Divine Brilliance

Chapter 275: This method is very good


Sure enough, Chuxue continued to read: "Gu Ri once made an oath on the Temple of Heaven before. He will teach me that the Qiantian clan will have someone to rely on when I am old. However, the whole city of Qiantian is all Gu's people, and I can't bear it. After all, one will be favored over the other. Today, a special bank will be set up to support all the elderly, all orphans and widows, and all the disabled in Qiantian City."

Hu Qianqiu and others suddenly frowned. Combined with the previous items, this is not a small amount.

Zong Shou's intention in this decree is certainly good. Many people in the Qiantian Mountains were left miserable because of injuries or their heirs died on the battlefield.

And even for innate warriors, once they are unable to advance to the next level of martial arts, their strength will be extremely weak after reaching a certain age, resulting in a miserable old age.

But with the money to support the elderly and disabled, coupled with the four previous decrees, Gantianshan's annual expenditure is simply not enough.

After all, Prince Zhengxindao was still too young, unfamiliar with government affairs, and his thinking was too simple. I heard Chuxue start to explain again, and after a while, I gradually understood.

Zong Shou's intention is that all people in the city who can support themselves can voluntarily deposit some amount of property in the bank every year, no matter how much they want.

When you reach a certain age or become disabled, you can receive a certain amount of gold and silver every month to meet your daily needs, depending on the amount of money you have saved.

Everything is voluntary and not forced. According to Zong Shou, this is called pension and disability insurance.

And all the people in the army do not need to pay for it themselves, and the city lord's mansion will pay for it.

The eyes of everyone in the hall lit up slightly. I originally thought it was Zong Shou who wanted to increase taxes in the city, but then I was completely relieved.

Then I pondered the deeper meaning, and realized more and more that this method is not only ingenious, but also feasible.

All of a sudden, everyone was having mixed thoughts, and some of them were murmuring and calculating, and their eyes were filled with confusion.

Including Qiu Wei, all the generals in the army. Everyone's face was flushed and they were eager to try, eager for Zong Shou's strategy. It is best to implement it immediately.

But the hall was strangely quiet and no one spoke. They all looked expectantly at the dozen or so important ministers who ranked higher among the crowd. Especially the one at the top on the left, the middle-aged man in his forties wearing a white robe and a Confucian crown.

Ren Bo closed his eyes and pondered, and after a long while, he considered everything. Then he took a deep breath and said: "The prince once said at the altar of sacrifice to heaven that day that within the Qian Tianzong clan, there would be no distinction between direct descendants and concubines. There is no distinction between superiority and inferiority by blood. That's a question. I want my people to have support for their old age, support for their young, and no worries about food and clothing. Today's five edicts are enough to fulfill most of the vows made that day.

Not only the 800,000 members of the Zong clan, but also the people of all tribes in Qiantian. This is also a strategy for a powerful country, which can make Qiantian City's military strength proud and proud of Yunlu in a few years! "

The one he was most optimistic about was Zong Shi. This son is capable of both civil and military affairs, and when doing things under Zong Weiran, he is always able to do things without leakage. He watched it with his own eyes and gradually grew up. However, three days ago, Zong Shou came out of nowhere and suddenly rose to prominence. He was extremely powerful and killed all Zong Shi and others.

Although at that time, I knew clearly that this was the son of my benefactor, in terms of Confucian morality, this one was the truly most orthodox prince.

But there is still worry in my heart, fearing that this king, who is only fourteen years old, is not knowledgeable about practical matters. Not only did it destroy Qian Tianshan, but it also destroyed his life ambition.

However, at this moment, I feel deeply grateful.

Even these five strategies, in his opinion, are too radical. Many details have not been considered.

However, based on this alone, we can know that Zong Shou has a lot of beauty in his chest. Magnificent and majestic!

The late king was the father of a tiger, so how could the king be the son of a dog? Not only is it not, it is even better!

No matter how good the family was, it was just a dog guarding the household and a king guarding success. How can it be as good as your Majesty

Today, if only three or two of these five edicts are implemented, you can be called a wise king!

But then, Ren Bo's tone turned solemn: "The emperor's policy is certainly a good law. However, Qiantian Mountain City has limited financial resources. It only takes a few years to take out a loan to support a scholar, and it can be maintained with daily interest collection. As for the The pension bank can also lend money and increase value through various means, and Qiantian Mountain City can also subsidize money every year. However, both of them also require start-up funds."

Zong Shou smiled slightly and picked up a piece of paper with words already written on it: "You can borrow this money from me, two thousand seventh-level beast crystals. I will repay it in installments in Qiantian Mountain City in the future."

Li Luo Shidan, who was sitting in a corner of the palace and watching, looked at each other for a moment and thought that this king was really generous and willing this time.

"Will it be paid in advance from your inner treasury?"

Ren Bo was obviously stunned, and he was a little confused about the temperament of his lord. Previously, I argued with him over the small amount of money and refused to give in. But at this moment, this opening was to take out two thousand seventh-level beast crystals.

Then he looked at the bottom of the note, and there were a few small, inconspicuous words the size of flies: "Annual interest rate is 20%."

Ren Bo couldn't help but nodded slightly, and finally understood that this person was indeed not willing to suffer at all.

