Divine Brilliance

Chapter 141: The Four Meridians Waidan


Each spirit stone takes about two quarters of an hour to consume. Xiao Jin only had 16 spirit stones, but he couldn't find any more.

The body swelled up again and became round and bulging, but it did not show any pain. It jumped into his palm and rubbed against his palm with great tenderness.

Zong Shou smiled "Hey," he took out the mine core and placed it in front of him, his expression gradually becoming serious.

He bit his finger open and drew two talismans outside the core of the mine. One is "shock" and the other is "crack"

Then suddenly his eyes flashed brightly, and he shouted loudly: "Broken!"

The spirit stone core immediately shook from the distance and opened countless cracks. It only lasted a moment before it was completely shattered.

Inside, two silvery-white lights immediately rushed out from the inside, like giant pythons, rushing out one to the left and the other to the right.

There is a so-called dragon vein theory in the world, which means that even if mortals stand in the way, they can still be kings and dams. In fact, the dragon vein is just a gathering of a large number of source spirits. Once it unfolds, it is like a giant dragon, wandering between heaven and earth without relying on the energy of the earth.

In front of Zong Shou, there were only two small gold spiritual veins, but once they burst out of the mine core, they were like pythons, with terrifying momentum.

However, when the two giant pythons had just rushed to about four feet, an invisible barrier suddenly formed, forcing them to bounce back.

Zong Shou did not dare to neglect, knowing that his spiritual formation was of too low a level and would not last long. Forming a seal with his right hand, he once again said "Yin, word!"

Then, in Zong Shou's hand, a ball of light suddenly burst out of Xiao Jin's belly. The two spiritual veins seemed to be forcibly pulled by a force and converged in front of him.

Xiao Jin was a little uneasy at first and tried to struggle. After a while, he found that the two silver-white beams of light not only did no harm to it, but also had some benefits, and he calmed down. Let the two giant pythons penetrate into the belly.

It took three hours for the two golden spiritual veins to be completely integrated into the spiritual vein bead.

The whole process seemed to be trouble-free and smooth.

But when Zong Shou finished, his forehead was covered with thin beads of sweat and his face was extremely pale. Compared with that day after the fierce battle with Li Xié Huiling, he was still much more exhausted.

This spiritual vein itself has no will of its own, so it can be controlled, but it naturally has the characteristics of jumping, wandering and diverging, and it is also the most sensitive to changes in spiritual energy.

The most difficult thing just now was not to attract them or to trap them. Instead, for three whole hours, he concentrated his concentration so that his soul consciousness and the spirit of heaven and earth were always in harmony.

A large amount of soul power is needed to prevent this spiritual vein from escaping or spreading out. Therefore, to consume one's life is tantamount to fighting a powerful enemy and fighting with all one's strength for three hours!

"This spiritual vein is indeed extremely difficult to control! It's no wonder that the spiritual vein beads require at least a spiritual master in the Huanyang realm to refine them. It is extremely difficult to capture them. To introduce them into the spiritual veins Inside the bead, a huge amount of soul power is needed, and the control of spiritual energy also needs to be extremely precise. Every time one is added, the difficulty increases tenfold. It is even more difficult for me to obtain materials that can accommodate spiritual veins. Difficult! My gold-type spiritual vein bead can hold up to five spiritual veins, which is extremely rare. Xi Yiren’s outer elixir is priceless. I was also lucky today and found this mineral core. Only by the tameness of the spiritual veins can the spiritual pulse bead be successfully advanced - until the last bit of light is completely tamed by the spiritual veins. Zong Shou then sat back quietly with his eyes crossed and fell into meditation, until the Heihui An Tanhuā suddenly came to life with a burst of spiritual energy fluctuations.

However, his energy has not recovered much, and his eyes still show a bit of exhaustion.

There was a little excitement on his face, and as soon as he moved his thoughts, the film made of small gold began to spread on his upper arms. It also covered his chest and abdomen, like a close-fitting silver armor, wrapping his entire upper body.

There are countless tiny zhēn without thorns, drilling into his muscles and connecting with the veins.

At this moment, Xiao Jin seemed to be an extended part of his physical body. And the spiritual vein bead that had advanced to the fourth level also passed through Xiao Jin's body, instilling huge spiritual energy into his body.

The energy within Zong Shou's body also suddenly filled up, surging and boiling continuously. The strength in his whole body seemed to surge several times in size at this moment!

The movements of this body gradually interfere with the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, especially the Gengjin spirit.

Once the true energy in the body moves, it can gather countless spiritual energies. "This is the innate oneness."

A long-lost feeling came to Zong Shou's mind, and his mood fluctuated for a while. Even at this moment, he was actually only able to reach the innate state by borrowing the power of Waidan, but it was still difficult for him.

What is surging in this body is true energy and power, a real power that can be used by oneself!

Exhaling loudly, Zong Shou suddenly stabbed out with his sword. From the tip of the Thunder Tooth Sword, a beam of sword energy immediately came out, making a sharp sound of 'chi'. It didn't dissipate until six feet away.

The stone powder flew back and splashed, and a small hole was revealed in the stone wall. Extremely sharp, yet silent.

