Divine Brilliance

Chapter 199: When to lose your virginity


In the small alchemy room, futons and alchemy bottles were flying together. Zong Shou was in a terrible state;

Xuanyuan Yiren was driven out by anger.

But when he walked out of the room, Xuanyuan Yiren threw out another skin bag that was half a person's height. Zong Shou quickly took it in his hand, weighed it for a moment, and heard the sound of gold and iron clashing inside.

"Is it a weapon? It seems to be a sword inside, but it seems to be more than that."

Zong Shou put it away casually, with a look of helplessness on his face. It's such a pity that what a great opportunity it was to watch the Danquan Sect's number one alchemy genius refining alchemy, was ruined by me.

The important thing is that such a good opportunity was only stopped halfway because of the reluctance in Xuanyuan Yiren's eyes. He is really a "good person"

Looking at the lower part which was still unsheathed, Zong Shou sighed again. Such a world-shaking spiritual art that he created by himself has no requirements for Yuanyang Qi or anything else. However, it is not a good thing for those who practice martial arts to die prematurely.

Only after the age of eighteen, or after practicing to the level of martial arts, will it have no influence.

Just now, I was actually feeling regretful, but also secretly glad. This fairy is so tempting.

Alone, return to the guest house where you live. It was noon on the third day after arriving at Xuanshan City, and Ruoshui was practicing boxing in the yard. I have to praise this girl's talent. After only ten days of learning from Zong Shou, a set of Sun Ming Lie Fist was mastered by Weak Shui, and she had already obtained the true power of it. Under the scorching sun, the fight was fierce.

But what is shocking is that this set of boxing techniques, which are clearly fierce and domineering, open and closed, and majestic and square, in the hands of Ruoshui, inexplicably have a more graceful and gentle charm, as if they were relegated to the mortal world. The female fairy dances wonderfully there. Although people are stunned, they can't help but admire secretly. This girl is indeed a natural beauty.

And Zong Shou's eyes were also confused for a while. Subconsciously, I remembered the scene this morning when I was taking drugs for Weowui, the excitement of Pingran's heart when lips and tongues intertwined, and the pair of snowy breasts that made me want to put them in my mouth and suck them.

He had been extremely uncomfortable being teased by Xuanyuan Yiren before, and his anger had not subsided, and now he couldn't help but feel that his mouth was even more dry. He quickly closed his eyes and recited a meditation mantra he learned in later generations. It is as clear as ice, unfazed by the collapse of the sky, stable in all changes, and calm and refreshing: There is a beautiful woman in front of me, and I am not surprised. Why should you care about the pink skull? No matter how beautiful you are, you will be nothing more than a cup of dust in the end. The color is like a steel knife scraping bones, so don't be careless. It is also said that form is emptiness, and emptiness is form."

In a mess, he muttered silently, Zong Shou thought about the appearance of the skeleton. On one side, Yiren's graceful figure and weak water's softness are dazzling in front of her eyes from time to time. How can one truly meditate in this situation

"Damn it, it seems that this state of mind practice is far from home!"

Zong Shou shook his head and walked quickly into his room. As soon as he entered the room, his expression was stunned again.

I saw Chuxue sitting on his bed, holding a bag of macaque wine. It's just that he is drunk and his eyes are blurred. Her ears were raised up and her body was only wearing a layer of gauze.

Seeing Zong Shou coming in, he couldn't help but tilt his head and let out a "meow?" with a look of confusion on his face.

After a moment, it turned into a look of surprise.

Suddenly, the whole person rushed over and hung on Zong Shou's neck. Her hot figure was close to Zong Shou, and like a kitten, she stretched out her lilac-tinted tongue and licked Zong Shou's face.

Zong Shou's whole body was completely stiff and petrified. Chu Xue squeaked again, and pressed her little face against his cheek, rubbing it, and said infatuatedly: "Young Master, Xue'er also wants to take drugs. Oh, can't you? Xue'er has also been poisoned, and her whole body is soft. Yes, no strength.”

Then he stretched out his pink little tongue and licked Zong Shou's lips. The sweet smell exhaled from the small mouth made people more and more animalistic.

Zong Shou felt that his whole body was about to explode. Then he took a deep breath and pinched Chu Xue's neck and the back of her head with such force that the little girl temporarily passed out. He hugged his own body again and covered her with the quilt. Then he stood in front of the window, looking out the window with a bit of sadness and self-pity, with the wind rustling and the water cold.

If Fu Dao goes on like this, how difficult will it be for him to keep his chastity? He really had a long way to go before being "seduced" by these three girls. After some discussion, Zong Shou spent a full two hours before he really calmed down. The first thing he did was to open the bag.

Inside the pouch was a row of shining flying knives, silvery white in color and with a metallic luster. You can't see any spirit on the surface, but you can feel the tight and orderly spiritual formation inside. The handle of the knife is also inlaid with a split fifth-level spiritual stone. About five inches long, slightly shorter than a human hand.

"It's actually a spiritual weapon, a flying knife?"

Zong Shou was pleasantly surprised and took one of the flying knives into his palm and finished it. This set of flying knives, a total of forty-eight, are actually second-level spiritual weapons. The color of the weapons clashing before was mostly from these flying knives."

