Divine Brilliance

Chapter 131: The reason for the heavy fog


With this thought, Zong Shou shook his head again. If there is a big formation here, then that's it. If it is a spiritual method, this person must be above the Sun Traveling Realm. You can easily kill him with a random magic spell, so why go to all the trouble

The key is that there is no trace of the regular circulation of large amounts of spiritual energy in this vicinity, so it is not a spiritual array.

At least Zong Shou can't sense it now.

Xuanyuan Yiren followed him and came to the carriage. When he looked around, he also frowned.

When she came from behind, the surroundings were already thick with fog, so she didn't think too much about it.

It wasn't until this moment that I realized something was wrong. After pondering for a moment, he hesitated to agree: "Uncle Lian, did you make a mistake? Aren't you going straight ahead? How could you get lost? And I remember that it was less than two minutes before the fog started. How could it be so fast? …


"Miss Xuanyuan, I, Lian Fan, can't tell any lies!" 1, Lian Fan pointed to the front of his car with a solemn expression: "Just look at these Fengju horses and you will know that they seem to be going straight, but in fact they are a little off. In addition to the fact that there is something wrong with this heavy fog, there should be another illusion that charms the mind. It was estimated that it had just turned around in circles, and it was impossible to tell which direction the cloud-turning car was going. Because of my special ancestor’s bloodline, I was able to detect it early! "Xuanyuan Yiren was taken aback, and when he looked carefully, the situation was exactly as Lian Fan said. His expression suddenly became stern, and he looked around thoughtfully.

Zong Shou looked around for a moment, then suddenly smiled and sat down indifferently: "Uncle Lian, you can stop! It seems that there is probably an expert here to cast a spell. Since the caster is unwilling to let us go, this car It's useless to continue running. It's better to take a break and let the horse build up its leg strength.

Ever since the day he was sent by Liancheng to be a groom, Lian Fan had always been respectful in his words to Zong Shou. At this time, after experiencing yesterday's battle, he was even more sincerely convinced of Zong Shou and obeyed his orders, as if he was listening to the Buddha's words.

Hearing this, almost without hesitation, he waved his riding whip to stop all the wind-taking horses.

Xuanyuan Yiren glanced at Zong Shou dissatisfiedly, as if blaming him for making his own decision, but did not refute it.

After waiting for two full hours, Zong Shou fell into a calm and deep sleep. Seeing that it was getting late, the heavy fog still showed no sign of dissipating. Xuanyuan Yiren gradually became anxious. He simply jumped into the air, stood on the top of the carriage, clasped his hands towards the surrounding area and said, "I wonder which senior is doing this? Xuanyuan Yiren, a junior disciple of the Danquan Sect, is polite here. I also ask seniors to show their kindness, How about we leave? 1,

The voice is full of true power and can be transmitted ten miles away. You can faintly hear the echoes around you.

But when he finished speaking, another half an hour passed, and no one around him answered. The heavy fog naturally showed no signs of dissipating.

Zong Shou was awakened and smiled dumbly when he saw this, although he didn't know what the purpose of the person who created this fog was.

However, it can be confirmed that this person actually has no murderous intention towards him. If you really want to go against him, you can use countless methods in these few hours.

Xuanyuan Yiren seemed to have noticed it. After pondering for a moment, he sighed helplessly: "Your Majesty, the heavy fog here should not be aimed at us. But waiting like this is not an option. Yun Niang and I went to take a look around. We need to If there is any danger, you can use this fire talisman of mine to warn you. This talisman is specially made by our Danquan Sect. It can be seen even in this heavy fog. 1

A piece of pale golden talisman flew out from Xuanyuan Yiren's hand. As if he thought Zong Shou couldn't use it, the Fire Talisman was photographed directly in front of Chuxue. Then several more golden needles and more than forty second-order beast crystals were arranged around the carriage.

Zong Shou took a casual look and knew that this was a spiritual array for identifying directions. As for the golden needle, it is something commonly used by Xuanyuan Yiren, and it is tainted with his breath and spiritual thoughts. Under the blessing of the spiritual formation, even if it is dozens of miles away, it can still be sensed and identified. The entire spiritual formation is extremely simple, yet clever.

Zong Shou narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't care at all. Seeing Xuanyuan Yiren and Li Yuniang leaving, she stood up with a smile and stretched her body: "I'm almost full from sleep this time, so comfortable! Xue'er, why don't we go out for a walk too? 1,

Chuxue said "Hey," and looked at the direction Xuanyuan Yiren was leaving: "But young master, didn't Miss Yiren ask us to wait for her here?" 1,

"Are you my Zongshou's girl? Do you listen to Lou or her? 1,

Zong Shou grinned, jumped out of the carriage, and moved the thunder bone, which clicked forward like a wooden puppet. His sword eyebrows were raised coldly, his hand pressed against the Thunder Tooth Sword, with a hidden ruthlessness, half-smile but not a smile: "Since that man has laid out such a big battle for your young master, how could it be possible if I, the rightful master, were not here? When is the end of the show?" Chuxue seemed to understand, but she didn't hesitate much. She also jumped out of the carriage and followed Zong Shou with a confused look on her face. Lian Fan also took the opportunity to leave all the Fengju and Cloud-turning chariots here, and followed closely behind.

