Divine Brilliance

Chapter 162: Underwater body training


Before Han Jiao transformed into a dragon, he was born with the Black Ice Cold Skill. It is partial and difficult to completely control. Wherever he lives, hundreds of miles around him become a country of frost.

Except that the water temperature here is slightly colder, the water quality is clearer, and the air is fresher, everything else is similar to the future ten thousand years from now.

In the future, this place was bought by a friend of his and became a private residence. Behind the island, the scenery has changed quite a bit. But looking at it now, it seems that the natural scenery is even more beautiful and ordinary.

After looking around, Zong Shou took out some medicinal pills from his sleeves and drank them. Among them, the body-washing pill was indispensable, and there were also the psychic and mysterious pills given by Xuanyuan Yiren, and two kinds of pills called Yang. The medicines of Fire Warming Body Pill and Turtle Breath Pill.

The latter can help with breathing, but the former has no other use. It can only warm the body at all times, like fire moxibustion. Even among the people, it is extremely common.

Especially in those areas where the weather is relatively cold, almost every household has it on a regular basis. After hesitating for a moment, Zong Shou still took a Pulse Spirit Pill. When the whole body starts to warm up. He took off his coat and, wearing only his underwear, jumped into the air and fell into the pool.

Keep diving until you reach one hundred and seventy feet. I just feel that there is an undercurrent here.

At this point, all the energy trapped in his chest and abdomen has been exhausted. Fortunately, with the help of Xiao Jin and the Spirit Vein Bead, he is now a fake elixir innate. With the help of Fetal Breath Pill, breathing in this water brings out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. I'm not afraid of being suffocated to death.

As he continued to sink deeper, Zong Shou felt the pressure on his body getting heavier with every foot added. It was as if he was carrying a weight of tens of thousands of kilograms, and everything was about to completely crush his body. The undercurrent at the bottom of the pool also increased by a few points, just like waves of irresistible force, constantly rushing and colliding.

Any one of them carries more than ten thousand kilograms of force.

Qianshui Lake is different from other lakes in the Cloud Realm. Although it is calm on the surface, underneath the lake bottom, it is full of turbulent undercurrents. The closer you get to the center of the lake, the more obvious it becomes.

And this Blackwater Pond, seemingly independent, is actually connected to the Huhu Lake outside, with the same number of undercurrents, or even more. However, the spiritual energy in this place is also the most prosperous in the entire thousand-mile radius, except for the place where the cold mosquitoes live.

"This is it!"

A stone platform about a hundred feet in diameter suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Zong Shou's eyes brightened and he immediately bent over and swam quickly towards that side.

However, as soon as he stepped on it, he felt a vast undercurrent, rushing towards him like an overwhelming force.

Zong Shou was not surprised but overjoyed. If it weren't for the fact that he was under deep water, he could hardly help but laugh.

There really haven't been many changes between here and ten thousand years later. No, the undercurrent of this era seems to be stronger.

But this situation is exactly what he wants!

He punched out with all his strength, using the tens of thousands of kilograms of the outer elixir to forcefully smash the water flow!

Then step on the stone step by step and stand in the center of the stone.

At this moment, there is a huge pressure on my body. The bones all over his body were creaking, but the energy and blood in his body began to surge rapidly. And Zong Shou's heart felt like magma erupted, and he was hot but not excited.

In his previous life, it took him three years to break through the barrier between heaven and man with the help of the strong water pressure and many undercurrents here. However, with the help of Lei Luan Essence in this era, the time should be shortened ten times!

The effect of the pulse elixir also began to take effect, and the meridians throughout the body gradually softened and began to twist and ache.

Zong Shou smiled "hey," and didn't care. He walked to the center of the stone platform and began to practice the guidance technique specifically for the spiral meridians.

No different than usual, now under the water, every action he completed was countless times more difficult than before.

Under the resistance of water pressure, waving your hands and feet requires ten times and a hundred times more strength than usual. Under the impact of that undercurrent, if you are not careful, your movements will go out of shape. The whole body was in excruciating pain.

But just a moment later, not only the meridians in Zong Shou's body began to twist, but almost all the blood, even every inch of flesh and bone, began to burn, not only because of the effects of the Body Washing Pill and the Yang Fire Warming Pill. , and because of Zong Shou's actions, all his strength began to be mobilized.

"With the essence of Lei Luan in my body, the feeling of practicing under the water is indeed very different from that in my previous life! However, it is also thanks to the psychic mystical elixir refined by Yiren."

The efficacy of this elixir is indeed as Xuanyuan Yiren said. Although it can't relieve the pain, it can keep Werther's mind clear.

Zong Shou was like this at the moment. Under the power of the elixir Weite, his mind was extremely clear. But at this moment, he would rather faint.

It felt as if all the muscles and meridians in his body were being bitten by man-eating ants, almost challenging his limits!

Fortunately, this psychic mystical pill also has the effect of increasing soul power. With the help of this severe pain and self-torture, the soul sea vortex actually started to condense again. A little bit of soul energy is slowly increasing.