Not only does it hold the three elements of water, fire and thunder, but it also has the word "Yun Yan" on the handle. The material itself is also extremely sharp. Zong Shou's fingertips, just a slight touch on the sharp edge, left a mark. There was a white mark.

Don't look at his appearance at this moment, with thin skin, white flesh, and jade-like skin. In fact, in the past few months, after being ground by the underwater whirlpool and trained with the help of the Thunder Luan Egg, the skin has long been as hard as steel, even better than the iron armor.

Without exerting any force, the blade could cut through his skin. It was really sharp.

"Haha! My little sweetheart is so caring and caring to me. I really love her to death."

The flying knife must have just been tempered and sharpened, and some faint traces can be seen. Holding it in the palm of his hand, it was surprisingly comfortable, fitting perfectly into his palm.

With just a moment's thought, Zong Shou knew that this was probably Xuanyuan Yiren's, specially made for him after they parted ways last time.

The spiritual formation inside is simply designed for his water-fire spiral true energy, and the spiritual stone fragments on the hilt can even store true energy.

If it were anyone else, even if it could be used, its power would definitely be greatly reduced.

Only Yiren who knows his situation can make people build this kind of flying knife in advance.

Without hesitation, Zong Shou took out six of them and hid them in his sleeves. Although the style of this flying knife was not the one he was used to in his previous life, when he touched it in his hand, he immediately felt a sense of connection between his mind and his heart.

With these second-level flying knives in hand, it only takes a few months to cultivate them. Even the peak martial sect of the six earth chakras is not afraid.

Looking further at the pouch, there is a sword inside, hidden in a scabbard made of shark skin.

Zong Shou pulled out the sword with a clang, and saw that it was bright and dark purple in color. And the Min Road engraved on the sword body actually seemed like a winged fire snake, wrapping around the sword body.

"It's actually a fourth-level soul soldier!"

Zong Shou used his soul power to look inside and saw that within the blade was indeed sealed the soul of a thunder-winged sun snake, a spirit beast of at least the fourth level.

The soul weapon is also a type of spiritual weapon, which seals the soul of the spirit beast into the weapon. with its soul,

The original mark and magical power in it can also form the effect of the spiritual array.

The power is usually far superior to weapons of the same level, and some of them are well-made and can even fight across different levels.

However, although beast souls are easy to obtain, what is difficult is to perfectly match these beast souls with weapons.

This requires careful attention to the methods of the spiritual weapon master. For this beast soul, these weapons are equivalent to their new physical bodies in the future. The higher the quality, the more they can bring out the original power of these spirit beasts.

And the "Thunder Wing Sword" in Zong Shou's hand is obviously the best among them.

Although this sword is not really in perfect harmony with his skills, it is still an extremely rare thing for him. Obviously, he is also dependent on others and carefully selected for him.

In addition, there are several bottles of pills at the bottom of the bag.

There are labels on the outside: one bottle of "Xue Yang" elixir, two bottles of "Nine Refined Jade elixir," and two bottles of "Haoling elixir." There are about two hundred pills inside, although they are only third-level elixirs. But the quantity is huge, and just looking at the quality of the psychic energy, it is obvious that they are all top grade.

All of them correspond to his innate stage. They are also the secrets of Danquan Sect, things that even money cannot buy.

"First- and fourth-level spiritual weapons, five hundred third-level elixirs, and forty-eight second-level spiritual weapon-level flying knives. My fiancée is really impressive. Marrying such a wife will save you ten years of hard work!"

Zong Shou couldn't laugh or cry for a while. How could such a girl make people unhappy

He once again despised Master Yan and Fairy Taiyuan. These two are simply stingy. The things they took out were nothing compared to one percent of what the Xuanyuan people had. From now on, he might as well just live on his wife's soft rice.

After talking about these two people, he hasn't noticed them for a long time, and he doesn't know what happened

But he didn't think too much about it, he made up his mind anyway. Once this matter is settled, if there is no result for those two people, they will rush to Tailing Sect.

If he wants to gather the strengths of hundreds of schools and create his own "Yuan Yi" sword, he must accumulate swordsmanship.

Although this first major sect in the Holy Land is not a sword sect, its swordsmanship is equally outstanding in the world. It is a major sect of the Dao sect. It has been passed down for 28,000 years and has countless secret kendo classics, so it is the best choice.

It's just that the previous things have missed the foundation. I'm afraid this idea will probably not work.

Although the two men were no longer there at the moment, Zong Shou knew that as long as he took any actual action, he would definitely be stopped.

With his thoughts together, a sword-shaped spiritual energy was spit out from Zong Shou's soul, and penetrated out of his body from the center of his eyebrows.

It was his Void Spirit Soul Sword. At this moment, the "Yuan Yi", which was still just a sword embryo, followed Zong Shou's thought, and the sword had already sunk into the body of the Thunder Wing Sword.

The Thunder Wing Sword immediately connected with his soul. Zong Shou pointed his hand in the distance. The Thunder Wing Sword flew up and hovered beside Zong Shou. It was a little unfamiliar and obscure. But when he directed it, it was satisfactory.

This is the advantage of the Void Spirit Sword Forging Technique. Forging swords with Yuanhun and various Gengjin Qi can almost directly omit the process of refining spiritual weapons, and the spiritual weapons can be replaced at will.