Divine Brilliance

Chapter 352: Old Man Longying


When the sound of the dragon roared, it resounded throughout Julong Mountain. Only two huge doors were seen in the distance, slowly opening.

There was a stone door not far ahead, about thirty feet wide. Inside was pitch black, bottomless.

One place is on the cliff above, three hundred feet higher than here. There was no trace at all before, but it was only when it was opened that it appeared in front of everyone.

The nine-headed dragon statue is coiled outside the door, which looks extremely solemn and a bit sinister.

The next moment, the words of Xuan Taiji spread throughout the world: "This Dragon Gate was left by the Yunhuang Martial Saint Longying, the old man, before he left, to strengthen my Yunjie Martial Arts, and it has benefited all directions. Therefore, no matter what clan or sect you are born in, , everyone can enter and watch. Today, I, Xuan Taiji, only want to say one thing, I hope that after you enter, please remember the four words 'harmony is the most precious'!"

When the words fell, it seemed that Long Ruo and others immediately rose into the sky with their weapons. Dozens of brilliance rushed into the inner door one after another.

When the 20th person arrived, the stone door also closed tightly with a bang.

And many of the eighth-level powerhouses here are looking slightly relaxed at this moment, with smiles on their faces.

Zong Shou sneered secretly, knowing that these powerful men from famous sects were not so kind-hearted and only came to maintain order.

Most of the reason is to protect the quota of these twenty people. Block others and get in first.

The rest of the people also swarmed towards the outer door below. However, most of them were stopped, but those who had obtained a quota in advance could enter directly by simply measuring out the number plate.

Although there is no limit on the number of people at this outer gate. The order of entry is different.

Zong Shou is the owner of this place, so there is no need to take out the few wooden plaques that Cang Sheng Dao got for him. The two of them walked to the door in a grand manner, and no one came to stop them.

Ling Zongshou was very sorry. His original intention was to sell some places. As a landlord, he could make a small profit by bringing a few more people in with him. But I don’t know why. No one has ever contacted me.

Then he was quite curious and asked Jin Buhui: "I thought Brother Jin would go in directly from the inner door this time."

"We, Haoxuan Sect, have only been allocated two quotas this time. Several seventh-level brothers are not enough. How can I, Jin Buhui, have a quota?"

Jin Buhui also had a depressed look on his face, then he reached into his pocket and took out ten tokens for entering and exiting Julong Mountain, and said bitterly: "This time I really lost money. I spent a lot of money before. , I just got a few tokens from some uncles. I heard that the business was extremely popular in the past, but this time I couldn’t sell them—"

Zong Shou secretly admired it, thinking that all heroes think alike. After pondering for a moment, he said thoughtfully: "There are too many people coming, and the sects cannot stop them for too long."

"That's it! In the past, when there were few people, it was natural for the various sects to deal with it as they pleased. But now, even our Haoxuan Sect does not dare to offend so many of our comrades so easily. No one is a fool!"

Jin Buhui was deeply convinced and said with a hint of clarity in his eyes: "These people are not really here to take photos of this Martial Saint—"

Zong Shou smiled and stepped in first. I was even more surprised, what on earth was it? Attracting so many people

After walking through a long corridor, there are nine forks in front of you, some are wide, some are short and narrow.

But without exception. They are all shrouded in powerful martial arts ideas. When he stepped here, Zong Shou also felt a slight pressure in his soul.

There is no surprise in my heart. The idea of the Martial Saint will become strong when it is strong and weak when it is weak. If he was really a useless person with no cultivation at all, he would probably be dead at this moment. The situation is similar.

Just as he was looking at these forked roads to see if there was any mystery, he heard Jin Buhui laughing next to him: "There is no need to hesitate here, just take your pick! Everywhere in this cave is connected. For thousands of years. There are also people. I have tried to find the secret, but no one has been able to succeed."

Then a few more scrolls. He handed it over and said: "This is the map that my senior brothers and uncles drew out based on their impressions a few times ago. It is said that the terrain inside will change every hundred years. Every time the Dragon Gate is opened, it is Different. But it turns out there are some similarities."

Zong Shou opened a scroll and saw that there were roads extending in all directions, extremely complicated, and there were many signs here. Words such as 'Sword Enlightenment', 'Fragments of Sword Technique', and 'Suspicious Places' are all over it. Many places may not have been explored and are simply blank.

After waiting for a while, he jotted down the map. When he looked up again, he saw that Jin Buhui had already taken the lead and reached the entrance of a cave. He looked slightly stunned and asked, "Brother Jin, where are you going?"

"Of course I'm going to find my own opportunity."

