Divine Brilliance

Chapter 37: The overall situation of Qiantian


Zong Shou really has no intention of fighting for the position of Demon King in Qiantian Mountain. To rule millions of demon clans is certainly a powerful thing. But if you want to secure this position, you must work hard. If you are not careful, you will be attacked and killed by the great human nations and the sects of the Cloud Realm, which is the most dangerous thing.

However, with his temperament, he would never want to be driven out of Donglin Yunlu in such a dejected manner.

Anyway, before the spiritual tide came, he had no intention of leaving this area.

With a faint smile, Zong Shou didn't want to explain nonsense. He looked directly at the east side of the map in front of him, where the words "Qiantian Mountain" were marked, and said in a asking tone: "Uncle Yin, Zong Shou hasn't been back for three years. He was ignorant when he was young, and he didn't know anything about the people around him. I don’t know very well. I wonder what is going on in Qiantian Mountain now? Besides Zong Shi and Zong Yu, who else would take action against me?"

Yin Yang glanced at Zong Shou in surprise, hesitated for a moment, and then replied thoughtfully: "The prince's cousin Zong Shi is the true direct descendant of the Tianhu clan, and is a disciple of the Xuanshan sect. His master Xuanshan Lanye is the real person. , known as Dong Lin Yun Lu, the most promising person to break through the Heavenly Martial Sect in the past hundred years. And Zong Shigongzi is also the most outstanding rising star in Dong Lin Yun Lu in the past ten years. Rumor has it that he has reached the innate realm, your Majesty is here "

Zong Shou's eyes narrowed slightly, Xuanshan Lanye, he had heard of this name. In this era, everything that can leave an impression on him is either tyrannical, outstanding, or has a special influence on this era and future generations.

This master Lanye obviously belongs to the former. In my heart, I labeled this sect as a powerful enemy. Zong Shou's attention was drawn back by Yin Yang's words.

"This person has a loud voice and is the most powerful. However, there are two people in the Zong clan who can compete with him. The first is Young Master Zong Yang. It is said that his talent is only half as good as that of Zong. Yin Yang is ordered by the emperor. , when he left Qiantian Mountain, this person had reached the peak of his body. This person's father, Zong Hao, was the elder Zongling of the Zong clan, so his power was also extremely powerful. After him, he was the king's younger brother, Grandmaster. Yuan, like Zong Hao, is also a peak warrior of the Wuzong who has advanced to Xiantian and opened up the Earth Wheel. The emperor has always relied on him as his right-hand man and controls at least 20% of the troops in Qiantian Mountain. If these two people join forces, they can even overwhelm Zong Shi The young master counts the chips—"

Hearing this, Zong Shou frowned secretly.

Two peak martial arts masters who opened up the six meridians of the earth chakra? The strength of this Tianshan Mountain was actually much stronger than what he had originally guessed.

I clearly remember that in this Qiantian Mountain, the Tianhu clan should have been unknown and perished early—

When Yin Yang saw his expression change, he didn't want to make Zong Shou lose all his confidence. After explaining these three people, his tone changed again: "Your Majesty, although these three people are powerful, this Qiantian Mountain is still your Majesty's foundation after all. Your Majesty is from a humble background. In the past, you were just a member of the Tianhu clan. A descendant of the common branch. In the past fifteen years, he single-handedly made Qiantian Mountain the dominant force in the east of Yunlu. Before his disappearance, he had dominated seven provinces. Although many of them have been invaded by other forces, his strength is still there. , the foundation is not damaged.”

Zong Shou already took a breath of air-conditioning, dominating the seven provinces? Bordering Yunlu to the east, there are only fifty provinces in total. A country that can occupy three provinces here can be called a big country.

Naturally, the situation of the demon clan is somewhat different from that of the human race. The territory they really occupy is very small. However, being able to control the demon tribes in seven provinces, this strength is definitely the best in East Lin Yunlu.

As for Lingyun Sect, they are no longer ordinary forces.

