantage of the high prices at that time, I made a lot of money and acquired some property.

Later, even in reality, I got one.

However, in this Ding Fei era, things like the Small Universe Bag should be extremely rare. Even the Lingfu Heavenly Sect like the Danquan Sect only has eight to ten disciples.

The old man Mingdan was able to give this thing to Xuanyuan Yiren, which shows that he loves this female disciple very much.

He was indeed a little envious. There would be smaller void rings in later generations, with a space of only one to ten meters. However, it is cheap and extremely common, and any middle-income family can afford it.

But in this era, the Small Universe Bag is the lowest level space magic weapon. It would be a lie to say that I am not envious.

"I have also heard of some methods for refining the Void Ring. I remember that east of Yunlu and west, there is the origin of Mortal Sumeru Stone. One of them is not far from Qiantian Mountain. Now that I have also cultivated my soul power, by then Maybe you can try to refine one or two of them yourself. It’s really inconvenient to carry all these things with you!”

Zong Shou unconsciously stirred the fire under his eyes, making the flames grow stronger.

I was thinking about what other materials were needed for the Void Ring besides Sumeru Stone.

Chuxue and Lian Fan had already returned with their prey, which turned out to be three second-level snow-patterned pigs, each weighing more than 4,000 kilograms.

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and became interested. Do it yourself. Although there are many ferocious beasts in this wild forest, most of the meat is hard and difficult to chew and cannot be swallowed.

As for snow-patterned pigs, this delicate beast is usually the most lazy, so its meat is soft and tastes extremely delicious.

With the skills developed in the game, it only took half an hour to roast the snow-patterned pig until it was golden. After adding spices to the rut, the smell is alluring.

The mortals around him were all salivating. Xuanyuan Yiren's eyes were bright, and although she kept her expression calm and elegant, her appetite was not as good as Lian Fan's.

Even Li Yunniang, who was just trying to watch a joke, was surprised. The half-cut pig leg was eaten in just a moment, but the woman said she would never forgive him.

"The roasted meat is quite good, but it has been said since ancient times that a gentleman stays far away from the kitchen. Let alone the great heroes in the world who are just ambitious martial arts masters, who would delve into these basic skills?"

Xuanyuan Yiren frowned slightly, feeling that this statement was a bit excessive, and was about to stop. Li Yunniang then looked across at Chu Xue, who was still covered in bird feathers, and laughed sarcastically: "You are a maid who catches those birds on the roof of the car every day, but what's the use of it? Is it fun? You, as him Young Master, you don’t care? You are a young martial arts practitioner who doesn’t practice martial arts diligently, but insists on playing with those birds every day. If you continue, I think I will be ruined like this."

For the experience! For the experience! For the experience! For the experience! For the experience!

Xuanyuan Yiren frowned slightly, feeling that this statement was a bit excessive, and was about to stop. Li Yunniang then looked across at Chu Xue, who was still covered in bird feathers, and laughed sarcastically: "You are a maid who catches those birds on the roof of the car every day, but what's the use of it? Is it fun? You, as him Young Master, you don’t care? You are a young martial arts practitioner who doesn’t practice martial arts diligently, but insists on playing with those birds every day. If you continue, I think I will be ruined like this."

Chuxue had long been fed up with this woman, and now she felt even more unhappy when she heard this. She raised her eyebrows and said, "What does it have to do with you that I just want to play with birds? It's the young master who wants me to catch birds. Even if I'm really useless, I won't do it with you." You have nothing to do with it! Also, I am not playing around. I have caught sixty birds and missed them, and now I have been able to add one hundred and sixty-eight birds. If it were you, I'm afraid you still can't do it! You have How can you just play around and see what you are capable of? What kind of ability is it to train people with empty words?"

When he heard Li Yunniang's words "playing with the birds," Zong Shou couldn't stop laughing. Fan almost wanted to laugh out loud, but his thoughts were subconsciously going astray. After hearing this, I even laughed secretly and felt a stomachache.

Li Yunniang looked coldly and looked at Zong Shou contemptuously. He didn't say anything anymore, just took two birdcages from the car and jumped into the forest. It only took three moments to come out.

The birdcage was filled with sparrows, exactly two hundred of them.

Li Yunniang smiled confidently, and after letting them all fly, she stood in the middle of the lawn. His body moved around, catching the birds that flew away from time to time.

It was fine at first, but gradually it became difficult. First one flew away, then three, then five. Within a moment, there were only a hundred and twenty birds left in this ten-foot radius. However, Li Yunniang was still in a cold sweat and was in dire straits. There was also a hint of shock in his eyes.

When I looked at it before, I didn't think there was anything surprising about it. Judging from Chu Xue's movement skills, they are only a few points stronger than the average secret martial artist, but she can firmly control many birds within ten feet.

If a secret martial artist who has just reached the peak of the Eight Meridians can do it, then it will be easy for her, an innate master. However, the appearance at this moment was completely opposite to what she expected. Her speed was nearly twice as fast as Chuxue, but she was still unable to accurately capture the flight paths of these birds.

After a while, Li Yunniang simply gave up and stood there with a gloomy face. Let the birds fly away.

When Chuxue saw this, she immediately giggled: "Look, all the birds have run away!"

Then he looked at Li Yunniang seriously: "It turns out you can't even play with birds!"

Zong Shou was laughing until he was hurt internally, but his face was forced to endure it. Shen Qian glared at Chu Xue very seriously: "Xue'er, stay here! If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute!"

Chuxue stuck out her tongue and continued to chew the pork leg. She has a huge appetite and eats two pig legs by herself. She just worried that she couldn't eat more and wished that no one would talk to her.

