Divine Brilliance

Chapter 25: Throw yourself to death


The young man named 'Fei Bai' glanced towards the first grand hall in the distance, and sure enough he saw Liang Miaozi, whose expression was extremely ugly, so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water.

He couldn't help but chuckle, and then put on a serious face: "Liang Miaozi is our senior brother after all, how can he be so rude?"

The girl didn't care. She curled her lips and looked at the bright sword platform with focused eyes.

"It's already the ninety-fifth breath!"

The young man's expression immediately became solemn. Ninety-five breaths is the time when Xiaoluo Tianjian Formation changes! After this, comes the real killing sword!

At this moment, almost everyone can detect the changes in these eighteen puppets. The cold sword light suddenly became several times sharper. The speed of all sword puppets has also increased by at least 50%.

A strong chilling atmosphere filled the Mingjian Stage. The continuous sword light and sharp blade shadows made the slim and tall figure on the stage no longer as calm as before. The shadow of the sword is like rain, and it seems that it can cut Zong Shou into pieces at any moment!

However, Zong Shou on the stage was not surprised but smiled, not at all forced, but truly happy.

After ninety-five breaths, he finally knew what was wrong.

It turns out that the Xiao Luotian Sword Formation in the previous life of the 'God Emperor' was really better than the one on the real Danling Mountain Mingjian Stage.

The developer of the God Emperor, who always likes to promote himself, actually rarely told the truth.

I am so stupid. Eighteen puppets operating independently, how can they be stronger than a sword array commanded by the overall calculation of the brain

I originally thought that I would have to wait three hundred and forty breaths away before there was any chance of breaking through the formation.

Unexpectedly, this opportunity came so early.

Take a step back to the right and step into Kun position. The three sword puppets immediately charged forward. There were four sword lights behind him, which pierced behind him very quickly.

Zong Shou remained unmoved and continued to move to the left. In such a thrilling way, from the only gap, brushing against the flying cold light, he stepped seven steps away.

However, in front of him at this moment, there were fourteen sword shadows coming through the air one after another! Densely packed, sealing his top, bottom, left and right, fourteen puppets locked almost all the space.

At this moment, Zong Shou could clearly hear the voices of ridicule under the stone platform, mixed with a few sighs of regret.

Lin Fei, who was watching the battle closely, sighed and closed his eyes again: "Ninety-nine breaths, and I will die—"

Chuxue's anxious exclamations also rang in her ears. You can even see the sarcastic smile of Liang Miaozi, who was completely relieved on the steps opposite.

Throw yourself to death

Zong Shou's smile became more and more hearty. Didn't he know the flaw just now? This direction was actually a trap

But if you don't take the initiative to enter this trap, how can you break the formation

Such a peak sword formation must be put to death before it can survive!

First he took a deep breath, and then Zong Shou entered the body. The power that had been accumulated for a long time also poured into the body and limbs like a nuclear explosion. Then the whole person suddenly rushed forward. The pine pattern wind sword that he had held upside down in his hand since he stepped onto the bright sword platform finally flashed with a bright sword light.

-Basic Swordsmanship No. 4, straight thrust with one step!

The thunderous cyan sword shadow rushed straight into the sword curtain on the opposite side that had just unfolded. Pierced from the most incredible angle.

There was a muffled sound, and the sword in Zong Shou's hand only stagnated slightly. Then it was like a broken bamboo, piercing the sword puppet's chest. The huge power directly crushed the embedded crystal talisman array into pieces. The puppet was thrown out of the Mingjian Stage. The body shattered into pieces, and countless fragments scattered everywhere.

This originally flawless sword curtain suddenly had a huge gap.

In an instant, there was deathly silence in the entire Dao Palace. Everyone looked at this scene with blank expressions.

The disciples of the Lingyun Sect standing in front of the gate of the Dao Palace no longer had the mentality to understand the assessment, and could not help but move closer to the Mingjian Stage.

As for those young people, the queue was even more scattered, and they just wanted to stand directly on the stage to see as clearly as possible.

"How is it possible? He actually broke it -"

"This flaw turns out to be hidden in the killing! How can there be a truly perfect sword formation in this world?"

Lin Fei also opened his eyes wide, with no trace of sleepiness on his face, as if there was a peerless beauty in front of him, his pupils motionless.

Liang Miaozi was about to leave with a puff of sleeves, but at this moment, his figure suddenly froze, with a look of shock and disbelief on his face.

