Divine Brilliance

Chapter 57: Blood Pact of the Eldar


It is said that in the ancient times, not only martial arts flourished. There are also hundreds of schools of thought contending in the humanities academic field.

And Xizi, who is regarded as the founder of Qiling Sect, is one of them.

What he advocates is that everyone in this world is equal, regardless of strength or origin, and has the same rights. All the royal and powerful people in the world should be overthrown and let the people make their own decisions.

This kind of theory is naturally regarded as fallacy and heresy by all the rich and powerful people in the world, and they are strongly rejected and placed alongside those evil ways.

Xizi created the way for the people and taught academics. He wanted to form another family besides Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Legalism to benefit all people in the world, but he eventually failed and died. However, several outstanding disciples of this man passed down his ideas, and the Seven Spirits Sect was one of them. The disciples are all women, so they are also called the Shao Mo Sect.

Legend has it that thousands of years ago, his methods were extremely radical. He believes that as long as the idea is correct and the goal of equality for all people can be achieved in the end, no matter what means are used, he is increasingly regarded as a devil.

Although today's style is better, it is still a bit extreme. Just look at the fate of those warriors who followed Zhao Yanran, and you can tell something about their style.

By later generations, people had gradually accepted Xizi's ideas. The reputation of this sect as a demon has naturally been overturned, but it is still hated by people.

But how should I explain these things to Chuxue? After thinking for a while with a frown, Zong Shou decided to be more intuitive: "It is said that Lingyun Sect now has twenty-three martial arts cultivators above the heaven level, and seventeen spiritual masters above the day travel level. As for the Seven Spirit Sect, the same The number of powerful men at this level is only three behind that of the current generation. Do you think that Ling Yun Long Ruo will easily take action against Zhao Yanran?" He added in his mind, unless it was Long Ruo who confirmed him You can practice martial arts, otherwise how could you easily stand up for him

Facing such a powerful sect in the world as the Seven Spirits Sect, Ruo Zhao Yanran had a firm attitude. So even that Zhu Ling may not be reliable.

"It turns out that you bully the weak and fear the strong!"

Chuxue immediately woke up. No matter how slow she was, she would know that if these two sects started to fight. The entire east of the Cloud Realm will soon be in chaos and all life will be in ruins.

He was also secretly afraid that his words would really offend that crazy woman. Wouldn't it be possible to destroy them all in Tianshan with just one breath

But this Lingyun Sect is fine, but why haven't you heard of this Qiling Sect? Could it be the legendary hidden sect

I didn't doubt why Zong Shou knew this. As the crown prince of Zong Shou, it is not surprising that he knows more about these real major sects.

And think about it, so what if there is a large number of people in the world? They have already come to the door, are they still not allowed to fight back? The big deal is just risking your life.

"Although this woman has a weird temper, her words still count. By the way! What does she mean when she said that the prince's sword is psychic? I just watched the young master use the sword, and I think the young master is really very smart, so sharp. All swords are equally matched. But I don’t know where the brilliance lies—"

Zong Shou chuckled, he couldn't explain this clearly. In that battle just now, he actually performed beyond normal. Under the oppression of that mad woman, with this weak body, he used sword skills that far exceeded his own strength.

But when it comes to swordsmanship, it goes beyond that.

At this time, Yin Yang was seen walking over again, his face was cold and solemn, and his expression was still extremely concentrated.

"Yin Yang has something he wants to ask the Crown Prince. There was clearly a more precious elixir in Long Ruo's hand just now. Why didn't the Crown Prince choose it? Why did he waste a top-quality Lingyun Zhu Ling for me? How did he know about it? , Yin Yang is trapped by the sect’s restrictions?”