Zong Shou, on the other hand, was aimless along the way, and without any discernment, he just moved forward based on his feelings. Suddenly it goes east, then turns south again. The two people behind him looked at each other in confusion.

Oddly enough, just as Chuxue was secretly thinking, her young master was actually stupid. How long would it take for this to come to an end? Suddenly there was a ball of light in front of them, and it suddenly caught the eyes of the three people.

Following the light, I walked over and saw that here was a small creek bank. On both sides of the stream are large green areas with swaying willows. The water in the stream gurgled and made a tinkling-dong-dong sound, like fairy music.

Oddly enough, there was heavy fog around here, making it difficult to see people face to face. But beside this section of the stream bank, there was no trace of fog, making it look like a fairyland.

And under those willow trees, I saw two people sitting cross-legged.

There is a man and a woman. The man seems to be seventy years old. He is wearing linen and Confucian clothes. He has a white beard and white hair, and has an immortal air. He seems to be a fairy, with a hidden smile.

The woman is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and there is a lightning mark that flickers between her eyebrows. Her face is so beautiful that people can't help but take a second look. Her temperament is not that of a peerless and refined person, but rather has a kind of evil charm.

Behind the old man and the young man, there were two other people standing, both of whom were his acquaintances. One is Lei Dong, and the other is Zhao Yanran.

When he saw Zong Shou, the latter's eyes immediately glowed with respect and he looked over. Lei Dong looked at him, smiling sheepishly and winking.

The reactions of the old man and the young man were different again. Their expressions moved slightly, as if they were slightly disappointed and a little hopeful.

Zong Shou was startled and looked at the old man and the girl in surprise. After just a moment of thought, I vaguely figured out what was going on. He glared at Lei Dong fiercely, then walked over generously and saluted the two of them: "Zong Shou has met these two seniors! Dare I ask their names? I don't know it's foggy here, but what did you two do? Can you? Please be noble and let Zong Shou and others leave? 1. The girl with the thunder mark between her eyebrows did not say anything, and a pair of blue eyes looked up and down Zong Shou's body.

That look was like looking at a lover, sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The same was true for the old man. After a moment, he smiled and said: "My name is Yan Fan, I am Lei Dong's uncle, and I am in charge of Wujue Villa. I know that you and Lei Dong are sworn brothers, so from now on you can call me Uncle Lei. But! 1. Before she finished speaking, the girl snorted coldly: "Don't make random connections! He and your nephew have only known each other for one day. Can such a brother count? 1,

Yan Fan smiled and nodded towards the girl: "You recognize the two people behind. As for this one, despite her young age, she has a good reputation in the cloud world. She was born in the Taiyuan Sect of the Common People Dao and is known as the Taiyuan Sect. Fairy Yuan's name is Shui Lingbo. Ordinary Lingwu Zun will encounter changes. 1.

Su Chuxue heard it and felt nothing, but Zong Shou and Lian Fan could not help but feel a slight tremor in their bodies.

The latter had only vaguely heard of the names of the two sects, but Zong Shou was truly shocked.

Wujue Villa is another holy land sect, ranking fifth among the ten holy lands. The Taiyuan Sect, on the other hand, is stronger and is one of the three pillars of the Cangsheng Dao. At the same time, he controls three of the ten holy places and seven of the ten holy places. He is powerful and powerful, several times better than the Lingyun Sect.

Compared with the Lingfu sect, their strength is extremely different.

But what really surprised him was the two people in front of him. They were among the first batch of masters to enter the Immortal Martial Realm after the rise of the spiritual tide. In their previous lives in the "God Emperor" game, these two were already out of reach for players.

Once a martial arts spiritual master reaches the fairyland, his lifespan can reach up to three thousand. In his time, many people were speculating that the two men were actually still alive, but just missing.

Chief Zong took a breath and managed to calm down his heart. With a calm expression, he bowed slightly to the two of them.

Although the identities of these two people are astonishing, he has nothing to seek, and naturally he does not need to flatter them.

Yan Fan smiled when he saw this: "Looking at you, you must have heard of my name and Fairy Taiyuan's. Both of us are reclusive people, and our reputation is not obvious. The prince can know it, so I must have learned from my family. Origin!" He waved his sleeves again, tapped a chessboard between him and Shui Lingbo, and said calmly: "My lord, don't blame me! There is another reason for this fog, and it is not something that we two can make things difficult for. It was just that not long ago, Lou and Fairy Taiyuan were discussing Lingyun Sect's Jingyun Shen Destroying Sword Jue. They had some disagreements and were at loggerheads. This aroused the fog. 1,

When Chuxue heard this, she immediately looked towards the chessboard. I saw that the chessboard made of sandalwood was already covered with black and white pieces. It is no different from ordinary utensils.

I couldn't help but secretly wonder, what does Xinfu's discussion of sword fighting have to do with playing chess? Could this heavy fog all be caused by this game of chess? It’s too incredible!

Zong Shou secretly sneered, and sure enough, the next moment, Yan Fan looked over with a smile: "I heard Lei Dong mention that you once helped him understand the meaning of the landscape sword