Divine Brilliance

Chapter 140: Gold mineral core


"Dark Tanhuā, it is really dark Tanhuā..."

Zong Shou stared at it for a long time, in disbelief. Could it be that he was destined by some fate? Such good luck.

I just wanted to dig the core of a second-level spirit stone vein, but I first dug up the purple spirit iron ore, and then bumped into such a rare treasure.

Dark Tanhua, just by its name, you can tell that this kind of spirit needs to grow in a dark environment.

According to Zong Shou's knowledge, this kind of spiritual energy must not only be full of spiritual energy. Not even a trace of light or air can be seen. Once it comes into contact, it will be ejected immediately.

However, after it bears buds, it needs to be exposed to the air before it can bloom. With only a short lifespan of ten breaths, he was immediately transferred to Xie.

This thing cannot improve Qi refining cultivation, nor can it increase soul power. However, the seeds produced after the Tanhuā blooms have another miraculous power that can drive all spiritual masters crazy.

Even he couldn't help but be moved by it!

Zong Shou couldn't help but feel heavy breaths, and he suddenly licked his arm again. Under the stinging pain, he could not lose his mind.

Although the dark tangerine flowers are good, they need to be bloomed before they can be picked. At this moment, there are still twelve full hours before the flower blooms. It took a whole day to get it.

Control the stone puppets again and continue digging downwards. However, he carefully avoided the dark night flower and went deep from the side.

This is indeed where the core of the mine is, but after two hours of digging, one after another ten mortal third-level spiritual stones were obtained, which made Zong Shou beam with joy. Properties are different. There are many water systems, probably because of this underground stream. Next is the earth spiritual stone, which takes up less than half.

Spiritual stones are mostly produced in places with rich earth energy. Therefore, no matter which spiritual stone mine it is, earth spiritual stones are indispensable.

Finally, the spirit stone core is buried deep under the underground tunnel. The distance from the top of the tunnel, which is about 30 feet above the ground, is more than 80 feet above the ground.

When Zong Shou discovered this object, he had already commanded three stone puppets to dig for four consecutive hours.

This spirit stone core is different from the spirit stone. Silvery white in color, like a goose egg, it is no different from an ordinary stone, but it can sense the spiritual energy inside, which is four times that of ordinary spiritual stones.

"It's actually a gold mineral core one"

There was a hint of shame in Zong Shou's eyes. This time, he guessed wrong again.

After originally digging out so many water and earth spiritual stones, he thought that the mine core only had these two attributes.

What was unearthed was a totally unrelated Geng metal.

"That's right! The so-called golden water here is a place with strong earth veins, and there is also the piece of purple spirit iron ore. I didn't know enough, and I thought wrong!"

The knowledge seen in those books and real practice are indeed two different things.

No matter how carefully he sensed it, this mine core did not give him any more surprises. The metal spiritual energy inside is abundant, but only two strong spiritual energy veins can be identified.

The so-called mineral core is actually no different from the Pulse Spirit Bead.

The difference is that the former is innate cohesion. Many spiritual veins gather underground and react with each other to produce spiritual stone veins. The so-called mineral core is the product of the collision, impact, and even fusion of multiple spiritual veins, with many spiritual veins condensed inside. Every medium-sized or larger spirit stone mine may have one or several ore cores, or it may not have one at all.

The Pulse Spirit Bead is completely artificially refined.

Feeling his left arm, Xiao Jin's reaction gradually became more intense. Zong Shou couldn't help but smile, this little guy is really blessed today.

The metallic mineral core disappointed him a little. Only the three attributes of water, thunder and fire, when converted into spiritual vein beads, can really help him greatly.

However, with these two golden spiritual veins, it seems that they can be directly fused with the second-level golden spiritual vein bead. After the fourth level, you can barely reach the threshold of becoming a Waidan.

"The amount of spiritual energy here is no less than that of some spiritual lands. It's probably the dark crystal and the purple spirit iron ore that caused too much spiritual energy here. Otherwise, this spiritual stone vein is not just It’s only the second level, it can be upgraded by at least half a level—"

After obtaining the mine core, Zong Shou still did not give up. Continuing to search around, sure enough, within two hours, another twenty mortal third-level spiritual stones were found. This time, there were seventeen golden spirit stones, accounting for most of the total.

When he searched around with his mind and couldn't find any trace of the spirit stone, he stopped the stone puppet.

There should be quite a few buried spiritual stones nearby. The location was extremely hidden, and it was difficult to determine its location, so he didn't want to take the trouble to find it.

After climbing out of the huge hole dug by himself, Zong Shou couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he looked at the dark night sky again.

The original plan when I came was to come back quickly and return in one night, but it would take at least several hours to wait for the Tanhuāhuā to open.

But even if you think about this matter with your heels, you still know how to make a choice.

"There are still seven hours before the darkness opens. It's time. Let Xiao Jin truncate these spiritual stones."

Zong Shou was nearby and directly chose a more open place. Then he ordered the three puppets to dig aside and open up a wider area. There is a distance of six feet to the left, right, and front.

