Divine Brilliance

Chapter 238: Enlightenment of Lucky Talisman


After sitting down cross-legged, Zong Shou no longer cared about his demon body. He picked up the Emperor Flame Burning Spirit Art that he had given up again and began to study it with concentration.

Countless thoughts kept flashing in my mind. Sections of formulas and figures one by one kept coming to mind.

In fact, it was like this a few days ago. Although I was flooded with inspiration, I still couldn't find a breakthrough point. Integrate this fire-based technique into your own world-shaking spiritual art.

And when he started to deduce again, it was almost the same situation. It seemed that there was a membrane between the two, which could not be broken through.

I closed my eyes and concentrated for half a quarter of an hour, but still had no clue. Zong Shou could only stop helplessly in the end. It seemed that he could not enter the state of enlightenment like Xiong Kui did.

This luck, the good luck brought by the character string, seems not to be very useful.

Fortunately, in his heart, he had never hugged Xifei, so he naturally didn't feel any regret at this moment. In fact, nothing bad happened during this half-moment of meditation, which was enough to make him happy.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Chuxue cleaning up the messy carriage. Taking the rag, he tried to wipe away the spirit ink juice that fell on the carpet.

The upper body is bent low and the buttocks are raised high. The clothes are tightly wrapped and outline the perfect butt shape. Maybe it was due to the recent snow, and the reason why the figure was rapidly elongated, the dress was obviously a little tight, and even the ravine on the lower body was almost completely highlighted. Zong Shou's eyes immediately lit up, "Gurgling, he swallowed a gulp. Drool. He stared hard, noted the shape carefully, then pretended to be a gentleman again and turned his head away.

Just when he was thinking that this little girl was simply too charming to kill, he suddenly felt another rush of aura within his body. The true power of the water and fire spiral began to riot again. Fortunately, this time, Zong Shou was well prepared and began to suppress it with all his strength as soon as possible. Sitting on the bed, protected by weak water, there was no accident.

And just when the true energy in his body was completely restored by him. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Zong Shou's mind, and an extremely bright light appeared in his eyes.

Then the pupils gradually lost focus, and the eyes flickered on and off. In my mind, I was doing crazy deductions and calculations. All the techniques related to the three systems of water, fire, and electricity buried in the memory were extracted one after another. It fills the vacancy in the world-shaking spirit art and the emperor flame-burning spirit art. Spiritual energy is also surging up and down around his body. Especially the spirits of water and fire are the most active. Purple lightning flashes were faintly visible around him, but after a moment, a look of joy appeared on Zong Shou's face. He actually had a breakthrough. This moment of enlightenment was enough to save him several months of enlightenment.

The second and third levels of the Earth Chakra part of the World-Shaking Spirit Art are being perfected rapidly. Not only are my spirits high, but my thoughts are also terrifyingly clear. The tens of thousands of martial arts classics that I had memorized before were now as if they were installed on a search engine. The quintessential words and sentences in it can be easily picked up without any effort.

If this continues, maybe in just one day, he will be able to perfect most of the cultivation methods of the earth chakra. He is ecstatic in his heart, but he forcibly suppresses it. With the final calm state of mind, he can deduce these two skills. Decide. When he was reaching the fourth level, Zong Shou suddenly twitched his right eyelid again, feeling an extremely ominous premonition.

Then the next moment, I felt the entire Fanyunmu under my feet suddenly roared and paused. As if he hit something, Mou was thrown into the air.

What made Zong Shou speechless the most was that the desks, paperweights and other debris that had just been placed in front of him were all knocked away by the huge force. And without exception, they all hit the direction where Zong Shou was sitting.

At this moment, Zong Shou simply wanted to cry without tears. If once is not enough, why do it again? Is this really retribution

As expected, the true energy inside his body was raging once again, and he couldn't move. And in the next moment, Weak Shui took action in time. A slender soft sword was instantly in front of him, weaving a curtain of swords. Cut everything in front of you into pieces.

But at this moment, Zong Shou, instead of being able to feel at ease, the ominous feeling became even stronger.

This time it took longer, half a cup of tea, before the carriage came to a complete stop. I originally thought it was an attack, but after I calmed down, I realized that the spiritual formation in the Fanyun Car was temporarily out of control. It took a long time to repair it.

At this moment, Zong Shou collapsed on the soft couch completely powerless. His body was red and swollen, and his clothes were damaged everywhere. His appearance was extremely miserable. If you look carefully, you can also notice that there are many shallow sword wounds on his chest and abdomen. Although the scars were shallow, one or two of them could have seriously injured him if he wasn't careful.

But this time, the one with the shameful face was replaced by Weak Shui. Kneeling beside him, he looked at Zong Shou with innocent and apologetic eyes. But there was an irrepressible smile in those eyes. Chu Xue over there couldn't help it anymore and giggled.

Zong Shou was furious. If he had not been exhausted at this moment, he would have caught these two women on the spot and spanked them hard.

