Divine Brilliance

Chapter 70: Outside Yunsheng City


"Strange! There seems to be something wrong with the psychic wave just now!"

Zong Shou stuck his head out of the window with some confusion and looked around. Just now he was meditating to strengthen his soul, but suddenly a wave of powerful spiritual power came from afar. The source of his soul power was almost damaged.

Fortunately, the two fox tails behind him reconciled the nearby spirits of heaven and earth in time and restored stability.

At this moment, looking far to the west, I saw a faint flame rising into the sky in that direction. In this dark early morning, it looked extremely dazzling.

"In this situation, could it be that there is a Celestial Martial Sect taking action there? And there are more than two of them, at the peak of the Celestial Rank—"

Thinking of this, Zong Shou frowned slightly. The estimated distance is exactly six hundred miles away, which is exactly where the Luoyun Waterfall is. No wonder that Lei Dong wanted Yin Yang to take him away.

However, there was nothing to worry about in his heart. Lei Dong had obviously reached the peak of his heavenly status. In this era, even those Lingwu Lords need to hide in the spiritual land. A heavenly martial sect is capable of running amok.

Unless you encounter multiple martial arts cultivators of the same level ambushing you, or a powerful martial artist, there is almost no fatal danger. Even if you can't fight, you can always run away.

"I don't know which heavenly powerful person he is? The Thunder Blade Intention has been completed, and he is only half a step away from the realm of the Martial Lord. This person can fight fiercely with him, and cause such a commotion, he is definitely not an unknown person!"

It was none of his business, so Zong Shou shook his head and didn't care. On the other hand, Yunsheng City in front is already in sight.

To the east lies Yunlu, a total of fifty states and provinces with nine hundred large cities. However, it is fragmented, and often one city can be considered a country. This is partly because most warriors have unruly temperaments and are unwilling to be controlled even if they use a little force. Half of it is because of the many hidden sects who deliberately manipulate and restrain them. The largest country only has three states and provinces, and it is not completely controlled.

And Yunsheng City is quite powerful in the east of this continent. Although it is backed by the Sudian Mountains, it is located on a plain with more than ten million acres of fertile land. It is also close to the sea of clouds in the east, which has some trade benefits.

When the cloud-turning chariot arrived at the city gate, it was still dark and the city gate was not open. However, dozens of carriages were already parked at the intersection, so Yin Yang had no choice but to drive the carriage and stop beside the avenue.

Then after waiting for a while, I suddenly heard the sound of thunder. A group of knights are galloping towards this side. They are all riding on a horse riding on the clouds, covered in dust, carrying knives and guns, with cold expressions.

Zong Shou didn't care at first, but when the group of knights approached, he realized that the leaders were none other than Zong Ling and Feng Xiao whom he had met before. But for some reason, the faces of these two people were covered with gauze, making it difficult to see their faces clearly.

When the latter two saw him, their expressions were startled. Zong Ling rode his horse directly to the car window and looked in with a sneer in his eyes: "What a coincidence. Unexpectedly, only a month after we said goodbye to Danling Mountain, I bumped into Shou Di again. Zong Ling this time , I came here to buy some cloud whale bones to make arrows. I don’t know why my cousin came to this Cloud Holy City. Is it possible that he really plans to go to sea?"

Zong Shou felt helpless and was too lazy to pay attention to his 'cousin'.

We know that the cloud whale bone, a specialty product in the Eastern Sea of Clouds, is extremely light and is the best material for making arrows. There is also isinglass, which can also be used to make bows. The major forces in Yunlu in the east send people to purchase some here every year. This Zongling's excuse was indeed a good one. However, when we met twice, the meaning of these words was almost exactly the same, but it was a bit boring.

Seeing the gauze on this man's face, Zong Shou suddenly felt something in his heart and said with a smile: "Why did my cousin cover his face? Is it shameful? Could it be that his face was injured? Let me guess, it was someone from the Lingyun Sect who did this. right?"

Zong Ling's eyes suddenly opened angrily. I was slapped by a Lingyun Sect disciple a month ago, and I thought it would be fine in a few days. But I don't know what vicious means that man used. The slap mark on his face, even after a month, has not faded away, but has become increasingly clear.

