Divine Brilliance

Chapter 230: The Battle of the Demon King


Na Liancheng was standing on one side waiting quietly, even if the bookcase was shattered by its owner's palm, he still remained unmoved.

However, at this moment, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise, looking at the stalwart figure by the window, his eyes full of surprise.

"If there are three thousand cavalry in the strait, which is more than 400,000, what is the unparalleled general? The city lord said that, but the prince of Qian Tianshan?"

As far as he knew, the recent period was when Zong Shou passed through the Ruohai Mountains. And this prince's nunnery has thousands of cavalry serving him at this moment.

"Yes and no." Xu Zhengyuan shook his head: "Liancheng, do you still remember the Purple Thunder Spear? This is the man who has the unparalleled ability to charge into the formation. He led the Black Armored Wind Dragon Cavalry of Qianxuan Mountain City and two The thousand-armored knight broke through several formations, killed four Xuanwu masters, and took Feng Yu's life. The 400,000-strong coalition of Lieyan Mountain City and Yunxia Mountain City collapsed."

Liancheng's pupils opened sharply, and his first thought was that he heard wrongly.

Then he frowned again: "I wonder if this news is true or false?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. It is said that when this son made a blood oath, he seemed to have triggered Tian Zhaoyi."

Xu Zhengyuan looked at the paper in his hand, and suddenly a surge of real power caused the paper to shatter into pieces, turning into fine crumbs and flying in the wind, falling into the lake outside the window.

Then he fell into silence. No matter the master or the servant, their hearts were agitated and they could not calm down for a long time.

After being silent for a cup of tea, Xu Zhengyuan's eyes flashed with light again: "Liancheng, do you think this prince can unify Donglin in the future?"

Liancheng seemed to have known that Xu Zhengyuan would ask this question, and did not show the slightest surprise. He just pondered for a moment and then said: "It has only been more than ten years since Zong Wei's rise. Although the foundation of Qiantian Mountain is a bit weak, it can be said. After years of fighting, his generals are all elites in hundreds of battles. With the ability of that prince, he can sweep across the entire Donglin. I dare not judge whether it is possible to build a country or even a city. However, if a Xuanshan City is added, a Unparalleled generals, at least those top-notch hidden sects in the Ling Mansion, can no longer stop him."

"The Lingfu first class cannot stop him. The only way is the Holy Land. The Lingyun Sect will definitely intervene."

The expression in Xu Zhengyuan's eyes was still unpredictable, sometimes cruel, sometimes hesitant, struggling endlessly. After a moment, he suddenly made up his mind and clenched his fists fiercely!

"In a few days, you will go to Qiantian Mountain in person. Bring a little surrender with you. When you see the prince, tell me that I, Xu Zhengyuan, am willing to be your subordinate. Yunsheng City is also willing to be a vassal of Qiantian Mountain. Remember to behave. Be more secretive.”

Liancheng's expression this time was full of bitterness. He had expected this to happen, but he still felt a little uneasy and hesitant. He wanted to persuade her, but he didn't know how.

"I know you want to advise me to be cautious, but in the past few decades, that prince is the only hope that I, Xu Zhengyuan, can see."

When he said this, the face of this elegant middle-aged man was full of ferocious coldness, and the corners of his lips were full of coldness: "I am afraid that the people of Lingyun Sect will never think of it. They refuse to The eldest son, who is known to outsiders, is actually a psychic with both Lingwu and Swordsmanship, and he became a Night-Wandering Spirit Master at the age of fourteen. Both the Sword Sect and the Cangsheng Dao are fighting for each other like crazy. Now, there is actually an unparalleled general. Serve under his command. I wonder how angry those old immortals in Danling Mountain and Yun Palace will be in the future for Liang Miaozi and their favored third-generation disciple Long Ruo? Hahaha one by one."

At the end of the sentence, I was laughing like crazy. After a long time, he finally calmed down. And Xu Zhengyuan also caressed the arm that was disabled not long ago. His eyes were full of hatred.

"Lingyun Sect, Ziwu Yin Yang Dharma, Ku Rong Sword Qi, hey! Do you really think I don't know about it? Xu Zhengyuan is incompetent, but in this world, there is no way to get someone like you. I really look forward to it, you and the prince will fight against each other. "One day"

Na Liancheng's complexion was pale and pale, but he gradually returned to his usual calmness. He knew that his city lord had already made up his mind and there was no way he could change it.


Almost at the same time, to the east of Yunlu, there was atop a huge mountain city with a radius of more than a hundred miles and almost covering the entire thousand-foot mountain. The atmosphere is extremely depressing.

A total of 50,000 monster warriors with different characteristics are lined up here, in a relatively spacious square.

The clothes are similar, and the clothes and armor are all uniform silver-white. However, the atmosphere was tense. Everyone had their hands on their swords and glanced around nervously and vigilantly. Hostility to each other seems to be on the verge of breaking out.

At this moment, where the eyes of these people meet, in the white marble palace with the words "Chongzheng Hall" hanging on it, there are dozens of people sitting in the hall with different expressions. Some may have a livid face, some may have a sneer on their face, some may have a plan in mind, or some may look uneasy.

Hu Qianqiu sat in the first place on the left, enjoying himself and looking at the people around him.

Sitting next to him is Qiu Wei, the Zuotingzhu general of Qiantian Mountain City. He is black and capable, but his frame is surprisingly thick. Like him, he is the eighth level Xuanwu. He has his eyes closed at the moment, as if what happened in the hall has nothing to do with him.

