Divine Brilliance

Chapter 173: Yunjian nourishes the sword


Although the sword and sword dissipated, the power of ice and fire and the purple thunder still existed. It exploded in all directions, and a deep pit of dozens of feet was opened directly on the ground.

Not only the Ye sisters, whose sword was in danger, were attracted to look in the direction of the sword energy.

Even Qiu Ling looked stunned and dumbfounded!

The powerful sword force almost shattered everything in front of it! Even the free spiritual energy nearby was blank. At this moment, the spiral sword light seemed to split the world!

At this moment, Qiu Ling's scalp couldn't help but feel numb, and he felt goosebumps all over his body.

He failed to see clearly the heated exchange between Zong Shou and Yun Xu. But he knew that even the peak martial arts masters of the Earth Chakra and Six Meridians could not face this majestic sword power head-on! He is truly unstoppable and incredibly strong!

Then suddenly, his eyelids twitched slightly, and a feeling of extreme danger suddenly came into his heart. In the strong wind that fills the sky ahead, a bit of cold light suddenly appears, and the sword flashes in front of you. Astonishingly, it was a cloud-patterned flying knife, with cold light flashing and changing.

"It's Jingyun Shen Destroying Sword Intent!"

Almost immediately, Qiu Ling sensed the martial arts thoughts contained in the flying knife.

No matter how powerful they were, the two girls in front of him who were about to be captured in his hands suddenly retreated. With one step of their feet, they swept back more than sixty feet.

His eyes never left the tip of the knife, constantly identifying the changing trajectory. Finally, he opened his eyes and pinched his fingers in front of him. A handleless flying knife immediately appeared at his fingertips. Before Qiu Ling's remaining strength was exhausted and he was trembling endlessly, just when Qiu Ling just breathed a sigh of relief, the knife suddenly exploded and shattered into thousands of pieces. One of the tips of the knife also passed through his finger, suddenly accelerated several times, and pointed directly at his throat!

"Is this a real explosion?"

Qiu Ling's complexion turned pale in an instant, and he turned his head to the side almost in an instant. He barely managed to avoid being stabbed through the throat, but the tip of the knife shattered the blade and penetrated his left shoulder. Penetrating the body, bringing out a trace of blood.

But at this moment, even with his strong nerves, he took a breath of cold air. What kind of ghost technique did this prince of Qian Tianshan learn? The power was latent but not released until it was a hundred feet away, when the real power exploded. Did I get the wrong pair? Why did I forget about Yi Mu in the forest that day? Although the sword energy was latent and triggered by himself, it was hidden for half a day!

With no fighting spirit left in his heart, Qiu Ling [Baidu Shenhuang Bar] glanced at the fragments of flesh and blood scattered in the distance with a hint of regret. This senior brother of his is a ruthless person and also extremely smart. It would be a pity to die here.

Then his pupils shrank, and he saw a scene that frightened him to the point of death. He saw the sword light in Zong Shou's hand dissipate just now. Just a ball of green smoke rose into the sky from behind his head.

It is the size of a millstone and surrounded by purple thunder. Even under the scorching sun at noon, it is not afraid at all. The smoke seemed to contain three talismans. With that thunder tooth sword, he came in a flash,

"You are a spiritual master who has entered the out-of-body realm, that's not right! With three true talismans and pure and condensed soul power, you are a spiritual master who has entered the night-journey realm!"

He kept cursing in his mouth, and Qiu Ling's eyes were about to burst. At this moment, unprecedented despair filled the soul.

But he immediately put down all thoughts of escaping, and the spiritual master wandered in his soul, traveling several miles with one breath, far more powerful than the martial artist. Even if you want to escape at this moment, you may not be able to escape.

Almost immediately, he put on a white silk glove on his hand. All the energy in his body exploded at this moment, rushing into his limbs and hundreds of veins. All skin pores have been cut open.

Just when Zong Shou's Yuanhun struck into the sky, Qiu Ling also roared, his blood and vital energy surging all over his body, he gathered all his true strength and punched into the air.

In this battle, he has no way out! Only by trying your best can you have a chance of survival.

Zong Shou Yuanhun, but has no scruples. In his mind, he was still extremely cold and energetic, and the masculine blood rushed towards him, and before he even got close, he was blown to pieces by the purple thunder. But it still caused his soul to be slightly damaged, and he felt a burning pain.

But it couldn't affect his consciousness at all, and his thoughts were as cold as ice.

When the slanting light fell, it turned out to be a giant spiral, whirling and slashing!

If it were said that he had fought with Yunxu before, his sword power could only be regarded as domineering. So at this moment, it is the end of pressure! Completely crushed and destroyed!

With his innate body, even with the help of the external elixir, he only has 90,000 kilograms of strength. However, at this moment, using Yuanhun to control the sword, a full 200,000 kilograms of force was added to the sword body!

Swords and fists clashed, and a series of 'puffing' sounds were heard in the void.

Qiu Ling's hands were made of flesh and blood, but those silk gloves were difficult to damage with a spiritual sword. However, just a dozen swords were broken and bent unnaturally. And the power of ice and fire also surged down instantly!

This time the sword power was even more domineering. The Ye sisters, with mustard-white faces, watched with their own eyes the swirling sword shadow, cutting into Qiu Ling's body and smashing it into pieces that were ten times smaller than fingernails. The minced meat splashed wildly outwards, dyeing the snow that was more than thirty feet in blood red.