But when he was inside his body, he regained some strength. The first time after sitting up again, a ball of spiral energy emerged from the palm of his hand.

It's still a swirl of water and fire, but it's more balanced. And those purple electric lights are like a bridge, connecting them closely.

Zong Shou couldn't help but smile. This time he didn't just deduce the skills of the second and third levels of the earth chakra. Improve the previous part even more.

The same amount of infuriating energy, but the power is obviously nearly 20% stronger! If nothing unexpected happens, he only needs another ten months to try to fuse the two spiritual veins and enter the realm of the second earth chakra. Even the third pulse is only within three or four months.

Although I was a little embarrassed this time, my nose was bruised and my face was swollen. But in the end, the harvest was pretty good, and it should be a great value.

If he could have this kind of epiphany every time, he wouldn't mind if it happened a few more times.

The only unsightly thing is that with the perfection of the World-Shaking Spirit Art and the Emperor Flame Burning Spirit Art. The fire bloodline in his body once again showed signs of awakening, which made people uneasy.

Zong Shou smiled with satisfaction and completely crushed the energy in his hands. Guessing that the time had come and the lucky charm had expired, he stood up and looked out the window. Only when he saw that Xionggui was covered in scars and even more embarrassed than he was, he smiled with satisfaction. I felt a little relieved that although I was unlucky, there were still people who were even more unlucky than me. However, when the majestic and elegant horse stumbled again and fell to the ground. Zong Shou was completely stunned, not even half-heartedly gloating about his misfortune, "Something is wrong! My spiral energy is just enough, but the world-shaking spirit art still has many shortcomings, and it is extremely unstable. But what Xionggui is accustomed to is The Imperial Flame Burning Spirit Technique is an inherited technique left by the ancient Demon Emperor. It was deduced and created by a strong man at the martial saint level. How could it get out of control so easily?"

In fact, no matter the tables and chairs, or the soft sword that Wu Shui drew back in time, under normal circumstances, they could not hurt him. Just the Gang Qi on the body's surface can resist it. But at this moment, he was practicing external martial arts horizontally, and under the spiritual weapons, nothing could pierce his skin.

But just now, not only was the true energy in the body out of control, but also the circulation of energy and blood on the surface of the body was extremely disordered, leaving the surface of the skin in the most fragile state.

If someone is really unlucky, even a toothpick can be fatal.

The situation on Xiongkui's side is similar. However, often a fortune-telling basket can only make him unlucky once or twice. The situation is far stronger than myself.

I remember that that day, when he was drawing the fortune, the heavenly talisman, in Danling Mountain, he had some understanding.

"Misfortune lies where blessings depend, and blessing lies where misfortune lies. Who knows its extreme? There is no righteousness in it. The righteousness becomes a miracle, and the good becomes a monster. People's confusion will last for a long time!"

"Knowing the male, guarding the female, is the stream of the world; knowing the glory, guarding the disgrace, is the valley of the world; knowing the white, guarding the black, is the style of the world!"

"There is no way for misfortunes and blessings, only people call it upon themselves; the rewards of good and evil follow them like a shadow!"

"The root of disaster lies in the evil body and evil thoughts; the root of blessing lies in solid moral cultivation and many good deeds."

But looking at it today, I was probably just getting started. This strange and unpredictable heavenly talisman is not just that simple.

Previously, I always felt that I must have missed something. But how exactly, I can't think of it.

"That's it! Fan Sue, the word "luck" I wrote can magnify all possibilities!"

Waves of excitement flowed through Zong Shou's chest like a stream of fire, making his heart feel hot. His eyes were full of surprises after sudden realization.

On the surface, it seems that Chu Xue's continuous stumbles and continuous picking up of money in Xiaoyuan Town are a combination of misfortune and good fortune. In fact, this is not the case. It is just because of this luck that the extraordinary rate of all things is magnified. It seemed that there was both bad luck and good luck. In fact, the two were only related. Although there was some relationship between them, they were not as closely interdependent as he had imagined before.

As for this lucky charm, in addition to the ordinary rate, it seems that it can also cause a person's luck to fluctuate in a small amount in a short period of time.

The moment he thought about this place, he suddenly felt an explosion in the soul sea.

The 'luck' symbol that was swirling outside the whirlpool suddenly emitted immeasurable brilliance.

The brilliant halo and mist covering the characters gradually dissipated. At this moment, Zong Shou could also feel extremely relaxed, using his spiritual sense to explore the structure of this heavenly talisman. The other eleven heavenly talismans obtained in Nadanling Mountain are all spiritual seeds. Only this luck, which is called a talisman, is of the perfect spiritual forbidden level, and it is also the most unpredictable.

After carefully comprehending it for a moment, Zong Shou felt blessed and entered a meditative state. It turns out that within the soul sea, the True Spirit Spirit Restriction is continuously constructed. With this ready-made and complete reference to the heavenly talisman, there is no obstacle at all, so I will complete it one by one. (To be continued)