Zong Shou was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and looked at Yin Yang seriously: "No matter how precious those things are, they are of no use to me, so I might as well help you. I am afraid that Zong Shou's safety in the future will depend on you and Chu Xue. As for the peerless Lingyun Zhu Ling, if I tell you that even if I die, I will never ask for a single star from Lingyun Sect for my own sake. I wonder if Uncle Yin can trust it? As for the spiritual restrictions on you, I have heard that You are from a famous family. To think that a disciple of the great sect who is so valued by my father does not have such strength, there must be other reasons, so I made some guesses - "

There are not many sects in Yunjie that can be called famous. Even the weakest sect disciples are not comparable to ordinary people. He only entered the Seven Meridians Secret Martial Arts Master at the age of thirty, so his qualifications are really not very high.

In fact, when he first opened the Qi Sea, he already felt that Yin Yang's Qi was a bit dim and obscure. It was only in the past few days that I opened the bone chakra and entered the level of a martial artist.

Yin Yang's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he sighed and knelt down with a bow.

"Yin Yang has received great kindness from the emperor and the prince, but there is really nothing he can do to repay it. Only this body can die for the prince!"

The last few words are actually one word at a time, sonorous and powerful. And between his eyebrows, a strange pattern made entirely of blood lines appeared.

"Uncle Yin, are you a descendant of the Spiritual Clan?" Zong Shou's expression changed, and then he frowned: "Once this blood contract is made, it will be unbreakable for life and eternity. Uncle Yin, are you serious? Then Ling Yun Longruo , it has been concluded that Zong Shou will never be able to break through the ** chakra in this life. I am afraid that instead of being able to help you in the future, it will be a drag - "

Yin Yang remained silent, and more blood lines appeared between his eyebrows, making the pattern more perfect.

Zong Shou couldn't help but smile bitterly. He knew the rules of the spirit clan, and refusing at this moment would be like humiliating Yin Yang. He pondered for a moment. His expression gradually became solemn and solemn, and he stood in front of Yin Yang.

"I don't know why Uncle Yin made this vow, but if Uncle Yin feels it's inappropriate in the future, he can ask me to terminate the contract at any time—"

Stretch out your hand and place it between Yin Yang's eyebrows. Immediately, a blood-red thread seeped into the palm of his hand.

On one side of the wrist, a light red pattern that is invisible to the naked eye is formed.

This is the blood contract of the Spirit Clan. From now on, he can control Yin Yang's life and death with just one thought. Even all his descendants will be his servants.

I didn't care at first, but then I suddenly felt that a group of spiritual thoughts suddenly burst out from the bloodshot, and went straight into my brain. Countless pictures and words suddenly appeared in front of Zong Shou's eyes.

"It's actually the inherited blood root of the Spiritual Clan!"

In an instant, Zong Shou knew Yin Yang's true meaning. If you can completely integrate this blood root into your body, it will only take seven or eight years for your body to transform into a spiritual body. Even if you can't practice martial arts, you can still practice soul power.

However, the original owner of this inherited blood root will also pay a heavy price.

After giving Yin Yang a surprised look, Zong Shou smiled faintly. Knowing the identity of his servant, he might be more than just a disciple of a famous family.

Then, without any hesitation, he re-sealed the traces of spiritual power into the light red pattern, completely locking it in place.

Thinking of Long Ruo's words before. Zong Shou pursed his lips coldly again.

Can’t you practice? He really didn't want to admit defeat like this. I just want to see if I can reach the pinnacle of martial arts with this body!

It's a pity that Long Ruo's words were unclear and he didn't point out where his hidden danger lies. If I want to find out, I'm afraid I'll have to spend a lot of effort.

But before that, he still had a big trouble to deal with.

Zong Shou looked around and saw that the area was surrounded by hundreds of swamp wolves. Without the suppression of Zhao Yanran and the giant dragon, they all came closer at this moment, their eyes glowing red, looking at him hungrily.

The dense number makes one's scalp numb. This time, I really suffered from that crazy woman.

PS: The data is bleak, and the land reclamation makes me feel cold. Again, I ask for your support! Chapter fifty-seven at noon was updated incorrectly and has been deleted and put at the back.