The most gratifying thing is that under the catalysis of the Body Cleansing Pill, the innate essence in his body is truly integrated into his own flesh and body at an astonishing speed.

Almost every moment, it becomes clear that my body is stronger and stronger. The meridians all over his body are even more tenacious.

In his previous life, when he had reached the peak of the nine meridians of his body, he was blocked by the obstacles of heaven and man and could not make any progress for a year and a half. This was the case. Deep in the bottom of Narcissus Lake, he kept practicing various boxing techniques, as well as the first three sets of guidance he created.

The idea at that time was very simple. Since it was in the body wheel, the energy contained in it was too little, not enough to break through the barrier between heaven and man. Then he keeps exercising to make his body stronger! Make the chakras in your body tougher and broader, until the true energy accumulated in all your chakras and all the acupoints can completely shake the barrier between heaven and man!

However, although he had some help from some magical medicines at that time, it was far inferior to the innate essence he had in his body now.

Tempering the body in this way consumes a lot of physical strength, which is almost equivalent to fighting a fierce battle with the powerful Li Xieling. In just two moments, Zong Shou was already out of breath. Fortunately, although this place is underwater, if you get tired from practicing, it doesn't hurt to stop and hide somewhere where the undercurrent can't reach you and rest for a while.

The blood is boiling, and the accumulated innate essence is gradually integrated into it. A little bit of impurities are completely discharged from the body through the pores of the skin.

Even without suction, the body can be maintained without any feeling of suffocation.

It wasn't until a few hours later that the efficacy of the pulse elixir gradually wore off. Zong Shou just stepped hard on the stone and floated upward.

His whole body was sore and weak, and he couldn't lift even half of his strength. However, he still had the Thunder Spirit Bone on his body, which could still help him under the water. And when he surfaced, he saw that it was already evening. The sun is setting in the west, and a little bit of the remaining glow is shining in the evening.

"It's great! Practicing Guidance Technique underwater. It's better than five times in the past. This physical strength has also increased somewhat, although it is not as good as what was inspired during the battle with Li Xie Linghu Qianqiu." Life potential. But as long as it accumulates over time and only takes ten days, I can defeat it. Maybe within three and a half months to four months, I can try to break through the human barrier!"

Zong Shou's current body has no inner chakra and is still extremely numb. All the inner energy in the body is almost completely exhausted. I could only lie weakly on my back on the water, but my spirit was extremely happy, enjoying the comfort after the severe pain disappeared, rejoicing at the results of the exercise just now, and vaguely recalling the days in my previous life when I paid no attention to the world and worked hard.

Then he remembered that Chuxue should still be catching fish at this moment.

"In my current situation, I should be able to practice boxing again in the deep water of the pool. But with Xue'er's temperament, if she sees that I haven't come back for a long time, I don't know how anxious she will be."

With a slight thought in his mind, Zong Shou put it in the clothes beside the pool, and suddenly a piece of talisman paper flew up in the air.

Zong Shou casually picked up some spiritual ink that he put in his bag and wrote on the paper, "I have nothing to do. I will be back soon." After that, he folded it into a paper crane.

While secretly sighing, this spiritual master is sometimes more convenient than martial arts practitioners and has many magical powers. At the same time, he activated his spirit skills, causing the paper crane to flap its wings and fly high. After swaying for a moment, it flew towards the east.

After eating a lot of dry food, Zong Shou completely collapsed on the water. The whole person seemed to be asleep, except for his breathing, which was still even and regular.

I don’t know how long it took until the sun completely set. Zong Shoucai only felt that the energy in his body was filling again. The soreness and numbness in his limbs also gradually subsided.

Zong Shou suddenly opened his eyes, and with a slight burst of force from the Mechanical World True Energy, several more heavenly acupoints were opened one after another in the outer wheel with great ease.

After his whole body had taken a breath, Zong Shou dived into the water again.

When he practiced boxing in his previous life, he could only use special diving equipment. In this life, there is the help of Xiaojin and [Baidu Shenhuang Bar]'s external elixir, as well as the innate essence within the body. The effect is not much worse, but it can lurk underwater for a longer time.

In fact, for practicing boxing underwater, Narcissus Lake can be used anywhere.

However, the powerful spiritual energy in this pool of water can maximize the effect of his body training.

It's still more than 200 feet underwater, on the stone platform. Zong Shou did not take the pulse elixir this time. Instead, he only took the Body Cleansing Pill and the Fetus Breathing Pill before standing on the stage, and this time it was no longer a soft guidance technique. Instead, he punched directly underwater. A simple punch. The punch is neither slow nor fast, neither impatient nor impetuous, simple and unpretentious, and has no structure. There is really nothing subtle about it.

But when the punch came out, the entire underwater regular undercurrent suddenly began to move.

Then Zong Shou's punch speed became faster and faster. Every blow is done with all your strength. The inner energy surged, stirring the surrounding water flow.

In just a moment, a whirlpool seemed to be formed under the water, getting bigger and bigger, twisting endlessly. The speed of those undercurrents also suddenly increased several times, swirling in all directions.