Divine Brilliance

Chapter 146: Iron Tiger Qianqiu


A huge ball of fire struck and shone in the sky.

It is similar to the Fire Sign Talisman of Danquan Sect, but when the flame explodes, it is a huge "Qian" character that has not disappeared for a long time.

Just below the place where the fire was shining, two cloud-turning vehicles were lined up side by side. There were dozens more majestic wildebeests and some figures next to them.

An old man in his sixties was sitting on the roof of one of the cars. He has thick eyebrows and thick hair on his face and tiger stripes on his body. The eyes are like wheels, the light in them is shining, the momentum is calm, and the majesty is natural. At this moment, his face is extremely ugly, looking in front of him.

"Where have your young masters gone? Why haven't you seen anyone coming yet? Why are you still running around when you know you are in a killing situation? Is this how you protect your young masters?"

Standing respectfully in front of the old man were Yin Yang and Lian Fan. The former was expressionless and unmoved. The latter was slightly embarrassed.

As a coachman, he also has the responsibility of protecting Zong Shou. But by the time he finished his work and rushed back, Zong Shou had already disappeared. Two days later, he was nowhere to be seen.

Behind the old man, there is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He is also imposing and has a strong and capable body. He had a sullen face and a square face, nothing out of the ordinary. There are three long whiskers on each side of the lips. At this time, he was raising his eyebrows and seemed to be extremely angry.

And standing on the top of the other carriage were Xuanyuan Yiren and Li Yunniang. Hearing the old man's words, he also raised his brows and turned to look at Li Yunniang reproachfully: "Do you know where the prince is going, at least in which direction he is going? Why didn't you ask clearly at that time?"

Li Yunniang shook her head and pointed to the hills nearby as an answer.

I cried secretly in my heart, with the temperament of that little devil, how could I dare to ask? Even if he asked, Zong Shou would probably ignore it.

She finally saw clearly that the young master had been treating her like a mosquito, fly, and dust recently. He felt disgusted and unwilling to pay attention to her.

Yin Yang was calm and composed, but the sixty-year-old man's eyes were wide and a little astringent. He snorted again, closed his eyes and said, "Why don't you speak? Are you mute?"

Yin Yang then moved his body and leaned over slightly: "My lord, please be patient. I think it won't take much time for the young master to get back. With the young master's ability, he will be safe and sound."

"With the power of the young master, he is safe and sound? Hey, I, Hu Qianqiu, really don't know what the prince is capable of! Yin Yang, before he fell into the sea of sinking clouds, he would probably ask that person to protect the prince. But even though that guy is from the Xuanwu Sect He is cultivated, but he is seriously injured. Normally, the prince still needs to rely on you and others to protect him. How can you say this so naturally?"

The old man sneered and looked at Yin Yang with a cold expression: "Can you say that? You traveled thousands of miles and traveled for twenty days and nights to invite me here. Why on earth did you invite me here? Do you know that I am a thousand-year-old man? I am loyal to King Weiran, but I also have the responsibility to protect my clan. If it is true as you said, you can convince me to support the Crown Prince. If not, I, Hu Qianqiu, must personally take action to take the Crown Prince's life to avoid the next Gantian Demon. King, are you angry with my Iron Tiger clan?"

Xuanyuan Yiren's breath was suffocated, her lips swayed slightly, and her fists clenched tightly unconsciously.

Even Fan Yin Yang looked indifferent and didn't care at all. Even Li Yunniang didn't realize how likely this threat was to be realized, but there was a hint of anxiety on her face.

—Why hasn’t that person arrived yet

Yin Yang smiled and shook his head lightly: "Yin Yang doesn't dare to overstep his authority, and even if I tell you, your Excellency will probably not believe it. It's better to wait for the Crown Prince to come back and talk to you personally. Please rest assured, Sir, the Crown Prince will never make your Majesty You are disappointed!”

Hearing this, Hu Qianqiu was noncommittal, but the middle-aged man behind him sneered: "You won't disappoint my father? In the past ten years, the prince has already disappointed me all over the Tianshan Mountains. What qualifications does he have? Is it possible not to disappoint my father? Ah, that’s right, I don’t have any hope, so naturally I can’t say I’m disappointed—”

Yin Yang was silent for a while and did not speak, but Hu Qianqiu's eyes turned cold and he shouted: "Hu Zhongyuan, shut up! No matter what the prince is, he is still my brother Weiran. If you say something wrong about him again, will you believe it or not?" Should I sink you into the sea of clouds?"

Hu Zhongyuan's expression was startled, and he closed his mouth angrily, showing a bit of unwillingness. Hu Qianqiu also looked up at the sky again, and saw that the word 'gan' had gradually dimmed.

He couldn't help but frown: "Send another talisman! Don't stop. Since you must wait until the prince comes back, then wait for him. I'll wait here for another half day. Just think of it as doing my best for brother Weiran - "

Xuanyuan Yiren's willow eyebrows immediately frowned slightly.

Hu Qianqiu could be satisfied, but with Zong Shou's current situation, how could he be satisfied

Could it be referring to the Pulse Spirit Pill and the Psychic Mystic Pill? But this is only slightly possible for him to practice martial arts.

However, it seems that Zong Shou specially ordered Yin Yang to invite this Hu Qianqiu. What makes him so sure and confident

※ ※ ※ ※

The light of the word 'gan' illuminates the night sky again. At the same time, everyone within a radius of dozens of miles was looking up into the sky.