"Therefore, although the Lord is from the Tianhu clan, in the eyes of many people in Qiantian Mountain, whether it is Zong Shi or Zong Hao, they are all outsiders who take advantage of the Lord and usurp the Lord's inheritance! Although he is worried about the prince, his strength I can't control the crowd. But I am also hesitant about these few people. It is not easy to succeed to the throne."

With a cold smile, Yin Yang's eyes showed a hint of coldness, and he said in a calm tone: "The number of demon clans serving under the king has now reached more than 4 million, totaling 147 clans. But the real decision can be made There are only four people who belong to the Demon King. One is Hu Qianqiu, the leader of the Iron Tiger Clan, the second is Chai Yuan, the leader of the Fengxiong Clan, the third is Ling Fakong, the leader of the Mulang Clan, and finally One is Qiu Wei, who is the general of Qian Tianshan's left and right court pillars together with the master Yuan. The first three are all heads of large clans, and the clan's strength is only inferior to that of Zong. The last one also controls 20% of Tianshan's military strength. They are the first people to follow Jun Junshang, and these four people are all strong men of the eight earth chakras and Xuanwu masters! There are also several close friends of Junshang who are also at the peak of Xuanwu. These few will definitely not sit back and watch. Your Majesty, you have been bullied. And now, no one can really prove whether your Majesty, he is dead or alive—"

Zong Shou has been shocked to the point of numbness. There are more than three million demon clans under his command, a total of 147 clans. An old Zongling of the Zong clan has reached the peak of Wuzong. The strength of this Qian Tianshan can already be imagined.

Only the information Yin Yang said was corroborated by Zong Shou's memories of those thirteen years. Sure enough, several faces appeared in his mind one after another. At that time, these people were extremely kind to Zong Shou. Only Hu Qianqiu was always extremely indifferent to him.

Zong Shou was still a child at that time, so naturally he couldn't see anything. After two lifetimes, he knew that these people all had extremely deep cities, making it impossible to measure their depth.

"Ling Fakong favors Zong Shi, Chai Yuan favors Zong Yang, and General Zuo Qiu Tingzhu is impartial. Only Hu Qianqiu is the most loyal to the emperor, and now his position is undecided. However, these four people are all the emperor. Confidants. As long as the Crown Prince is capable enough and calls out from a high position, these four people will most likely not disobey—"

Seemingly knowing that this situation would never happen, it was too unrealistic. Yin Yang sighed slightly and managed to keep calm and said: "Although the other clan chiefs are not as good as these four, if they join forces, their strength will be huge." Weak. Many of them are working in Qiantian Mountain, and there are many people who can speak, which can be said to be very important. In short, those people in the clan will not go too far if they want to worry about the thoughts of the old people. The prince is now, It doesn’t mean there is no chance of victory!”

Zong Shou secretly sighed. He asked these questions not because he wanted to return to Qiantian Mountain to fight for the throne of the demon king. I just want to find out how powerful the people who may be chasing me in the future are.

However, this situation is really not optimistic. If he is Zong Shi, or Zong Yang and Zong Shiyuan, after ascending to the top of the Demon King, the first person they want to kill is undoubtedly themselves, in order to eliminate the influence of his 'father' in Qiantian Mountain.

These three people will not attack him openly for the time being, and it does not mean that he is safe.

There may not be idiots like Zong Yu among his cousins. And the hostile forces in Qiantian Mountain can even use his identity to make some fuss.

All he needs to do is chop him down, and there might be a big chaos in Qiantian Mountain. This caused the power that dominated the East Lin Yun Continent to collapse.

How can we not worry about this situation? Zong Shou also had the idea of going to sea for the first time in his mind.

Is it better to escape from Donglin Yunlu now

The front face looked uncertain, and the carriage under his feet suddenly made a loud noise. From the windows on both sides, there were several red flames rising. A huge force lifted the cloud-turning car into the air, rolling 365 degrees in the air.

Zong Shou immediately grabbed the armrest of the soft couch and barely stabilized his body. In Yin Yang's eyes, his eyes were spitting fire.