Divine Brilliance

Chapter 307: The Magic Sail Cave Collapses


Zhu Junhou and Gu Liekong, who were in charge of commanding the battleship, were both slightly surprised. Hai Lingyuan and the others knew about this, but they had never been to this place every time they came down to Qiantian Mountain for hunting.

Although that area is densely populated with spirit beasts, it is too remote. Not to mention Qiantian Mountain, there are very few visits to other cities and even the hidden sects.

I was about to give him some advice, but when I thought about the eight hundred yuan that Zong Shou bought for the crossbow, I felt a little more confident.

And this remote place also has the benefits of being a remote place. At least Taoyun City, which has been established for decades and has countless cloud ships, also knows very little about that place, almost blank.

Therefore, without further words, he ordered the entire fleet to turn to the south.

It takes at least four days to get to Hailingyuan from Yunhai Wushilai. This is the reason why all the sects and sects and forces from all sides rarely go there to hunt the spirit beasts.

Fortunately for those hidden sects, the forces in the cities to the east would only cause trouble if they left their elite forces alone for too long and weakened the city. Therefore, in the past, when hunting under the sea of clouds in Qiantian Mountain, we always chose the nearest place, so we could go and come back quickly.

During these four days, Zong Shou locked himself in the dormitory again. Those who asked Xuanyuan Yiren about the character 'net' really benefited a lot. Occasionally, in my free time, I would flirt and chat with Yi Ren, who had an old-fashioned and strict temperament, or call Xuan Yunlan over to listen to the piano, and my days would be extremely leisurely.

In addition, for half the time, Zong Shou was thinking about something. Take dozens of animal skins and write and draw on them. It looks like a ghost painting, but if you look carefully, you can vaguely identify it as a map.

Furthermore, Zhao Yanran has never made up her mind to refine the Yuan Fei Tao Seed left behind. This woman's emotions are arbitrary and indulgent, sometimes she is brilliant and innocent, sometimes she is ruthless, and her thoughts are so wild and unconstrained that it makes people wonder.

Although the method of reversing the tripod fetus is harmless to him. But for Zhao Yanran, it probably wouldn't be that simple.

Zong Shou didn't care much and was not afraid of Zhao Yanran. Even with the real cauldron Yuantai method, he was sure that he would win in the end. He just doesn't like the feeling of falling into other people's schemes. Even if one day he does fall into a trap, he should choose to step into it after seeing it clearly.

In fact, he wasn't very happy with this woman's temperament.

Therefore, every day, Zong Shou only spared an hour to put this object in front of him and observe it quietly.

It was on the third day that Zong Shou suddenly realized something, with a clear smile on his face.

"Sure enough, they did some tricks and turned against the guests? It's interesting—"

The so-called Yuantai Dao Seed is an amber-shaped thing the size of a finger, blood red, and crystal clear.

There seems to be nothing surprising, but it was created by Zhao Yanran using the essence and blood from his heart, which he cultivated day by day using secret techniques for a year.

In a sense, it can even be regarded as the second soul. Holding it in the palm of your hand will make your soul tremble.

However, inside, the talisman that was supposed to form the Reversal Cauldron Embryo Technique was tampered with. For Zhao Yanran, there is a possibility of turning the tables.

If he couldn't suppress it, this woman would probably fight back immediately. It sucks the essence and blood and takes away his cultivation, which is extremely domineering.

Naturally, everything in this world is divided into Yin and Yang. Zhao Yanran left herself with the possibility of turning her back on her clients, but the price this woman had to pay was far more than a normal reversal.

He can control his life and death at will, and manipulate his emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy.

But if it was normal, he wouldn't care and probably wouldn't agree. Situations like this actually made him a little more interested

With a slight smile, Zong Shou no longer hesitated. Absorb this Yuantai Tao Seed into your body.

Part of it turned directly into a small blood-colored thread and merged into the true energy in his body. Within the chakras, circulation circulates.

The other part fell into his soul. Stopping in the center of the whirlpool of the soul sea, it quickly melted away and became the purest soul power. It also dyed this sea of souls with a layer of blood.

However, the core part is always hovering above, tightly connected with the few true talisman spirit taboos.

At this moment, Zong Shou suddenly had an epiphany. I could vaguely feel Zhao Yanran's consciousness. It also seems that he can 'see' the few true talisman seeds in Zhao Yanran's soul sea, and can even perceive Zhao Yanran's martial arts thoughts.

"This Qilingshao Demon Sect's cauldron Yuan Fei secret method is really interesting."

There is nothing wrong with martial arts, Zhao Yanran will only take advantage. As for the spiritual method, Zong Shou benefited a lot.

After meditating for a while, I felt as if the soul sea was being fueled by fuel. While practicing, the accumulation of soul power becomes faster and faster.

If he used to practice with the body of two souls, now he is meditating with the power of three souls.

Coupled with the tenth-level Holy Spirit-level Da Yiluo Sky Ming Technique, the speed of entry is far ten times greater than the effect of an ordinary spiritual master's meditation!

