Divine Brilliance

Chapter 139: Dark Epiphyllum


Although the three stone puppets were all embedded with soul stones, they themselves had no consciousness. It can only be controlled by Zong Shou's thoughts. For him, it was also an extremely novel experience.

At first, due to lack of previous experience, the stone puppet was wobbly and fell down several times.

It was half an hour after Zong Shou gradually became familiar with it and figured out the method of envoy. First he stretched his legs and legs and spread his arms. Then he walked to the location designated by Zong Shou and began to dig out the clay warriors with his stone arms.

Apart from its slightly clumsy movements, this stone puppet is extremely powerful, weighing 20,000 kilograms. Every time the stone palm is shoveled, a large amount of soil can be dug out.

In just a moment, it dug down a full ten feet. When encountering a hard rock that is difficult to break, Zong Shou uses the Thunder Tooth Sword to force it open.

"This stone puppet is really good! The spiritual master's spiritual skills are really wonderful and unpredictable. They have many uses and are very easy to use."

However, the capital of this puppet is also very high. A third-level beast crystal is equivalent to one hundred thousand taels of silver. In the cloud world, it is possible to build a middle-to-rich family.

Only Zong Shou, who had a huge amount of assets in the Sanriku Bank and knew that the Beast Crystal Soul Stone would actually be worthless in the future, dared to squander it like this.

Ten beast crystals and two soul stones of the same level are extremely expensive. However, these three stone puppets can be used for two months without worrying about the lack of spiritual power and vitality.

It's not too bad that there are three more masters around him who are comparable in strength to the Nine Meridians Secret Martial Master.

The digging speed was extremely fast, and it took only half an hour to dig down to the bottom easily.

There is a natural underground tunnel about five feet high, with a shallow stream below.

At this moment, his shadow lion was lurking not far away. The potholes outside are guarded by it.

Zong Shou did not hesitate and jumped down from above with the three stone puppets. I saw stars shining from time to time on both sides of the passage, densely packed with crystals of various colors.

At this time, Chuxue had roughly understood Zong Shou's intention. Following Zong Shou, after jumping into the river below, he looked around with shocked eyes at the crystal stones reflecting the brilliance.

"Young Master, is this the spiritual stone?" Chuxue thought if she dug out all these crystal stones, wouldn't she make a lot of money? A spiritual stone, even if it is the lowest level one, is ten times the price of a first level beast crystal.

Zong Shou laughed dumbly and continued to move forward. If spirit stones were so easy to find, they wouldn't be so expensive.

The crystal stones here can actually be regarded as spiritual stone mouths, but they are not in the upper level and have very little effect. Even those spiritual masters before the soul-gazing realm disdained to use it.

In the eyes of others, it may be an unimaginable wealth, but in his eyes, it is the same as garbage, and he really has no time to pay attention to it.

However, as he moved forward, he scattered his soul thoughts in all directions, searching up and down this underground tunnel.

This place is underground, and although the wind blows, it does not harm the soul very much. In the past, Zong Shou could only extend his soul tentacles ten feet out of his body, but now he felt it was not difficult to reach out thirty feet, but he could not penetrate deep into the soil.

"I heard that a spiritual master in the out-of-body realm can extend his soul consciousness ten feet into the earth. In the night-walking realm, the amount can be tripled to three feet. And in the Huanyang realm, one can reach ten feet underground. But when you reach the Riyou realm, you can reach a hundred feet! At that level, wherever there is a spirit stone in the spirit stone vein, you only need to use your mind to sweep it away. It is really enviable. However, this method can only be used in There are functions in low-level mineral veins, and large-scale mineral veins are all filled with spiritual energy. It is difficult for a spiritual master to approach with his soul."

Zong Shou's soul consciousness can only penetrate about one and a half feet into the soil. There are very few opportunities to find spiritual stones within this exploration range. He put his mind to it, but he didn't really have any hope.

There are many forks here. In just a short distance of ten miles, there are more than a dozen incomprehensible forks.

When he reached a corner of the underground tunnel, Zong Shou's eyes suddenly lit up. Command the three stone puppets to dig aside. After digging about half a foot into the stone wall, several dark blue transparent crystals appeared inside, exactly three of them, about the size of a fist.

Chuxue was also slightly surprised. She immediately discovered that these blue transparent crystals were different from the various crystals on the stone walls on both sides.

It is bright and transparent, and the spiritual energy within it exceeds the surrounding crystals several times. If you look carefully, you can see something like water flowing slowly inside. The pure vitality and soul energy contained in it can be easily refined even if it is inhaled into the body without leaving any consequences.

Chuxue was stunned for a moment, but she was not sure. After a while, she hesitated and said: "Young Master, is this a fourth-order crystal stone?"

"Above the third level, but less than the fourth level! But it's pretty good!"

Zong Shou casually put it into the bag on his waist with an indifferent expression. The third level spirit stone is comparable to the fourth level beast crystal. But he felt a little regretful in his heart. Although he could use this water spirit stone, it was not the type he wanted most.

