Divine Brilliance

Chapter 223: Unparalleled generals


Also on the edge of the canyon, about thirty miles away from the battlefield, there was a peak that was hundreds of feet shorter. A handsome middle-aged man in white clothes and white hair, covered with bright silver armor, was erratic, taking a step of more than a hundred feet from the top of the short peak, and then looked at the battlefield ten miles away.

He didn't use any spiritual methods to enhance his eyesight, but it seemed like he could completely ignore the distance of dozens of miles. Shining brightly, watching this battle.

There was another person standing next to him, who was ordered by Zong Shou. Weak water left early. He was also tall and tall, looking into the distance silently.

And just below the foot of this low peak, a flat ground was covered with fragmented corpses. At a rough count, there were eight thousand corpses. They all hold sharp weapons, wear black talismans, and are all extremely muscular. It can be seen that he must have been strong in battle during his lifetime, but at this moment, he died in a miserable state.

In the center of the corpses is a huge altar. Dozens of men dressed as spiritual masters lay dead on the ground. There were no other injuries on the body, only the body and head were separated. Without exception, the head was decapitated with a single blow.

Next to these corpses was a group of about a thousand knights. He is also wearing white clothes, white hair, and silver armor, and his face is extremely handsome.

It's strange to say that it's obviously a bright silver armor that's full of patterns and extremely gorgeous, but it doesn't look eye-catching. On the contrary, these people have a vague and hazy feeling. If you are mixed in with the crowd, you will probably ignore it at a glance.

The war horse he stepped off was also silver and looked like an ordinary wind horse. However, the skin is covered with a layer of natural silver scales.

The figure is graceful, both light and strong. You can imagine how fast these silver-armored horses will gallop.

A thousand riders lined up in neat queue, waiting quietly at the foot of the mountain, and no one showed any sign of impatience. Under the foot of Lingshan, there was an atmosphere of solemnity and solemnity. It seems that everyone is integrated into this environment and is one with each other.

"Is the person on the carriage the prince? We haven't seen him for three years, and he has grown so tall. He is indeed the same model as Junshang. But he knows that this place has been occupied by Yunxia Mountain City Lieyan Mountain City, and there are four garrison troops. More than 100,000. Why do you still come here to die?"

First, he glanced at the car formation from a distance with a look of deep confusion, but when the silver-armored middle-aged man's gaze took in the entire battlefield, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It was completely different from the imagined situation where he fought to the death with Zong Shou and the people accompanying him, requiring their desperate rescue. At this moment, the car formation is clearly impregnable. Although tens of thousands of cavalry surrounded them on the outside, they were often driven back by the crossbow arrows fired from within as soon as they approached.

Most of them are ordinary arrows, only mixed with some spiritual arrows that can explode into wind blades or flames. It can shoot anywhere with a three-armed spirit crossbow, but its power is extremely strong. Each salvo of just a dozen or so aircraft would often kill dozens or hundreds of people.

And ten miles away, the situation near the coalition barracks was even more astonishing.

I saw three thousand black-armored cavalry, astonishingly like a stream of red iron, galloping and charging through the enemy formation. Four hundred thousand people could not stop it even for a moment.

And behind them, pieces of corpses had fallen.

The white-haired middle-aged man almost thought he was wrong. He shook his head suddenly and looked carefully again, only to find that the vision was still the same as before.

They are still the elite of those one thousand mysterious armored wind dragons and two thousand mysterious armored iron cavalry. In the midst of thousands of troops, he is invincible.

And the fallen corpses were even more shocking.

Two thousand tiger and leopard cavalry, one thousand black cloud dragon spearmen, and ten thousand black cloud elite cavalry, these elites of Yunxia Mountain were lost to this extent. And over there, there were actually all the corpses and remnants of the Wind-chasing Armor Cavalry of Lieyan Mountain. They were obviously experienced in many battles. The white-haired middle-aged man had his eyes closed. In just a moment, he had already deduced what had happened before. Eighty-nine points.

"On the other side of the chariot formation, if the prediction is correct, they should have used more than 150 Wind Flame Explosive Arrows from the Kong Qi Sect. Or Ming Fen Lie Arrows from the Ming Qi Sect. Those three thousand armored cavalry should be the first to use them. Yunxiashan's 50,000 cavalry troops on the left wing were defeated, and then attacked the infantry. Within a thousand breaths, they marched five formations in a row! But why don't they use bows?"

When his sight touched the grass in front of the Yanyue Formation, it was filled with arrows. If the middle-aged man realized something, he took in a breath of cold air. Being able to charge back and forth continuously forces the opponent to use crossbows continuously to interrupt. What kind of pressure should this put on the people in charge of the army in Yunxia Mountain to do this

Then his eyes were completely attracted by the red-armored knight who was completely overwhelming the fifth black-armored phalanx.

Able to slaughter two thousand tigers and leopards, breaking through five formations in a row. Yang Xuan and the others were afraid that Du Dao would die in the hands of this arrogant and arrogant black armor knight.