Opposite him were Chai Yuan, the leader of the Wind Bear clan, and Ling Fakong, the leader of the Mulang clan.

The former has a huge and burly body, almost ten feet tall, but it gives people a sense of agility and agility. The latter looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties, with red lips and white teeth, extremely handsome and elegant.

Neither of them has many animalistic characteristics. The stronger the demon clan is, the more capable it is of restraining its demon body, making it no different from ordinary humans.

Hu Qianqiu can do the same, but he is too lazy to care about his appearance.

The third person from the left is Grandmaster Yuan, the general from the right court pillar, with a livid face. Opposite this person is a group of clan members.

Zong Ming, the eldest elder of the Zong family, and Zong Hao, the second elder who also holds the title of Zong Ling. Behind these two, stand two young men, none other than Zong Shi Zong Yang.

Although there are very high voices in Qian Tian Mountain, he may inherit the position of Demon King, but at this moment, there is no place to sit in this palace. And these two people, Zong Ming and Zong Hao, are the real direct descendants of the Tianhu clan. They have held important positions within the clan for generations.

However, ten years ago, Zong Weiran, who suddenly emerged from the clan, usurped the position of clan leader.

And there were dozens of people in the first place. They are all generals and officials in Qiantian Mountain City, as well as twenty powerful clan leaders. At this moment, most of them don't say a word and do things that have nothing to do with themselves.

The only people in the hall who were really talking were the dozen or so people at the end of these seats.

"The position of the Demon King has been vacant for nearly eight months. It's okay for a day or two, but it's been vacant for several months. What's the point? The sky must be without sun, and the snake must be headless. There are millions of soldiers in Qiantian Mountain, but recently For several months, I could only retreat, and my territory was wantonly invaded by the Lieyan Mountain Yunxia Mountain, just because there was no owner in the city. From the perspective of the heroes in the Zong clan, the only one who is qualified to succeed the Demon King is Young Master Zong Yang. He is the direct descendant of the clan, and he can be the Lord of Qiantian!"

"Lord of Qian Tian? Hehe! With these words, where do you place the Crown Prince Zongshou? Young Master Zongyang is a direct descendant of the Zong family, but his bloodline with the Lord is very weak. Even if the Crown Prince Zongshou cannot practice, he cannot Successor to the Demon King. In terms of close bloodline, General Youtingzhu should succeed him."

Before this person finished speaking, someone else coldly interjected: "Although General You Tingzhu is the king's brother, he is the half-brother and the son of a humble maid. He led the army ten times and was defeated four times. If it hadn't been for him, Your Majesty destroyed Yunxia Mountain long ago. How can such a person inherit the position of Demon King? The position of Demon King depends not only on bloodline, but also on the future. Young Master Zongshi is the eldest grandson of the Zong family. At the age of twenty, he has achieved the state of innateness, the two chakras of the earth, and is brave and decisive. Who in this Qiantian Mountain is more qualified than Master Zongshi?"

When I heard the first few sentences, there was a faint excitement in the hall. Grandmaster Yuan had veins all over his body. He opened his eyes and looked at the person speaking with murderous intent. Then he turned his gaze coldly to Zong Ming Zongshi.

Hu Qianqiu chuckled and sneered secretly. Are there two earth chakras? Entering the country is not bad, but compared to the prince, he is still scum.

Not long ago, the kid from Zhongyuan sent back news that the prince is now in the realm of night travel and has entered the innate realm.

It turned out that he was a dual cultivator of both spirit and martial arts. When they met last time, he didn't realize that Dang Zheng was secretly despising him. Then he heard Grandmaster Yuan suddenly speak and sneer: "My Grandmaster Yuan was born from a humble maid, so what about your ancestor?" What kind of thing is that? The so-called direct lineage of the clan is just a group of remnants. At first, my brother was kind-hearted and kept you alive. Unexpectedly, a few years later, it would turn into a disaster! An outsider dared to dream of this demon king. ."

Zong Shi raised his eyelids, but his expression did not change. He only raised the corners of his lips slightly and did not refute.

Zong Ming, on the other hand, shook his head slightly and said: "Shi Yuan's words are wrong. Shi'er's talent is indeed the top of the Zong family's generation. Even when the emperor was there, he praised him and cultivated him with all his strength. And now I, Tianhu, Nearly 70% of the people in the Zong clan support Shi'er. There is indeed no one in this Tianshan Mountain who is more qualified than him."

"Seventy percent? I really don't know how my brother calculated it."

The person who spoke was none other than Zong Hao, who said coldly: "But why, as far as I know, none of the ten tribes of the Fox tribe have expressed their stance. And even within my Tianhu tribe, nearly 60% of the people are still loyal to the clan. For the crown prince?"

"What do you care about some of the common people? Do you, Zong Hao, care?"

Zong Ming brushed his white beard, suddenly remembered something, and smiled: "By the way! Did Zong Yuan's matter have any results? Could it be that the Purple Thunder Spear really abandoned you? After raising him for nearly ten years, In the end, it was still not mature, but it gave others an advantage. It’s time for my cousin to reflect on it."

Zong Hao's expression immediately changed, and then he sneered in a cold voice: "A person who has betrayed his master, why mention him? It is actually a good thing that he wants to follow the Zong Shou Crown Prince. But I don't know if he can go any further in his lifetime. I don't know. A few more years to live.

There is no need for my brother to worry about me." (To be continued)