This Xiaoluo Tianjian Formation, which no one can break, and which stumps the strong men of heavenly position, was broken just like that? Ninety-nine breaths, lost in the hands of a young boy who is less than thirteen years old

How can it be

Yin Yang, who was as low as a leopard, was also stunned and shocked to the point of being unable to move.

He never expected that Zong Shou could avenge his shame. How could the majesty of the largest sect in the east of the Cloud Realm tolerate minor offences? Even if he is so humiliated, he can only choose to swallow his anger.

I originally thought that if Zong Shou could survive a hundred breaths of time, he would at least be able to join the inner sect of Yun Ling Sect. I was even more desperate just now, and I was even ready to risk my life to save this person no matter what.

But unexpectedly, with just a blink of an eye, there was such a miraculous turn that he could hardly believe his eyes.

At this moment, there is only the first snow, an ecstasy without distracting thoughts.

Three months ago, my young master was just like today. Incredibly, he killed several people in a row and killed Zongyu with his sword. And with an incredible willow leaf talisman, he took out the right eye of the fierce sword Uwe!

Zong Shou on the stage was also a little stunned. The sword in his hand pierced the puppet's heart. Then he suddenly felt a cold air flow from the tip of the sword into his body.

He didn't even have time to react before he rushed into the sea of qi. Fortunately, although this cold air entered the body, there was no discomfort. On the contrary, the violently consumed physical strength was slightly restored.

At the same time, a thought flashed through my mind.

"Could it be that that guess is actually true?"

At this time, he did not dare to distract himself from checking the body. Zong Shou was stunned for a moment, and then he gathered all his attention again. Following the inertia of the forward movement, the body rushed out of the puppet sword formation.

Lingyun Sect's Xiaoluo Tianjian Formation has a minimum of three people and a maximum of eighteen. This battle is not over yet.

Breaking a puppet is far from breaking the formation!

And every next step, every time the sword is drawn, needs to be precise and precise, without even a slight difference!

Stepping diagonally to the left, with his foot in the shock position, Zong Shou's sword flashed again and slashed diagonally behind him.

-Basic Swordsmanship Seventeen, Right Return Sword!

"The second one is broken!"

There was another muffled sound of 'dong', and the powerful and heavy sword light directly chopped the head of the puppet behind Zong Shou before he could turn around with one sword strike!

Wood chips were flying, but Zong Shou's figure flashed again. Using the sword puppet, which was only a body and could no longer move, as a cover, he moved his steps to the right and walked towards the threshold.

-Basic swordsmanship 19, sideways sword thrust!

"The third body is broken!"

The fierce sword light arrived almost instantly, completely piercing the neck of a sword puppet coming from the right. The strong momentum even caused the wooden man's head to completely break.

At this moment, there was truly no sound in the entire school grounds. Almost everyone, young and old, has gathered around the stage.

There were more Lingyun Sect disciples running out from the depths of the Dao Palace. There was no time to get closer, so I could only look far away. The elegant figure, holding on to the ordinary pine-patterned sword, swayed out a series of stunning and cold sword lights on the bright sword platform.

PS: Regarding updates, I have been too busy recently. In addition, the style of this book has changed a bit compared to the previous three books. The pioneer is also adapting to it. All coding speed is very slow, and there are not many manuscripts saved. We really can't change the land reclamation too fast, please understand. In addition, some people in the book review area said it was unreasonable. I wonder if you have noticed that all Liang Miaozi's actions actually did not exceed his rights and responsibilities and were just legitimate uses. Even if Zong Shou is not allowed to enter, it still makes sense. As for killing people after getting started, the situation in Qiantian Mountain must also be taken into consideration. The grievances between the protagonist and the Lingyun Sect in his previous life are not limited to the game. It takes a lot of effort to explain, and I don’t want to focus on the beginning. It may be a little confusing to everyone, I’m sorry. In addition, I would like to thank the book friends again, good people will not be too frustrated, haha.

The last one, the management of the book review area, is completely lazy in opening up wasteland. Recently, there is an error in the management area web page, and I cannot appoint a deputy moderator. I have to wait for a while before doing so. You don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of time online, but it’s best to be online frequently and be patient. A few book friends, such as Junlin's Long Journey Qingyun and Please Treat Me as a Human Being, were of great help in opening up wasteland.