Divine Brilliance

Chapter 49: Furnace Cauldron Yuan Ti


Yin Yang is not only highly cultivated, he is also extremely skilled in driving.

After accelerating, he used the reins again and gently pulled to the side. The eighteen horses turned their heads. The arc bent to the side is not large, but it is just enough to avoid all the wolves in front.

When the four men and one woman saw this, they all showed a bit of despair. A man behind him ran a little slower and was overtaken by the wolves. As the cloud-stepping horse neighed miserably, the whole person and the horse were immediately devoured by the wolves. The other horses riding on the clouds were also panting, as if they were exhausted.

The woman's face suddenly became pale, she gritted her teeth and cried out for help: "Those friends in the car, we met in Numahara, it is also fate. The three of them refused to save you, are you too cold-blooded? If you can save them, I and several of my subordinates will be saved, and I will repay you with all my money! I am willing to give you a sixth-level spirit beast soul stone!"

She was already unparalleled in beauty, but now she was anxious and on the verge of tears, becoming more and more pitiful and pitiful.

Chuxue seemed to be touched by the woman's words. After hesitating for a few breaths, she couldn't help but persuaded: "Young Master, those people are so pitiful, and they don't seem to be people with ulterior motives. I heard the Buddhist saying, save people." One life is worth building a seven-level pagoda. There are just a hundred or so swamp wolves, and Uncle Yin and I are not afraid of them. If we don’t want to cause trouble, we can drive faster and get rid of them—"

Zong Shou sneered, but remained unmoved. He just flicked his fingers between Chuxue's eyebrows as a punishment. Unexpectedly, he was not moved by the woman's stunning beauty at all. He continued to look forward as if he had not seen her.

Those knights seemed to know that they had no chance of survival anymore, and they all cursed. One after another, they were knocked down by the wolves, and then screams were heard one after another.

But just when the carriage was about to pass by the wolves. The pretty woman suddenly whipped the horse's buttocks again, and the horse riding on the clouds under her feet also suddenly accelerated its speed. At the last moment, he rushed to the side of the cloud-turning car. He jumped, dangerously and dangerously, and hung on the right side of the car.

Chuxue hurriedly stepped forward and was about to give her a hand. Zong Shou sighed coldly, took out a sword from his side, flicked his hand, and hammered it out in that direction!

Yin Yang also had a cold glint in his eyes, and the knife in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath. It brought up a large swath of red flame and swept away in the direction of the right shaft.

The pretty woman was slightly startled, her eyes full of sadness and despair. The next moment, another soft sound of 'clang' was heard. A jade hand as white as fine porcelain suddenly reached out, and easily flicked the sword thrown by Zong Shou aside. The figure hanging on the shaft of the carriage seemed to be floating without any weight. Like a feather, it dances with the wind, just in time to dodge the blade.

The woman chuckled, and just as she was about to land, her expression suddenly changed again. I saw a black light, almost silently, approaching in front of me. By the time she discovered it, she was already ten feet in front of her, as fast as a shooting star, arriving in a blink of an eye.

Liu Mei frowned slightly, and the woman's figure made an incredible turn in the air. It seemed that it floated to the left without using any force. The body shape is also incredibly fast. In one flash, it is a full thirty feet tall.

But that bit of black light also changed direction in mid-air. Surrounded by the breeze, the speed of the knife increased even more, surpassing it several times before in an instant! The coming force is also vague and uncertain, like a black mist, making it unclear where the sword light is pointing.

"The flying knife changes direction? Huh? This is actually the sword's intention—"

The pretty woman exclaimed, no longer as free as before. He quickly landed on the ground and dodged to the side, but was still caught up by the black light. A little blood light flashed immediately.

When the figure stopped, the left chest was already dyed blood red.

But that momentum also reached its peak at this moment. The coldness around me is overwhelming. The weeds and mud under our feet suddenly froze and spread to a distance of a hundred feet. An extremely powerful spiritual pressure also enveloped this open space.

The wolves, which were still in full force, were suffocated. Under the pressure of the woman's sudden explosion, their bodies trembled and their eyes looked frightened.

The eighteen cloud-stepping ponies in front of the Fanyun Chariot, for some unknown reason, were still worse than the wolves. He also stopped and stood still. No matter how much Yin Yang whipped him, he would not run even half a step.

Su Chuxue stared at this scene blankly, feeling that she couldn't turn her head around at all. He was about to help that woman. But before she could react, the pitiful and weak woman in her eyes had turned into a strong man who could easily handle Yin Yang's full blow.

Yin Yang had given up his efforts at this time, threw away the riding whip in his hand, and said with an ugly expression: "Spiritual and martial arts master, innate martial artist-"

If you can easily dodge his sword, you have at least entered the innate realm.

Zong Shou also nodded slightly. Although the Cloud-Stepping Horse had no fighting power, it could walk through the air, so it could be regarded as a second-level monster. They would not be afraid of the pressure of innate warriors like those swamp wolves.

Standing still at this moment, it was obvious that a spiritual magic had been cast on him, capturing his mind.

I just secretly regretted that this knife failed to kill this woman after all. He also knew that this woman's strength was unfathomable, so he did not choose the key points such as the neck and eyebrows. Instead, he went straight to her chest and abdomen, because he was worried that this woman was too strong and would fail.

"Interesting, interesting! Where did you learn this flying knife technique? It can actually hurt me. And this sword intention is somewhat similar to Lingyun Sect's Jingyun Shen Destroying Sword Intent -"

The pretty woman only lowered her head to check her injuries, then pulled out the black flying knife and played with it in her hand, her eyes filled with surprise.

"I just bought it in Xiaoyuan City, but only this kind of material can carry such sword power and not collapse. In addition, I also tempered some medicine, which was specially prepared for me, right? In other words, At that time, you were already aware of me?"

Zong Shou's expression remained unchanged and he didn't answer a word. Those animal oils did contain some drugs. Smear it with animal oil every day, and during the process of forging the knife, the medicinal power will penetrate into the blade.

It's a pity that Xiaohara City is just a mining town. There are very few medicines that can be purchased. There are not many that can be effective on innate masters.

When the pretty woman saw this, her smile became even brighter. He raised his head, looked at Zong Shou steadily and said, "Sure enough, it is right to ask you to be my furnace cauldron Yuan Fei!"

Hearing this sentence, Zong Shou and Yin Yang, who were originally concentrating on themselves, had their pupils slightly condensed.

Furnace Yuan Ti? With this tone, could this woman not be from Qian Tianshan, or perhaps those enemies of Qian Tianshan

Observing carefully, this woman seems to be filled with a carefree and unrestrained temperament. She is also extremely relaxed and calm when talking. Although the appearance is beautiful, there is an even more fascinating charm contained in his eyebrows.

He was obviously injured by poison, but he seemed to be just bitten by a mosquito and didn't care at all.

"Are you the Zongshou of Qiantian Mountain? I heard from those people that you are still the heir of the Demon King. I really saw something interesting the day before yesterday. As a warrior, you forcibly killed a soul-watching spiritual master. It was really amazing. . Meeting today is even more surprising. Not only is the deep scheming, the skill of flying knives, but also the hint of sword intention, also amazing. Haha, I didn’t plan to let you know, I planned to follow you to see it. But. Now that your plan has failed, let me ask you directly, are you willing to be my furnace cauldron Yuan Fei?"