"This makes it so, but two thousand seventh-level beast crystals are too many. I have squeezed out the Tiancheng in the past few years and only need five hundred! But has the crown prince ever considered the people who work here? This amount If money is not supervised, it can be embezzled and squandered in just three to five years. How to ensure fairness and avoid favoritism? In Qiantian City, although there are patrol envoys, the ministers are not optimistic about it. Furthermore, How can we guarantee that the city lord will not withdraw these two funds and use them for other purposes in the future?"

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows slightly, finally showing a bit of surprise. This Ren Bo was able to be appointed as prime minister by Zong Weiran. He really had some skills, and his words hit home.

I feel a little regretful that the more money I lend, the more interest income I can earn every year. This old man is really shrewd.

Still picking up a piece of paper from the desk. Everyone looked at it carefully, but they just asked a question. I heard that there was a system of clan chiefs collegiality in Qiantian City

Hu Qianqiu was confused, but he still answered patiently: "Yes, yes, in the past, the ancestors persuaded all the tribes one by one, obeyed his orders, and gathered at the foot of Qiantian Mountain. At that time, the reputation of the ancestors was not obvious, so there were many The tribes gathered together to decide on the policy for our city, which was later abolished."

Zong Shou smiled in his heart, Zong Weiran was victorious in every battle on the battlefield, his true ambition was grand. It only took one year to convince all the tribes and obey their orders. It rises in the west of Yunlu and is known as the two mountain cities of Yunxia Lieyan.

This system of clan chiefs' collegiality was naturally abolished. Anyway, all the deliberations are not as good as Zong Weiran's decision. It is better to just obey orders.

He then waved his hand towards Chuxue and ordered the girl to launch the sixth edict: "From today onwards, we will re-establish the system of collegial discussions among all tribes to supervise the implementation of these policies. The demon tribes can choose one person for every 200,000 people to participate, named As an elder. It changes every five years, and you can receive a salary from the city lord's mansion every year. If the clan has a population of less than 200,000, it will automatically have an elder position. In addition, the human clan in the city can also recommend and participate, and vote by region. Similarly, for every 200,000 people, one additional seat will be added and an Iron Gang Stone Hall will be built on Qiantian Mountain to serve as a meeting place for all clans."

Everyone in the hall was confused for a while, and they had nothing to do with this matter. Those two huge sums of money would be well supervised by someone. However, it would be too much to mobilize the troops.

There is also the Tiegang Stone Hall, which is not insignificant. Although it costs a lot, it can help people break through the heavenly realm and understand martial arts. These people in Qiantian Mountain City have been envious of Xuanshan City for a long time.

It would be too extravagant and wasteful to use it as a meeting place for these elders

Even Ren Bo was still inexplicable. But after thinking about it carefully, I said no more.

This method can plug most of the loopholes, at least the interests of all the clans in the city can be taken care of. With these people, Zong Shou's edicts and money can be under supervision.

And some details can naturally be improved by him.

If everything has to be done by the king, what do you need these ministers to do

After thinking carefully and not missing anything, Ren Bo leaned down and said, "Your Majesty is wise, this method is very good!"

Seeing Ren Bo's approval, Hu Qianqiu, Chai Yuan and others also bowed hurriedly. It's okay for them to fight and kill, and their calculations on the battlefield are not inferior to others.

But when it comes to governance, it's not as good as Ren Bo to tie their heads together.

Since the prime minister approves, it must be feasible for Zong to abide by these edicts.

They could hear that Zong Shou's decree was extremely good, that it issued what others had not issued, and thought of what others had not thought of. The cloud world is unprecedented. However, whether it can be successfully realized still needs to be judged by Ren Bo.

Zong Shou was slightly unhappy when he saw it. These were good strategies that had been practiced for a long time and tested by later generations. After taking it out, these people didn't immediately pay homage to it. Instead, they prostrated themselves and sang praises and praises its virtues. He is still hesitant, he is really short-sighted and petty. However, Ren Bo's reputation in Qiantianshan City was unexpectedly high.

Over there, Chuxue had already opened the seventh edict and read: "Since the former Right Tingzhu General, Grandmaster Yuan, has been deposed, this position cannot be left vacant. It can be led by Xuanwu Iron Cavalry, and the Forbidden Army Dutong Zong Lan will temporarily act as the Right Tingzhu General. The position. There is also Zongyuan, who once rode thousands of troops in the Ruo Strait, led three thousand cavalry, and defeated the forty armies of the two cities of Yunxia Lieyan. This contribution cannot be ignored. From now on, he will take charge of the Xuanhu cavalry and command the imperial army. !”

These two job appointments were not unexpected. When a new king succeeds to the throne, he naturally has to take control of the military.

Although Zong Lan is not good at military strategy, he has this person to replace Grandmaster Yuan. The two percent of the military force in Qiantian Mountain City, commanded by General Youtingzhu, will return to the control of Zong Shou and the Qiantian Zong clan. This is what the question should mean, and it is a matter of course.

As for Zong Yuan's position, it was within everyone's expectations. If Zong Shou didn't reuse such an unparalleled general and a loyal confidant, he would really be kicked in the head by a donkey.