Divine Brilliance

Chapter 169: Stepping into Xiantian (the third update, please subscribe and ask for monthly tickets)]


"Obstacle between heaven and man?"

Shui Lingbo's attention was also slightly diverted, and he frowned slightly: "This matter is indeed difficult to handle. Since Yunhuang, there are only five people who can successfully break through the barrier between heaven and man, and they all rely on external forces. Other than that In addition, it is even more complicated and troublesome to add a body with two veins and a broken soul. Fortunately, Zong Shou has mastered the sword intention, so it is not unthinkable. Our sect has a rare treasure, the false body bead, which can be Give him a helping hand. I wonder how your Wujue Villa is going to deal with it?"

"Is it a fake body bead?"

Yan Fan chuckled, hearing the provocation in Shui Lingbo's words, and said in a calm tone: "Although our Wujue Villa is not as rich as your Taiyuan Sect's treasury, it can help him in this aspect, and the effect may be even greater. Above the false body. I wonder, fairies, have you ever heard of such a thing as containing spiritual veins?"

Seeing the body of the twenty-eight woman opposite him shake, his eyes couldn't help but show shock. Even with Yan Fan's cultivation, he couldn't help but feel a little proud. He flicked his beard and said: "Actually, I am more curious now. I don't know what Zong Shou is doing in Narcissus Lake at the moment. I go to that lake every day. Oh no, he’s not afraid of being eaten by that cold mosquito?”

"Just because that cold mosquito dares?" Shui Lingbo curled his lips disdainfully: "If you want to know, why don't you go over and have a look? I don't dare to go over, so why are you dragging me here again?" A few days ago, I used the method of celestial vision to see it, and I only knew that the sect was guarding a black pool. But I didn't look for a moment before it was blocked by the cold mosquito. In fact, if you and I join forces, why do we need to be afraid of it? "

"You can't go!" Yan Fan shook his head, with a solemn expression: "That person is accumulating strength to overcome the catastrophe. This is the time when [Baidu Shenhuang Bar] is most vigilant. You and I can't avoid a big battle if we go there. It's not Yan Fan's peep. If you kill yourself, it’s really the cold mosquito that is worse. Half a step ahead of a dragon, even if you and I join forces, we are no match. Once the war breaks out, it will most likely affect the land with a radius of thousands of miles. But if the fairy insists on having his own way, I won’t stop you, just go on your way, anyway, I, Yan Fan, won’t get involved in this muddy water -"

As expected, Shui Lingbo hesitated for a while and finally snorted: "If you don't want to go, I won't go. Where did all this nonsense come from! It's not good for this sect to go anywhere, why do you have to go to Narcissus Lake?"

After complaining about Zong Shoufan, Shui Lingbo stopped talking. His eyes were wandering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yan Fan also sighed. If it were delayed any longer, it would delay Zong Shou's future.

Whether you are a martial artist or a spiritual master, practicing is a race against time, and sometimes a moment of delay may delay a lifetime. The younger you are, the more opportunities you have to climb to the pinnacle of martial arts and spiritual skills.

After clearing his mind, Yan Fan looked not far away again. He was holding a knife and his eyebrows were dancing. He seemed to be concentrating on Lei Dong. He couldn't help but smile: "Why don't you feel bored now?"

Lei Dong raised his thick eyebrows and retracted his thoughts displeasedly: "If you can continue fighting like this every day, I will never be bored in my life! But in these ten days, you only fought this once!"

Yan Fan laughed loudly with a strange look in his eyebrows: "Then I will find something interesting for you. How about you go and do something for me? It can be considered as helping you become a sworn brother."

Lei Dong snorted and subconsciously wanted to refuse. Then he saw Yan Fan take out a book from his sleeve and wave it in front of his eyes. Lei Dong's expression was startled, and immediately turned into a flattering one. He patted his chest and said with great pride: "Look at what my uncle said, Lei Dong is your nephew, so it is natural for him to do things for you!"

When Yan Fan saw this, he just laughed and said nothing. Shui Lingbo on the opposite side watched with cold eyes. A blue talisman suddenly flashed in his eyes [Baidu Shenhuang Bar], and his vision penetrated hundreds of miles of space. Looking around the Narcissus Lake, I saw two black figures on a beach, standing facing the lake. A man with a handsome appearance, but his body is hidden in a black robe. The other one was extremely ugly.

In the Blackwater Pond, the originally calm water surface was spinning and stirring.

Sometimes it spins forward and sometimes in the opposite direction. The intensity also varies, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes strong and sometimes weak. It stirred up countless waves, spraying and splashing everywhere.

Zong Shou was standing under the deep water more than two hundred feet, surrounded by a huge whirlpool that was swirling crazily.

But at this moment, it was his random cloak fist, no matter how fast or violent it was. There is no way this vortex can reach mortal status any faster.

But his body could no longer feel much pressure in the center of the underwater storm, and the centrifugal suction force could no longer affect his body.

The five internal organs and six internal organs have not been truly trained to be like steel and stone. The body's marrow, blood, flesh, skin, and fascia are only a few lines stronger than those of a peak third-order spirit beast.

But being in this whirlpool, I no longer feel even a little bit.

Zong Shou only practiced for a moment before he realized that it would be difficult to advance. However, he still punched the opponent with all his strength.