And just now, he saw with his own eyes that the body of Yunxiashan Mu Ling was lifted fifty feet by this man's gun and exploded into pieces in mid-air.

"His spear skills are superb, and his ability to charge into battle is nearly twice as powerful as mine! He is clearly a talented general! Where did the prince find this man? No wonder he is not afraid of the 400,000 troops in these two cities. But like this Why do you want to follow your son?"

A series of questions came to his mind. Talents like this have nowhere to go. Even in the Central Dynasty, he still has his place. It only takes a few years to reach the position of prince, so why should he serve under Zong Shou

Then for a moment, the white-haired middle-aged man suddenly shrank his pupils: "Purple Thunder Spear, this person is Purple Thunder Spear Zongyuan! Ruoshui, did I guess wrong just now?"

Ruoshui was beside him, and he kept silent. Let the handsome middle-aged man talk to himself, then turned his head, blinked in surprise, and then nodded.

"It is indeed him! This boy, I only thought he was talented in the past. He is the number one among the younger generation of my Tianhu clan. Unexpectedly, he is still unparalleled in the battle! No wonder your Majesty thinks so highly of him!"

The white-haired middle-aged man's breathing became rapid, veins popped out in his hands, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes. His sight was like a blade, almost turning into reality.

"Wu Shui, is this person serving the crown prince now, or is he still serving Zong Yang and his son?"

If such a person is still used by Zong Yang, no matter how important this son is to their Tianhu clan, he will kill him here!

The four earth chakras can make you invincible on the battlefield. Could stay for a few years. How many people can control the entire Donglin Yunlu

But this time, Weoshui showed a strange look. Thinking of the situation in Jiefu City that day, it was probably impossible for Zong Yuan to work for Zong Hao Zong Yang and his son again. But it can be said that Zong Yuan has been taken over by Zong Shou for his own use, but that is not necessarily the case. It seems that he is still a little short of success.

After pondering for a long time, Ruoshui replied seriously: "Don't worry, the prince is very strong, very powerful!" As if he was afraid that the other party would not believe him, he specially strengthened his words: "Stronger than you and me, much stronger! "

The white-haired middle-aged man was slightly startled, thinking about this answer. Why is it so wrong? The prince has a body with two channels and cannot practice cultivation. What does it mean to say that it is very strong, much stronger


"This Zongyuan is actually an unparalleled general!"

In a canyon, there was already a fourth person, exclaiming and murmuring like this. However, the face of the owner of this voice was as white as paper at this moment.

Xiong Kui leaned against the wooden fence and stared down. The three thousand mysterious armored cavalry were already less than 140 feet away from the wooden platform. There was only a black-armored phalanx of 5,000 men in Yunxia City in front of them, and then there were the 2,000 Crazy Bear Armored Soldiers behind them.

Just looking at the situation, morale is extremely low. The infantry and soldiers in Yunxia City's square formation were all in despair. Obviously, he has no confidence that he can withstand the impact of this iron cavalry. Only relying on the discipline and obedience developed after long-term training, they were supported and the formation never collapsed.

And even the two thousand Crazy Bear soldiers under his command were also a little uneasy. These are the strongest elites of Lieyan Mountain and have a tenacious spirit. However, at this moment, they don't have much fighting spirit, but more solemn expressions and a desire to fight to the death.

One by one, the Bear Clan is warlike, and will only do so when facing an opponent that is completely overwhelming and feels invincible!

"Damn it! Damn it! Mu Ling and Xie Nu are so incompetent! The three of them joined forces, but they couldn't kill a martial arts master of the four earth chakras! What use do I need them for?"

Feng Yu punched suddenly, shattering the wooden fence in front of him into pieces. Xiong Kui came back to his senses and glanced aside. Although the other party was cursing, his eyes were full of sorrow, and there was also a hint of fear. The Crown Prince of Yunxiashan, who was always known for his strength, was actually fearful!

However, Xiong Kui did not have the slightest intention of ridiculing him. In less than a moment, he picked out three Xuanwu Grandmasters in succession, and he was also a little scared. Afraid of the man wearing red armor and holding a purple gun, who seemed invincible!

"It's not that they are useless, it's that this Zongyuan is too strong! It's scary."

Feng Yu snorted and walked back and forth on the high platform a little irritably, and then looked behind him: "Those spiritual masters, what's going on? How come they only fired the Dao Lei and there was no movement?"

"It's really strange! I think something happened."

There was an ominous feeling in Xiong Kui's chest at this moment, and he was experiencing heart palpitations. Not wanting to think about it in detail, he changed the subject and said, "You were able to force him to kneel on the ground that time, so why didn't you kill Zongyuan? If you had killed this person earlier, why would you have done this?"

"Then you have to be able to kill him!"

Feng Yu frowned, clenched his fists tightly, and said with blood oozing from his gums: "No wonder Zong Weiran, knowing that this son has been raised by Zong Yang, still tried his best to save him. Who was it at that time? Can you imagine that this person who has no hope of breaking through the innate world actually has such a talent?"