But when Zong Shou began to arrange the spiritual formation, he felt a headache. The third-order beast crystals in his bag at the moment are also close to drying up. After racking his brains, he added two more spirit stones and finally managed to get enough.

The vitality and soul energy naturally bred in the spirit stone are extremely pure, not inferior to the essence he collected from Lei Luan's egg. In fact, Xiao Jin can swallow it directly.

Zong Shou arranged this formation not to collect spiritual stones, but for another purpose.

Looking around with satisfaction, Zong Shou threw two more gold spirit stones to Chu Xue, who was like a goose: "You won't learn anything from this. Go aside and throw these two spirit stones away." The stone is used. You have already absorbed two human-level elixirs before. With the help of this spiritual stone, you should be able to reach the realm of spiritual nourishment within a few days."

"Wrong? Give me this stone?" Chuxue held the spirit stone in her hand, but looked confused: "But how to use it?"

She hasn't cultivated her soul power for a long time, and she only cultivates her soul power every day, but has not been able to break through the state of soul viewing. Although I have learned this method of collecting spiritual stones before, I have never had the opportunity to touch it in the past few years, and I have long forgotten that I went to Guala Country.

Seeing Zong Shou's face, his complexion suddenly turned livid and extremely unsightly. Chu Xue smiled awkwardly, feeling guilty for no reason, and laughed dryly: "Ah Ye! Young Master, Xue'er remembered it and had some impressions! No, I remember it very clearly. How could I forget?"

Zong Shou frowned, his heart moved, and his expression turned calm and said: "Xue'er, just tell me if you don't understand! I won't scold you. By the way, I just drew a total of three talisman formations, what have you learned? ?The runes used are extremely common, you should have learned them one by one."

This time he came to get the mine core, so he could go alone. The reason why Chu Xue was asked to follow was to let her watch her draw the talisman formation. No one in the world could understand the true meaning of the talisman in more detail than directly observing the process of drawing the talisman by a high-level spiritual master and everyone.

Therefore, spiritual masters, whether ten thousand years ago or ten thousand years later, are the most important to pass on.

Chuxue immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but still couldn't believe it. She asked with pitiful eyes: "Really? Young Master really doesn't know how to scold me?" Seeing Zong Shou nodded, she reluctantly calmed down and still Blinking his eyes, he said: "Young Master, you promised not to scold me, it's settled! Xue'er, um, Xue'er has completely forgotten about it! I have learned the power of absorbing spiritual stones for a long time. Where do you remember them? There are also those talismans. They recognize Xue'er, but Xue'er doesn't recognize them. She can't remember them for a long time."

Zong Shou was furious for a while, but before Chuxue could finish what he said, he grabbed Chuxue's little face and kept rubbing it from side to side: "You are still confident! If you don't know talismans, what kind of spiritual master are you? Why don't you just learn martial arts? ."

Seeing Chu Xue's eyes were reddish, watery and sparkling with starlight, and her chin was nodding fiercely, as if she wanted to tell him that I would only practice martial arts. It's so troublesome to practice martial arts, spiritual talismans, etc., so I don't want to learn how to do it. Zong Shou couldn't help but feel even more angry. He laughed again and added more strength: "You stupid girl, you have a good martial arts body. You don't need to study any swordsmanship and boxing skills to reach the pinnacle of martial arts. But if you meet those really perverted guys in the future, then Do you know that you are done with sex? After practicing spiritual law, at least you can escape if you can't fight! Are you still pretending to be cute with me? Huh, there's no point in pretending to be pitiful! After you go back, copy the Great Wilderness Talisman Sutra for me a hundred times. When you hear No!"

After all, he couldn't match the hurtful power of Chu Xue's eyes, and he was afraid that the little girl's little face would be really bruised. After Zong Shou gave him a small punishment, he let go of his hand.

Chuxue immediately jumped up and down, dodged to the side, covered her face with her little hands and cried, "Young Master, you don't keep your word, you won't scold me if you say it!"

"I'm just niē, not scolding! Why don't you just ignore it?"

While Zong Shou was slightly proud, he was still thinking about the feeling just now. Immediately, his face straightened and he started talking about the formula for collecting spiritual stones.

When a martial artist absorbs the energy in a spirit stone, he only needs to activate his true energy and absorb it directly. For a soul master, it is a little more troublesome. He needs to extract the soul energy from it with his spirit energy.

Taught. Jue, and all the talismans that need to be used. Zong Shou was worried that the girl didn't understand it well and wasted the spiritual stone. After teaching Fanci step by step, he left her alone and began to gather the spirit stones.

Zong Shou also sat in the center of the spiritual formation and made Xiao Jin slide off his arm. It is extremely simple for the sticky beast to swallow something, just throw the spirit stone directly over it.

Within half a quarter of an hour, Zong Shou saw an entire spiritual stone being ground into pieces by Xiao Jin. He didn't let go of any soul energy, and after absorbing it all, he spat out all the remaining powder.

It was also at the third level, but this spiritual stone did not bring any pain to it.