The powerful force of the fist passed through the nearly three feet of water and struck the opposite stone wall. In that direction, a large piece of bluestone was suddenly shattered! There was also a violent shaking in the pool, as if it was about to collapse.

Zong Shou didn't care, and still stood firmly on the boulder. With his eyes closed, he silently felt the chakras in his body and the changes in his limbs.

After that day, he deliberately delayed Fantian again. After ten days of hard training, the strength in the body has reached its peak!

"Twenty-three thousand kilograms of strength! The limit has been reached, and it can impact the innate!"

Although his strength has only been trained to this amount, it is still a step away from true innate strength, and is only about twice as strong as a peak mystical martial artist. However, this physical quality is already five times that of ordinary martial arts masters, and it is even stronger.

Only because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that can be used is limited the day after tomorrow, this power cannot increase explosively.

He could faintly sense that the energy within the chakra could no longer be suppressed and was about to move. Zong Shou made a decision immediately, and with a thought in his mind, he guided the vast energy channels to stop his legs and move downward.

In addition to the total of 480 large body chakra points, a total of 500 extra-meridian air points have been opened up in the past three months. Every trace of true energy overflowed and went straight into the sea of energy.

When hundreds of energy meridians gather in one place. Immediately it surged like a wave, and it was difficult to control the rapids. Divide it into two parts and stab it straight down the body.

The whole journey was like breaking bamboo, and when they reached the two underground gates, they were firmly blocked by an extremely thick barrier.

For an ordinary person, this strength is several times that of an ordinary martial artist, and he can easily crush it. However, at this moment, it is like hitting a steel plate. After blocking, he suddenly surges back.

"Is it an obstacle between heaven and man?"

Zong Shou opened his eyes slightly, showing a hint of sneer. In this life, the barrier in his underground cave was only the same as in his previous life.

"With three months of savings, how could it be blocked by this mere obstacle? Use Qi to turn into a sword and break it!"

Within Zong Shou's body, all the zhenqi surging near his feet turned into an extremely sharp, vague and unpredictable sword shape, attacking the bottom again.

It is not that the eighteen spiritual seeds of Jingyun Shen Destroying Sword Intent are condensed in the dantian. It is a sword that is as strong as a dragon, as agile as water, as thick as a mountain, as changeable as a cloud, and as domineering as it seems to encompass everything!

At this moment, Zong Shou's legs suddenly showed numerous tiny wounds. The dissipated sword spirit and sword energy caused dripping wounds on his lower limbs.

However, the two blocked earth gate acupoints also had two sword-shaped Qi Qi suddenly slashing into them! Originally [Baidu Shenhuang Bar] was unstoppable, but when this sword force was about to crush the last obstacle. Near the two acupuncture points, a trace of spiritual light suddenly overflowed, and a rune actually gathered, resisting the sword power.

"Why is this thing again? It existed in the previous life. Why did I change my body in this life? Still have this acupoint-sealing talisman? And it's even more vicious."

There was a faint flash of lightning in Zong Shou's eyes. In his previous life, he was placed under a talisman for some reason. In this life, Zong Shou, but I don’t know which day-traveling spiritual master he has offended

It's also a shame that he, Fan Yue, has never been arrogant or impetuous and has never acted rashly.

With a cold snort, within Zong Shou's dantian, the eighteen rays of Jingyun Shen Destroying Sword Intent also rushed down and merged into the two sword powers.

His sword accommodates hundreds of families and encompasses all things. The Jingyun God Destroying Sword can also be integrated into it.

"Since I was not blocked by this mere talisman in my last life, how can I be blocked by this talisman in this life! Open the innate realm to me!"

The power of the two swords in the Earth Gate acupoint immediately increased, shining with a sharp and peerless light, causing countless cracks in the talisman to instantly appear. Just hearing a "chi-la" sound, more blood seeped out from Zong Shou's calf.

Zong Shou didn't care, his eyes were always calm and calm.

In the next moment, there was only a "boom" sound. That barrier was finally broken away. Two sword-shaped qi energy immediately penetrated the body and penetrated down.

The first thing to suffer was the stone platform, which was directly destroyed by the sword energy. It also penetrated more than ten feet to the bottom of the lake, stirring up a pile of sand and gravel, which kept rolling,

And the water in the pool was boiling and swaying again. Before any vortex was created, waves of more than twenty feet high were already rising above the water surface.

The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth around here is also constantly vibrating, affecting several miles away.

Time passes, and I don’t know how much time has passed. Only then did the spiritual energy of the world become thin again. The black water pool gradually calmed down.

Zong Shou opened his eyes in the water, suddenly rushed up and jumped out of the water pool. At this moment, it feels completely different.

That feeling of heightened spiritual awareness, stirring the spiritual energy of the world between movement and stillness. It is far beyond the ability to temporarily achieve innate feelings with the help of the power of external elixirs. There was a surge of energy and blood in his body, as if he had inexhaustible strength.

"Finally we have reached the realm of innateness!"

Zong Shou took a deep breath and suppressed the fluctuations in his mood.

For warriors who pursue the pinnacle of martial arts, this innate realm is just the beginning. There is still an extremely long way to go from the peak of heaven he reached in reality in his previous life.

One - and it is difficult step by step. There are nine steps. At each step, you must use your full strength!