Divine Brilliance

Chapter 215: The Beginning of the Confrontation


Zong Yuan got together and recognized one of the armors at a glance. It was the Blood Cloud Cavalry Armor he bought that day.

As for the other picture of a gun, as soon as I got it, I felt extremely familiar and connected with flesh and blood. Without exception, they are all fifth-level spiritual weapons.

He couldn't help but look stunned, and his eyes regained a little focus. Zong Shou also shook his head slightly: "Don't look at me, these are the ones my father left at Sanriku Bank back then. They are all of the thunder type. They are probably prepared for you."

Zong Yuan immediately moved slightly, his eyes flashed with luster, and then dimmed again.

Zong Shou smiled, picked up the talisman pen again, and placed a mark around the soul mark near his forehead. Draw the talisman again. Only when it was covered below the neck did Zong Yuan put on the two sets of armor.

That set of fifth-level spiritual armor is a close-fitting soft armor worn inside. The blood cloud armor is worn outside. He put on another set of gold gloves that Zong Shou snatched more than a month ago. When the visor was put down, he rode on the dragon-horned winged horse that had been given by the Kong Qi Sect and was already wearing a full set of vests.

The whole person and the horse looked as if they were made of steel, and their aura was a bit colder, which made people feel chilly.

There is also a talisman array painted on the horse's head. Zong Yuan sat on it, and he only felt that his mind was connected, and he could not distinguish the feeling of alienation and disharmony. Only then did he realize that the talisman array on his head was to facilitate him to control the dragon colt at his feet.

Zong Shou made another visual inspection and ordered Zong Yuan to stab him again. He estimated that this guy's strength at this moment should be around 1.5 million kilograms. Then he touched his chin with satisfaction: "Well, I guess it's almost done. Then you will be the one to lead the army this time."

Everyone around him was immediately shocked when he heard this. Tan Tao was even more horrified, straightened his back suddenly, and looked over in disbelief. He had no one else to choose to rush into the battle this time except himself.

Even Zong Yuan turned his head, his eyes peeping out of his visor in surprise again.

"I'm not asking you to die. Among these many people, you are the only one I can control. You are my puppet. You should know how to cooperate with me."

Seeing the eyes of several people nearby, they all calmed down and showed relief.

Zong Shou shook his head again: "However, whether you can survive or not depends on you. If you have no intention of fighting and no desire to survive, then this battle will still be lost. In fact, this is also your chance. Whether you want to get rid of my control or want revenge. If you don't work hard, how can you know what the result will be?"

Zongyuan's body was obviously calm, and his eyes were thoughtful. Tan Tao was still worried. This way of military warfare was different from ordinary battles. Even if Zong Shou's swordsmanship is psychic, it will be of no use in the battle between this large army.

Being an enemy of one person and being an enemy of ten thousand people are completely different things.

For example, Xuanyuan Tong and Hu Qianqiu, there are not many strong men in Donglin Yunlu who can defeat these two. But as long as these two people go into battle, there is almost no defeat.

When Zong Weiran debuted in the past, his strength was only at the peak of Wu Zong, but with a thousand cavalry troops gathered together in disarray, he was invincible. Even if the army was encircled and suppressed by several times and dozens of times, the one who was killed was Diu. Discard the armor.

With the example of this demon king in front of us, it seems that if one fights a hundred, there is still a chance of victory. But Zong Weiran's opponents at that time were actually just a ragtag group of people from various cities. They could never compete with the elites of Yunxia Lieyan Mountain. What's more, there are several Xuanwu masters sitting on the opposite side.

Zong Shou ignored the two of them, made some arrangements, and stepped onto the carriage. Thousands of horsemen here also silently mounted their war horses. Zong Yuan also said nothing and rode the dragon-horned winged horse in front of all the cavalry.

The entire cavalry of several thousand people was lifeless. Unlike Zong Yuan, although these people in Xuanshan City had the intention to fight to the death here, they couldn't muster the energy to do so. Only occasionally he looked at Zong Shou's cloud-turning car with cold eyes. This young city lord is really messing around. He actually dares to run into an enemy a hundred times more powerful and commit suicide. Do you really think that the opponent is a fool

He didn't want to disobey his orders, so he just thought that he would be buried with this idiot young city lord who didn't understand the world, and repay Zong Weiran's favor of living. However, even if he was to die, he would still need to have one or two people behind him.

"Hehe! The military manual says that the army has no fighting spirit and the generals have no fighting spirit. Is this the situation it is talking about?"

Zong Shou sat by the car window and looked outside with a smile. While talking, he was giving Weak Shui acupuncture. Xuanyuan Yiren's elixir is indeed effective. Although it is not really symptomatic, it has immediate effects. At this moment, the toxins in Weak Shui's body have been reduced by 30% after daily blood exchange.

"Maybe as soon as you get on the battlefield, you will step over, and it will be miserable. By the way, Weak Shui, are you also of the Sky Fox bloodline?"

He has always been puzzled by this question. When Wu Shui showed up as a demon that day, although he was in the form of a celestial fox, something was wrong with the situation at that time.

"My mother is a Shadowfox and I'm half-blood."

Ruoshui glanced at Zong Shou worriedly at first, and then breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no abnormal color on Zong Shou's face.