The cultivation of Zhen Qi is also extremely efficient.

Zong Shou himself felt uneasy and frightened, and did not dare to continue meditating as before.

With such a speed of cultivation, I am afraid that it will not take a few years to reach at least the extremely high realm of the Sun Travel Realm. This kind of entry is too fast.

Zong Shou really didn't dare to exert force until he understood the pros and cons to himself.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Zong Shou went to the deck again. Everyone from Hu Zhongyuan was here, and Gu Liekong was on a nearby high platform, commanding the fleet with his flag.

But when Zong Shou arrived, the expressions of these people were filled with indignation and hatred.

"It seems that Taoyun City is really going to fight with me in Tianshan. It will be right to the end."

Chai Zhou, the son of Chai Yuan, had a gloomy look on his face, and said with suppressed anger: "I have been following you for three days, but I still refuse to give up. If this continues, it is better to go back and fight with them! Even if you die, , it’s also a pleasure!”

Although the people in Hu Zhongyuan did not speak, they all looked concerned.

Only Zongyuan, Tan Tao, and Lingxuan remained silent, with calm expressions, neither happy nor angry.

As for the Master Jingtao of Lingyun Sect, he simply looked around at the scenery, completely aloof from the incident.

Zong Shou looked at it from a distance and asked several more times. Within a moment, it became clear why these people were so angry.

The cloud ships in Taoyun Three Cities are more than just following. Whenever there are spirit beasts approaching their fleet, they will dispatch clippers early to either drive them away quickly or directly rob them.

For three whole days, their nearly Qianyun ship only managed to kill more than 10,000 fine beasts along the way. Above the fourth level, there are only a few hundred. It is indeed frustrating.

Zong Shou's eyes flashed, and he was also secretly angry. However, this matter had been expected by him, and it was not worth getting angry about.

"Further ahead, is it Guifan Cave?"

When Gu Liekong heard this, his expression was slightly dull, as if he had never expected that Zong Shou was so familiar with the terrain here. After a moment, he came to his senses and answered: "It is the Ghost Sail Cave. This area is blocked by tens of thousands of high mountains. A storm is raging above. If the cloud ship goes up, it will be shattered immediately. This is the only natural cave that can be passed through. , is also the closest place to Hailingyuan.”

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows and thought that this cave had indeed existed in this era. Between the eyebrows. He immediately revealed a relaxed smile.

"Tell all the five-toothed ships to shoot out all those fire and thunder arrows after they pass through the Ghost Sail Cave. You should know what to do-"

When Gu Liekong heard this, he was shocked at first, and then he was happy again.

Jingtao, who was watching from the sidelines, also had his eyelids twitching, looking at Zong Shou carefully as if he knew him for the first time.

Using thunder arrows in the Ghost Sail Cave, only a few thousand can cause the Ghost Sail Cave to collapse, completely destroying this shortcut that has existed for thousands of years!

This Zong Shou is really ruthless. However, upon closer inspection, there was nothing inappropriate about this method, and he couldn't say anything more.

Gu Liekong left in a hurry to make arrangements, and just a moment later, Zong Shou's ship entered a cave.

This cave is quite spacious. Even at its narrowest point, it is two hundred feet high and four hundred feet wide. The dark wind danced wildly inside, like a ghost howling, and the cold air hit people.

However, precisely because the wind was blowing so strongly, there were not many ghosts and evil spirits inside.

When all the cloud ships have passed. All five-toothed giant ships loaded with three-armed spiritual crossbows fired in one salvo.

Just for a moment, there was a burst of explosions in the air, and the world shook. The entire huge mountain was collapsing. Large boulders completely sealed this huge Ghost Sail Cave.

All the thousands of cloud ships burst into cheers. At this time, Zong Shou could even hear the roar coming from a huge mountain.

"Your Majesty really has a plan!"

Tan Tao's eyes flashed slightly, and there was a bit of joy on his face. He had known that Zong Shou would definitely find a way to get rid of him, but seeing it with his own eyes, it was different.

"However, this method can only prevent Na Yue from observing the clouds for two days at most—"

Zong Shou nodded, still optimistic for the past two days. He would be extremely satisfied if he could hold back the three-city ship for eighteen hours.

Gu Liekong and Zhu Junhou also knew that there was no time to delay at this moment. No need to mention anything, the fleet was immediately set sail again.

It was on this night that we finally arrived at Hailingyuan.

The terrain here is flat and vast. The land is fertile, covered with a kind of blue grass, and the spiritual energy is extremely abundant. At a glance, it looks like an ocean.

However, it is still a bad land, and normal vegetation cannot survive here. And those things called 'blue liquid grass' below also contain toxins. Ordinary people who take it will die in just four days.

When hunting under this sea of clouds, the normal approach is to immediately deploy the boat array. Drive away the beasts and evil spirits, gather them together, and then strangle them with bows and crossbows.

But at this moment, everyone also knows that the fleets from Taoyun Three Cities will arrive soon. Therefore, they all looked at Zong Shou with questioning eyes. RO