Over the past month, he had invited several spiritual masters to look at it, but none of them knew why. They also recruited several innate martial arts masters, but there was also no solution. As a last resort, I had to cover my face with a gauze scarf.

Zong Shou's words hit him exactly where it hurts. These days, I have been guessing that what happened at the foot of Danling Mountain must be related to this Zong Shou.

Maybe he deliberately used the Lingyun Zhu Ling to invite Lingyun Sect to take action to humiliate him.

The eyes were getting colder and colder, and the knights also gathered around him. The surrounding atmosphere also suddenly became cold.

Zong Shou narrowed his eyes slightly and vaguely felt that there were more than two innate auras hidden among this group of people.

Feng Xiao was a little worried over there, so he also walked over and quietly tugged on Zong Ling's sleeve, signaling with his eyes, with a hint of warning.

Just when the sect spirit was hesitant, Yin Yang in front of the carriage suddenly let out a cold snort. Carrying an inexplicable power, all the horses within a hundred feet neighed and retreated.

The expressions of Feng Xiao and Zong Ling also changed again. They looked at each other with understanding expressions on their faces. Du Xindao said that the innate strong man who killed Qi Xiao that day turned out to be this person.

Zong Ling thought for a moment, then suddenly showed his face and said: "Cousin, just use your words! Uncle, there has been no news for another month, and he has not come out of the sea of sinking clouds. I only hope that in a few days, my uncle, you can still You can laugh. Do you know how many people are trying to kill you around here right now?"

Zong Shou shook his head secretly. He didn't need anyone to remind him, but he could still feel the slightly murderous eyes around him. But there was a slight smile on his face: "Brother Shou doesn't know how many people want to kill me. But I do know that if I die in front of brother Zong Ling, cousin Zong Shi will probably be inseparable in the future."

Zong Ling was about to ride away, but upon hearing these words, his expression froze again and he glared over fiercely.

Just at this moment, the gate of Yunsheng City suddenly opened wide. A group of knights also ran out of the city gate, but they were dressed in bright clothes and angry horses, and their momentum was even more majestic. The first six people were all innate martial arts masters. They were riding the wind-riding horse that Zong Shou had long admired. They were all heavily armored, and their powerful aura was not concealed.

He drove all the way to Zong Shou's cloud-turning car and stopped just now. A middle-aged soldier came out first, but after dismounting, he bowed respectfully toward the car window: "Is this the Master of Qian Tianshan's Prince Zongshou in the car?"

Zong Shou didn't need to think too hard to know that this must be because of his brother Lei Dong. There was no surprise at the moment, he nodded lightly and said 'yes'.

The middle-aged soldier was overjoyed when he heard this: "The city lord gave an order a few days ago, saying that the prince will come today. I, Yun Shengcheng, will do our best to entertain you and treat you like the lord of the city. Please follow us into the city first, prince." —”

After speaking for a moment, the man glanced around with a cold look, especially when he looked at the sect spirit, he hinted at murderous intent.

"I would like to inform you all that the Crown Prince of Qiantian Mountain is a distinguished guest of our Yunsheng City. Anyone who dares to have any unforeseen intentions is an enemy of our Yunsheng City! The city lord has said that he will be killed without mercy!"

The group of knights, without any instructions, were already riding their horses and scattered on both sides. Protecting the cloud-turning chariot in the middle, he headed towards the city gate.

Zong Ling and Feng Xiao, who were behind them, looked at each other again with uncertainty in their expressions.

I just feel that this sect guard is becoming more and more invisible. How can he be so good and get involved with Yunsheng City again

The next moment, Zong Shou poked his head out again and said a few words to the middle-aged soldier. The latter immediately looked back coldly: "Are you a sect spirit? You are not welcome in Yunsheng City, nor will we do your business, so get out of here!"

Zong Ling's face, hidden behind the veil, immediately turned livid.

PS: Thanks to everyone’s support, even though there was no recommendation last week, it didn’t fall off the new book list! Thank you very much!