"It's not the thunder attribute that I want most, nor is it the water attribute that can display the stunning sword power of the Jingyun God, but it has the sharpness of Gengjin. This sword, with its spiritual power, no one can match it!"

He also made the handleless Black Wave Sword fly out without having to hold it in his hand. Only a ray of true power poured into the sword from afar, and then another ray of sword energy rushed out, reaching seven feet.

This sword has been cultivated by the broken-edged sword for nearly two hundred years, and has been contaminated with some broken gold sword intent. At this moment, when Zong Shou poured in huge metal spiritual energy, a chemical reaction immediately occurred.

"My sword energy can penetrate six feet away, which means that my physical strength at this moment can reach 60,000 jins! With 30,000 jins of strength, I can force my energy to penetrate out of the body. After that, every time I increase my strength by 10,000 jins, I can increase One foot! With all my strength, I can rival those innate warriors who don’t have spiritual vein beads. Unfortunately, I am not truly innate now. Although I can use it, it won’t last long!”

The reason why the earth chakra masters can completely surpass the body chakra mouth in terms of strength is not only to attract the spirits of heaven and earth, but also to purify the flesh and body. With the help of external force, we can refine the nine chakras including tire wheel, breathing wheel, marrow wheel, bone wheel, xuè wheel, wisdom wheel, visceral wheel, visceral wheel and outer wheel. The biggest gap is the fusion of spiritual veins.

Each time a chakra is refined, a spiritual vein can be selected, integrated into the physical body, and merged with the chakra.

Others can only borrow a little bit of the power of heaven and earth by relying on the physical strength of the body and reaching the realm of the secret martial artist. But the innate martial artist has a spiritual vein in his body that is self-sufficient, not afraid of depletion, and contains huge spiritual energy. How can the body chakra martial artist fight with it? If the flesh has no physical strength, how can it not be tyrannical

The reason why this stage of the warrior is called the Earth Wheel is for this reason. Spiritual veins also have levels. Small spiritual veins are also called earth veins because they rely on the energy of the earth.

By borrowing the power of Waidan, he can gain strength that can compete with the innate martial artist in a short period of time. But the problem is that his flesh does not have a body. After all, it is still in the chakra stage, and its meridians are fragile and unable to support it.

But he doesn't have much physical ability. ! Once you fight with someone, no matter whether you win or lose, if you try your best, you can only hold on to one or two cups of tea at most, so you don't have to worry about it.

What is really a pity is that there is not much power that the fourth-level spiritual vein beads can draw on. By passing it on through Xiao Jin's body, it becomes even rarer.

Zong Shou shook his head helplessly, and Xiao Jin's body began to shrink. It gathered around his left hand again, tightly wrapped around it like a protective wall.

"With this external elixir, I can cope with everything before I can break through the innate world. Even those powerful masters can escape unscathed even if they are the worst. At this moment, I am only curious whether my body with dual veins can also integrate the parallel elixir. Spiritual veins? Hey! In the realm of the Earth Wheel, is it possible to integrate eighteen spiritual veins into the body?"

Zong Shou fell into deep thought, recalling the records of the cultivation of the dual-vein body recorded in those ancient books. There are no successful examples, nor are they specifically mentioned. It must be that no one has done it before.

But this is a precedent, there must be no one with spiral meridians like him! No one can create this three-system spiral of water, fire, and thunder like him.

In the palm of his hand, a burst of energy suddenly emerged. Looking at the blue and red, the energies entwining and repelling each other. Zong Shou said, "Hey, he smiled, took hold of it, and pinched it."

This possibility is indeed exciting. However, it is still too early to think about this matter at this moment. It is not too late to break the body wheel before planning this matter again!

As soon as he stepped on it, Zong Shou was light and airy again, deep into the pothole. He glanced coldly at the black man.

The spiritual energy fluctuations of this object are extremely violent and unstable at the moment, as if they are on the verge of bursting.

The vibrations reverberated to the extreme before settling down again. Then the tiny petals began to bloom outward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zong Shou's breath was stifled. The pure black color of the flower petals, in his eyes at this moment, was extremely beautiful.

"What kind of flower is this? It's so beautiful!"

Chuxue, who had already collected the spirit stones, now walked to the stone pit, with a somewhat psychedelic look on her face. He unconsciously stretched out his hand, trying to touch mō back, but Zong Shou grabbed him back.

And wait until the Tanhuā fully blooms. Zong Shou did not advance but retreated. Taking Chuxue with him, he retreated ten feet away.

The next moment, a group of light black mist was seen coming out. The huge force spread several feet, and in an astonishingly silent manner, it corroded most of the surrounding soil.

When Chuxue saw this, she couldn't help but feel that the flowers were bleak, and the beautiful flowers also contained deadly drama. If she had just retreated a little slower, or if she had touched her mō without reaching the flower, her body would have completely melted at this moment.

Zong Shou, however, remained unmoved and directly used a spirit weapon. A gust of breeze was summoned to blow away the black mist.

It wasn't until there was no trace left that he went deeper again and came to the side of the stone pit.

Just as he was watching the ephemeral flower wither after blooming, the entire pothole here suddenly began to tremble endlessly, with countless mud and sand falling down.

Zong Shou frowned slightly and looked into the distance.

I could faintly hear some voices in the distance, and there were quite a few of them, walking in this direction.