Divine Brilliance

Chapter 1216: One, two hundred and six spiritual treasures


After convening the ministers for discussion that day, Zong Shou ignored the matter of cutting off the boundary platform for the time being and continued to practice in seclusion.

At this time, in addition to continuing to perfect the Six Gods Sword Art, it is still the top priority. Zong Shou allocated some more energy to continue refining the Instant Sky Dragon Pill and the Yudao Dragon Tooth Sword, the Demon Slaying Illustration on the Aether, and deducing formations. That is, the Holy Silver Demon-Slaying Array designed for use by Holy Fire Silver Ants.

Counting this, this is also the third edition. In the past three years of meditation in Jingshi, he has gained a completely new understanding of the Taishang Sutra. And this third set of Holy Silver Demon-Slaying Formation naturally adds a lot of things.

There is no need for Zong Shou to bother thinking about it. He can only use the Taishang Demon Slaying Illustrated Book to figure out whether his ideas are feasible.

Tianfang World has gone through several battles in the past four months, and the map has already accumulated a large amount of soul energy and killing energy, which is enough to squander.

On the thirty-fifth day, another year passed in the quiet room of Juntian Immortal Mansion. Zong Shou felt something in his heart and looked outside the Immortal Mansion.

I saw a huge beam of golden light rising into the sky from the direction of the Wenqi Tower. The bullfight is full of anger, and the aura shines everywhere.

This is the strange sight of Lingbao appearing in the world, but there is no auspicious glow nearby. There is only huge platinum energy swirling in the sky. The rushing air column also appeared blood red.

Then the sky of this Tianfang world dimmed. Black clouds filled the air, and countless catastrophic forces were gathering crazily.

"Is this the disaster of the divine treasure?"

Zong Shou's eyes showed surprise. That Immortal-Slaying Gourd should only be at the level of a top Immortal Treasure, but what it triggered now was a calamity at the level of a Divine Treasure!

The calamity force bombarded down like a thrown spear, and a dazzling electric current was seen, shining in all directions, with a terrifying momentum.

Then, I don’t know how long it took, when the heaven and earth in the Tianfang Realm gradually returned to peace. Another dark shadow that covered the sky and the sun shrouded this small world.

It seems that the heaven and earth are angry, roaring unbridled and venting, stretching the awe-inspiring power of the gods. The red and white calamity light almost completely submerged the entire Wenqi Tower.

"Two calamities combined into one—"

This is the real reason why Shen Yuexuan has been hesitant, and Zong Shou is also worried about it.

At this time, Zong Shou could only watch from the outside, unable to intervene, and his heart could not be at peace. The 'Immortal Killing Gourd' is not very important in his mind. Even if it is destroyed, it doesn't matter, as long as Shen Yuexuan is fine.

However, at this time, the calamity force is mixed and fused. How easy is it to separate the two? Even if he takes action at the extreme level, Shen Yuexuan cannot wait without waiting.

With the power of Zhou Shu dissipated, Zong Shou just sat quietly from day to night. At about midnight, a golden light suddenly shuttled from the direction of the Wenqi Building and rushed into Juntian Immortal Mansion.

"Your Majesty, I am honored to live up to my command!"

With Shen Yuexuan's clear voice, the void shook. In the sky, the clouds finally cleared and the fog dispersed, and beams of clear moonlight cast down.

The surrounding sky finally showed colorful auspicious clouds dominated by purple and gold. The whole world will be illuminated as if it were dawn.

Zong Shou took a look and knew that Shen Yuexuan had survived the disaster safely. As long as the power of calamity is completely dissipated, a person in the holy realm will have a life span of ten thousand years.

"What a solid Taoist foundation! The atmosphere is almost not inferior to the previous Ye Xuandu Holy Realm Tribulation. Speaking of disciples, these 'Three Xuan's' under your command are all great people. In terms of strong foundations, they are far better than you." !”

When Zong Shou first heard "Sanxuan", he didn't know what it meant. He was stunned for a moment before he woke up, and then smiled bitterly,

How can it be compared? The youngest of the three also has five thousand years of experience. Cultivation is a step-by-step, down-to-earth journey.

How is he like him? The time it took to reach this state was so close that I couldn’t believe it.

It's good to be on the high road, but under this high cloud, there is nothing!

"No matter what the reason is, you'd better not make any more breakthroughs within twenty years! Unless you can truly reduce complexity into simplicity and condense the magic word 'Tao'!"

Lin Xuanshuang sighed, and then looked at the ball of golden light held in Zong Shou's right hand. Yet a cry of praise.

"This is really a big anomaly in the world -"

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows. When he took possession of this golden light, his first feeling was that this thing was really a good treasure, unlike Lin Xuanshuang.

Could it be that this Immortal Killing Gourd has some other mysteries that he doesn't know about

Suppressing the aura of the treasure, the thing in his hand was just a gourd carved from jade. It was only the size of a thumb, no different from ordinary jade.

However, when Zong Shou infiltrated a few drops of his own essence and blood into it and refined it a little. Another thought. A beam of white light appeared between Zong Shou's fingers.

It is as thin as a cicada's wing, in the shape of a blade, and its breath is extremely sharp. With Zong Shou's indestructible body, even after holding it in his hand for a long time, there was even a trace of blood.

There is no need to keep it close to your body all year round like the flying knives used before. As soon as this sword energy appeared in his hand, Zong Shou felt that it was a blood-spirit connection, an incomparable fit.

The power is about 30% of the real Taishang Immortal Killing Sword Qi. About a hundred channels can be stored in the gourd, which can be restored naturally. It can also be placed on the battlefield to forcibly absorb the killing energy to nourish the sword energy.

In this way, once you are besieged or have too many opponents, you will not have to worry about using the flying knife.

However, he didn't know it was an illusion. Zong Shou always felt that the spirit of this thing was attracting and echoing each other with something hidden in the blood cloud several worlds away.

"Similar spiritual objects in heaven and earth can sense each other. These two objects are both killing treasures, and the refining methods are roughly the same. This is the reason for the divine treasure Thunder Tribulation. That's why I said it is an anomaly, you This gourd is actually still incomplete, which is really enviable!"

Speaking of this, Lin Xuanshuang suddenly said "Hmm" again, and a hint of strangeness flashed in his eyes again. At that moment, Zong Shou's whole aura, although not enough to make her afraid, still felt extremely dangerous.

"It seems that your Six Divine Sword Skills have really made great progress. The combination of the six great Dao Divine Skills into one is similar to your previous sword skills, but also different -"

Being able to do this without using the Zengxuan Dharma Wings can only be said to be Zong Shou's Six Gods Sword Controlling Technique, which has made great progress.

Zong Shou smiled and scattered the flying knife in his hand. Just now he was delighted to see Hunter. So subconsciously, I tried to use the brand new Liushen Sword Controlling Technique on this weakened version of Immortal Killing Sword Qi, and the result was extremely gratifying.

Then his eyes looked at the Supreme Demon-Slaying Picture. When this brand new Holy Silver Demon-Slaying Formation is completed, he will no longer have anything to fear in this world!

"Master is joking, why do you need to envy me? Your achievement of a divine treasure is not there - huh?" RS