Jin Buhui turned around and waved with his chubby hand: "I, Lao Jin, have always been a loner and like to eat alone. Everyone's luck is different. Jin Buhui doesn't want to usurp other people's blessings. , and I don’t want others to share what I have on my plate, so it all depends on luck. By the way, I forgot to mention it. Legend has it that there are three places in this cave where you can enter the inner gate area. However, over the past ten thousand years, No one has been able to do it, so brother Zong can work hard. Maybe you and I can meet up there. Farewell!"

Watching the shining golden figure go away, Zong Shou couldn't help but smile. Jin Buhui's move was exactly what he wanted. Although his words are unpleasant, his straightforwardness makes people happy.

At that moment, he put away the map and took Zong Yuan into another cave entrance.

After entering, I saw that the path was winding. As expected, it was just as Jin Buhui said, completely different from the last time the dragon gate opened.

Except for the nine cave entrances that were the same when you first entered, the rest have changed.

However, if you look carefully, you can find some traces. For example, the positions of some passages and stone chambers have actually moved horizontally, or they have sunk and floated. The general context can be vaguely discerned, but it is not that there are no similarities.

He suddenly felt grateful in his heart. If Jin Buhui hadn't gifted him this picture, he would have been confused and confused by this maze after he came in.

After walking for half an hour, Zong Shou had vaguely figured out some clues.

"That place is probably not far from here—"

The place Zong Shou is looking for is a stone room. According to the mark of 'Sword Enlightenment' on the map, it should be a place where people can understand the true meaning of swordsmanship.

Zong Shou knocked on the stone wall first, only to hear a muffled sound. Obviously this stone wall is extremely thick.

When Zong Shou slashed with the Thunder Wing Sword again, he only made a half-inch long scratch on the stone wall.

Then a moment later, I saw that the scratch was gradually healing!

Zong Shou couldn't help but shook his head slightly. He had tried it many times before, and the results were always the same. The idea of directly opening up these cave walls seems to be unworkable.

He didn't feel disappointed, but instead frowned and fell into meditation.

There should still be some kind of mystery, but others haven't discovered it yet.

And it must be closely related to the nine caves at the entrance.

"This place is Julong Mountain, and there are nine dragon veins gathering below. Could it be that the terrain in this cave changes based on these dragon veins?"

Although Zong Shou could not remember the trend of the dragon veins at the foot of Julong Mountain, he could estimate it. He hurriedly opened all the maps given by Jin Buhui.

Then a moment later, he smiled. Although this guess is not correct, it is not far off. Of course it couldn't be as simple as he thought, there must be something missing.

He felt a slight headache again. He remembered that in the God Emperor game, what he hated most was opening up new dungeons and new maps.

Unless you have no choice, you should always wait until the progress of other people's dungeons exceeds 70% and the complete strategy is almost completed before going there. Although I am just sitting back and enjoying the results, I am a step slower than others, but I save more time.

Like Julongshan Longmen, in later generations of God Emperor games, it was at least a large level.

I don’t know how much I can gain

After thinking for a moment, Zong Shou continued to move forward. This time, it was as if he was on a familiar road. In just a moment, he found the place marked 'Sword Enlightenment Point' on the Zhangzhang map.

It is a stone chamber with a radius of five feet, which is exactly the same as the mark on the map.

Everything else here is dark. Only here, there are a few luminous pearls, shining with dim light. Make this small room completely bright.

As soon as he entered, Zong Shou was attracted by a row of murals. There are thirteen murals painted on the left and right walls here.

Zong Shou's gaze fell directly on the seventh picture on the left. It was the scene of two giant dragons fighting in the sea of clouds.

The painting is extremely rough, and according to people from ten thousand years later, it is close to a kind of art called "abstract art".

But it seemed to be a magical force that attracted Zong Shou's mind. The scene in front of me also began to change, as if I was immersed in it.

Only ice and fire were seen, and two giant dragons were tumbling and entangled in the vast sea of clouds. The power of the cold flames caused the surrounding clouds to freeze suddenly, condense into frost and fall, and then evaporate into mist.

The fierce dragon roar shook the eardrums. The blue and red scales were torn off, and the golden dragon's blood was sprinkled drop by drop.

The two giant dragons were both scarred and shocking.

Zong Shouzheng was fascinated when he suddenly saw the red dragon shadow. Growled at him. Suddenly, he abandoned the ice dragon and swooped down towards him.

Zong Shou raised his eyebrows slightly, then gave a cold laugh and said the word 'get out'.

The illusion in front of him immediately collapsed piece by piece. The two giant dragons that were fighting also disappeared without a trace before their eyes.

The murals have also returned to their previous extremely 'abstract' appearance.

Zong Shou looked at the other murals, but they were all different. Only a dozen of them could put him in a fantasy world, but the rest had no reaction at all.

However, these murals, without exception, are all related to 'dragons'.

Besides the picture of the two dragons of ice and fire fighting each other, Zong Shou was most concerned about the other picture. A mural of a giant dragon with thunder shining around it and coiling around the sky (to be continued)