Xuanyuan Yiren, on the other hand, was thoughtful. After pondering for a moment, he couldn't help but admire Zong Shou and said: "Did you come up with this method? It is indeed a good method. It is just right for Chuxue! Chuxue's intuition is also very powerful -"

Li Yunniang's face turned even more ashen. After snorting coldly, she silently walked to the fire and sat down again. A face with a gloomy and uncertain look, illuminated by firelight, looked extremely strange.

After that, neither Xuanyuan Yiren nor Li Yunniang had anything to say to each other. After the mortals had eaten and drank enough, they sat down and rested by the fire.

Zong Shou sat cross-legged, as if asleep. The hand inside the sleeve is always holding a cloud pattern flying knife.

Clean the sword with breath, nourish the blade with spirit. The soul thought builds a bridge, copying every trace of Jingyun Shen Mie Sword Intent onto the sword.

The material of the cloud pattern flying knife has reached the pinnacle of talisman weapons. The sword power it can carry is five times that of the Willow Leaf Talisman Blade.

But now that Zong Shou has reached the state of leaving his body, he can copy the Jingyun Shen Destroying Sword Intent with ease and skill.

However, the number of knives he carries with him has not increased but decreased, and he only carries four.

Although his six-god sword-wielding skill is perfect, each sword consumes a lot of energy. The more focused you are, the more powerful you become.

Chuxue had long been fed up with this woman, and now she felt even more unhappy when she heard this. She raised her eyebrows and said, "What does it have to do with you that I just want to play with birds? It's the young master who wants me to catch birds. Even if I'm really useless, I won't do it with you." You have nothing to do with it! Also, I am not playing around. I have caught sixty birds and missed them, and now I have been able to add one hundred and sixty-eight birds. If it were you, I'm afraid you still can't do it! You have How can you just play around and see what you are capable of? What kind of ability is it to train people with empty words?"

When he heard Li Yunniang's words "playing with the birds," Zong Shou couldn't stop laughing. Fan almost wanted to laugh out loud, but his thoughts were subconsciously going astray. After hearing this, I even laughed secretly and felt a stomachache.

Li Yunniang looked coldly and looked at Zong Shou contemptuously. He didn't say anything anymore, just took two birdcages from the car and jumped into the forest. It only took three moments to come out.

The birdcage was filled with sparrows, exactly two hundred of them.

Li Yunniang smiled confidently, and after letting them all fly, she stood in the middle of the lawn. His body moved around, catching the birds that flew away from time to time.

It was almost dawn, the wind horses were well rested, and everyone was ready to set off. Suddenly, in the forest in the distance, a burst of fire shot up into the sky. At five thousand feet, it exploded in the air, and it was a pill. The red flames on the word's mouth shone into the sky and could be seen thousands of miles away.

Li Yunniang was stunned when she saw this, and Xuanyuan Yiren also stood up subconsciously, about to rush towards the direction of the sparks, but suddenly stopped. After looking at Zong Shou, he hesitated for a while.

Zong Shou, on the other hand, glanced at the sky steadily and said calmly: "It's the Fire Sign Talisman of your Danquan Sect. If you are a member of the same sect within a thousand miles, you can contact me. Either you need help or you are in a life or death crisis. It should be about 100 meters away from here." It’s not far, less than sixty miles, Miss Xuanyuan, why don’t you go quickly?”

Xuanyuan Yiren couldn't help but look at Zong Shou in surprise. She seemed surprised by Zong Shou's extensive knowledge, but he still hadn't set out. Shen Qian was still hesitant.

Seeing this, Zong Shou shook his head: "Miss Xuanyuan, please don't think too highly of yourself. You just borrowed the power of Waidan to reach Xiantian. Those people have not done anything yet. There are other reasons, but it is not because of you, a little Innate. Besides, I still have Lian Fan and your maid by my side. Even if something unexpected happens, I will always be strong enough to get you back."

Xuanyuan Yiren was slightly startled, still a little unable to make a decision. Although Zong Shou's words were very reasonable, something still sounded wrong.

But at this time, I couldn't think of any reason. And Li Yunniang also stood up at this time and bowed her skirt: "Miss, don't worry, you will be looked after by Yun Niang here. If you can't recruit someone from the same sect, the crime is not trivial. If the sect of the young lady is just looking for someone to help, that's all. If you encounter the calamity of life and death, just do it one by one."

Before he finished speaking, Xuanyuan Yiren flew away like a light flying swallow. He squeezed the spirit art with his hand and flew into the air. In a blink of an eye, it traveled hundreds of feet away. He only said "I'll come back as soon as I go." The figure disappeared in mid-air.

Silence returned to the forest again, and everyone waited quietly. After about half a cup of tea, Zong Shou suddenly smiled and tied the Thunder Tooth Sword and Black Wave Sword to his waist. Then he leaned against the giant tree behind him calmly. Shen Qian was lazy and looked at the forest that suddenly seemed extremely strange and deep.

What is supposed to come will eventually come. He had been waiting for this battle for five full days. If we don't use the blood of Xiao Xiao to enhance our travels, wouldn't it be boring to go back all the way

Lian Fan had obviously experienced the wind and waves, and he immediately grabbed the weapon in his hand. Chuxue and Li Yunniang also looked wary at the same time.

Just a moment later, three figures were seen walking out of the forest, each taking their own side, walking out of the shadows.

One is thin, the other is like a scribe, and the last one is strong. The weapons hung on their waists are all in the shape of swords, but their lengths and widths are different.

The leader was none other than Ren Qianchou. As he walked over, he said, "Remember what I said before Fanri.

At most half a month, if I let Qianchou, I will definitely take the prince’s life! Now I come as promised."