Among the fox tribe of the demon clan, he has the most important bloodline. But like Zong Shou, a human hybrid with the same noble bloodline can barely accept it. Maybe in the future, it can bring some benefits to the bloodline of the clan.

But Shadow Fox is a type of fox. "No wonder you are so good at hiding hidden diseases."

Zong Shou put away the last needle, and then asked Ruoshui to take an enemy pill, and then said calmly: "On the battlefield, the blood evil is soaring to the sky. When the spiritual master over there casts spells, he must set up an altar far away from the battlefield. . No matter what method you use, within three hours, try to prevent them from using as few spiritual methods as possible."

The weak water at this moment can just move at full strength for four hours. A little stronger than him, but only limited.

Ruoshui stopped talking and jumped out of the window. The figure flew into the jungle as elegantly as a fairy and disappeared into the jungle.

These four thousand cavalry troops were indeed the elite of Xuanshan City. The march was neither hasty nor slow, carefully conserving strength and horsepower. It was a distance of thirty miles, but it took a full hour to get there.

At this moment, it was close to noon, and the sun was blazing in the sky. The military camps on the opposite side were all open. Groups of soldiers lined up. With neat steps, they came out of the camp and formed an array. A square formation of five thousand people, a total of sixty square formations, lined up in a broad defense ten miles away. There were also one hundred thousand cavalry. They were arranged on both sides, rushing like thunder. The clanging sound of pieces of armor hitting each other is endless.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers are like one body, as powerful as a majestic mountain. Looking from a distance, all they can see is a black mass of human heads.

Zong Shou suddenly heard the sounds of gasping nearby. The elites of the Yunxia Lieyan Mountains are indeed well-trained.

And when they entered the valley, there were countless thunderous hoofbeats behind them, which made people feel even more heavy. Anyone who is not a fool will know that the escape route has been blocked.

Chuxue was also desperate, but she looked at Zong Shou firmly and said: "Young Master, although you are stupid and stupid, Xue'er doesn't blame you. Xue'er will definitely die before you later."

Zong Shou suddenly burst into laughter and knocked Xue'er on the head unceremoniously.

The cavalry of Xuanshan City under his command were obviously experienced in many battles. Although they knew that there was no hope of survival, they did not panic. Under Tan Tao's designation, there were five hundred Iron Tiger Euphorbia warriors, plus a thousand dismounted knights. The cloud-turning vehicles were connected end to end in an orderly manner, forming a solid formation.

The other three thousand people, including the thousand black-armored wind dragon riders, were arrayed outside the chariot formation. With a gloomy look on his face, he looked down upon death.

Zong Shou's cloud-turning chariot is at the innermost area. A total of forty-nine vehicles, all put together, were actually engraved with irregular runes. But when put together in one place, it turned out to be an altar.

Shi Dan is in the middle, while Li Luo and Zong Shouze are protecting the law. Spiritual masters who are in the Eight Talisman Returning Yang Realm actually have limited soul power. There are only about 4,500 people here, and they have only been blessed with a few spells, but their soul power is exhausted and they need to sit down and meditate to recover.

One is the basic spiritual skills, such as wind speed, swift shadow and armor piercing. But it made thousands of people here feel refreshed and their morale slightly improved. Even a little more strength at this moment is extremely valuable.

Li Luo, on the other hand, stood on the roof of the car, standing with his hands behind his back, looking proudly at Fan who was ten miles away, and glanced aside from time to time to Zong Shou, who was playing with a black mirror.

Recognize that the black mirror is a magic weapon that can control others from hundreds of miles away. He couldn't help but raise his brows, wondering in his heart where the prince of Qian Tianshan got the confidence to fight against the 400,000 troops with these 3,000 cavalry troops


Li Luo was not the only one who was curious at this moment. Dozens of miles away, there was a temporary high platform made of thick logs. Feng Yu and Xiong Kui also looked at him in confusion.

"Is this Zong Shou stupid or stupid? He actually barged in? Even if he is a fool, he will not die like this."

Xiong Kui suddenly stood up and walked to the wooden platform: "This guy bought low and sold high that day. When he changed hands, he made dozens of times the profit. These days, I have been reflecting on it and looking at him favorably. But. What on earth did this guy cause to cause trouble today?"

Feng Yu also frowned. He was completely confused about what happened today. To say that this person is stupid, it is impossible to judge that the beast crystal spirit stone will plummet that day. To say that this guy is smart, he did something that was like sending someone to his death. Furthermore, if Zong Shou had an expert around him to give him guidance, wouldn't he know that Ruo Haihai would not be able to come

While he was meditating, he saw in the distance that the cavalry riding a black armored wind dragon began to move forward slowly. From the right, start around the left wing.

Feng Yu immediately raised his brows, sneered, and stood up: "I don't know why this sect guard came here. But I know that the rat is in the urn, so I won't let them run away. Send the message to Yangxuan, and the left wing is all The army will attack, be more agile, and kill all these reckless things!"

A spiritual master who was accompanying him immediately responded to the order. A talisman bird immediately rose through the air and flew to the left of the formation. In just a moment, nearly 50,000 cavalrymen on the left wing all moved their reins and moved forward slowly.