And when the spiral sword momentum was no longer blocked, it hit the ground. There was another 'boom', a loud sound, as if the sky was shaking and the earth was shaking. Dust and sand were flying in the snow, and broken ice shot up.

Wait until all the smoke and dust dissipates. There was actually a deep pit with a radius of more than a hundred feet!

Zong Shou's soul also soared into the sky again. With a gust of breeze, he returned to his body in an instant.

Ye Feishang and Ye Feihan were still unable to move their eyes, staring blankly at the huge pit in front of them.

I just feel that no words can describe what I am thinking at this moment, I can only watch silently from a distance.

And Ye Feishang's heart also flashed with almost the same thought as that of Qiu Ling, that this sect guard could actually be a spiritual master! With the three true talismans, the soul energy has completed a qualitative transformation, and the real night wandering realm has become an existence that can rival the Wuzong among spiritual masters!

This young man, whom she had thought was an ordinary quarryman, was not only a natural at killing, but also like a butcher of dogs. With his swordsmanship and martial arts, he can stand up to these elite martial arts masters. Even spiritual magic has such profound attainments!

What kind of terrifying figure did she and her sister encounter in the Narcissus Lake

When Zong Shou returned to his body, with one move, he retracted the demon-eyed silver bear that was protecting him into his sleeve again.

While thinking about when to unseal this soul beast, he frowned and hit his head with his hand, trying to relieve his headache.

Qiu Ling's qi, blood and yang power did not cause him too much trouble. But it was his own sword that injured him.

When the sword power exploded completely, his soul could no longer avoid it. Although he was not directly hit, the force of the counter-shock still hurt him badly.

Zong Shou turned around and looked at the two huge pits he had created. Zong Shou was speechless for a while. One by one, they failed!

Although the sword power is strong, it cannot be condensed, which is the first defeat. In the end, I [Baidu Shenhuang Bar] couldn't control it, and I lost for the second time! Although the stamina is strong, once it is intercepted in front, it is almost impossible to unfold. It is the third defeat! The exertion was too great. Just two sword strikes had already caused him to lose all his strength and strength. This was his fourth defeat!

Although he won this battle, it was really embarrassing. In the battle with Yunxu, even though he was trying to seize the opportunity and gain the advantage, he was almost overturned by Yunxu. If it weren't for the help of his six-god sword-fighting skills, he would have almost been killed by the opponent. And when he finally killed Qiu Ling, he was so stupid that he was injured by his own sword.

Fortunately, at this moment, no one else was watching. The two girls are still immature and do not know what is true or false. Otherwise, I would be so embarrassed today.

It is indeed very early for his world-shaking sword to be put into practical use and still needs to be perfected.

However, Yunxu's sword is really quite good. He asked himself that his world-shattering sword could kill someone in just one breath, but it was able to withstand the force of five breaths. Instead of relying on the incredibly fast Mo Kui Broken Sword, he simply relied on his extraordinary swordsmanship!

"Even if this person is not skilled in the Demon Kui Broken Sword, he should be only slightly inferior to Li Xieling. It's a pity that this beautiful lady, Qing, can't cut off the bird."

Sighing slightly, Zong Shou sighed infinitely. Looking at the two sisters again, I saw that Ye Feihan's mouth was tightly covered by Ye Feishang, and the latter's eyes showed even more vigilance.

Zong Shou was startled, then burst into laughter. With a flick of his sleeve, the Black Wave Sword flew back from the distance and disappeared into his sleeve. Then there were the relics of Yunxu Qiu Ling and others, which were also put away without ceremony.

"Take care, girls, you can't stay here any longer. I can't stay here for long. I can protect you once, but I can't protect you a second time. Zong Shou takes leave!"

Without another word, Zong Shou turned and left. Still raising his hands, he walked towards the shore, but only halfway, he heard Ye Feishuang yell from behind, "Wait a minute!" "

Zong Shou was too lazy to pay attention, but he had just walked a hundred feet when a whistling sound came from behind. Raising his eyebrows, Zong Shou casually took it in his hands, but there were two things. One of the objects seemed to be the size of a fist, round and extremely smooth.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a transparent crystal ball. There are spiritual patterns engraved on the outside, and something that looks like a sword but not a sword is suspended inside, with a sharp aura.

And another! It's just a piece of stone, ordinary, pure black,

"This is the personal belongings of a [Baidu Shenhuang Bar] sword cultivator that my mother accidentally collected in my early years. A sword-raising stone and a sword-containing bead. I see that you control the sword with your soul and are good at swordsmanship. These two things , even if it’s your reward for saving our lives today!”

Ye Feishang raised her chin slightly, with a hint of coldness: "Lest you say that our sisters are unreasonable and ungrateful in the future!"

The corners of Zong Shou's lips suddenly curved upward uncontrollably, and he put the thing away with a smile.

He's not that stupid to throw this baby away. If there is Qi in the chest, this benefit cannot be extrapolated.

If these two treasures pass through this village today, they may not be able to have this store in the future.

Shaking it back casually, Zong Shou chuckled and winked at Ye Feihan. Then he continued to walk outside like a wooden puppet. It's just that the speed has accelerated a bit.