The same goes for Zong Ling, who frowned and looked at the sky with confusion in his eyes: "Does this Fire Talisman really cost nothing? What kind of mystery are you doing? Feng Xiao, is there really a Xuanwu Sect over there?"

Feng Xiao was not sure, so he looked at the innate strong man next to him who was holding a sword in his forehand and riding quietly on a wind horse.

Seeing the latter nodding slightly, he frowned and said: "As strong as a dragon, like a golden pillar. He has reached the top of the world's warriors, most likely! This person must be a person with shocking pride, so he is so unabashed and powerful. Mostly extraordinary. This is the first time I have seen such a flamboyant Xuanwu Grandmaster—"

"It's vaguely familiar. It seems like someone I've seen before. Could it be the Xuanwu Sect who was next to Zongshou that day?"

Zong Ling still had some doubts on his face. After pondering for a moment, he spurred his horse forward: "Let's go over there and take a look!"

"Young master, no! This man is full of vitality and blood, and shows no signs of weakness. He is probably not that man. And we don't have any strong men at the Xuanwu Sect level now—"

Feng Xiao hurriedly opened his mouth to admonish, but when he saw that Zong Ling didn't listen at all and had already begun to gallop at full speed, he had no choice but to urge the horse forward. He followed up with several innate martial arts masters around him.

※ ※ ※ ※

A full two hours had passed when Zong Shou crawled out of the pit of dozens of feet.

Although he was not injured just now, the Styx Death Sword had taken a huge toll on his body. If it weren't for the Lei Luan essence in his body, he would almost never be able to recover.

However, time is mainly wasted on clearing traces and destroying corpses and extinguishing traces. He had never thought about this when he obtained the Dark Epiphyllum before. But now after killing these people, they have to deal with it.

Forget it about Dou Lingzhen. Although he is the lord of a city, he kills people, but Na Mingjue is a bit troublesome.

He knows the methods of these real demon sects best. Within the sect, there are usually frequent internal fights, and from time to time, someone will die. Most of the time, they are killed by the methods of their fellow sects. Survival of the fittest is the most ruthless.

But once a disciple is killed by an outsider, or dies in official matters within the sect, the revenge will be endless.

Thinking of the dozens of demon slaves who had died, Zong Shou sighed slightly, not knowing whether his action at that time would be a disaster or a blessing for these people. Although it freed them from torture, it also directly led to their accelerated death.

But this time, I really found a good thing from Na Mingjue.

The magic weapons and Taoist talismans all have their origins, and most of them cannot be used in front of others. But this is the only thing that can be used without any harm.

When he jumped out of the ground, Zong Shou had just stood firm. Then I saw the huge fiery word "Qian" in the sky.


Zong Shou raised his eyebrows, extremely surprised. Qian Tianshan is the only one in the entire East Linyunlu who uses the character 'Qian' as a fire symbol.

The next moment, it dawned on me. Most likely the person he invited has already arrived. Calculating the time, it’s almost time.

I couldn't help but smile. The fire symbols continued one after another. It seemed that the person couldn't wait any longer.

We cannot stay here any longer, and the deaths of Dou Lingzhen and Ming Jue cannot be hidden for long. It is estimated that it will only take a few hours to affect the Fenghua City army. Once one party wins, someone will definitely go into the pit to see what happens.

Without any further delay, Zong Shou grabbed Chuxue and ran forward, using the thunder bones to move quickly through the mountains.

However, after walking for only a moment, Zong Shou already had a look of helplessness on his face.

"Chu Xue, how long are you going to stare at me? Haven't you seen enough?"

"Of course Xue'er can never get enough of the young master's appearance!"

Chu Xue actually nodded, confidently, and then said with a look of regret and annoyance on his face: "Especially when his hair was white just now, he was so handsome! Xue'er should not have listened to the young master's words just now and opened her eyes in advance. You have to. Many masters are using the Styx Death Sword to change their hair and show it to Xueer, okay? Young Master, Xueer, please—"

Before he finished speaking, Zong Shou couldn't bear it anymore and hit Chu Xue on the head with a blaster: "Damn girl, do you think you can use this sword skill at will? It seems that you really need to repair it when you go back, and you are becoming more and more wanton. Change your mind. Le, you have to copy that Great Wild Talisman Scripture two hundred times for me before I can eat it!"

Chu Xue immediately let out a cry, while Zong Shou was angry and laughing at the same time.

Whenever he used the Styx Death Sword in his previous life, both men and women were afraid of him like a demon. Unexpectedly, Chuxue was very happy.

Could it be that the appearance in this life is a bonus? But remembering that you were not that ugly in your previous life, right? He is a rare temperamental man—

With these distracting thoughts running through his mind, Zong Shou suddenly stopped in his steps, causing the thunderous spirit bones to pause.

Then he narrowed his eyes and looked in front of him. The trees are green and green, swaying with the breeze, and you can't notice anything strange at all.

However, in the thought transmitted by the shadow lion, it was not the case. Not only are there people here, but they also have ulterior motives.

After a long time, there was no movement at all. Zong Shou was impatient to wait, so he simply pointed it out with a half-smile: "My friend is hiding there, do you really think that others can't see you?"