However, this is indeed near the core of the mine!

A medium-sized second-level mineral vein, only where the spiritual energy is most abundant can produce third-level spiritual stones!

Continuing forward, I walked more than ninety feet, and Zong Shou ordered the three puppets to stop.

The break that those cracks showed before is right here. However, looking here visually, I can't find the reason for the spiritual separation. After a little induction, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is also extremely powerful, no different.

"Could it be that the mine core has been taken away? But there are no traces of being excavated here. Why?"

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows slightly, doubtful in his heart. On the stone wall, he drew another spiritual array in the same way.

This time, the runes drawn were even more delicate and the lines were pure. As for the four third-order earth-type beast crystals that were selected, we tried our best to choose relatively pure beast crystals and inlaid them on them.

But when he activated his spiritual power, a series of cracks burst out. The thickest and largest one among them still reached down and stopped halfway. Then it spread out in all directions, as if it was blocked by some force and unable to penetrate.

Zong Shou's eyes narrowed. The effect of this spirit-detection technique has been verified countless times in later generations. A situation like this is really a bit abnormal.

Looking back carefully, there are actually many similar examples.

"The first is that there is a strange treasure below, blocking my spiritual method. The second is that the spiritual stone here exceeds the third level and reaches the sixth level. But how is this possible? The last possibility is that under this layer of soil, There are other strange beasts, or some of the most charming ones."

Zong Shou frowned slightly, showing a vigilant look. Shifan Zhang Lingfu immediately came out from his sleeve and recited the mantra, causing it to burn one after another.

Zong Shou and Chu Xue's bodies immediately glowed with a layer of earth-yellow colorless brilliance. Even the three earth puppets were glowing with light. His figure seemed to be much bigger and his strength was much stronger.

Since the art of detecting spirits is no longer possible, then dig it out by force!

Zong Shou thought together, and the black wave sword rushed out of the air and struck straight down. Not long after, the stones below were cut into pieces one by one. The three stone puppets also moved the broken stones away while taking precautions.

About ten feet away, Zong Shou narrowed his eyes slightly and held down the Thunder Tooth Sword in the sheath on his left hand with his right hand.

It was just when this place was forcibly dug open by the stone puppet. Zong Shou couldn't help but be stunned and looked down steadily.

I saw a purple plate-shaped stone lying across the bottom. Even his Black Wave Sword could not break it and flew back! His soul consciousness was also inaccessible.

After that, the stone puppet dug out the sand next to it before taking out the stone.

I saw that it was three feet in diameter, and the thickest part was only about a foot. But I saw traces of purple gold lines all over the stone slab.

Zong Shou was slightly surprised and raised his hand with his sword, which made a sharp sound like metal clashing.

Then the look on his face was extremely weird, not a rare treasure. It's not a sixth-level spirit stone, nor is it a spirit beast or the like. It's just a piece of metal ore that is associated with the spirit stone core.

In the end, it was because he had too little experience that he actually made such a big mistake. The Shifan Zhang Talisman was wasted in vain. Fortunately, Chuxue killed the out-of-body realm spiritual master last time and recently added more.

"It's actually purple spiritual iron! This thing is rare. Using this iron to refine a sword, you can refine a fourth-level spiritual sword! It's such a big piece, and since you can refine it for four or five, it's more than enough. It's not as valuable as a sixth-level spiritual stone. How much different."

Although this thing is good, Zong Shou has no use at the moment. He already has all the materials, but where can he find a spiritual refiner who can refine a fourth-level spiritual sword

Such a big piece is even more difficult to move.

With a sigh, Zong Shou still let a stone puppet carry the stone slab and continued to look down.

Then his eyes narrowed, his pupils condensed into needle shapes, and then he blinked in disbelief.

After a while, Shen suddenly pinched Chu Xue's cheek, pulled it hard, and asked curiously: "Xue'er, does it hurt? Are we two dreaming?"

Chu Xue forcibly broke away from Zong Shou's hand, with tears in her eyes, and looked at Zong Shou with an accusing look: "It hurts! Young Master, you are bullying me, why are you grabbing me when you are fine? Xue'er didn't What did you do wrong?”

Zong Shou shook his head, thinking that it was okay to feel pain. He was really not dreaming at this moment.

Below, I saw a pure black, crystal-like spiritual grass growing in the soil under the black stone slab. The leaves and rhizomes were black and crystal clear, making people doubt whether this grass was alive. And at the upper end, there is a bud. Countless filament-like black petals were tightly wrapped and exposed to Zong Shou's sight.

Zong Shou took a breath of air, still not daring to confirm. Another flame lit up in his hand, and he distinguished it carefully. But both the roots and leaves of the spiritual grass and the fire are exactly the same as the things described in those classics.

"Dark Epiphyllum, it is really a dark Epiphyllum"